Vegans: I don't respect my audience, I don't respect your questions, and I don't respect you.

11 November 2016 [link youtube]

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the realest thing you can do is have a
drum beat with nothing but a drumbeat keeping it real so it just had someone in my chat say to me they're angry because I ignored their question we had 55 people in an Internet chat room at the same time and she assumes I'm intentionally ignoring her question and she says that I'm a worse youtuber than a vegan cheetah because vegan cheetah is more transparent than me whereas I ignore her request what are you talking about so now she clarifies which question is and it's that question I actually answered I actually answered your question so this is even more ridiculous but I love this I love this insult used on the internet and it is very memorable me that that is one of the insults unnatural vegan used against me is you claim to be transparent and now you don't live up to my standard of what transparent means thank you the ultimate the ultimate BS insult okay point one do i claim to be transparent on my channel no do I use that word of reverence myself no do i claim to have an obligation to answer every question that gets sent to me by email or by chat room comment or by text message no no i don't even claim to answer every question i get on patreon i do take questions much more seriously on patreon because patreon they pay people and patron pay one dollar a month which really means selling to me right now I have zero income even when my job starts in China the pay is extremely low that one dollar a month means a lot so I do take questions seriously on patreon but if i don't answer your question you know hundreds of people are writing to me one you think it's an intentional snub or two and failing to live up to your idea of what transparent means uh uh look I do not claim to be transparent what I claim keeping it all the way real is that I have no respect for my audience okay I don't know how you failed to pick up on that because I've said it explicitly since the start of this channel the piss position I mean in veganism I'm the one guy who doesn't come on and say I love you guys hit like and subscribe be sure to tell your friends and you guys are the best you know I wake up in the morning and I think about you guys because I love you so much you beautiful wonderful people who are on the other side of this glowing screen and send me hate mail and send me creepy emails asking to buy my underwear no okay I keep it all the way real my position in veganism is the vast majority of my audience are people I have absolutely no respect for and the vast majority of questions you send me I have no respect for and in this case she was asking a question about my ex-wife I gave you a polite and honest answer it doesn't even matter but you want to take it there you go to reproach me for my lack of transparency what you're asking a question that face-to-face in a cafe you've got no right to ask anyway it's a [ __ ] question you think I'm not living up to your standard of transparency because I ok my standard has nothing to do with transparency it has to do with respect has to is providing meaningful content on the Internet as opposed to garbage content you can have a 100-percent transparent channel that's garbage you can have a 0% transparent channel that you know is really meaningful you can you can do fiction on the Internet ok transparency is not my goal here unnatural vegan comes on and tells you what type of toothpaste she uses what brand of shampoo she uses is that transparent I think so I also think a lot of her videos are [ __ ] I think they're intellectually dishonest in another way I think unnatural vegan is lying to you she is lying when she says that a dog does not suffer a dog is not aware that it is harmed it does not feel pain when it is castrated and therefore you're doing nothing immoral in castrating a mammal such as a dog I don't just think that's a bad argument or a wrong argument I think it's a lie and I think her turn around and saying that you're guilty of pseudoscience if you disagree with her is another lie and I think it's immoral and it's bad and it's wrong so I make videos talking about it because to me that's meaningful and important content content and its content about a topic I'm passionate about it's a debate within veganism I think we need to have that's what I give to you on the Internet if you want to come in my chat room and ask me a question about my ex-wife and then I actually answered her question and the could acclaim I don't live up to your ideology of what transparency means what so you idea of transparency is I take the time of my data to talk about my ex-wife or the Internet come on if I mean look some people really do believe that some people really do believe in that concept of transparency but if that's your concept of transparency then we're all just going to be on a downward spiral until all of us are talking about nothing except what brand of toothpaste we use and our sex life etc etc there are other criteria here aside from transparency itself I do not pursue transparency isn't in itself I do not pretend to love my audience I do not pretend that you people bring down my life okay do a whole different video about what is the light of my life it's not you guys the vast majority of you people who write me questions I don't respect you I don't respect your questions if you have a youtube channel I don't respect your content I don't respect the vast majority of what's going on in veganism in 2016 but I'm not quitting the movement I'm sticking in for it long term I'm rolling heavy because i believe 10 years from now we can evolve past the pernt current distractions we can evolve past the drama and the infighting and the backstabbing and the [ __ ] we can evolve past the hyper militant poses of you know the pro violence fake-ass revolutionaries we can evolve past all of that because the core message of veganism is so positive is so important it's so meaningful my life and that's what motivates me to come on Canada not you guys and that's why I never say be sure to LIKE like and share and subscribe I never say I'm so happy this morning that I opened up my email and I got a bunch of email so you I'm not happy about that I'm happy about the core message of veganism and that's what I'm preview again and again and as I've said regular recently I'm going to give it to you raw