Erin Janus vs. Freelee vs. Angie Varona.

01 April 2016 [link youtube]

Elect Angie Varona. No, seriously: she's a political science major, with a background in nutrition on her transcript, etc. --she's a lot more electable than anyone we've currently got in the race.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

imagine you lived in a world where
people chose their political leaders by the size of their waist if you're a vegan in the year 2016 it sometimes feels like that is the world you are living in i made an earlier video in which i made the very serious concession that I think freelee and durianrider did not ask for the position of leadership there now in I think they really can claim you know honestly enough fairly enough that they they just wanted to sell diet books they just want to ride their bicycles they just want to go on vacation in Thailand and they were not asking for the sort of position as leader of leaders of a social movement that they're now in but nevertheless were in the position of asking ourselves about the consequences and what happens next given the position of leadership there and so you know that that's a significant concession I'm in many ways I see these things as not their fault that also means they I don't give them that much credit for it either but for whatever reason you know public interest latched on to them in a massive way and they have a huge following and you're about to see they like to bully other people and beat them over the head with it we saw this recently with Hania and her boyfriend Jason here's Erin Janice I assume it's Janice and not Jana's um Erin Janice is a successful vegan youtuber she reaches a very large audience with videos discussing different issues the most recent one I think is on the wool industry I would say her videos are trying to reach non vegans or trying to reach a broader audience and and convert them to veganism I have no idea what she did with her life before that I've no idea what she's doing with her life outside of that just mention I assume she has a normal job she doesn't seem to be a full-time internet personality but I I really don't know I know nothing about her outside of her vegan advocacy so she wrote on the internet she dared to write freely has become one of the most embarrassing and immature activists in the moon meant she was initially why I became vegan I looked up to her so much now I just hope my little brother and little cousins do not come across her videos they're disgusting in high school um I don't think this this message was posted in a place where she thought anyone would see it I don't think this was a bold declaration the world but freely was on the job freely tracked it down and posted a response freely had to address this insubordination it the ranks of her followers um the core of what Aaron is saying here is you know really sincere and really humble and really real because she's just reflecting in one sense there in the past tense quote I looked up to her so much close quote that's a big deal freely has lost the respect of someone who used to respect her a great deal freely has continued to alienate her core supporters she's continued to make enemies out of the people who should be her allies same with durianrider durianrider takes it to another level this is in her couple now again there within their rights to say they didn't want to be in a position of leadership they just want to do their own thing and they're doing it so you know nobody can fault them for that nobody can take that away from them however you know again this is the opposite of political organization any kind of political organization even if it's just a charity to save the whales even if we just want to raise money to help the pandas like some of those objectives when you think about it or a lot simpler than veganism is a social movement if you want to make a foundation to save the whales you got to bring together people who are left-wing people who are right-wing people who disagree with each other in all kinds of ways you got to make friends and allies where there were real differences and the reality is Aaron Janis as she says herself she used to be freelee's number-one fan she used to have feel a debt of gratitude towards feely and so on Aaron Janus is also I think a younger better-looking woman than freely she's also slim I don't I don't even think I've seen a photo of her body but anyway whatever she's obviously in good shape and I think a very obvious subtext here part of what's going on is that freely regards her as competition and as unwanted competition but again it in politics in democratic politics unlike Game of Thrones unlike the 14th century unlike medieval politics the whole point is you have to build coalitions and constituencies and cooperations again even if all you want to do is save the whales and freelee and durianrider they don't want to just save the whales they want to save the world they're gonna save the world with your ad revenue dollars with your YouTube clicks with your YouTube viewing yeah right how are you gonna save the world you can't even cooperate with Hania you can't even cooperate with Aaron Janus come on you can't organize lunch what are you gonna what are you gonna organize you can't organize a diet book that's for damn sure anyway here's here's the response room freely and in case you were thinking that freely was gonna put to rest there's misconception that her conduct is in any way immature or embarrassing because she couldn't she could come back like a like a you know Republican in a blue suit and make a totally on message down-to-earth mature response which by the way credit to hey Mia that's pretty much with any who's doing you look at what Hannah wrote in writing completely you know suit and tie respectable response saying I'm sorry that you feel this way we used to be friends here's freelee's response setting a standard for us all you know I could I could put