The Alleged Love Triangle (Julia, Durianrider & Me) That Never Was.

10 November 2016 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

my heart hurts a little bit that I am
leaving Chiang Mai today you know when like you're sad and you feel like your chest actually hurts a bonus yen to reach an audience of a few hundred people care who want to hear it for me that's totally rewarding I'm set to me that's a really meaningful engagement with my audience because I'm motivated by the cause I am doing it for the cause I am doing it for the culture I am doing it for the movement I'm doing it for the future of veganism what do I expect from somebody like Jack green whose motives are instead fame and fame whoring and he went to Thailand for that reason in the first place and he tried to be best friends with during writer and freely whom he met in person of course that's what you get if you buy the plane ticket and you pay for the hotel room that's to get spend thousands of dollars to meet the great cult leader face-to-face you know um I don't expect him to be brilliant I don't expect him to be ethical I don't expect him to be engaged the political issues in the movement I don't expect to have quality content which he doesn't I don't expect me to say my expectations are low in this vegan Debbie mom some of you will know who I'm quoting my expectations are low in his vegan demi-monde he tries to imitate my accent and he says my expectations are low in this Debbie mod and it's throw my expectations of you are low jack if you care enough to defame me why don't you care enough to have basic curiosity and basic human decency and hear my side of the story which you can do from the videos already up on youtube or you could do by emailing me or talking to me or what have you you know it I mean it's heartbreaking you can ask yourself if any of this stuff were sincere what would you do what if he were actually concerned that at that time when he talked to me on the street like if this is not [ __ ] Jack which it is I hope you know deep down inside this is [ __ ] I hope you know that when you're defaming me you're telling a lie maybe you don't maybe you're so out of touch with reality you actually believe things during writers said that nobody believes the durian lighter himself later retracted didn't apologized for and that julia has always said was not true Julia said it was untrue before durianrider got involved and she said it was untrue but after gonna of course I say it's untrue so everyone says it's untrue including cheering writer and Jack you're still coming on the internet and saying I had a love affair with Julia okay but if that was sincere Jack if you actually believe that and you were actually concerned why didn't you take it up with me when we were on the streets of Chiang Mai together when I talk to you face-to-face I'll keeping it real and when I tell you that conversation started I didn't know if you and your friend we're going to try to beat the [ __ ] out of me because that was during writers claim is that he had a bunch of guys like you who were eager to beat the [ __ ] out of me the moment you saw me on the street which is where I saw you I didn't back down two of you and one of me if you are actually concerned which don't be no reason to be concerned I mean I can imagine in some parallel universe if I had a love affair with somebody in Chiang Mai maybe and you found out about it maybe your attitude behave it's none of your business there is no reason for concern but if you were concerned which is the phony ass pose you're striking here on YouTube when it counted you didn't do jack [ __ ] about it you didn't ask me about it and again it's completely impossible why do you think you saw me I just walked out of my apartment building do you think Julia bore was back in my apartment wearing a [ __ ] I don't know negligee look what do you think man you think I just left her in the apartment do you actually believe when you met me on the street that love affair was going on if you did and you were concerned at the time you didn't say [ __ ] to me about it much less than you try to beat me up and take me to a police station as during writers said you were supposed to do okay this maelstrom is totally known to Jack green and the least believable thing in it is the idea that at that time at that moment which is the only opportunity the only time when Julia bore and I are in the same city on the same continent that at that moment I am having sex with Julia bore that's the claim exactly at that mode there was no other possibility otherwise she was in Europe i was in canada right so at that when everyone was watching exactly what we were doing when I was coming on youtube every day during a rider was coming on YouTube and threatening me and defaming me every day when all that was going on and Julia was on her blog I don't remember making videos maybe she did his dumb but she was on her blog saying stuff it was completely obvious to everyone especially someone in Jack greens position who was there who met me and talked to me on the street yeah if I had had a love affair with Julia bore I think everyone would have known about it at that time and why wouldn't he was even lie about it that would have made it more hilarious but on the contrary everyone knew that of all the allegations against me from during writer the most ridiculous the most impossible to believe was Julia bore I'm sorry I know we're friends I know we talked behind the scenes but I still think you're a complete [ __ ] idiot but let's get back to the topic there were other women there who I met and spoke to the women there who were who fans in my channel like my material wanted to talk to me support what I do and veganism you could have said any of those women were having an affair with me but no for whatever reason maybe just a promoter channel the the angle durianrider took was one that was not believable to anyone partly because it was already addressed before he even made of those allegations it wasn't even a surprise to people people already knew oh yeah izel had this hilarious video where Julia sent him these abusive and insulting emails and you know like that was the