Playing Video Games = Cheating on Your Girlfriend. Discuss.

30 September 2020 [link youtube]

Quit Video Games. #QuitVideoGames Check the playlist: Shout out to Doc Rich:

Shout out to Daniel, a.k.a. "Hiding in my Room" =

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#advicenobodywantstohear #divorce

Youtube Automatic Transcription

first there were the leaked dms between
me and this girl that i met in london and okay i admit i have been talking to her recently and for those of you who watch my minecraft live streams you may have noticed someone else helping me and that person playing with me in minecraft was the girl from london that i met up when i was back in england by myself and we were talking to each other we were keeping in contact and somehow i still don't understand how this happened but my wife found out about it and pictures of our dms got leaked to my wife and then the second thing that happened was when i was meeting sam somehow my wife got access into my ipad and found some videos and she basically saw all of my dms so if you're a girl and you've vm me in the past my wife has seen those dms now even though those two things were pretty bad i was still feeling fairly confident that my wife would forgive me but then there was a third thing the swedish girl and i think the swedish girl incident was kind of like final nail in the coffin someone found me outside and took a picture of me and this girl and then he he's tried blackmailing me demanding that i pay him 1 000 pounds or else he's going to send it to jahiro my wife [Music] so for those reasons my wife said to me that there's no way she could ever trust me again and to be honest i don't blame her it's completely understandable i wouldn't even trust myself i just wasn't satisfied with that kind of lifestyle it was just not a very fulfilling kind of lifestyle i was in her apartment all day long every day just playing rainbow six for hours and hours and hours and the only excitement the only excitement i ever had was when some attractive girl messaged me on instagram and i just couldn't say no stop sorry i'm married we have this story in the english language of the boy who cried wolf i think it would be more meaningful it would be more salient to many social problems in the 21st century if actually it was everyone else in the village who was crying wolf and not the boy right like there's a there's a sort of um boy who cries wolf effect with these arguments against playing video games these warnings about playing videos and trying to positively motivate people to quit playing video games or overcome video game addiction right but it's not the boy who cried wolf it's not that one person was saying there's a wolf again and again it's that the boy is growing up and everyone else is crying wolf all around him and he knows there are no walls he knows there's no wolf so he he ignores or he goes out and looks and he finds there's no wolf people grow up hearing ridiculous absurd dishonest arguments against playing video games they grow up being told that if you play video games it'll make you into a murderer or a psychopath a violent criminal a rage-a-holic you know and it's it's not true and many many of those things you will have heard 100 times are not true but as an adult you've got to have the detachment to listen to me to listen to each new person you talk to and weigh their argument on the basis of its merits right even if you've heard a hundred other people give you ridiculous reasons for why playing video games is a bad idea or is the wrong choice to make in your life maybe today maybe you're going to hear argument 101 maybe it's going to be about right see what i mean it's it's the boy who cried wolf turned upside down inside out i've talked to a lot of left-wing people and they feel that they've already heard a hundred arguments against communism and that all of those are equally invalid right it's it's the boy who cried wolf but inside it's not just one person telling them look joseph stalin was evil was killed millions of people mao zedong was evil killed millions of people it's not just one person right they're surrounded by people who are trying to cry wolf trying to warn them but probably those people don't really know anything about the history of communism they don't know much about the history the philosophy of the politics they can't speak on it the way i can so these people also they have a kind of boy who cries wolf effect right i'm surrounded by all these warnings but all of them seem equally irrational equally unreasonable or even maybe factually faulty like the arguments against videos and then they meet me they talk to me and i have to say them look even if you've heard a hundred bad arguments against communism i need you to put that aside because i'm going to give you argument number 101 i'm going to speak to you really honestly and really earnestly and you could really learn something from this conversation if only you'll listen all right and you may go into this conversation thinking that you're the expert and i don't know what i'm talking about but i'm going to show you that you don't know what you're talking about because you've been asking the wrong questions right that's the situation with video games it's not really that i know something you don't know it's that you have been asking the wrong questions and a lot of the people around you like a lot of your parents and grandparents and school teachers a lot of them were asking the wrong questions also so they were giving you the wrong answers they were giving you the wrong arguments about what the problem with with video games is all right this guy daniel his youtube channel is titled hiding in my room um every stage of his life has really been defined by video game addiction he wouldn't use the word addiction himself but he has admitted and talked about the fact that every stage and every phase of his life has largely consisted of him sitting alone in a room playing video games and even with his divorce he now says that his life didn't change very much because during his marriage he spent all of his time sitting alone in a room playing video games and after his divorce now he sits alone in a room playing video games and there's no one who meets him to eat dinner with him afterward but that's about it all right that's not a big change so he may not feel that he's a victim of the video game culture um but you know those those who think they're happy you know their stories are the most tragic the most terrible of all he also says openly and i appreciate his honesty it's really important that we have youtube so people can come forward and tell these kinds of stories honestly in a way that they'd never be told on cnn or nbc or hbo this never appear on television or in cinema or documentary film all right i genuinely appreciate that he has the honesty to say this he talks about the total lack of motivation he has in his life for anything other than playing video games including improving his ability in japanese and he was married to a japanese woman she doesn't speak english they're only speaking japanese and i realize he doesn't quite connect the dots you know between the video game addiction and the lack of motivation let's okay i want to start with with first principles i want to start with the most fundamental most profound problem here right playing video