on an Australian accent I could do an impersonation but it's up to this coming from the girl spamming my facebook wall with her videos question mark exclamation point share me freely share me lol just to use me for promotion what a jealous [ __ ] she can't succeed on YouTube because she's lazy DAF so she hates on those who are putting in the work and who are succeeding in spreading the message she literally has made 14 videos in six years exclamation point exclamation point maybe she has a job maybe she takes care of her grandparents maybe she takes care of her kids I don't I don't know anything about her life but you know not everybody has the time multiple YouTube videos per day and not even is the motivation some people want to make a difference in portal tonight in another way in a more in from my perspective possibly in a more meaningful way I don't know you want it you want to take a petition to City Hall you want to take a legal case through the court system yeah again I've given so many examples in this channel you want to get a water sample kit and go test how much water pollution the slaughterhouses are putting into the river so you can challenge that slaughterhouse you know in court before the government and makes that so many things you could do you know so many non-violent positive productive ways to pursue making a difference if you live in a Democratic Society if you don't other questions get raised uh if she really gave a blank about the animals and veganism she would drag her finger off her well rubbed blank and pump out the vegan videos if she really gave a blank she would support my activism efforts as I still remain the most effective vegan activist there is I'm gonna stop reading at that point sorry for the blanks server the self censorship [Music] the first time I read this I don't mind coarse language all the music I listen to as coarse language in it from beginning to end I mean you know the the level of curse words in the average rap song these days about every third word is a curse word but this is this is shocking nevertheless because it's so inappropriate and you know I mean Aaron's comment was obviously just a reflection it wasn't really a statement to the world or anything was a sincere reflection on how she's lost respect for you freely and all you've done is proven why nobody should respect you you've made it worse and yeah you know again the use of coarse language in this context it still manages to be a bit shocking and offensive in our era when one course language is indeed so so widely accepted you know I think one of the themes running through the the books a Song of Ice and Fire by Georgia or Martin they those are the books that were adapted into the TV show go Game of Thrones one of the themes that runs through them in the background is the paradox of political power being put in the hands of simply whoever happens to be the biggest and the strongest this is not the only theme I mean they're also a lot of reflections on people inheriting power or the other ways people get into political power but you know one of the questions circulating there is what does it mean to live in a society where somebody becomes a political leader because they're big and strong and maybe good with a sword right now in veganism we got to ask yourselves a lot of questions that come from what does it mean to be in a social movement I hope it's a social movement is it a social movement or is it a bunch of people sitting alone and talking into their own cameras talking into their smartphones you know is it I mean but we're in a social movement where our leaders have mostly been picked for having a scene waste having a flat stomach and being able to monetize that whether through a diet book or a yoga DVD or something of the kind and as I've said in another video previously that you can click on I don't I don't even hate on veganism for that being you know the the main thing that preoccupies people it's not surprising that's the most popular thing going on I'm kind of worried about everything else so once we move past that you know top layer of the most popular the most accessible the most mainstream content what else is there and that's where I really get concerned because there's not a lot of substance when you move when you move past that and look the other guys who are out there bidding for leadership roles I've mentioned briefly on this channel like I don't I don't really have any respect for Steve best Steve best is university professor he's an academic in some sense he has formerly researched and written about veganism and he's given firebrand lectures this is Steve best not not to be confused with Joe best he's given lectures to two large crowds around the world expressing his views that I disagree with I I don't subscribe to his particular philosophy of vegan activism and you know there were other guys out there you know trying to take on a leadership role with different kinds of credentials and they have different kinds of problems there are different kinds of issues as to why they didn't take on that leadership role or what they did with a little bit of authority and leadership they had obviously gary france ian is another one people can look at and evaluate obviously you know the founder of petaa People for the Ethical Treatment animals go through all these things but given given that we're choosing our leaders on the basis of having a slim waist and given that I've already made an earlier video talking with the fact that freely actually doesn't have any credentials in nutrition she's university dropout she Begley says she studied nutrition University and and dropped out didn't finish the degree we don't even know she finished that course she also complained that her her professor teaching nutrition was was fat and unattractive she likes to complain a lot that so-called health experts are fat but hey you know maybe you could learn something from a fat and an