Vegan Idiots United.

23 October 2016 [link youtube]

Breeze Harper, Wayne Hsiung, Gary Yourofsky, Gary Francione, Will Tuttle, Jill Stein, Unnatural Vegan, the Humane Society, the RSPCA, DxE, PETA, The Green Party… in Veganism, our leaders are idiots.

This video was recorded in front of a live, studio audience, via Younow:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

first obvious pro being
being a guy in the vegan community it's about like a 70 to 30 or 30 ratio it's almost guaranteed you're going to get laid anytime someone and i know this might have some people if they're if like if they have in their bio like ethical vegan like they identify as that that literally makes me cringe because i'm just like you can't just go vegan and then all of a sudden say oh i'm an ethical person and everyone else isn't living this ethical lifestyle it's just like like nobody lives a cruelty-free lifestyle and it's a cruelty-free lifestyle and i think it's kind of a little it comes across as like condescending or like i'm better than someone else it's like no like yeah it's not approachable and it's like it's not yes it appeals to people who are vegan but because they agree but yeah exactly and people who are not vegan don't it's just i like it from my first contact with the digital demi mode of veganism i've seen people pretending that vegans were brilliant when they're not brilliant when they're imbeciles when their writing is garbage we all get into this game this small town mentality of pretending they're witty and charming and brilliant when they're not pretending they're humorous and intelligent when they're not and pretending they're beautiful when they're not when nida and randa are in los angeles sitting in the waiting room next to the other young women who are trying for that same part do you think they stand out as especially good looking no they're not good looking period they're not we can pretend because they're vegan because they're vegan and they appeared in a taco bell commercial you know supporting the [ __ ] meat and dairy industry and the fast food industry that we all supposedly demonize when they when they sold out for a few dollars to bro yeah yeah they're they're good looking and they're brilliant and they're leaders in the vegan movement movement that doesn't exist the problem with veganism being dominated by people i find inexplicably unforgivably idiotic it's not limited to the bottom rung of part-time bikini models and weight loss gurus it's really not ah i was just watching a video that one of my one of my patreon supporters sent me the link to it has vegan cheetah sitting there with nina and miranda and some other guys and i mean you know the person who sent me this link was laughing at it and saying you know the level of stupidity is just unbelievable or chafing or you know implicitly hilarious cheetah was the smartest guy in that room by a long shot let me tell you what it showed uh it's very strange moment to watch you know i have mixed feelings about the video and mixed feelings about the role i would be taking on if i was coming on camera and ridiculing the video you guys may have heard me say a relatively long time ago that you know you can't devote your time and energy on youtube to responding to the stupidest 10 of your viewers or the stupidest 50 whatever it is you've got to direct your attention your critique and even your humor i mean even if you're just ridiculing people try to ridicule something that's intelligent enough and important enough to be really worth ridiculing and i don't know i mean i gotta say there would actually be entertainment value if i were to record myself breaking down laughing and shouting obscenities and how amazingly stupid you know some of the things said were in that in that group you know okay but there's a deeper problem and a shallower problem here that i want to talk about um all the time people ask me this question it used to be my most frequently asked question they'd ask me oh well what what books do you recommend what intellectuals do you look up to what political leaders do you look up to in veganism the problem with veganism being dominated by people i find inexplicably unforgivably idiotic it's not limited to the bottom rung of part-time bikini models and weight loss gurus it's really not um brees harper i read her work and listened to her lectures about three years ago so it's it's possible she found a brain since then but i i doubt it um absolute garbage and stupid and remember i'm reading this work by bruce harper i have the strongest bias imaginable in favor of veganism but i find this stuff unforgivably inexplicably amazingly stupid wayne cyong so wayne seong is the real leader of direct action everywhere even though he claims that group has no leaders again when i first encountered his work i have no negative bias i have the most positive bias imaginable and i have a positive bias also because at least he had you know some intellectual pretensions and aspirations and he was writing essays he was writing essays about political philosophy so i'm even more biased in his favor but his work is garbage and it's not just a little bit too dumb to me it's shockingly stupid it'd be hard to force myself to give a rigorous critique of any article by wayne siong that i've read because it's it's garbage i mean gary yourofsky if you search the history on this channel uh one of the most popular videos or maybe two of the most popular videos were the the critiques of gary yourofsky because i was saying things that a lot of people needed to hear in those videos some people knew about the problems with gary yourofsky and were in denial about them and some were totally unaware of it and were shocked gary yourofsky i don't know i wouldn't hesitate to call him an idiot again i'm biased in his favor i recognized in a lot of issues his heart is in the right place that he's trying to make the world a better place but he's not just a little bit stupid people he's not gary francione i've had quite a few critiques of his stuff here deeply deeply flawed uh yeah i don't want to call him an idiot but hey for the sake of this video yeah yeah and you know what i've spoken to him um just through messages you know typewrite messages i do think gary francione's an idiot if i'm if i'm being all the way honest and as a vegan i mean it's it's lonely i mean you know i can't say it's only at the top it's only at the bottom it's only in the middle i mean vegans as vegans