Gary Yourofsky: Bitter, Burnt-Out Loser Blames "Pacifist" Vegans for His Own Decision to Quit.

12 April 2017 [link youtube]

Yeah, you can call it a "retirement", but the title of this video is already too long to fit onto the back of a cocktail napkin. Gary Yourofsky did this "tough guy" act for years, describing himself as a revolutionary, and comparing himself to historical figures who fought in REAL revolutions… but he simply found it too emotionally damaging to answer emails from "pacifist" vegans, so he quit. What's the tough-guy rhetoric worth now? What kind of "revolutionary" quits because he can't cope with the "humanist" and "hippie" tendencies that Yourofsky blames for his early retirement? Apparently, it's the same kind who spend his whole career endorsing violence (and complaining that the A.L.F. is "not violent enough"). :-/

*LINKS.* Here's the specific video I mentioned, "Don't debate the details":

Here's a list of all of my videos with "Yourofsky" in the title:

If you look at the thumbnail image carefully, BTW… that's not Gary. ;-) That's actually Jae Costly, mirroring me.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

ah ba nous en the first thought that
comes to mind in connection to Gary Yourofsky now at the time of his final retirement from the movement is a quote from Edie lover Edie lover is a radio personality TV talk show host that kind of guy in the hip-hop and rap demi-monde and I remember Edie lover commenting on a failed political movement in New York City political movement that was on the ballot formal electoral politics and lobbying political movement called the rent is too damn high tell from the name of the political party exactly what they're about and anyone watching this if you really from Manhattan Island if you grew up downtown New York City I think you will have you will have heard of this it was sort of locally famous and infamous this political movement based around the complaint that the rent is too damn high and with Ed Lover in passing judgment on this group you know he was saying some amusing things about the highly eccentric seemingly insane leader of the group and he said look it's a beautiful message but you are not the guy to deliver it and just it's just you know stuck with me the simplicity of that we said look this is an important political message somebody should organize a political movement to complain about the rent try to get try to do something with the rent being too high in New York City but you aren't the guy to do it and you know and looking at Gary Yourofsky in a nutshell all I have to say is sure it's a beautiful message it's a message I care about it's a message I'm coming on YouTube every day and talking about Gary Yourofsky was not the guy to deliver it this is what I think should happen a rapist even somebody who raped a woman in a fur coat that ever happens I think that his penis and his ball should be seared off with a cuticle remover slowly then I think two skewers should be shoved into their eye sockets [Music] it's gonna be in the very near future that somebody bust into a slaughterhouse or vivisection lab with guns and they tell the slaughterhouse workers you take those nights off those pigs throats right now I'm gonna shoot you I have prior videos on this channel criticizing his endorsement of violence he did believe in breaking and entering in the use of violence against property a video very thoroughly castigating that and explaining exactly why that's wrong and why you actually can't separate violence against property for violence against persons that's why break-and-enter crimes often end up in murder and assault and what-have-you the thieves may have just been planning to commit a crime against property but things don't go as planned there are certain groups of individuals who will not listen to reason and for that you need violence where the defenders you might want to call it violence but hey you're bringing it on yourself I've met vegans face-to-face who glamorized the idea of people being put in prison who think there's something heroic or wonderful about vegans going to prison for this type of of violent activism if vegans are known primarily for standing up in a restaurant and screaming hysterically at strangers and breaking down weeping and screaming it's not food it's violence yes that discredits veganism guess what violence much more profoundly discredit veganism a discredit Gary Yourofsky as an individual it discredits any organization he's a member of any organization he's a leader of it discredits veganism as an ideal and that's a damn shame and have another video at the opposite extremist oppose talking about his frankly insane views on insects and how vegans should never kill insects it's the sort of thing if you're not really paying attention on the surface it seems to make sense that seems very well and good take it apart think about the implications it gets troubling I forget if I did a third or a fourth about your offski you can you can search channel history and see what else what else is done you take those knifes off those pigs throats right now I'm gonna shoot you this is a man who wasn't merely factually wrong this is a man who was deeply morally and ethically wrong and was really the wrong person to play the role that he headed up playing for the movement and we saw that in a thousand examples him screaming at journalists on Israeli television you know the embarrassing statements about everything from rape to the Israeli Palestine conflict his you know professed hatred for all of humanity misanthropic I can't even really say it's he's a normal conventional misanthrope you know again his own criminal history and then the criminal tactics he endorsed and supported for the movement and now with this farewell message you know were reminded one trait in his character he was the kind of guy it was never enough for him to be right he also had to show that everyone else was wrong you know he's complaining that the reason why he's quit the reason why he's giving up is not because it's so tough to talk to meteors not that it's tough to talk to you know his opponents but because he can't stand the dealing with his fellow vegans he says it's a thousand times worse dealing with other vegans dealing with apologist vegans pacifist vegans and intersexuals vegans that's a thousand times more draining than dealing with car nests ie meat eaters he complains their