attractive person you should give it a try sometime maybe as a wise old woman teaching science of nutrition and freely could learn a lot from her stop talking so much pseudoscience so look here's what I'm gonna do for you folks given that we're choosing like Instagram models with flat stomachs to be our leaders I'm gonna propose a different leader for the the vegan movement here you go she's fully qualified right now don't let the photograph fool you the reason why I'm choosing her is that she's actually more qualified than freely she posted her transcript these are grades in university she's a political science major like myself my first diploma you first he was in political science currently and getting a degree in Asian Studies um and she's got straight A's apparently at least the part of her transcript we can see she's gotten straight A's and if you look there at her list of credits she's got a course in human nutrition academic study a few miniature and she got may think oh she's she's more highly qualified than than freely and unlike freely no plastic surgery whether or not you find her attractive I mean beauty is in the eye of the beholder but um nothing's made at a plastic nothing's fake oh right and her future plans apparently she's getting this degree in political science as a pre-law degree she's gonna go on to law school and become a lawyer good for her so she's not just an Instagram model I know almost nothing else about this young woman aside from what I've just told you now but I've seen her her university greats i I don't know if she's highly articulate I've never heard her speak but it's a good chance she's more articulate than freely um as far as I'm concerned in every possible way I would vote for this young to be the leader of the vegan movement in 2016 instead of freely and I for it not about appearance for me I don't care my point is there are beautiful women all over the world it's not that scarce there are women who have a flat stomach and a tight waist all over the world it's not that extraordinary and there are women selling diet books for every possible ideology you can name doesn't call it qualify for anything it's not that extraordinary but here's the thing this young woman whose photograph have just been showing you she's not vegan she's maintaining this body and this figure while presumably eating meat every day okay that's also the hollowness of physical beauty in terms of preparing you for recommending you for any kind of leadership role in veganism it's just meaningless but guess what we have no elections in in digital veganism in this weird online demi-monde of activism in this community that doesn't really exist as such isolated people dodging their phones um but if we did if we had an election and I had to choose between voting for freely and voting for Angie Verona its who this young woman is I would vote for Angie for ona even though she's not vegan Angie you stay in school you keep getting good grades go to law school you didn't even need to go to law school she got what she's got a BA in political science I don't know when she graduates when she's got a bachelor's degree in political science I say Angie Verona for president of the vegan movement even though she eats meat a particular Pyxis she would do a better job and it's a safe bet they I mean this young woman I'm sure she's dealt with heat comments her whole life she probably gets the craziest fan mail you can imagine doing what she does is her hobby posing on the Internet and I think she can deal with a comment from another woman much better than freely dealt with that comment from Aaron Janus right like really when you think about it who do you think would handle this portfolio better so there you go Angie Verona has my vote I think she's fully prepared to take on the role of president of veganism if if we vote for her and I think she'll do a far more professional role in PR communications outreach organizing activism and I think she has a better education in the science and nutrition too she can probably talk about diet and trician a lot more convincing than freely even though she's not vegan I'm sure I'm sure if the salary is right and you know she wins that election I'm sure she can fake it a bonus you know I'm gonna add in here as an appendix how I even know who this young woman is why I looked up for her site I first heard her name a couple of years ago on a rap music website a news website that listed like new albums coming out and that kind of thing not really album reviews so much it was more of a you know hip hop news and there was an article about her like you know with some fun of some some trivial news about her life and it just like it just announced her as if she was somebody that people reading this website would know about or care about like as if we all already know she was so I clicked in the article ISM I assume she was either a rapper or someone important for rap music in some way here and she's not apparently just a lot of guys who listen to hip-hop our fans of her Instagram page would prefer so that was when I first learned who she was and I remember at the time but I was like reading the sort of level like what does she have to do with rap music and either that article mentioned or I click through to something that mentioned her brother actually is a vocalist he sings on some rap tracks so just a couple of days ago I was working out and listening to rap music and one of his songs came on song he sings the chorus on and another guy's rapping was like where do I know that April all right he's the guy and his sister is the model so so that is the random story of how I even know this young woman exists but hey straight A's flat waste and education in the science of nutrition and political science look people like Erin Janice we all choose who we admire which usually look up to who are our leaders and who are we as followers with or without a vote it's for us to decide [Music]