Ex-Vegans: Judge a Book by its Cover.

29 January 2021 [link youtube]

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#vegan #vegans #veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

am going to talk about what has been going on in my life i have shed the word vegan as a part of my identity because it was no longer resonating with me i just felt it was bringing a very toxic mindset in my life and it was making me judgmental and aggressive and i just don't want to have that as a core identity anymore i want to be a part of a more uplifting and open-minded movement and i feel like the way that veganism has been going lately is that it's a very all or nothing attitude [Music] humans aren't perfect for him to hold yourself at a level where you have to be perfect always or you're a bad person it's just that's not that's not the lifestyle that i want to promote that's not the mindset that i want to have and i want to work towards a world where everyone is trying their best to be the best version of themselves that they can be in that day and then strive to be better the next i also want to promote self-love and and self-care and for me that involves like making sure you're the healthiest you can be that's something that i've really struggled with couple years ago i developed an eating disorder and i'm gonna do a separate video talking about my eating disorder for now um i'll just say that my eating disorder i personally believe was quite severe and i'm still dealing with the repercussions of that and still dealing with the mental aspects of that i mean it is a really big struggle the effect that that eating disorder had on my body is very severe [Music] so [Music] miami [Music] and i have faced a lot of digestive issues and i have tried so many different methods of fixing this nothing was fixing it and i wasn't able to digest anything properly i wasn't hungry so i wasn't eating enough it was taking me over a week to recover from a workout i didn't feel good to work out if i was working out i was so bloated so it was very uncomfortable just all together it was it was just not working and i was just in such a dark place the only thing that i hadn't tried because it is and it was so against my morals was what everyone else that goes through the same thing that i was going through with digestive problems ibs and all of these things all the things that hear those ex-vegans talk about and then they introduce fish and eggs to help and i was like i will never be one of those people i could never i'm gonna be vegan forever and if you give up on veganism like you weren't doing it right and i would unfollow those people and i would just immediately think they're a bad person that's the toxic mindset that vegans have is they they truly wholeheartedly believe that veganism is the only way it took me a couple weeks of bawling and crying and i was like i i just can't do it why do i get to decide that my life is more important than theirs it's not fair of me to to say that i deserve this because i need to be healthy and it was such a struggle also in the back of my mind i i know that i have been having these cravings for for fish and for eggs and i'm just like no that's no that's not even food it's not food it's not good for you it's bad and i'm never gonna eat that and yet when he's cooking up some eggs or having smoked salmon on toast i'm literally like drooling over it and it's just freaking eggs with salmon like there's no wheat it's not like it's a chocolate cake like why am i drooling over that and i had made a point a couple months ago when seeing you shouldn't ignore your hunger cravings because your body is smarter than your ego your body is smarter than your ego but for me to be like ignoring that even though it's obviously a sign from my body that it's needing the nutrition that the vegan proteins are unable to provide for me at this time for me to ignore that logically it doesn't make sense [Music] [Music] be [Music] bye [Music] [Music] ah [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so