only contact between us and it is funny it's still you can watch that video of what Julia said to me it's hilarious it's worth laughing at but nobody watches that and thinks these are the sparks of a romance that one day in the streets of Chiang Mai is gonna blossom into a torrid love affair while at the same time Julia bore is denouncing me and meeting up with durianrider and all this stuff is coming on dude dude let me tell you something let me tell you something not even if she paid me not even if she paid me not boucing not gonna happen okay famous what you don't know me y'all gonna remember that more like a Republican smooth as a Democrat I'm not fat shaming her I'm not shaming her cuz she's ugly I'm not shaming her because she's stupid I'm saying the combination of all of these things and Who I am as a person meant that even if she were pursuing me even if she were in love with me it's never it would never happen and anybody who's watched any of our material knows that but the reality is she was officially be I wasn't pursuing her if we were it would really just be a kind of hilarious footnote in history I don't think anyone would really care but nobody find this believable but Jack Greene is still gonna come on the internet months after the fact and I don't know if his point is he's pretending he hasn't seen those videos or he's he's ignore them but he knows as I say he was there he was in the middle of the Maelstrom it's very difficult for me to imagine that he sincerely thinks I had a love affair with Julia bore at exactly that time when he met me face-to-face and when all this other stuff was going on and when I met all three people in that love triangle me Julia and during writer what we were doing every day for those few days is documented on the internet right and my so-called relationship with Julia was already completely disclosed the internet before i arrived in thailand had already made that video about it and she'd already put up the emails on her blog blah blah blah let's be real here let's be real raw till 4 is an intellectual ghetto it's a whole community of bigots Oh don't interrupt daddy it's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a whole community of bigots but if you ever try to criticize them it's up you're an ungrateful [ __ ] [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] jealous loser hater whatever freely said in the video stop the gossip stop focusing on other people's lives [ __ ] hip-hop receive you've made a living Oh talking [ __ ] about other people these people and me and whoever else should be seeking criticisms we should be seeking criticism why because then we can always improve more and more if we don't get criticism you know we a lot of times we end up getting [ __ ] place so seek criticism these people do the opposite my heart hurts a little bit that I am leaving Chiang Mai today you know when like you're sad and you feel like your chest actually hurts I banos yen hey guys one of the things I used to object you in the old days which is like one year ago now was the really weird cult of gratitude that was part and parcel of the raw till 4 semi vegan health and fitness and beauty seen within veganism and you know it was just weird but it was weird um what durianrider and freely did with the concept of gratitude like I guess I guess there's nothing wrong with gratitude as a word or a concept what they did with him it was weird it was creepy anyone who disagreed with them they would attack for their lack of gratitude anyone um you know in some cases they created the conflict so it wasn't even the other person's fault it was someone else who had made a video with them in the past where they'd said something positively given their endorsement and then they turn around and attack them for lacking gratitude really really strange stuff um so it became a just kind of a way of bullying people but on the other hand it also became a forum self justification for them so if anyone said that freely was not a real activist that she didn't do real political activism or was bad for me this was a movement she could turn around and accuse those people having a lack of gratitude they were supposed to feel you know so much gratitude for um what she done for veganism what she was doing present tense continuous for veganism well that being said I do think that keeping it real on YouTube and keeping it real with and veganism includes keeping it real about your motivations for doing what you're doing and who is helping you to get there who put you on I don't I don't think that's gratitude I don't think I don't think it's the creepy weird cult of gratitude I think time was saying a lot a lot less a lot lower a lot closer to the ground this guy called Jack green made me think about this the other day now no reason why you know jack greene don't google him don't watch his channel his content is basically garbage but you know jack greene is one of these guys who used to be a one hundred percent true believer in freely and durham writer and I'm met him face-to-face when we were both in Chiang Mai I met him three times in total actually he may not remember that he may just remember the one time when we when we talked for any length of time but I guess he liked one of the restaurants on my block for some reason we kept bumping into each other on the streets um you know jack greene nobody knew his channel he has very very small fan base and that's I'm not gonna hate on him for that I'm gonna reflect on that in just a second that's not a certainly a problem you can come on YouTube and make videos for 100 people not only is there nothing wrong with that in some ways there are things that are wonderful about that it's a nice thing to do you know if you have a small circuit can be friends and family or can be a hundred people happen to know you and love you on the Internet it's great do it um but you know in as much as anyone knows who Jack Reed is I made a video on my channel promoting him and that reached more than three thousand viewers and reach more than 3,000 beavers quickly so i don't know in a week or something it's good video i just took some really short clips of him talking and cut it up with music