Video Game Addicts are Volcels. @decline @Hiding In My Room @TkyoSam
28 June 2022 [link youtube]
Incels on the popcorn chicken diet, man. The title alludes to the meme, "fatcel is volcel", meaning that some people who consider themselves incels are, in fact, voluntarily making the decisions that keep them locked in a state of self-hating celibacy. #quitvideogames #incel #advicenobodywantstohear
Youtube Automatic Transcription
after that i can go to a shop and i need to do it on there it's been so long [Music] is zero i'm not worth anything so anyway that's all that's left you know i still look smart some try hard years up the last few years of youth and then by the time i get to my mid 30s hopefully i've had some experiences and i can retire in peace into my video games and my anime this young man who's counting down the days until he turns 30 and can't call himself a young man anymore apparently he thinks i'm a bully and he's goddamn right quote you still eating popcorn chicken or you may be like gonna start thinking about someone other than yourself trust me trust me it'll help you get along with women which is apparently the only thing you care about the only thing that ever motivates you to stop playing video games for five minutes women are into this whole being a good person thing if you ever actually talk to any of them yeah you'll start to notice this and no matter how many pounds you lift that issue morality will continue to be a reason why the vast majority of women despise you here's his reply whatever your idea of a good person is i wouldn't want to become it do you notice he's actually shifted the locus of this discussion from what these women would think is a good person the women he's trying to seduce i don't know trying to have a relationship with trying to get married to what their judgment is of who is and who is not a couple he shifted to to my notion of being a good person i'm happy to talk about that too whatever your idea of being a good person is i wouldn't want to become it what is there to you as a person other than hate judgment and opposition to other people since that seems to be your entire channel and what you present yourself to the world as period it's vacuous well i've got to tell you decline thanks for taking the time to reply thanks for taking the time to click on some of the videos on my channel but i encourage you to keep on clicking and keep on watching because what you're going to figure out is there's a whole lot more to me than just hate judgment and opposition other people there's actually a whole lot more to me than what you see on my youtube channel and the traits and characteristics i've developed the redeeming qualities i have that women find attractive i didn't develop them in order to attract women that's the paradox you're trapped in okay you can't face up to the extent to which women find you loathsome women find you repugnant women find you to be lacking the characteristics they want in a man especially in a husband especially someone they're going to have a long-term relationship but you lack even the characteristics to be a good candidate for a for a one-night stand and you know this and you philosophize about this credit words do you're not delusional and you're even recipient enough you're even intelligent enough to criticize other youtube channels for giving men in your position false hope for being encouraging in a way that's unrealistic but you're not intelligent enough to recognize that i'm giving you exactly the advice you need to hear because it's not the advice you want to hear right these women who find you repugnant because of the characteristics you're lacking you in response to their revulsion only focus on the things you can do to attract a woman you only look at developing those traits developing those abilities that are explicitly marked out as being for the approval of women in order to get their attention and that's not what women really want it's a paradox all right when i was in thailand okay i wasn't the tallest man in thailand i wasn't the most handsome man in thailand i wasn't trying to be i certainly wasn't the most muscular man let's say at the beach in cambodia right but being interesting being intelligent being ethical being a good person and having women and men perceive you as such right it's not one thing it's not like going to the gym and lifting weights to develop muscle right it's a gestalt it's many small decisions and commitments you've made in your life that come together and that other people respond to when other people get interested in and women who met me yes sometimes literally on the beach sometimes whatever in the middle of a rice field in northeastern thailand or whatever i thought wow this is a really interesting guy most of them their first impression of me was that i was a soldier in the us army based on appearance that was what they thought of me and then slowly starving as oh gee this is a guy with some real intellectual substance this is a guy's this is a guy that want to go out for coffee with that's what you lack and you can complain that i'm bullying you as he's about to right but what i'm bullying you into is to recognize the death and significance of these moral and intellectual characteristics that you can't gain simply by lifting weights at the gym i'll continue quote you may see yourself as a noble enforcer of morality and normality no i'm not no i'm not bro i am just trying to put you on game and i would invite you to contrast me to all the other youtube channels that you so bitterly complain are giving people bad and harmful advice that will really ruin their lives and i think you're right i think your critique of many other youtube channels your critique of wheat waffles your critique of the other channels that are trying to make money monetizing the wisdom of a middle-aged man and passing it on to younger men and so on you know what a lot of your criticisms all right but now isn't it ironic now someone's giving you exactly the advice you need to hear and because it's not the advice you want to hear look at how you respond you're just like these simps you criticize i'm rightly so right who are clinging on to the ego boost they get the encouragement they get from these other advice channels including wheat waffles but no i don't see myself as a noble enforcer of morality