- "Ask Yourself" (Criticism of the Youtuber known as…)
- "On Community" (a Vegan Manifesto) in Many Languages
- "The Left"
- (Comedic) Vegan Masterpiece Theater
- AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- ASOIAF ("A Song of Ice and Fire" & "Game of Thrones")
- Aaron Yarmel, replies to
- Advice nobody wants to hear.
- Alain de Botton & The School of Life, critique of
- Ali Abdaal, critique of
- Anarchism, critique of
- Anna's Analysis, critique of
- Anti-Anti-Natalism (Ecology & Having Kids)
- Anti-AntiDepressants (Depression, etc.)
- Aristotle, critique of
- Ashley Elise (Ashley Elisa)
- Atheist ❝Activists❞, critique of
- Athens & Rome, Political Philosophy.
- Autobiographical (Eisel Mazard / à-bas-le-ciel)
- BLM: Black Lives Matter
- Based Zeus vs. Based Pawn
- Beauty, the tyranny of beauty
- Bernie Sanders, analysis, critique, commentary.
- Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, etc.
- Bonny Rebecca (ex-vegan icon?)
- Book Reviews (Politics / Vegan Politics)
- Brass Tacks (Vegan Political Organization NOW)
- Buddhism (A Pali Scholar's Perspective)
- Canada (Canadian Politics)
- Central Asia & Xinjiang (新疆)
- China & Taiwan (Contemporary Politics, Society, Culture)
- China, ancient or, at least, pre-modern.
- Cinema, film reviews, movie criticism, etc.
- Civil Disobedience, Critique Of
- Claire Michelle (Responses to)
- Climate change, critique of
- Conservativism & Republicanism, the future of?
- Cosmic Skeptic, critique of
- Criticism of Mic. the Vegan
- Critique of Gor / Goreans / John Norman
- Critique of John St Julien Baba Wanyama
- Critique of Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto (series)
- Critique of the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada
- Cube of Truth / Anonymous for the Voiceless
- DRUGS. #QuitEverything
- Dax Flame, critique of
- Determinism, critique of
- Divorce (My First Wife)
- Domestication (A Vegan Perspective AGAINST Pet Ownership, etc.)
- Durianrider: the Court Case.
- DxE: Critique of Direct Action Everywhere (Activism in Theory & Practice)
- Earthling Ed, Critique of
- Ecology in the 21st Century (Season Two!)
- Edyn Jacks, critique of Body Positivity
- Elizabeth Warren, analysis, critique, commentary
- Elon Musk, critique of
- Erin Janus, Critique Of
- Evalion, critique of
- Exercise & Diet (In My Own Life)
- Extinction Rebellion, critique of
- Faith Goldy, Critique Of
- Filmmaking & Cinematography
- Final Cut Bro
- France (political or personal commentary on)
- Freedom of speech, critique of
- Freelee, critique of
- Friendship, on the nature of
- Gary Yourofsky, Critique Of
- HIMR, "Hiding in My Room", critique of
- Hard On Politics (Not Quite Satire)
- HasanAbi (Hasan Piker), Critique of
- Hinduism, critique of
- Historical Nihilism, 历史虚无主义, "My Own" Philosophy.
- Hitomi Mochizuki, commentary on
- I.Q. and Intelligence, critique of
- Idiocy! Vegans Can Be Idiots, Too.
- Immigration & Refugee Politics
- Incels, critique of
- Interviews with journalists / press / media
- Izzy Davis, Replies To.
- Jaclyn Glenn, critique of
- James Aspey, critique of
- Jenna Marbles, Critique of
- Jimmy Dore, critique of
- Joe Biden, critique of
- Jon Venus, critique of
- Jordan Peterson (Critiques Of)
- Judaism, critique of
- Kalel Kitten / Kalel Cullen, Critique of
- KanadaJin3 (Japan, Islam & Canada)
- Keeping it Real: Honesty as the Main Subject.
- Klaus Mitchell of Plant Based News
- Kristen Leo, critique of
- Laoshu50500 (the language teacher known as Laoshu)
- Learning Chinese (Written Language + Spoken Language)
- Leitmotifs of 21st Century Politics
- Livestreaming (incl. "Nihilist Booktube")
- MadFit (Maddie Lymburner)
- Matt Dillahunty, critique of
- Mayim Bialik, critique of
- Meditation is Bullshit ("Scientific" and/or Religious)
- Mexie (Responses to / Criticisms Of)
- Modern Greek, learning the language
- Multiculturalism, critique of
- Mutiny, when vegan followers rebel against their leaders
- My daughter (me with my daughter)
- Myanmar (Burma)
- Nazis, Historical Critique of
- Nina-and-Randa: Most Offensive Playlist Ever?
- NonCompete, critique of
- Norvegan is Lying to You
- On Capitalism (the political and economic system itself)
- On Peer Review (Critique of Academia)
- On Writing and Authorship
- Onision, Critique Of
- OnlyFans, Commentary On
- Palm Oil (Vegan Idiocy About)
- Permanent Vacation and/or/as/vs. Vegan Activism
- Peter Singer, Critique Of
- Plant Based News (Critique of)
- ProJared
- Quit Video Games.
- Rachel Oates, critique of
- Rachel Ziegler, critique of
- Racism and/in Vegan Politics
- Racism: How to End Racism.
- Rap Music / Hip Hop (Commentary)
- Rationality Rules, critique of
- Refuting Libertarianism, Anarchism, etc.
- Replace Christmas
- Repzion, "Commentary"
- Richard Wolff, Critique Of
- Sam Harris is Wrong: Theravada Buddhism
- Sarah's Vegan Kitchen, Sarah Sullivan
- Satire is not comedy
- Second-hand leather (critique of excuses for)
- Shane Dawson, "commentary"
- So-called "Nation Rising" (Canadian Vegan Movement)
- Social Justice: Veganism is NOT a Social Justice Movement.
- Soycrates, critique of
- Star Wars, Critique Of.
- Start Your Own Youtube Channel, How You Should
- Stefan Molyneux, critique of
- Stop Treating Women Like Infants
- Supreme Banana (Cammy), Critique Of
- Sv3rige, Critique Of
- THE SHORT LIST: how (and why) to "do" Youtube.
- THE SHORT LIST: my approach to veganism IN BRIEF.
- Tana Mongeau, critique of
- Ted Carr, A Critique of the Permanent Vacation Philosophy.
- The Amazing Atheist, critique of (T.J. Kirk)
- The Economics of Inequality.
- The Meaning of Life. Not Clickbait.
- The State of Youtube (Analysis of)
- Therapy (Therapists, Psychiatrists, etc.)
- Tkyosam, critique of
- Tommy Tallarico & the Intellivision Amico
- Toxic Diet Culture: Fat People & the Politics of Weight Loss
- Transgender-ism, trans rights, transphobia.
- True Love / True Romance (Advice?)
- Trump, Epstein & Katie Johnson
- Truth Crab, Interviews and Discussions With
- University Education, Critique Of
- Unnatural Vegan (Criticism Of)
- Utilitarianism, critique of
- Vaush, critique of
- Vegan Cheetah, Conversations With
- Vegan Gains, critique of
- Vegan Mind Tricks: Talking to Meat Eaters.
- Vegan Storybook (For Children), "Even Earthworms Want to See the Sky"
- Vegan Youtube, state of the demimonde
- Veganism: the Wildlife Management Paradigm
- Venus Angelic, critique of
- Vietnam War, My Opinion on the History of the
- Vs. Ex-Vegan Jacko Wacko Vegano
- Why I Do Youtube.
- William Burkhardt, critique of
- [ESL中国] Advice on Teaching English in China