games trains us from a very early age to think that life is about enjoyment and happiness that the purpose of life and living is just to amuse yourself is just to be happy and thus video games are justified and vindicated from our earliest childhood forward as being the thing that will most efficiently make you happy right it's very very difficult to justify climbing a mountain in terms of happiness or entertainment value compared to sitting on your couch and playing a video game and by the way i'm not i'm not here endorsing climbing mountains you know what when you really think about it maybe climbing a mountain is a waste of time sitting on your couch playing video games a waste of time also but like i i'm not suggesting this is some simple positive comparison no my point is if life for you is about happiness is about enjoyment is about self-indulgence then nothing else seems to make sense right what do you what are you alive for just to entertain yourself just to amuse yourself to death now there's a difference between me and daniel here daniel perceives himself as lacking willpower daniel perceives himself as lacking motivation and i think he's wrong on both counts i think he has a lot of willpower i think he has a lot of motivation and that shows even when he's doing bad or terrible things right he's working hard at all these things he is doing like objectively playing a video game is work it's completely counterproductive work but still it's work right all the energy and effort he put into cheating on his wife it's hard work all the energy and effort he puts into youtube and he has an only fans and all this stuff and he travels the world he's working hard he's working hard at a life of totally meaningless self-indulgence right he's working hard just to make himself happy and also by the same token he's working hard just to make himself miserable he's working hard just to sit there and complain that he's been sitting alone in a room doing nothing playing video games all day right like i get i get both sides of it because it's a very hollow very shallow sort of happiness right but i mean video games condition us to accept this most fundamental most simple and ins it's a premise that's so hard to escape it's so hard to struggle your way out of because you don't even perceive it as being something you believe in once you've accepted it they condition us to accept that the meaning of life is happiness is entertainment is self-indulgence okay if you were born and raised catholic at least you have an idea of catholicism as an institution as a tradition that's not who you are right it's not just how you perceive the world implicitly and it's conceivable to you that you could stop going to the catholic church and you could go to some other church or you could stop going to the catholic church so you can stay at home and play video games like there's there's an awareness of an option there there's an awareness of a choice you can make right of a change you could make in your own life right but being conditioned by video games in this way creates the perception that the meaning of life is your own happiness is your own entertainment as your own self-indulgence and you can't see it as something separate from yourself you can't feel it as something from separate from reality it's not a church you ever go to it's a church you never leave i just didn't have the willpower to say no sorry i'm a loyal devoted husband please don't message me again i didn't have the strength to do that and my wife found out about it and well this is the result life is not about toys life is not about playing with toys life is not about sports it's not about watching sports it's not about playing sports video games to an extent much more profound than toys sports or gambling from my generation in the 21st century right now they've dragged people into this perception of the world as if life really is about and for nothing more than playing with toys than playing games one of the surest signs of video game addiction is that you rush to eat your meals as quickly as possible so you can get back to playing the game everything else in your life becomes compressed in the shortest span of time possible because the game is not a game anymore right the game is your real life the game is for you the meaning of life and by the way all the crap i do with my time it's susceptible to the same analysis it's susceptible to the same condemnation back when i was studying buddhist philosophy you could say to me bro this is your life this is the meaning of life you this has taken over your life sure and it was true and it's it's a bad thing there's good and bad to it it's better than spending five years playing rainbow six or you know playing video games sure but you know what like what i do with my time believe me i'm self-critical i'm not sitting here pretending that what i do is somehow black and white totally different from playing video games but even if we're into shades of grey we need to take very very seriously these differences in shades of grey once people have been conditioned in this way to accept that the meaning of life is nothing but making themselves happy their amusement their entertainment their self-indulgence play games once they've taken that step right they're no longer trying to have a meaningful life they're no longer even trying to be intelligent so what kind of a life do they end up leading a meaningless life and an unintelligent life and then they're trapped in a self-loathing cycle of being aware that what they're devoted to what they do with their time is fundamentally childish is fundamentally worthless is fundamentally pointless right they're not researching the cure for cancer they're not researching the history of slavery in thailand laos and cambodia that's right i say i research buddhism but there are all kinds of other political stories whatever it was that was meaningful to me in those years of my life they're not doing something that matters to anyone and on some level they're aware it doesn't even matter to themselves they've remained like a pig in its pig pen they've remained like an infant in a playpen they've continued living a life that is fundamentally meaningless rather than meaningful unintelligent intellectually null and void then what's the next step after that i think you see that in the life of david this youtuber uh his youtube channel is called hiding hiding in my room i think you see the way in which he still reaches out for meaning he reaches out for challenges he reaches out for love sometimes he rages against the bars of this cage that he has locked himself inside and now that i look at my life right now at this moment to be honest i don't really feel like my life is very different to how it used to be i'm still just staying at home most of the time playing games making videos going out shopping it's just that i'm by myself for most of the time and i don't have any of the problems or the arguments or the fighting that i have to deal with when i was married on some level to some extent he knows there is a real life worth living somewhere he may not even be able to imagine what it is but he knows this isn't it you really need dedication and determination to consistently make videos all the time every day every week every month for years upon years upon years and not getting tired with it not giving up