FAKE VEGAN BOYFRIENDS: brutal truths about love / dating / romance

17 February 2017 [link youtube]

Part two of a slightly R-rated discussion with Tofu Goddess. You can find her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/234leanna/videos

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so when you say that this guy was just
like yeah sure I'll give up animal products and cigarettes I can't even get guys to give up like cheese and like this guy is just gonna totally change his lifestyle I'm like where are these guys I need to find them he said he would give it up but he didn't that's my point though in this case the guys so do you want a guy who's gonna lie to you you want a guy who's gonna do it for the wrong reasons because let's let's be blunt if you give up meat for [ __ ] are you ever really big then what does this really mean to you I'm just gonna buy the 40 count or adopts the 40 cats now and call it a day yeah I'm just really pessimistic that I'm gonna find a vegan who meets all my criteria and it's like what I need like the best scenario scenario that I can imagine for myself is finding someone who will just agree to not keep animal products in the house and if they want to eat animal products they just have to do it I am really surprised hear you say that I am really surprised Wow what did was okay so don't like keep it vague but was that what happened with the last relationship was that like a sticking point like as you said you you had a boyfriend broke up was the was the vegan issue yeah I told him that I was dishonest I'm like you said it's not that big a deal is that what she was not to lie let me guess like you can keep house because my thinking was if it did push come to shove and we were ready to move in together and he was like ready to bring in his animal products into the house then that would be a source of like contention that I would have to deal with but no I think I made an issue with him it was it was honestly I thought it was I thought it was a stupid excuse but he's moving in a year from now to Montreal which I don't think of that car but like I've done this before so his his attitude is it's not gonna last anyway that's that the implicit thing is that that he's moving out is it no cuz Canada's like that yeah I know like I was actually thinking that like if we lived in England this which is not the issue but yeah he was thinking like he was just like I'm gonna get hurt if I keep doing this and so we ended things because he had no faith in our relationship I suppose yeah but look you have to achieve also because I mean I I I talk to a lot of women all of them women who are trying to sleep with me so some are more honest and others but I mean like if you're with a man and he only became vegan for you because of you is that ever really gonna be okay you know so I'll tell you a real real short story there was a woman and she did have a boyfriend she had just moved in with her boyfriend when she started talking to me on the Internet and she openly said to me at the start she was like [ __ ] like I wish you had started talking to me like 2 weeks ago because I just like committed to this guy and now I'm not saying like you know that's cool like thank you for your honesty but so she was a she was a vegan single mom which again for me is even more interesting because I have a daughter and I'm divorced so having a woman who's like experienced with like that's a positive from my perspective she's a vegan second woman should just committed to a new guy and like she and her new guy they both use social media a lot like Twitter and what a snapchat what I don't even [ __ ] know just they're not famous but just in their for their own lives and she kept catching her boyfriend cheating on her with hamburgers and like pizza and cigarettes and cigarettes cuz for her when he got at the relationship she said like okay we can commit we can do this but only if you both quit smoking and become vegan and he said yes but but I think it was stuff like like he would appear on his friends snapchat eat like you know whatever look I don't cuz I don't use that kind of social media and so she would catch him just by looking at her phone eating meat and smoking cigarettes you know do it this girl's so lucky how did she find someone who would just willingly give up an approach I your perspective is warm it's really common it's not that hard Leah I don't talk about this on my channel but like yeah in the past three years I think I've gone out with a hundred guys right that's a significant sample size okay all right good yeah yeah so in like out of all of them I don't know how many how many boyfriends that I had like there's been a few none of them none of them are willing to like give up the animal products for me and so when you say that this guy was just like yeah sure I'll give up animal products and cigarettes like I can't even get guys to give up like cheese and like this guy is just gonna totally change his lifestyle I'm like where are these guys I need to find them he said he would give it up but he didn't that's my point though in this case the guys so do you want a guy who's gonna lie to you and you want a guy who's gonna do it for the wrong reasons cuz let's let's be blunt if you give up meat for [ __ ] are you ever really a big and you don't like woman one of my professors he's a little bit famous in Canada do you remember Bob ray Bob Ray was a major politician in Canada he was like he was like leader of the Liberal Party and [ __ ] anyway whatever he was a major politician Canada Bob ray became Jewish he converted to Judaism for [ __ ] so what the [ __ ] is the meaning of your religion like how can you take it seriously I don't mind like I'm not a religious Jew at all and Bob racing who is a Christian guy who only became Jewish for you know for love whatever you want to say and he would get up he would make lectures on politics and he would get up at the microphone and start the lecture with you know I'd like to quote the great rabbi Hillel [ __ ] Jewish philosophers in this really pretentious