Youtube censors anti-racism as if it were pro-racism (in 2020!)

04 January 2020 [link youtube]

Youtube lets people get away with holocaust-denial, but you can't get away with criticizing it… !!! This is an important issue for all content creators, I'd encourage you to share this link with other youtubers you know, if you care about the future of the medium (something more fundamental than the future of the platform).

#youtubecensorship #antisemitism #vegetablepolice

Link to the channel of "Vegetable Police", criticized here:

No, I'm not gonna provide you with a link to the youtube channel of John Rose (ALSO criticized here). Just gonna omit that step.

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

youtube has a problem
with censoring anti-racism as if it were pro-racism i have come here on youtube repeatedly to point the finger at holocaust deniers and denounce them for being holocaust deniers in my criticism of their racism youtube then censors me and treats me as if i were the one who is racist i understand the intention here but youtube is so inept it's so incompetent in its censorship as to be evil john rose holocaust denier his youtube channel is still up his videos that praise adolf hitler literally this guy praises adolf hitler his videos are still up my video criticizing him pointing the finger at him denouncing him for being a hog snare my video censored i get a channel strike i get punished by youtube because i dared to censor him and he not punished his channel not taken down vegetable police holocaust denier made videos plural denying the holocaust supporting adolf hitler and they were directly inspired by they were directly derivative of the guy just mentioned john rose and there were several other types of racist several other types of white supremacists have pointed the finger at but you know what else is kind of funny the same criticisms i offered on my channel i saw other youtube channels recycle okay vegan gains ripped off my critique of john rose he he literally like stole the video from my channel and used it on his own channel that's cool it's part of the game here on youtube but vegan gains was not punished why probably it helps that he's black i'm starting to suspect that part of the problem is here that i am a seemingly white male with a bald shaven head and the irony is youtube i'm jewish my own family died in the holocaust i very much grew up with knowing my grandparents generation so my grandparents themselves and different great uncles and great aunts who really were jewish people who one way or another survived the holocaust or lived their whole lives in the shadow of the holocaust i knew one guy he was actually my mom's ex-boyfriend but he was like an uncle you know he was they dated back when my mom was a teenager and then they didn't know each other for decades and then they kind of became friends again when he was a very old man that guy that guy was a direct holocaust survivor he really you know he really had direct contact the reality of the holocaust and his immediate family were killed i knew people touched by the holocaust it shouldn't matter that ethnically i'm jewish but evidently it does because youtube punishes me as if i'm racist again and again when i am pointing out criticizing and condemning racism on your platform youtube and you never censor you never punish you never deplatform the original racists who are being criticized here as i said before isil mentioned that no one has made any response videos to john rose because nobody wants to take the heat not only did i make one response video but several and i took a lot of heat as i mentioned before not only did i take heat from john rose's following but i've made enemies i've made enemies because of my stance against john rose's pro-hitler pro-nazi views but not only this now i've been fired from my job i tried to keep the channel separate from my job but my employers found it found the pro nazi pro hitler speech by john rose and i've been fired because of inappropriate content brief word of thanks to mark tassie not just for making that video not just for getting fired from his job for taking a stand on this issue but also you know i do appreciate that he gives me credit in those videos he mentions that he only knows about this because of me and my youtube channel and that he was using clips that he got from my youtube channel other people who joined in on this controversy did not mention me did not give me any credit did not provide a link to my channel including vegan gains himself vegan gains did not acknowledge that his work on this was derivative of mine so thanks tim for that be that as it may you see just how dangerous and suffocating for freedom of speech it is to live and work in a context where you can be punished for being pro-racist by daring to criticize racism it's bizarre and you know again youtube has not punished has not de-platformed the particular people that we are criticizing as racist here and guys let's be clear we're not talking about some kind of slight personal bias or grudge this is the most extreme form of organized articulated politicized racism of people coming out and supporting in a systematic programmatic way they're supporting adolf hitler and nazism and then if you dare to criticize them for that you will be the one who's punished silenced in this extreme case mark tassie actually got fired from his job father please send me more likes and followers and subscribers i'm not a holocaust denier i don't think it did happen i don't think there was gassing of jews for slaughter that was a made-up thing by the jews themselves apparently these concentration camps and i'm about to say some good things about the concentration camps i'm not a holocaust denier but the camps like they had theater they had music like they were well fed they were well taken care of and it was only till like the last little bit where germany was like in the war their country is breaking down the supply chain they couldn't get food into the camps and then yeah people were starving to death but it wasn't like they were put there and then starved intentionally it wasn't like that at all from what i gather i don't know i'm just watching youtube over here i am uploading so many videos from my subscribers i ask you for your help in this one thing it is the most important thing in my life obviously i've watched a bunch of youtube videos that doesn't make me very qualified on this matter because i could be being brainwashed by just another group of people first you have to ask yourself why did hitler take all the jews and put them in a concentration camp why would that happen i'm not a holocaust denier there's a couple different theories here but the main one which can't be denied is that the jewish people were taking over his country and they are pretty much in control of this entire planet i'm not a holocaust denier when you think of the illuminati and like the secret beings that control this earth we may or may not be talking about the jewish people i'm not a holocaust denier they are controlling everything if you just start researching what do the jews control it's like they control all the mainstream media they control hollywood they control the banks it's like they control this planet and hitler noticed this i'm not a holocaust denier he basically gathered all the jews put him in a concentration camp and he was like get out of our country he told them to leave they would not leave he gathered him up into a little camp like a summer camp like a summer camp i don't think there was gassing of jews for slaughter that was a made-up thing by the jews themselves i'm not a holocaust denier let's face it the jewish people they control the media you have to understand i have nothing against jewish people i'm not a holocaust denier please send me more likes and followers and subscribers it is the most important thing in my life one final note if you think the three minute video you just saw was too subtle it had a huge impact on the guy i was criticizing vegetable police he was really upset by that video i made i remember he responded to it on camera at the time he briefly became extremely defensive and made more videos kind of doubling down on his position but he then buckled and he deleted all of the videos along this line and um you know he appeared on another guy's channel i think that that may also now have disappeared that channel may have been deleted but he appeared in another guy's channel very briefly reflecting on it and talking about the fact that he was uh under the influence of john rose so on and so forth now i'm not making any excuse for the guy vegetable police is a scumbag and his youtube channel should have been deleted why is it that evalian's youtube channel was deleted but not john rose's youtube channel or not you know vegetable places youtube channel if there's a standard if evalian has her channel deleted for this same crime then the rule should be applied equally for everyone and if not what is the rule but instead we're in this absurd situation where the rule gets applied against me the rule gets applied against mark tassie the people who are pointing the finger at racism and anti-semitism the people who are engaged in the critique of racism the critique of holocaust denial we're the people being punished and youtube still serves as a positive platform for the racism anti-semitism and holocaust denial