[Divorce] Politics & the Price of Fame… At Even the Smallest Scale.

15 February 2019 [link youtube]

#Divorce #Vamous #VeganDrama

Youtube Automatic Transcription

where to begin the last trip we made to
France for the Christmas New Year vacation as you Tru believe in Christians might call it for us for us it wasn't Christmas at all for us we celebrated a completely different holiday involving a completely different white bearded man and not Santa let me tell you regular viewers of this channel will know we worked real hard to provide an alternative to Christmas the same way we as vegans are used to providing an alternative to so many things fox hunting bear wrestling vegan bear wrestling buy your tickets now oh I just got an email from a friend in Hong Kong saying he was gonna go to a horse racing event try to talk him through the vegan alternatives the horse racing I was like you know you know at the end of every race some percentage of these horses get shot and eaten really true hey wait so yeah as vegans were accustomed to making providing alternatives for the for the whole family and we provide an alternative Christmas on this last trip to France for the Christmas New Year holiday we had papers to serve the max wife we had divorce papers and legally what we were supposed to do was see her face to face and hand her these papers and if she had just done that if she had just been willing to accept the papers the divorce would be in progress now and it is not because she refused to accept the papers I can show you email substantiating this but there's a sense in which when you're talking about something that didn't happen there's not gonna be a lot of proof or evidence right so we take a stay back here I really genuinely believe in freedom of speech there's been a lot of really phony crocodile tears on the internet lately about freedom of speech and what it means and what it doesn't I genuinely accept the price of being a political figure on the internet however infinitesimal my political significance maybe I understand what I'm doing here I knew what I was signing up for and I'm not gonna come crying to you Oh my ex-father-in-law came on the internet and said I'm a failure dude what do you think what do you think would you rather live in a country like the Communist Republic of Laos People's Republic of Laos where you don't have the freedom to do this let me tell you something real short story from Laos I knew a guy white white Canadian guy and in a cafe in a coffee shop he said to another white foreigner he said look you should know this guy you're friends with and this family you're getting a boat with this guy or you're friends with he just got out of prison on a rape charge he was convicted of right and he was brought into court for daring to say this it was a hundred percent factual what he said was completely correct he was saying this person was convicted of rape and served his time and just got out of jail and you know he was advising somebody warning someone you may not know this this guy is a convicted rapist and do you have the freedom of speech to say that to damage someone's reputation to talk about their private life that way here in Canada you do in a communist country as specifically a communist country with Buddhist heritage like Laos very different cultural attitudes - so you do not - do I have my choice I could live anywhere Laos Cuba Saudi Arabia there's so many alternatives to democracy over me and yet I choose to live in a democracy where we have the freedom of speech to do this to engage in these these conversations and you know I don't think freedom of speech is only for intelligent people I don't think it's only for sane people like I don't think it's only for people who are factually correct if you really believe in freedom of speech in principle then you have to believe that crazy people have freedom speech you had people who were just wrong right now in this case I mean I don't you guys think this like impacted me negatively emotionally I've said repeatedly now you have no idea how much I was laughing the lies in this video that my ex-father-in-law made its funnier to me partly because I really know the extent to which he's lying but I know something else also if we're gonna make a Venn diagram here a Venn diagrams one of those diagrams with overlapping circles it's a graphical convention you know there's a circle for intentional lying and when people say something inaccurate or incorrect in the Internet it's really easy to jump to the conclusion that their intention aligned so my ex-father-in-law Peter he made this claim that the reason why the divorce hasn't happened is because I have refused to sign paperwork and this is this is not just false it's really a hundred and eighty degrees the opposite the reason why the divorce isn't done yet is because my ex-wife has evaded and avoided dealing with divorce paperwork I mean you know I could say more but that example from that vacation it's a very direct very tangible example where we went to see her wants to deliver the paperwork we had email afterwards saying look please show up in person on this date so we can serve you these papers and we can move forward the divorce and she intentionally and knowingly refused to receive the papers knowing what that was so it's true story what about what am I gonna tell you um I don't assume he's lying right that's one circle on the diagram would be intentionally lying another circle is ignorance another circle is just not knowing what you're talking about and again to me that's another reason why I just find the audience the audience for this kind of dark drama content so laughable this guy doesn't even claim to know what he's talking about he doesn't claim he's seen the divorce documents he doesn't claim he's talked to his daughter about this I don't believe Narae put us puts up with any of his crap I don't think she's in he seems to know nothing about the past history of the case or the current situation legally and he knows nothing because people are choosing not to confide in him notably his own daughter does not trust him or does