made it kind of exciting and funny and the reason I did that was the jack greene outgrew his cult-like belief in the rato for phenomenon he stopped being an uncritical follower of during writer and freely despite the fact that he had bought the airplane ticket to Thailand and I don't know but it seems to me he's made serious financial sacrifices to live for a year in Thailand maybe it's only six months but he's been living long-term he didn't go back in time and he did that to go worship at the altar of during writer and assume he also did it partly to try to achieve success in notoriety on youtube so you know two people you know lifted a finger to really reach out to him both the promoters channel and to encourage him and to just try to talk to him try to get his human perspective on his own loss of faith his own change of perspective on on the the on veganism itself I suppose I reached out to him I put that promo on my own channel and I didn't just make that promo video by said look if you want to talk I'd like to talk to you by Skype that was partly because I assumed he was emotionally in a very difficult situation I've been in Chiang Mai I've been in the love that cult and I've had people threatening to beat me up and put me in jail and all that stuff as you know but I know most people i mean if you if you leave the cult while you're living there you'd be facing tremendous hostility all the time and of course that includes hannah chloe and in a weird way for a while there'd also included a guy like Joe best because Joe best turned against really interim writer and he was still living there and going to the same restaurants and he doesn't speak Thai so he has to go to the english-speaking places you know so it's weird um so partly like out of support and sympathy and partly out of human interest and partly just for you know building the movement engaging in this kind of discourse I reached out to the guy and vegan she'd also reached out to him and again I think chido basically wanted to congratulate him on leaving the cold and they did a long broadcast together that went on both you now and YouTube so the guy got positivity and support from me and vegan gia does that mean yes to have gratitude no um and again I can make the comparison to rap music you know I think rappers can come out here and just be honest about who put them on you can be honest about who used to be your manager who used to be your label what other artists give you a shot who put you on and then you can turn around and say that you think they're garbage that they're bad artists or bad management or a bad company you know I'm saying you don't have to candy-coat it you don't have to lie but you lie about your feelings even if they're just your feelings are your feelings that have no facts to back them up whatsoever I would not mind if Jack green talked about me in a way that just reflect that he feels about my channel he may hate my channel and in a very real sense I'm cool with that you know what I mean I'm not asking for his respect I'm not asking him to be my fan because I promoted him but I promoted him and I reached out to him positively for reasons that I think self el salv evident you guys you guys can guess why I made that post gesture with a guy and even because I saw his interview with cheetah chido really reached out to him in a positive way credit where it's due I mean some of the stuff cheetah does is mean spirited some of its destructive but that was a totally positive thing that she did in reaching out to this guy hmm so you know now he's turned around and having me now so i'll tell the story in order currently the guy makes videos where he just says the most insulting the fam ettore things about me and about cheetah and about almost everybody else not everybody almost everybody okay you know in some ways I can relate in some ways I can but his content he seems to come on camera with nothing to say and with no sincere engagement in the vegan movement and also no no since your desired to talk about his own life you can have other sincere desires other than talking about the vegan movement I can totally imagine just coming on camera and talking about I'm dating this girl and I don't know what's going on you know anything real in your life anything you care about I can imagine someone who owns a restaurant vegan restaurant coming on and just talk about a tough it is to run the restaurant I can imagine an architect coming on and talking about it off all their life is as an architect every architect I've known personally you knew them just a little bit was miserable I'm sure there are some architects out there who are happy with their lives but man you can meet a lot of miserable sad sack architects going through it hmm you know so the lack of realness the lack of being honest bonus objectives are and and the reality is when I see his videos I just see someone who was desperate for attention who just wants to get views who just wants eyes be on him who just wants to say outrageous things to get attention and you know what even that as lame as it is compared to being an architect or compared to complaining about your relation with your girlfriend even that I think you've kept it real could be could be interesting if you were really honest about your own desperation if you were honest but you were trying to do in those videos that's still could be interesting we'll take it back a step stolen order so Jack I'll talk about when I met him face-to-face Jack made this made it made a video right after my promotion of him so i put this video my channel reach more than 3,000 people and that's all i have to give like a normal video of my channel two thousand is good five thousand sometimes once in a while Mike Mike videos do more than 15,000 viewers but i'm not a big channel i'm a small specialized channel I'm totally happy with that so three thousand people learned about this guy's channel and learned about his deconversion his loss of faith I'm with with you know the cult of Harley and freely etc through my channel beautiful thing in its way and um you know his very next video he makes video about me in which he throws out the allegation that I had some kind