what do you we all hate the humane society for if you're a real vegan if you're an ethical vegan how can you possibly like or respect an organization i wish i could i wish we could i wish we all felt we had a home with the humane society but we don't and again when you read in the newspaper a quotation from one of the representatives of one of the executives of the humane society committee inside the united states i'm really thinking of here you know giving their justification for free-range chicken meat or for you know some minor adjustment to how cows get slaughtered or something you feel that these people are idiots now maybe they're not idiots maybe they're corrupt maybe they actually are just corrupted by money donated but i don't know but looking at the text in the newspaper looking at those quotations as such yes you feel like the humane society is a conspiracy of morons rspca if you're one of the british colonies you know england or australia you have a royal society for the protection of certain animals again not vegan again full of excuses for happy meat full of this you know [ __ ] paradigm of caring about dogs and cats but not caring about cows and pigs and these ridiculous things it's lonely and you know again when you actually read quotations from them or interviews with them in the newspaper or wherever you happen to see them as a vegan you can't help but feel that all these people are idiots peta why even talk about peta people for the ethical treatment of animals and i mean worst of all the green party i hope it's possible you live in one of the places that's an exception but i mean green party the united states green party of canada green party and most of these countries from a vegan perspective it's a joke so i mean you know it goes without saying why why even criticize why even mention what's problematic with somebody like durianrider or somebody like vegan cheetah and vegan cheetah when he's sitting on that bench next to nina randa he's the smartest guy he's the smartest tack in the stack he's the smartest guy on the bench he was the only person who sat down with something to say and i mean that's that's scary but i mean there is still a point there is still value in offering criticism directed at people like nida and randa because it's scary to me at all levels of this we get a bit of the small town olympic games syndrome going on within veganism i'll tell you exactly what i mean i mean if you're from a small town and someone from your town is competing at the olympics let me assure you uh it doesn't matter if they come in third place or they come in 10th place you know the local tv station the local radio station is going to celebrate this as a great accomplishment right uh and it also probably doesn't matter if there are many despicable and bad things about that athlete small town coverage of their hero going to the olympics or any sports event these things get distorted in blown out of proportion and what have you um from my first contact with the digital demi mod of veganism i've seen people pretending that vegans were brilliant when they're not brilliant when they're imbeciles when they're writing is garbage uh i did that book review recently of this book it's not even vegan but this ecological book uh called half earth you know laughable the economics are just insane any anybody with a high school education economics could you know debunk this book and laugh at it and you know i've looked before i i you know made my own review i looked at other reviews that are on the internet reviews in newspapers and academic journals try to see if anyone else was responding critically to this book and no no you see a lot of excuse making well you know he wants to save the planet his heart's in the right place let's pretend he's brilliant oh god let's not even mention will tuttle i did in effect a book review of will tuttle will tuttle's uh you know save the planet diet a will tuttle is a [ __ ] and his book is garbage and is based on the most laughable superstitious nonsense literally it's laughable from a buddhist perspective from the perspective of a traditional temple tarabata buddhist perspective this guy is a joke let alone from a secular humanist western scientific perspective it's complete garbage but there's this kind of again it's not a conspiracy it looks like a conspiracy of dunces from the outside but it's this small town olympic games fever well he may be an idiot but he's already well at least he's an author at least he wrote a he's a vegan who wrote a book so therefore we're going to support him therefore we're going to pretend he's uh he's brilliant and insightful i mean i see this with the supposedly respectable upper crust of vegans who have phds and positions in universities like professor kimlica's book that i in effect reviewed in my uh my podcast with modvegan we talked about that at some length i haven't read the whole book so it's the only reason i haven't done a proper book review of it here it's laughable nonsense nonsense the stuff he says about rats and snakes about trying you know that the government should spend money that the only reason we have this conflict with rats living in the city is because you know we come from this judeo-christian background that regards you know rats and snakes as a bad thing and the government should re-educate people so that we accept and love rats and snakes among us in the cities it's like you know these ridiculous bend over backward justifications where you know vegans can't kill rats you know the reality is meal so what have you been have you been to a grain farm it's just you know this is like with yorovsky i addressed his ridiculous statements about vegans not killing insects how are you going to grow wheat without killing insects how are you going to have a wheat farm without killing rats and you know how are you going to have a city yeah yeah you know what this would be a much more upbeat video if i just played a bunch of clips from that ridiculous dialogue between vegan cheetah and nida nina and randa sitting there being idiots and i sat here and heaped scorn on them and say look at these wannabe bikini models we all get into this game this small town mentality of pretending they're witty and charming and brilliant when they're not pretending they're humorous and intelligent when they're not and pretending they're beautiful when they're not i mean all these people are showered with compliments oh you could be a model no