(I have a book-review channel!) The Other Slavery: Political History Book Review.

09 March 2019 [link youtube]

Here's the link to my book-review channel (sometimes reviewing things other than books):


Here's the link to the particular book-review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIuYp-I0p6M

And here's the link to my OTHER channel, "Active Research and Informed Opinion":


Youtube Automatic Transcription

so this new book about the history of
slavery in the new world new France New Spain North America South America in many ways exactly why it is so powerful is the challenge it poses to propaganda and it doesn't just challenge what you may be presuming to be the kind of propaganda of say the 1950s or even the 1980s it challenges currently prevalent currently popular propaganda notions it challenges the notion that the indigenous peoples of the new world just died away passively due to disease and not new due to a process of being actively extirpated from their land hunted down literally put in Chains literally being forced to march at the point of a spear huge distances with no proper food and water and then they died the Seas apologies for the microphone quality as you can see in the background there I'm uploading more or less from the beach and tae-jong at the moment but I wanted to let you guys know I currently am uploading videos to three different channels and the videos that get uploaded to each aren't quite the same so this video is going to be found on my reviews channel so on the reviews channel they're going to be reviews of books once in a while products movies I think I've reviewed at least one rap album there but yeah for the foreseeable future book reviews I could imagine being the main thing of that channel and many of those reviews will of course be about politics history etc the channel where I imagine most of my time effort and energy going right now is active research and informed opinion that's going to be my serious politics channel and here on a balla CL you're gonna see more of my personal life along with some of the videos from the other two channels when I feel they overlap enough that the audience you wanna know about them so check it out click on the link below this video and see this book review about the history [Music]