of romantic relationship with this 16 year old and it's not just any 16 year old it's Julia bore the he was there in Thailand following this this drama well it happened nobody even at the time who is following the events believed I had a romantic relationship with Julia border nobody now why is that one the torrid affair between myself and Julie aboard the alleged affair was already addressed before durianrider got involved I had already made videos about it or really one long video on my channel before during writer heard about it or made a video better to got involved and julia had already addressed it on her blog right so you have a situation where one it's completely clear from me that there's no romantic relationship to me and her too it's completely completely clear from her that there's no romantic relationship between us that was before we were on the same continent she was in Europe I was in Canada three the nature of the emails that she shared first she made the emails public and then I made a video you know discussing them because I thought it was really hilarious like for one thing it relates to vegan is rights to some interesting questions within vegan is like there are pullet there's some political content from I perspective but also there's this question of like why are her parents letting her do this on the internet you know what I mean it's like there are some just kind of hilarious elements to it that are worth reflecting on but so all of the emails between us were posted on the internet first by her and then discussed by me and most people took it for what it was they just thought it was funny because basically I had sent her a one-sentence email and then she had sent me these long emails denouncing and defaming me because she was such a true believer in durianrider so you know that's basically the story and then i sent a one-sentence email saying look I think in the future you're gonna look back on this and laugh that was it that was a whole interaction between us nothing sexy about it nothing edgy about it or what have you so everyone knew that before durianrider even got involved now have I seen Julia bore in person in real life yes I have literally walked past her on the street in Thailand there are other reasons why nobody believed there was a romance to a bar like I don't like her it's very obvious I mean that video I was polite I was polite because she's so young I said look you know so whatever at the time she was 16 and she's speaking her third language english is not her first language and to my knowledge is not her second legibly english is her third language i do a lot of work on languages my whole life whatever my whole adult life I realize how hard to study languages and in a sense I want to be respectful towards the fact that she's engaging in this discourse on YouTube by email Jose her third language if I were speaking in German right now this would be hard as OVO speaking Chinese you guys have seen me speak Chinese it's hard work right so I didn't want to come on and say oh she's an idiot she's an idiot but I want to say that I'm not a good i'm not gonna say she's an idiot but yeah she's an idiot but i mean anybody who saw any snippet of that so-called drama which was a joke it was really laughable they laughed at it but nobody thought there was any possibility of a romance to me enjoy I don't want her she don't want me and the fact that she's 16 is not human but decisive factor in bad she's not just 16 at the time she was hideously ugly horribly overweight stupid foul-mouthed ill-mannered cruel and a member of a cult then I'm a critic of that I'm a well-known kritika I was situation to do of us so if if there was like if you want to make up a story that I had a love affair with anyone in Chiang Mai why didn't you make up a story about someone I actually talked to someone I actually met or someone I was friends with that might have been believable so sorry guys the lighting is acting up here I guess wait that was cool that all right it's the maybe the camera switches between natural light mode and artificial light mode that's what that is because I've got sunlight coming in through the window as well as artificial light so sorry guys sometimes the light flickers like that this I guess will be more stable or better so okay so Jack is it possible the jack greene is ignorant of these facts yes barely he he was there I'm just gonna say I met him face-to-face right um I met him we talked and I know he was falling the drama chang by the time because we were all there together we were all I mean it was a big deal you know when I raised six thousand five dollars and started the court case and there was this question of whether or not during right and i would actually meet up and have a fistfight like whether or not we would meet at a boxing arena because he threatened me with violence and i didn't back down i said okay meet me where do you wanna meet me i even gave of you guys don't remember if during writer actually wanted to show up and beat me up on the street with a gang of people which is exactly what he threatened at length and repeatedly I gave him my location I said okay at this time at this location I'm going to be at this karaoke place you can show up you can show up alone you can show up dolo you can show up with a gang of goons and be mean and guess what during riders threats were vapor I was the first person to really stand up to him that way and he backed down like a physical coward we already knew durianrider was an intellectual coward we already knew was an emotional coward and now we learned he was a physical coward also they look just just to you know back it up um yeah so someone's had this gesture we could have battled out in the karaoke ring yes in a perfect world instead of having a fistfight durianrider could have shown up and we could have sung a duet together we could have done some rabbit we could have some 50 cent in the club together doesn't require any singing ability you can chant 50 cent in the club sure during rider could've done something positive to I'm saying I should include that he could have showed up and beaten the crap out of me he could have shown up with a gang of