Where are they now? Vegan Cheetah (Charles Marlowe)

02 November 2020 [link youtube]

A "What ever happened to…" / "Where are they now?" video, but, in this case, most of the history has disappeared from youtube (if not from the internet as a whole).

Here's the link to GraphicallyAlex (the dialogue with the green background): https://youtu.be/L5I2DoTpKVY

Here's the link to the Trisha Paytas collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzEbTaMEUak

Link to the Charles Marlowe youtube channel, formerly known as Vegan Cheetah, CMC Broadcasting, etc. etc.) = https://www.youtube.com/c/vegancheetahvlogs/videos

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You may not know that I have several youtube channels, one of them is AR&IO (Active Research & Informed Opinion) found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP3fLeOekX2yBegj9-XwDhA/videos

Another is à-bas-le-ciel, found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/HeiJinZhengZhi/videos

And there is, in fact, a youtube channel that has my own legal name, Eisel Mazard: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuxp5G-XFGcH4lmgejZddqA

#vegans #veganism #quitdrugs

Youtube Automatic Transcription

there is a charles marlowe
that that i knew the original charles marlowe before the the drugs did the damage to his personality that they've done because he's done a lot of drugs over the years and they've changed him and nothing's changed to more than the meth though oh yeah i'm telling you he and that's the scary thing nothing has changed like he did pills and all kinds of things but he he used to be a different person hey everyone welcome to a collab with another vegan we have the vegan cheeto what's going on everybody so he broke up with his girlfriend so now we are dating put that out there what what do you think about vegans doing the vegan thing for aesthetic reasons or to look young or to remain youthful or to lose weight i understand that more than ethics than ethics really because god put animals here for a reason we're supposed to eat them he tries to throw everyone out and you can't do it on your own you just can't especially not something as hard esoteric and you know honestly a shot in hell like youtube i feel like he doesn't think he needs any friends or anything he doesn't need he thinks he doesn't need air or water you know being homeless is not attractive to me you know what i mean like and i don't think it's anything he could get out of it too but he he's just he chooses to be homeless and he sees it as a source of income because he's like oh if i can be online and portray this homeless conservative who's scraping the bottom and trying to make his way up people are going to invest in me they're going to care if i'm giving you advice charlie from like a very straightforward cold cut you know i would say go far left just be an extreme feminist extreme left winger you would probably get a lot of views people will probably like you a lot and they would not care about your past at all yeah and that's the thing and that's the thing like about like youtube and stuff like that too is he thinks like with this and you know i consider myself a conservative but he thinks that with this right-wing persona that he's portraying that he's going to get somewhere far online but the thing he doesn't understand about 90 of these right-wing personas have some sort of establishment like in you know credentials and stuff like that like they're they didn't just on a whim one day decided to stop doing vegan drama and and become you know an ex-felon that's doing vegan or a felon that's doing vegan drama and then um who brags about his drug addiction all of a sudden gonna take over the conservative sphere on social media i just it just doesn't make any sense do you ever get the feeling that history is repeating itself like you can remember years and years ago just feeling so shocked so astonished that barack obama was elected president united states he thought wow i thought this would never happen within my lifetime i thought i would i would never you know see this an african-american gets elected to be president united states and then you know a few years later a few years later you feel the same way when you find out that a white millionaire from reality television has been elected president united states you're sitting there thinking what donald trump was i never thought i would live to see this day i never thought i would live to see donald trump get elected to be president of the united states do you get the feeling do you get the feeling the history is repeating it's these [ __ ] know that they [ __ ] around with real genes look guys it's lawsuit season vegans are suing vegans again it's it's fashionable all over again i started this trend all y'all copying my style you owe me ten percent [ __ ] i don't do much sit on the block in that lavender range waiting for fiends passing the king well basically charles and i grew up together not like in diapers but you know ninth grade basically high school we had bands and music projects um growing up and also i got into music production i produced as people know a lot of his songs and especially his most recent songs desert hell and i love that one by the well so yeah basically you know i grew up with charles um and even went to college with him and then there was a few years when i'd moved to california and he was still in new york um a little bit of time he was in nashville we still talked but we you know we didn't hang out or anything like that and there were time periods where we didn't really talk to each other you know but we would keep in touch and everyone knows he had gone to jail um and um he got out of jail was in a halfway house and i that's i think that's when i started to talk to him a little bit here and there and um he had gotten to his that's when he first got into his social media he got into his online personality and became the vegan cheetah during that time and had his career on younow which he ruined just like you know most other things he said sabotages uh like friendships um jobs business relationships business relationships everything fill in the blank folks um but yeah he likes to sabotage things that's that's charles nature as charles likes to sabotage um himself and others he's a very weak person like in my opinion um to me i feel like being when i was around him it's almost as if you're trying to take care of a child or something it's very odd he has like hard kind of you know like people want to care for him online he tries to act quote unquote alpha but even his online persona isn't that alpha to be honest he he does this like false like metrosexual personality thing do you know what i'm talking about you know i think it is dangerous for our image when you got a guy like durianrider basically telling people to drop out of university we as vegans we should encourage encourage each other to go and get education to pursue diplomas certificates degrees pursue careers off of youtube we can do youtube too we can do social media believe me guys i'm on youtube and i'm streaming every single day posting to twitter instagram you know i'm very very into it but raising my social media profile also gaining a degree you know an education it puts me in a different league than somebody like durianrider freely the banana girl vegan gains but i'm encouraging you to like just take a look at it you know would an education make my life better and he's always trying to draw the line in the sand you know but the thing is he thinks he stands for like this conservative um you know thing like he's a conservative but the thing he doesn't realize is like with his drug abuse and all that it's hard for to any for anyone to take him seriously so he's