not want to know this stuff she's speaking of complete ignorance he doesn't claim he's spoken to me he doesn't claim he's been to court or God in the night he doesn't claim any kind of positive engagement Oldman in these issues past or present and again he has no sources he's not showing you emails or legal documents or anything else says this ignorance and then the third circle on this Venn diagram the three circles all over lap is when people are really deluded when people are really crazy when people are outright insane and those people also aren't intentionally lying deal what doesn't they turn in all the time they may really sincerely believe that telling you the truth they may really boat sincerely believe they know what they're talking about and they don't know cuz they're a little bit out of touch with reality which is obviously a big factor here both for Pete and for his tireless journalist that correspondent there you are vegan so for the audience look guys there's the opposite to these three things also okay there are people who come on the internet with bad intentions who openly tell you they don't know what they're talking about and they have bad intentions and they're here to just blacken and condemn someone's character cynically or dishonestly and then they go ahead and do that what's their test totally worth with no sources and no claims that knowing anything so it should be pretty easy for intelligent members of the audience to take this for what it's worth by which I mean dismiss it out of hand as being of absolutely no informational or advisory value okay um and there are people who come on the internet with good intentions trying to inform you trying to share information share their own life experience share their own opinions or what-have-you and you know those people are also going to be wrong sometimes that's why freedom of speech is so important I'm you know and they can learn you know I've been wrong about things and I've learned from my mistakes you're on YouTube and again you know I've I've spent so much time on YouTube talking about mistakes I made in my own life and really being self-critical and really talking about my own failures this idea that I'm you know I'm someone who needs to be taken down a peg in these these respects I again it's coming from people who openly tell you they don't watch any of the videos on my channel they don't read anything I've written they don't know anything about my work experience they don't know anything about the time I spent with my daughter they don't know anything about the legal situation of the divorce they don't know anything but now they're gonna tell you this salacious and and hidden you know you know narrative on the basis of what so look if their claims about me were true there still is a real onus on the audience here to think clearly about the situation so let's say hypothetically it were true that I was refusing to sign some legal document but it's yours you think there would be no reason for that like do you think there wouldn't be a rational consent like okay maybe I was presented with a document and my lawyer told me no don't sign it go to court like if you read newspapers if you read history of politics you must know of all kinds of real-world examples of this sort of thing where maybe someone's presented with a legal document and they refuse it now this is ironic I'm saying it's not my situation and again there are no legal documents I can show you because we're talking would an absence here I went through my email history with my lawyer I have an email from my lawyer saying no we've never received any proposal from the lawyers and so there's never been a proposed divorce document or settlement or custody arrangement right there from their side I have made positive proposals for everything including I made positive proposals for paying child support and I can prove that and it's all just email history none of it was by telephone so we have a paper trail on a precise date and a reply for all these things you know given that in this case hilariously I'm making this video in response to the allegation that I have refused to divorce my ex-wife and the reality of the legal situation we're in right now is that my ex-wife refuses to divorce me why I don't assume I assume there's some reason you know it may be a bad reason it may be a terrible reason but there was a moment a lot of you guys will remember from vegan cheetahs Channel back when vegan cheetah was at the height of his fame when he reported he had a telephone call from their a from Mexico near a phone him on an old-fashioned telephone and he answer the phone and he was just trying to figure if this was who is this and he says oh what you're so you're isil's ex-wife and reportedly she screamed back at him angrily I'm his wife I'm still his wife now were not divorced I mean he told the whole world that like it's not just like he told me but when he told me that it's like psychologically and in terms of her motivation and her perspective I cannot imagine what motivated that like you've been separated from me for years we've both moved on with their lives there's no possibility of reconciliation again it's both in the legal documents from court and everyone knows I dumped her I made the decision and the relationship you know that was how it ended she did not dump me I did not want to reconcile I didn't want to get back together with her but that she phoned up Charles she phoned up little cheetah and she screamed at him at the phone no I'm not his ex-wife I'm his on his wife right now there's some real P thoughts there there's something going on and I don't want to ridicule her for it and I don't want to speculate on what motivates it I noticed all of her websites have just disappeared within the last week or a couple of weeks she's been deleting her web presence you guys may know she had several websites up with current photographs of her and stuff you know less than a month ago those websites are still up I don't know what motivates that to my knowledge my ex-wife is now in effect married to her second husband and they plan