thugs or with baseball bats he also could have shown up with goodwill in his heart right I'd already apologized to freely and we now know what during writer did and calling for me to a polyester freely was also [ __ ] right like um you know he claimed he was defending his girlfriend in her honor but he already broken up with her they already hated each other we now know at that exact time they had broken up and he was sending her these threatening emails or text messages that she's posted publicly and he was allegedly or actually already sleeping with other women he himself alleges that he was sleeping with her when she was sleeping with the man so his whole pose that he was defending the honor of freely and again I'd already apologized if you watch the actual videos what I say freely is a really nice / me is a really necessary criticism like guess what a garlic is not a neurotoxin guess what the claim that you can eat unlimited calories and get zero exercise and lose weight just because you're vegan is bollocks you know those are really necessary criticisms there's a use of free speech they don't merit threats of violence or definition blah blah no wait this Maelstrom is totally known to Jack green and the least believable thing in it is the idea that at that time at that moment which is the only opportunity the only time when Julia boar and I are in the same city on the same continent that at that moment I'm having sex with Julia boar that's the claim exactly at that mode there was no other possibility otherwise she was in Europe i was in canada right so at that one when everyone was watching exactly what we were doing when i was coming on youtube every day during a rider was coming on youtube and threatening me and defaming me every day when all that was going on and Julia was on her blog I don't remember making videos maybe she did his dumb but she was on her blog saying stuff it was completely obvious to everyone especially someone in Jack greens position who was there who met me and talked to me on the street if I had had a love affair with Julia bore I think everyone would have known about it at that time and why would any of us even lie about it that would have made it more hilarious but on the contrary everyone knew that of all the allegations against me from during writer the most ridiculous the most impossible to believe was Julia bore and I remember went when his accusations were first made and I hadn't read them all yet heard them all yet I said to another woman there said to Leah Leah pram staller who's now Leah deleted her YouTube channel she quit the game but I said to Lee I was like oh I guess they're talking about you I guess they're gonna say I'm having I'm having a love affair with you because at least I had mentally at least we had a conversation least we didn't hate each other you know I mean lately and I talk no I didn't have a love for there but at least that's possible as an allegation there were other women there who I met and spoke to the woman there who were who fans in my channel like my material who wanted to talk to me to support what I do and veganism you could have said any of those women having an affair with me but no for whatever reason maybe just a promoter channel the the angle durianrider took was one that was not believable to anyone partly because it was already addressed before he even made of those allegations it wasn't even a surprise to people people already knew oh yeah izel had this hilarious video where Julia sent him these abusive and insulting emails and you know like that was the only contact between us and it is funny it's still you can watch that video of what Julia said to me it's hilarious it's worth laughing at but nobody watches that and thanks these are the sparks of a romance that one day in the streets of Chiang Mai is going to blossom into a toilet love affair while at the same time julia boras denouncing me and meeting up with durianrider and all this stuff is coming on of course since then some people have alleged that during writer himself was in an affair with joy bored anyway like dude dude let me tell you something let me tell you something not even if she paid me not even if she paid me not boucing not gonna happen okay I'm not fat shaming her I'm not shaming her cuz she's ugly I'm not shaming her because she's stupid I'm saying the combination of all of these things and Who I am as a person meant that even if she were pursuing me even if she were in love with me it's never it would never happen and anybody who's watched any of our material knows that but the reality is she wasn't personally Bea I wasn't pursuing her if if we were it would really just be a kind of hilarious footnote in history I don't think anyone would really care but nobody find this believable but Jack Greene is still gonna come on the internet months after the fact and I don't know if his point is he's pretending he hasn't seen those videos or he's he's ignore them but he knows as I say he was there he was in the middle of the Maelstrom it's very difficult for me to imagine that he sincerely thinks I had a love affair with Julia bore at exactly that time when he met me face-to-face and when all this other stuff was going on and when I mean all three people in that love triangle me Julia and during writer what we were doing every day for those few days is documented on the internet right and my so-called relationship with Julia was already completely disclosed the internet before i arrived in thailand had already made that video about it and she'd already put up the emails on her blog blah blah blah she put up the emails cuz she was she was proud of it this is soy milk by the way if you wonder what i'm drinking out of this strange container okay so what is my point i kicked this video off by questioning the old cult of gratitude that people like durianrider and freely used to you know promote and i think they used it to you know to bully people and to humiliate people and to make make people more obedient they talked about they would talk about gratitude in this strange way i do not expect any gratitude from Jack green I expect him to keep it real I expect him to be curious I expect him to have