trying to push this like cmc broadcasting thing right now and it's like people are seeing right through it well i think that that's true too like there's a lot of lack of foresight like he doesn't see that like conservatives or right wingers they really usually look down very harshly on drugs especially meth and heroin yeah they look you know weed is kind of okay now but even that it's like they'll look down on that too yeah especially definitely the hard drugs yeah the type of women that would want to be with a guy like that would not want somebody that has done drugs or that has you know done certain things we'll just say or yeah with certain types of women that he has been with any good trad con woman would run like the very people that would like him are the ones that he bashes like the only people that would like him are left wingers you know maybe sjws like very far left you know radical feminists things like that especially with his metro persona like yeah radical feminist would appreciate that because he comes across as sophem sometimes and i do think his inner psychology is very feminine and i say that as somebody that is very feminine you know i am gay i am the woman in a relationship i am very very femme and i see a lot of those same inner workings in him like he's always talking about his appearance he's so worried about this he was a gossip channel like these are all very feminine things his audience is even mostly women and there's reasons for that and no it's not because he's the hottest thing because he's really not but let's see what izzy the fruit bat had to say about uh her encounter her sexual rendezvous with an older man so i once had a relationship with an older man in the vegan community and when i went and saw him stuff happened between us i was 18 at the time 18 that's like my perfect age anywhere between about 18 and 22 that's usually the age group um you know that i'm attracted to i was completely uh disappointed in this situation i was underwhelmed by how it all went and i was disgusted when it was over i felt degraded and i was angry about it and i could have so so easily made a video being like um he's a sleazy and he just degraded me and oh my god i love when she says she was degraded that's so hot i was probably one of his biggest fans and now he's so [ __ ] boring like literally every video is the exact same thing it's well i'm doing fine i'm homeless but i'm okay and you know insert opinion about jewish people and uh yeah why does it always have to demean jewish people that's the other thing a lot of jewish women have supported him what was it like living with him oh man he would usually be waking up and [Music] he didn't know i was still awake sometimes and i would see him or witness him you know being high you know um and i knew he was doing meth um it could have been cocaine or something but i think he was doing meth he didn't really ever like sleep you know it seemed like he slept basically about four hours a night so that's one thing i'll say that was weird and he i woke up to him rocking back and forth one morning and he was like i'm sorry this is all a little bit scattered right now but i woke up you can edit this part but um i woke up one morning he was rocking back and forth and shivering but it was like 105 degrees out and um he had this blanket wrapped around he was like shivering on the couch and i woke up because he was going like [Applause] he was like you know doing this really weird like i've never seen anyone do anything like that but i basically knew from that day i knew that he was doing drugs every time i was ever filming with him or i was ever around him he was sober okay like every single time except the last time in that time he was acting really really really wired like and i remember like my head was like my i was thinking like oh my god is he actually using because i had come out sort of against you and i was like oh he's not using a lot because he never was around me he just wasn't i think a lot of people that are drug addicts like he's kind of hiding it too yeah well plus they try to compartmentalize so it's like i'll do the drugs around this person but not that one yeah you know me and him were pretty close and stuff like that maybe he didn't want to betray that or something to that effect but obviously you know being a month out on the street he didn't care anymore so then i saw he was acting very like um i want to say manic just very very like up yeah i was like oh gosh and i remember thinking he might be using his mental capacity yeah deteriorated throughout all of last year like he was he used to be actually kind of smart and it's gone now he's very stupid like just he used to have clever comebacks he used to be able to like debate with people like you know like that one guy i forgot the guy with the beard like that was he was doing debate he was really extra and he was an [ __ ] and everything but i it didn't he had so many opportunities like and it was clear he must have been using meth because the amount of money he owed his landlord and yeah like he obviously could have paid some of that but he didn't pay any of it he didn't pay any of that he owed this landlord six thousand dollars that's like over that's like three and a half months rent or something so basically it seems like before he came here he was just on a downward spiral and he tried to pick himself he tries to pick himself back up and i don't know how much he's how like how much he's doing the meth but i think it's i think it's like every day yeah i think it's every day even the racism thing um he might have been even a little bit racist back in the day but i think it was more just like stupid like thoughtless you know you know comments like things he would make and um you know just typical like white people [ __ ] you know nothing really serious but now he's getting into this really deep serious yeah [ __ ] now and i i can only see it like is charles going to be broadcasting on some like underground platform in two years with like hedge side shaved the same way with like the nazi haircut swastikas in the background um in a trailer park in somewhere in southern california oxnard in a trailer park with a preg constantly pregnant um maybe you should be a writer constantly pregnant um you're really not a vein of fiction four three kids constantly pregnant wife uh on welfare there's no way that that will happen it'll have like a he'll finally have like a beer gut and stuff but he'll still have skinny arms and skinny legs and everything and but i told you like he'll be flexing me like yeah these aesthetics my core has been getting really strong i'll have like a big beer guy but like skinny arms and everything i know but the thing is like even in that scenario i just can't see him um being like with a woman basically like i know this sounds mean but it's true like yeah i know necessarily because he wouldn't be interested but because i just don't see any woman i think he's gonna find like some desperate this is the other option maybe he'll move somewhere down south and find like some desperate like trailer park girl who's like 18 years old that just oh man you know she's begging to just get pregnant doesn't care as long as it's a halfway cute guy that she can pin down with a baby to be honest like if i want to be real i think there's no hope for him i think he's gone i think he's already dead that's a very brute brutal statement to say yeah but i think that the drugs have already taken that might be true and to be honest that comes from my experience with narcotics they're gone he's gone once they've done it enough times that's it you're it's over yeah i think he's gone i don't think he's ever coming back and i think it's a grieving process for some of us too