way you sitting there like dude dude I'm so happy you got laid I'm so happy but if you if it if it didn't work out at any point if you broke up with her or if you got divorced would you still be getting up in the microphone and see if your philosophy if your ethics your religion are tied to your sex then what does this really mean to you like how can you pretend like this is Canadian politics where Jewish philosophy was a politician in Israel or something I don't know but you're getting up and giving this really pretentious quote you know the great rabbi Hillel once said you know you know there was this thing that happened during the Holocaust come on so that's I'm saying if your boyfriend does that even if he does it for you is it ever really real you know I just feel like I don't have any that sounds so great I'm just such a pessimist but maybe you're way more of a dominant personality on YouTube than you are in real life because I'm really like I'm really really surprised that the men in your life would not like like tomorrow see I'm surprised that even if a guy was just your friend or girls like you even if there's no sex but I would think that the people in your life would kind of just respond to your dominance or your influence by getting on board getting out but maybe in real life you're way more shy or submissive I would say I'm certainly not shy and really like the opposite but I'm I'm a doormat I it's a problem I need to be more assertive and that's what comes out so the other side comes out on YouTube I guess so I understand the pattern right yeah like I guess diplomat like I just like to keep the peace I don't like to rock the boat like that's my natural state I do try like there's times when I realize I need to speak up but it's usually when it's very pressing like I will do it once it becomes very pressing but otherwise no and I wish I was a bit more assertive I'm working on that for me for me I'm at the opposite extreme I have only one friend who's really heavily into BDSM I'm not into BDSM but I've known other people I've had other people my life I went to BDSM and they'll say oh you're a natural Dom like you're dominating and [ __ ] it's like you know so like nobody it is it is really true like for me I almost have the opposite problem because I'm I'm very confident and this is just like factually true like if there's a woman in my life who smoked cigarettes I don't even have to tell her to quit if she's in love with me or spending time because she quit smoking like she stopped smoking and like you know other like even alcohol cuz like I don't even really preach against the alcohol I just don't drink I'm not you've you've seen my videos not stuff you know my attitude but like I don't I don't regard alcohol as immoral in the same sense that Mead is immoral like you're not hurting someone other than yourself by drinking alcohol but I've I can't imagine being in a situation where I'm with a woman who even just continues drinking alcohol around me because I'm you know I'm the very very dominant influence on the people my life which includes heterosexual men who are not in love with me you know I tend to just be this really really big influence in people's lives if I care about them and take care of me but I think that creates a different problem because then it's like well you know am I even really hearing the woman's voice like you know what if she really wants to deal with her life is eat meat and smoke cigarettes and live you know I mean like me you know like what if this isn't who she really is what if she's putting on a fake character just to please me and she may not even be aware of that right because you try to please if you love someone you try to please let me try to make them happy and you maybe lose track of who you really are or why you're doing it you know people fall in love with you and they don't give a [ __ ] about your feelings [Laughter] it's like I said when I met that other guy the guy you slept with a million women just by lying to them I learn I'm learning what your it's a totally different experience I don't think a large part of our different experiences just fine general that like I'm very feminine um I think it's a spectrum right like I'm certainly like wait I find the feminine side and so I I tend to like men who are very masculine and so I suppose a typical masculine trait that comes with being very masculine is being very dominant great and guys like that they like a hundred guys in just a couple years but I find guys like that the more masculine they are like the less they're willing to listen but I don't know and guys like that they look for passive girls who are more passive and more gentle I suppose and so I know that they're looking for that and I guess subconsciously or otherwise I do try to fill that role because it's like you said it makes them happy so I've noticed when I'm with guys for like you know slightly more feminine not quite as masculine that I do become more like dominant and even in small things like when I'm with a guy who's really masculine I just I let him decide everything that he can decide the restaurant where we sit like I'm totally fine to like take on that passive role but then when he's more feminine like yeah actually I really don't want to eat there no I really don't want to sit at that table I know you want to separately I really want and they put up with it whereas the more masculine guys are less willing to put up a fight it's very strange and I don't know I don't know which I prefer actually there's constables so plural marriage you can have both you can be like an isiand you could have two husbands all over social media - look I don't know I mean like you know again we'll keep you on the real I don't know if you saw my video I did I had Jason Posey know in it and a few other people where I criticized this idea of like having a list of what of what you're looking for but you know like I I really don't have a list I really meet different women and them tell me who they are and I kind of let us figure out our common ground my