a level of maturity and self-disciplined me know if you care enough about the issue to defame me on the Internet why do you not care enough about the issue to be curious and to watch 15 minutes of video on my channel about it before you make the video defaming me I offer to talk to Jack green again because I met him face-to-face I should describe that meeting he could have talked to me by Skype you could have talked to me by email you care enough about this to make videos defaming me but not enough to send me an email not enough to talk to me about it by skype-ing a let this 16 year old who apparently is mature enough to buy her own airplane ticket and fly to Thailand and hang out with your aim right if you are actually concerned that her problem in life and this caused a lot of problems like if you're concerned about Julia bored you should be her life is [ __ ] up like really most people who watched you let Julia Boers dialogue with Jeremiah they were they were kind of scared for her they looked at that they're concerned about this girls there there's reason to be concerned the reason the reason is not me ok but if if your actual concern for Julia bore with how [ __ ] up her life is all the signs of mental illness she's broadcasting on the Internet unlike her claims that she's never gonna go to school and she's never gonna get a job and she's been brainwashed by this cult leader who tells her that she has olympic-level genetics there's a lot wrong with julia boras life if you're concerned you know what you should be if Jack met her and spent time with her which he may have because they were both in Chiang Mai they're both a single you know what you should be concerned ok why the [ __ ] would you exercise that concern by stating your ignorant ass slanderous opinion on youtube without even talking to me whenever you show to you pawsley when I throw to you on my channel it's not about gratitude it's about curiosity it's about being a mensch it's about being a [ __ ] real human being it's about having some shred of dignity and responsibility and jack or you ain't got that you're just another [ __ ] drama [ __ ] who's desperate for attention at the same time that you denounce people like me and vegan cheetah for being drama [ __ ] I mean obviously you know the enunciation of cheetah has some truth to it i'm at camp hey I can't say you're all the way wrong there but still likewise cheetah put you on man credit where it's due keep it real cheetah when you lost your faith jack cheetah did a totally respectful a broadcast with you getting your perspective and asking you how does it feel what are you thinking why did you lose faith in the cold etc you know that's what's up you could thank him for that it doesn't mean you have to agree with it does mean you have to have gratitude but it's keep it real you nobody would know your [ __ ] channel without me and cheetah and we supported you just out of the goodness of our hearts because we knew what you were going through and we knew that your life in the middle of that cult in Chiang Mai would be [ __ ] up you be in a struggle and you didn't want to support you want to turn around and just you know again defame me over this [ __ ] ball means look guys don't get me wrong if you want to disagree with me about the ethics of pet ownership of Oh castrating dogs about vivisection about any meaningful topic within vegan pugs if you I made that video it's got more than a thousand viewers i made a totally political video about the difference between ethical veganism and vegan abolitionism great topic deep epic 10 people could make responses to that video with very different perspectives in the politics jack greene if you want to make a deep video talking about vegan abolitionism in contrast to ethical veganism pure and simple if you want to criticize me in disagree but something meaningful like that do it homeboy and I will respect the [ __ ] out of you for even if I disagree with you even if I completely disagree with you I will respect you for that right so someone of the chat says that's the first time I've heard the word Mensch used in casual conversation it's an ethnic thing in case you didn't know some people use the word Mensch and some people throw it depending on your your ethnic origin so yes yeah thank you for point that there's there's a slight hint there as tamiya my ethnicity which you might not have guessed anyway so look Jack Greene is a guy I met face-to-face in Thailand and you know it was a very memorable meeting for both of us he made a video about it and he was very nervous i think in describing i think he didn't really want to talk honestly but what happened which is fine i think at the time you just recently lost his faith and during writer and freely and you know like I'm not criticizing him but I think he struggled to keep it all the way real um at that time when I saw him you know when I first said oh he was he was pretty much trembling when he talked to me the first two times in psalm of the street he was real nervous couldn't really look me in the eye and that was because he knew to some extent I don't know he at the time he pretended he hadn't seen any of the videos from durianrider I kind of doubt that's that's true but he knew I was you know a critical voice in contrast to his his cult leader and anyways so this one time we saw I saw him twice in the street we didn't talk but I looked him in the eye was like what's up because you know during writer said his followers we're gonna beat me up and maybe Jack was gonna so you know I'm just looking him in the eye like okay what's up the third time when I should talk to him first I just walked past him um and I thought you know what I you know without saying anything to him I better turn around better go back and talk to those guys because you know the situation is what it is so I went back and talked to him and again I mean I'm not faulting him for this but it really was I mean terms look of his eyes in terms of eyes and he was he really was the wheel was like talking to someone who was a member of a cult and he was terrified that he would be kicked out of the cult that he would be denounced or something something bad would happen