all right i'm giving you advice you don't want to hear and somebody in my audience maybe 1 000 people will see this video there's somebody in this audience who needs to hear it and make use of it even if it isn't you all right quote much like a schoolyard bully keeping people in their lane i know you don't have a lot of experience with women but the other thing that shows in everything you say and everything you write is that you have no experience with men all the complaints you make about how easy life is for more handsome men more muscular men taller men and so on you don't know any of those guys you don't know their life stories you don't know you've never been friends with the schoolyard bully and you've never tussled with one as an enemy either i mean it's just funny but this this short comment you seem to know nothing about the mentality of a schoolyard bully what motivates them or or how to deal with and you know if you knew some more of those guys as your friends and i know it's impossible for you but if you had platonic friends among women really attractive women you'd get to hear what miseries their lives entail also not the same not the same miseries as yours right but they have their own struggles they have their own tragedies that you could learn to sympathize with and that very practice of sympathizing with other people would make you attractive to men and women it would make you interesting it's not just one thing it's not just like oh you read aristotle and become an interesting person it's not reading one book and it's not reading a hundred books right learning to use sympathy as an analytical tool and relate to other people and the lives they're going through that's what you failed to develop by devoting your life to watching anime and pornography and sleeping with prostitutes and yes yes y'all playing video games and still to this day when you're putting in the time and lifting weights of the gym what you say of yourself in your your own idiom is that as soon as you accomplish your goals you're going to go back to just watching anime and playing video games and then by the time i get to my mid 30s hopefully i've had some experiences and i can retire in peace into my video games and my anime how attractive is that to anyone in any context and i know you fantasize about geomaxing if you were on that same beach in cambodia or the middle of a rice field in northeastern thailand who is interested in having a conversation with in having a cup of coffee with let alone a romantic relationship with someone whose knowledge of the world boils down to anime porn video games so he says i'm very much like a schoolyard bully and we continue quote but to me that's an empty existence and it doesn't make you an interesting person what does quote you're simply a foot soldier a grunt for a system that doesn't even care you as a competitor in the market may see me as immoral for trying to get ahead in ways that you're not willing to pursue but women are in a completely different position to you so i don't that they're going to share these same views okay as of the most recent video i've i've heard from you you have stated on your youtube channel that you've had sex with 88 prostitutes and that video was quite a long time ago you've considered you continued consistently going to visit what you referred to as the shop after that i can go to a shop and i need a girl man it's been so long so you're claiming that i am more judgmental of you for having slept with over 88 prostitutes maybe now it's over a hundred we don't know i haven't had an update from you right you think i'm more judgmental than middle-class university-educated white women in australia you speak english as their first language like just to pick a demographic you know different cultures are different that way how judgmental are russian women about that behavior how judgmental are italian women spanish i i do think it's different you you think i'm the judgmental one here whereas these women you think you're going to be able to seduce after you start lifting with gym you think they're going to be real accepting that you think i'm more judgmental about your lifelong video game addiction watching anime movies etc you think i'm more judgmental than middle-class university-educated white english-speaking woman from australia really quote i do realize that i need to become more charismatic and interesting and there are limitations to what kind of women and people more generally i can get along with and have my personality appeal to you so you see give him some credit he he really does have some self-awareness he is self-critical to some extent i continue quote but i don't think i'd pursue your path in terms of character development i'm not telling you to pursue my path because i don't think you've got what it takes i think it would kill you i'm telling you to pursue a path and when it doesn't work another one and another one and another one and out of all those failures in some and in sequence you will finally find a path that you can call your own i'm just telling you it's not going to be anime and video games and it's not going to be taking the same life anime video games pornography prostitutes and then adding to it regular visits to the gym right before you were a complete loser now you're a complete loser goes to the gym it's a difference but it's not the kind of difference you're trying to make yes you know men and women alike they want to talk to somebody who's trying to make a positive difference in the world you know they do they want to talk to somebody who has some ambition above and beyond what you state yourself in your own idiom your ambition is just to sleep with over a hundred women and then return to playing video games and watching anime movies what is appealing about that what is interesting about that wouldn't it be more interesting to meet and talk to someone you know whose dream is just to mount the greatest production of shakespeare maybe just the greatest production in the history of sydney australia let's lower the standards a little you know i mean i'm just saying not everyone's dream is going to be the the same as mine if you were someone devoting 10 years your life to shakespeare i'm the first person to say shakespeare is overrated it's not that meaningful right but the study of shakespeare you