you couldn't oh you know what nina and randa now have the experience of going to uh auditions they've been aspiring actresses for some time when nita and randa are in los angeles sitting in the waiting room next to the other young women who are trying for that same part do you think they stand out as especially good looking no they're not good looking period they're not we can pretend because they're vegan because they're vegan and they appeared in a taco bell commercial you know supporting the [ __ ] meat and dairy industry and the fast food industry that we all supposedly demonize when they when they sold out for a few dollars yeah yeah they're good looking and they're brilliant and they're leaders in the vegan movement movement that doesn't exist yeah sure we can we can we can play those games and you know like i say there is value in critique at every level i think there's value in poking holes in the reputation that you know people like nina and miranda have i think there's value in poking holes in the reputation that vegan sheet has i think there will be value in pokey holes and reputation i have if anyone wanted to deal with the substance of what's actually on my channel instead of making up stories about my sex life that are complete fiction by the way i don't think i've seen a single one of these rumors that has anything to do with my actual sex life but anyway people just make up makeup stories about me it's not critique including of course cheetah she just broadcasted some total fiction about me in my sex life uh uh uh you know yeah this video will be more entertaining for everyone if i just came on camera and threw down you know invective and insults towards these these idiots who come on camera with nothing to say and you know in such a disorganized fashion uh i don't it would be so much easier for me to just sit here and you know marginalize the people who are already marginal put it that way for me to revile as idiots people who are already sticking their necks out frankly and taking a risk by showing the world what idiots they are whether they do that in their bikini or in their basement in front of a camera or however they do it but the truth is if we're really being honest and rigorous the people who have put themselves in positions of of elite leadership roles people like brees harper wayne ceon gary yovsky gary francione leader of the green party jill stein i just had a video criticizing jill stein really we need more of our energy to go into honestly and fairly assessing what's wrong with those sources strategically and tactically and substantively and then we need to put our energy into replacing them the reality is there's going to be another nina and randa next week i nobody can keep calves just to keep count of the number of vegan girls in bikinis on youtube and youtube is not the whole world or on instagram playing that angle nobody can keep going there's another one every week but the truth is there isn't another gary francione every week there is another wayne sean every week there isn't another dxe every week there isn't another humane society peta or green party every week institutions move slow professors with tenured positions and phds who can play a leadership role or at least a galvanizing role for veganism and animal rights they don't come around every week and they last a long time gary francione's already lasted a long time he's not going to retire and he's not going to disappear believe me i i wish i could tell people when they asked me oh so what have you been reading i once had a podcast up with cheetah where he was asking me that question and part of my answer was to say to him honestly you know the the good news is i don't think books are all that important for the future of the vegan movement that's the good news because there are no books i can recommend for you i don't think magazines or journals are that important for the future of the vegan movement the reality is that the mess of eccentrics who come on camera and talk to you like this on youtube actually are more important and more impactful within veganism and as an outreach from veganism to not being involved they are more important than any book and that's one of the reasons why i'm on youtube and uh i mean beyond that sure i i wish i wish i could be rattling off names of people i have so much respect for that i feel such a debt of gratitude towards that i feel inspired me and directed me and shaved me in my own vegan activities i wish i could come on camera now and say that to you uh but that is just not true i'm in a situation where i feel i have no contemporaries and i know i mean there were people who were disappointed in this channel when i came out and more or less called unnatural vegan and idiot and i know why they were disappointed because they felt like why couldn't i on a natural vegan cooperate and make something positive happen in vegas now there are a lot of reasons why we can't but i mean for me the outstanding fact there was beli i too i'm so strongly biased in favor of this person of a natural vegan but i'm sitting there looking at her give these ludicrous excuses for why castrating a dog doesn't harm the dog if the dog isn't aware that he's castrated then it's not how you know these you know cynical illogical self-serving dishonest and immoral arguments in favor of pet ownership and why vegans should embrace and accept pet ownership the domestication of animals including you know the um physically cutting off pieces of the bodies of domesticated animals to force them into unnatural behavioral patterns that are more suited to a life of lying on your rug and entertaining your children and watching tv with you instead of them exhibiting their adult mature wild behaviors to me that's not trivial and to me i mean the things that make it impossible for me to have intellectual respect for brees harper wayne cyan gary francione gary yourofsky the things that make it impossible for me to intellectually respect unnatural vegan the things that would make it impossible for me to be a happy member of the humane society the rspca peta or the green party those things are integral to who i am ultimately they're integral to my concept of veganism this is another pro okay and it's pretty simple but there are more people today that are vegan or trying to live as close to what a vegan utopia of diet and lifestyle would look like than there ever has been before i think that's there's something to say about that