to him because he he dared to to talk to me you know so sad but interesting and all too human and you know after took them for a while he said look you know this is my situation with durianrider this is what's going on and they pretended they didn't know about it which was maybe just polite but maybe was the only way they could cope with the kind of cognitive dissonance in the situation and the conversation moved on and we did talk about some positive things he and his friend they had some questions for me about life in Thailand about speaking the Thai language is stuff I know about so we did we did talk about some less tense topics but I mean you know what I mean what are you gonna say about that cult I mean a lot of cults are based very clearly on a kind of self-abnegation of you know thinking of yourself as nothing thinking of yourself as a person of no importance in contrast to the cult leader or what have you I guess one of the many interesting things about the rato for cult for those who relate to as a cult not everyone does um is precisely that you know it offers you Fame it offers you a way to advance yourself it offers you something that expands your ego doesn't just diminish it so I mean when you're talking to people with that face to face on the one hand you're talking to someone who is just trying to get on just trying to get on stage you're just trying to get an audience just trying to chase Fame um and you know thus they have a certain kind of self-confidence certain kind of ego but at the same time they're also like other colors that caught up in a sense of worthlessness and subservience to the cult leaders and some sense that they'd be nothing again this writes back this issue of gratitude that they would be nothing or there would be nobody without during writers support which is the case within that so-called community and many of them may feel that way in terms of youtube user but you know in reality you look at the the video channels I remember this one I mentioned this to vegan gains in our interview it may or may not be in the in the videos with unions I remember I said the vidiians look I know one channel that was repeatedly endorsed by durianrider and was endorsed by vegan gains we're both of them had appeared on the channel sports channel and still it's pulling like 120 views on a video you know there are so many channels like that we're even though they get the endorsement you know there's no fame and there's no fortune they don't even have a thousand people you know watching the videos but anyway look I don't even really want to hate on the people who are doing this for fame um I'm not but again like I see it's really there's me some people like including cheetah they want to insult this channel by suggesting that this channel is a failure there are so many people I respect including like university professors who could never come on YouTube and give a lecture about something they care about and something their audience doesn't want to hear about that reaches 1,000 viewers and my videos routinely just a straight-up lecture what I have to say but reach a thousand people who really want to hear it you know even though what I'm saying I mean upfront in terms of the title it's the opposite of what they want to hear most people want your good news about veganism and I'm giving them bad news most people want to hear that veganism is wonderful and that the movement is doing great and the one who's in positive and most of time I'm coming on camera and saying let me tell you about the latest disaster let me tell you about a hopeless and terrible veganism is a shame i wish i wasn't i mentioned you guys i just ordered this book hasn't arrived yet in the mail i hope my next book review the next book review i do about vegan was going to be really positive i hope that every time but the last two books about veganism in ecology they were really garbage and I really had to give very negative book reviews but it's the same thing whether it's a book review or responding to something that's going on on youtube or talking about real life activism talking about you know direct action everywhere climbing over the barriers and trying to interrupt Bernie Sanders trying to interrupt Hillary Clinton at their rallies you know what do you think you think I'm stupid enough to come on YouTube and say how wonderful that is what great activism that is you know no my perspective that is critical I share that sincere critical perspective feet i'm good at the evil deeds it's normal for me homie like macaroni they've been like pretty Tony famous what you don't know me I'm gonna remember that war like a Republican smooth as a Democrat pull a rabbit out my hat like a magician dressed in black really your killer dressed in black killing for them papers crack risk foods like Ebenezer for these give me amnesia [ __ ] I know they're for CJ I'm sick no anesthesia can't kill what's in my jeans [ __ ] that stash spot bigger my piss killings in my dreams emo bring the flow I'm a fee for the dough i'm a fiend for the feel of me squeezing that calico AMG across the mason-dixon just to keep me out of prison [ __ ] I lady and you will get pop get to steppin with my oh my this channel is is a successful my wildest dreams and it was before during rider ever threatened to beat me up or kill me to reach an audience of a few hundred people care who want to hear it for me that's totally rewarding enough I mean even if it was it was like 200 people 400 people I'm set to me that's a really meaningful engagement with my audience because I'm motivated by the cause I am doing it for the cause I am doing it for the culture I am doing it for the movement I'm doing it for the future of veganism and also as you guys know I'm partly doing it to leave a fragment of who I really am for my daughter to see one day one day my daughter is gonna grow up and watch this stuff I hope she may I hate my daughter is gonna grow up and on a steak restaurant and think veganism is a joke I have no idea but you know you you I put this stuff down for that reason also I'm divorced to have a daughter's growing up in your open center so you know what do I expect from somebody like Jack green