know directing and mounting a production of shakespeare right that's so much more meaningful so much more dressing so much more rewarding and even so much more political than what you have been doing with your life up to this point and on some level you know i'm right you know that if you've been a theater major instead of a computer science major right you know you would not have dug yourself into the shallow grave you're now standing all right so just finish this uh quotation um he does realize he needs to become more charismatic and interesting there are limitations what kind of people can appreciate his personality and he says quote but i don't think i pursue your path in terms of character development it's not the kind of person i want to become and honestly i don't think it's all that appealing to women he claims that he's being realistic about women they're humans with desires like everyone else looks matter and it doesn't make any sense to deny that quote if i did want to find someone compatible on more levels i know that there are some women who do find me interesting that i can talk to that i can get along with and that see me as a decent person and by meeting the looks threshold of more women i'm going to widen that pool significantly and hopefully find someone who desires him and is a good match do you know a lot of women who would be willing to get married to a man who is a methamphetamine addict what if he lies to them and conceals it when they get married they find out later on that he's a methamphetamine addict all right the position you're in in how you present yourself to women is likewise one of concealment you're constantly concealing what a despicable person you are so that women will be interested addressing you so that women will accept you and it is just a matter of time before they figure you out and i understand you're so lonely you're so self-hating that from the position you're in now you think that's going to be a step up if you can just get to the point at which you are charismatic enough well spoken enough physically fit enough that you can bring women into the first few stages of that process where for example they go on a few dates with you or maybe some of them actually sleep with you you know before they figure it out right i understand what you complain about now with women rejecting you and women flaking out at you flaking on you right at the beginning right at the first stages of trying to set up a date or something right that's women who are catching the vibe they're guessing they're they're feeling that there's something wrong with you and they're not gonna stick around to find out what it is i have seen you weeping on camera because you wanted to eat popcorn chicken so badly to make yourself feel better now i'm going to ask you two very different questions imagine that same clip of you weeping about how how much you want popcorn chicken to make yourself feel better would you be willing to accept a woman no matter how beautiful if you'd seen her doing what was in that clip now of course you would okay what if you're joining the army and that's your military commander that's a man who's going to make life and death decisions for you when you go over the hill so to speak when you go into combat how would you feel knowing your life is on the line you have to trust this person with everything and that's how unreliable they are that's how self-pity there that's what what's what a child-like level of mental development they're arrested at do you feel you can trust that man with your life you can follow his commands going into battle okay what women want no exceptions no exceptions what women want is a man whom they can trust with their life you may appreciate this and you may not because i know you've been through some dangerous situations right but most women know that when they're alone in that apartment with you when there's nobody else around if you're just a little bit crazy their life's in danger they may not have the strength to fight back they may not have the means to defend themselves when they trust you to that extent of going home with you to your apartment even at that first phase let's say it's a one-night stand right then beyond that the type of trust type of commitment for a long-term relationship for a marriage women want a man they can trust with their lives you know what men should want the same in a woman but the reality is most men have much lower standards and that's why you can't conceive of what a turn off it would be for you to see a woman saying the same thing about binge eating popcorn chicken to deal with their emotions which i'm suggesting you ought to find revolting in a woman but you don't because you you don't hold your own future wife to the same standards that you would hold a military commander or a surgeon who's going to operate on you tomorrow or a political leader right and actually the woman you love the woman you marry that should be someone you trust to a higher level not a lower one so i wrote back quote women do not want a man whose life plan is just video games and anime you behave as if these things are unrelated because it's convenient for you to pretend that women don't care whether or not you're a good person but they do on some level you know that you have to stop being motivated exclusively by female approval and on some level you know that female approval results from intellectual and ethical characteristics that you cannot develop through seeking female approval what kind of woman is seeking a guy who has slept with over 80 prostitutes and who simply wants to have over 100 one-night stands before in your words retiring to just play video games and watch anime you are a completely despicable person in your own estimation by your own standards and most your audience won't be honest with you the way i am because they feel sorry for you most of the people in your audience just want to encourage you because they see you teetering on the brink tearing around the edge and in some ways that can bring the worst and most corrupting kind of advice into your life of all you have to be willing to listen to that perspective the advice you need to hear is not the advice you want to hear close my quotation here of course most women will despise you and most men too you can't overcome that by weight lifting alone