to live in Bulgaria and she's either pregnant with or was already given birth to to my knowledge she's given birth to her second child so she's moving on with her life in so many ways and it's really topic for a separate video I have a lot of sympathy for you know what happened with her professional career that you mean again yes it's so toxic what Pete did with this with Pete presenting the world as if either you have a PhD and you're successful or you don't have a PhD in you're a failure and in a lot of fields that's not true including Pete's own field computer programming most successful computer programmers especially his generation they had no formal education they didn't get a computer science degree there was that you know path-breaking a generation of computer problems but like you know buddhist studies like humanitarian work the stuff that nurses me politics are most important people in politics too they have ph decent politics you know the stuff that interests me academia is pretty weak on and you know this is this is pretty well known but then beyond that the tragedy is his own daughter and we have this in the court documents exactly how little money she earned she had a PhD from Cambridge University she had the most elite education possible basically every stage of her life primary school high school first Oxford then Cambridge and you know she was earning nothing she was getting these sir I could digress into all the people I've known with PhDs who were making less than minimum wage we had a professor at University of Saskatchewan who said he would make more money as a bus driver and then he went ahead and actually did it and the whole university was shocked because they had just assumed he was gonna show up and teach class on whatever September 10th the start of the next semester and then he wasn't there and he said what do you think I was joking like I said at the last department meeting I couldn't you know you don't pay me enough okay make more as a bus driver so we did it he left his position as a professor at a university with a PhD to become a bus driver and I think in that province but bus drivers were quite well-paid and we have another friend who you know I don't know the exact amount now but she told me a couple years ago she has a PhD and her rent was about $1,100 a month and her income was the horse a month she's not a full professor or she's a university instructor or an adjunct professor they make up these terms and excuses but I mean dude having a PhD is not success it doesn't mean respect in your field doesn't mean you're a successful author doesn't mean you can publish a book and of people with your books it doesn't mean you can upload a youtube video and have just 1,000 people who care to listen to your opinion about politics and my whole life have been surrounded by these people with PhDs and a lot of them tell me not you don't not it for a lot of them tell me wow I can't believe you know I can't believe you can do a video so does it seem really specific I do a video my critique of Noam Chomsky about Cambodian politics and I really reach an audience that wants to hear that and they say wow because their experiences they work so hard and I got this PhD and they go to academic conferences and they never reach an audience and nobody cares about their ideas and you know they have a lot of fun they have a lot of frustration disappointment both financially and otherwise but yeah it's really sad to see Pete playing this game where he wants to present his daughter as this great success in contrast to my my failure Pete have you put your own daughter's name into Google it's a tragedy Pete it's a tragedy what happened to your to your daughter and she invested so many years of her life and so much money in in getting this PhD and as of the last I heard she was trying to scrape out a living in in marketing it didn't look convincing you know that website now that website is gone and you know she's long since given up on publishing books or doing research or having any kind of career in anthropology whether it's a professor researcher anthropology was what her pitched is and it's a really tragic story it's a really cautionary tale and my own life I spend a lot of time on this channel examining my failures examining bad decisions I made and I think it's great that on the internet other people can come on and make a youtube video criticizing the decisions I made also I criticized the decisions gene that James asked me makes I criticize the decisions earthling ed makes I criticize the decisions all kinds of other people make and my criticisms let's think about that Venn diagram not insane not ignorant not you know mean-spirited not no no bad intentions it's a different caliber the questions of good taste involved also but you know no one could be more welcoming or prepared than me than to hear to hear exactly a discussion of you know the disappointments and dead ends of Western academia whether in England Canada the United States you know yeah let's talk about that's what this channel is all about and no one I mean I've never been coming on the internet and saying oh yeah I'm a great success as a baker I want to bake in college I said it was a disaster although you're talking about the disaster I'm talking about the setbacks in in my life so look guys if you believe in freedom of speech know this this right here this is the price of fame at any level Micro Fame can have all the disadvantages of Fame in none of the advantages there are 5,000 people who know my name whatever the number is but guess what I live under that spotlight and at any time my ex-wife's father can come on the internet and say I'm a piece of crap one of my ex-girlfriends could come on the internet and say I'm a piece of crap you know I have to live under that weight at all times and I have to live with the consequences not of my actions and not of fictional made-up stories other people make up about my actions I have to live ultimately with the consequences of the credulity and stupidity of the audience whether or not you're cut out for this life the choice is yours