whose motives are instead fame and fame whoring and he went to Thailand for that reason in the first place and he tried to be best friends with during writer and freely whom he met in person of course that's what you get if you buy the plane ticket and you pay for the hotel room that's to get spend thousands of dollars to meet the great cult leader face-to-face you know um I don't expect him to be brilliant I don't expect him to be ethical I don't expect him to be engaged the political issues in the movement I don't expect to have quality content which he doesn't I don't expect me to say my expectations are low in this vegan devimon some of you will know who I'm quoting according boarding a guy made a parody video of the cultural access but it is very parody he tries to imitate my accent and he says my expectations are low in this demi-monde and it's true my expectations of you are low Jack I respect you have any gratitude towards me and 77 even though I put up that video that reached three thousand viewers promoting your channel just at a goodwill I reached out to you etc if you care enough to defame me why don't you care enough to have basic curiosity and basic human decency and hear my side of the story which you can do from the videos already up on youtube or you could do by emailing me or talking to me or what have you you know it I mean it's heartbreaking you can ask yourself if any of this stuff were sincere what would you do what if he were actually concerned that at that time when he talked to me on the street like if this is not [ __ ] Jack which it is I hope you know deep down inside this is [ __ ] I hope you know that when you're defaming me you're telling a lie maybe you don't maybe you're so out of touch with reality you actually believe things during writers said that nobody believes that Dorian lighter himself later retracted and apologized for and that julia has always said was not true Julia said it was untrue before durianrider got involved and she said it was untrue but after guard well of course I say it's untrue so everyone says it's untrue including cheering writer and Jack you're still coming on the internet and saying I had a love affair with Julia okay but if that was sincere Jack if you actually believe that and you were actually concerned why didn't you take it up with me when we were on the streets of Chiang Mai together when I talk to you face-to-face I'll keeping it real and when I tell you that conversation started I didn't know if you and your friend we're gonna try to beat the [ __ ] out of me because that was during writers claim is that he had a bunch of guys like you who were eager to beat the [ __ ] out of me the moment you me on the street which is where I saw you I didn't back down two of you and one of me I think you guys are in pretty good shape I don't really know okay Oh what is man what if you are actually concerned which don't be no reason to be concerned I mean I can imagine in some parallel universe if I had a love affair with somebody in Chiang Mai maybe and you found out about it maybe your attitude behave it's none of your business there's no reason for concern but if you were concerned which is the phony ass pose you're striking here on YouTube when it counted you didn't do jack [ __ ] about it you didn't ask me about it again it's completely impossible what you think you saw me I just walked out of my apartment building do you think Julia bore was back in my apartment wearing a [ __ ] I don't know negligee look what do you think man you think I just left her in the apartment like you think I'm going out to buy condoms and head back there like do you actually believe when you met me on the street that love affair was going on if you did and you were concerned at the time you didn't say [ __ ] to me about it much less than you try to beat me up and take me to a police station as during writers said you were supposed to do okay and I mean on the other hand like just even now if it was actually based on human concern it doesn't explain any of your behavior because your behavior is not motivated by concern you're neither concerned for her the girl I allegedly had a love affair with although the only person who alleged that has already admitted was it was a lie and retracted it and apologized for it albeit in a very insincere apology video but still he admitted that was a complete lie Julia again never said it was true she said it was alive a forgery writer made up to lie etc etc your concern is just with exploiting the fact that you know my name to get your little bit of fame and that's really sad it's sad for me and it said for you and instead for veganism and in a sense man I have self-confidence that the people who matter the people of more than 10 brain cells they're going to see this channel and going to relate to what kind of guy I am and they're going to know what's up I'm not really concerned that idiots like yourself or durianrider can defame me in that sense in that way I am concerned that people like you and during writer can prevent me from getting a job in real life because someone who doesn't know me someone who just receives my resume and looks at my name and that puts my name is you do i do think you can really negatively impact my life in terms of getting a job in terms that kind of thing the fact that my name is attached to those kinds of allegations I do think it can damage me it could damage me in court in my divorce proceedings with my ex-wife as I talked about I do think this could have really negative ramifications for mean that way but within the movement within veganism within people who have the time to burn to watch a 45 minute video on YouTube no I don't think any of those people take your [ __ ] seriously and dude I just don't know for you in terms of how to touch your with reality I hope you don't take it seriously when you saw me on the street you didn't have [ __ ] to say to me you didn't ask me about my girlfriend real or alleged you didn't ask me for anything that stuff you didn't step to me you didn't follow your cult leaders instructions you were just a [ __ ] coward you were a trembling coward who couldn't look me straight in the eye I buhdeuce yen