catchphrase but I have to say this all the time it's just like look I meet people with an open heart and open mind I find out who they are and what common ground with God and what we can build on but I really mean that like I know what challenge sounds shallow and trite the reason why I date younger women is that women my own age are already married with kids there do you take it you know but like it's really not like it's really not like I've got a preference here to date yeah but yes all the women I'm both possibly in action involved with are way younger than me you may be in that situation soon too you're at a university you could be dating 18 year old guys soon enough that's the good one so they get old they're already taken I don't think every year counts at that age when it's like 24 verses 19 and that's a big gap that's a big gap no way no way like a younger guy it was actually my longest relationship but it was only a one-year difference and I was like 18 19 so you know it's not even an age gap but I just I find especially at my age like the difference between who I was as a person at 20 and 21 was so stark right I changed so much and then from 21 to 22 I changed a lot but I noticed from like 22 to 23 not as much you know a 23 I'm basically more or less the same person so to even date someone at my age was 2 or 2 years younger just it's there's so much happens just within that time frame so that's you know that's interesting you say you named the same magic age I ate I named I get some of some questions not really criticism about that but I've said enough you saw those videos where I said I make 23 the cutoff and like for me 20 I don't just mean like cutoff for dating but like I gave examples like if I meet a much younger guy and he's been reading like neo-nazi stuff on the internet he's been influenced by like in the unity stuff I won't talk to a 19 year old about that the same way I talked to a 24 year old cuz for me like 23 is the cutoff because I think like genuinely like you can meet a guy who's 19 who really who really in a childlike way has been kind of brainwashed or influenced by like it's a good example neo Nazi propaganda on the Internet and I do respond to that differently then if a dachshund was a fully grown adult where it's gonna be more of a hard-edged conversation to say come on you should [ __ ] know better than to be you know if you you should know how to do the research you should know how to figure out what's true and what's what's false but yeah for me 23 is is the cutoff but the bad news about that is and you're gonna see this a lot as life goes on people do not get more mature as they get older five year-olds are not more mature than 25 year olds like I think that really said were like after 23 there's no more natural progression without you really wanting it or some kind of horrible tragedy happening to you yes you know if you were taken hostage in Colombia you feel a lot older after you know like the reason I remember I dated this guy I don't think I would I don't know I don't think I'd ever do this again I was young and foolish but he was like 10 and 11 years older than me right and so at the time I was expecting him to be so mature like he had a job right like he's a doctor like I expected him to be so mature and have it together and he was not at all like it was so shocking to me how well it got along because we got along so well because he was as mature as me right and so I guess that's why he's so willing to date someone who was like 20 years old when he's 31 but like looking back I'm wonder like could he not get anyone older because yeah they all recognize you know immaturity like this so that's when I learned that and the older I get the more I realized that that grown-ups like I as a child or even a young person I don't pick up on it but like as now that I'm older I pick up like even like people who are more mature old and older than me like they're still insecure about odd things you think they would have grown out of you know they still they they still like their reasoning like how easily they take offense like everything that you would just attribute to like youth doesn't change yeah and that was very shocking a very shocking revelation I have to say when I first realized that and it's kind of like learning that for me I hang out when I was at university in Canada I hang out with both the university students and the professors and they're going through the same [ __ ] like that's and that's a place that's really weird but everything whether it's like girlfriend-boyfriend issues we're like weight loss issues because I like sat there and talk to professor's see what like all the insecurities and the same like immature ways of thinking about politics and even the same stuff in the Internet the professors and the students are going through the same things honestly yes sir I go on I'm joking in but like that's a really weird perspective because I was at university at an age where I was hanging out with both students and professors well I think the most that I think the most scandalous they never happened to me was actually it was a very negative experience I mmm it left a bad taste in my mouth I had this prof I saw I was currently enrolled in his class right he's marking my stuff and he was like really into me and it was I didn't feel like I could say anything because he's my stuff and he was like I was 22 he was exactly 20 years older than me actually and it was okay and he was was he single or was he married or did you not know this bit so he never mentioned any kind of wife during the class right and so I was talking to my friend who had had this cross before and she mentioned how he always talks about his wife and I was like I didn't realize he was married and it wasn't the end of the course like that he mentioned oh by the way like I'm a wife and like like for me I never flat out just like rejected him rape because he's marking my stuff but I never like tried to encourage it either man I should have gotten a better mark in that class considering what I had to cope with but