act their idea of activism is attacking anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of humanity especially if they refuse to do yoga Sun salutes on the beach before exchanging energy hugs hugs with unbathed hippies in a Woodstock like drum circle caring of uselessness so look I mean his burnout reflects pretty much all the issues I've been talking about on this channel even in the last few months going way back I have a video that I still think is important and worth watching talking about how to not get burnt out in these conversations videos in the last few days have really talked about these issues I'll just interrupt myself to add this is really really comfortable what I had to say about freely freelee the banana girl described herself as the most effective vegan activist in the world and then I asked the question wolf what you were doing was so effective why did you burn out why did you quit big question I can give the link to that video below there's another really useful video I made over a year ago I'll provide the the link in the description below where I title is don't debate the details and it really tackles the issue of vegans getting burnt out because many of them deal with every social interaction every dialogue as if it is activism as if it is an occasion for preaching and not for listening to their person's point of view and understanding their motivations and not for communicating your own motivations and talk about not the difference between communicating facts and communicating what my motivations are why this matters to me a really useful video and where I am talking about exactly the problem that's both implicit and explicit in this retirement announcement from from Gary Yourofsky the problem of vegans obsessing over email or Facebook comments or even face-to-face conversations this way having a kind of misplaced passion and then that leading to burnouts that that video is a practical guide how to avoid burnout and as I say the open reproach I gave too freely I might as well here give to yob ski also well you're asked if you believe in this method if you believe this is working why are you broken you know this is a kind of a pattern I've seen again and again people have expectations of the community the community doesn't live up to those expectations and they drop out that in my very first video about veganism on this channel not the first video ever I talked about exactly that danger and you know I addressed comments to Joe vegan very much along these same lines you know of any other social movement you tell me who has suffered less this is a tremendously bitter tirade against his fellow vegans not against meat-eaters not against the establishment you know he starts by saying he's burnt out comparable to a professional athlete like Michael Jordan well no it's not comparable is it what you do is communicating political ideas first and foremost and then if he had a human decency you'd also be listening to and responding to other people's political ideas you'd also be doing some constructing to build the movement he doesn't do that really he narrows his idea of activism is just broadcasting it's a one-way process of communicating political ideas that he has and everyone else is wrong he hasn't form any coalition's than he wanted doesn't cooperate with anyone that's it it's a one-man show so his vision of activism is closer to stand-up comedy and he was very successful at it he's been the most successful guy at it in his generation I think he was on the road from 2002 to 2014 for seven and a half months a year traveling to 30 states giving 2660 lectures in total including 186 schools generous donors paid his bills paying for his travel expenses you're complaining really again look at any other social movement in the history of the world any other political movement even artistic movements my dude you know I probably had to sleep in a bunch of Howard Johnson hotels well other rebel leaders had to sleep in caves you know what I mean you didn't have to camp out in the forest you didn't have to sleep in a tent maybe you did for fun but I mean you know when you look at the history of his struggle for the emancipation of slavery struggle for civil rights equal rights women's rights struggle of I mean any exactly struggle for gay rights um you know who has suffered less revolutionaries throughout history we're all crazy crazy enough to fight the system to stand up in a court of law and not apologize for breaking the law to go up against cops judges politicians society in general and if you want to say that well you still support violence I've never denied that I support violence how is it possible to be so fatuous so self-indulgent and so self pitying well at the same time lashing out with bitterness against your fellow vegans because they are he complains a bunch of passivist hippies in in a drum circle but stuck yeah well look Gary you know in case you can't guess from the cactus in the background I'm not a hippie myself Casey a guest from the constant references to rap music even within this video I'm not a hippie myself however if I had to choose sides Gary between the vegans who subscribe to non-violence and the vegans like yourself who normally subscribe to and preach and practice violent methods and go to prison for violent methods and propound that violence illegal use of force Breaking and Entering etc that violence is acceptable and it sprays way if I had to choose sides I'm on with the appease you know and there are a lot of reasons for that including just the virtue of long term thinking I've said many times before on this channel at some point short-term thinking starts to resemble evil and you know if you're only thinking about your next YouTube video or your next six hours of answering emails I think it's how he he really was living Lascaux fear is just sending back and forth all these emails or you're just thinking about your next gig on this touring circuit you're probably not taking a step back to ask where is this gonna put me where is this gonna put us five years from now ten years from now and I got to tell you that long-term view it means a lot more than just staying out of prison the violent and illegal methods of activism I think there are short-term arguments in their favor but they really fall apart when you look at the long term and you Gary you fell apart over the long term you yourself are living proof that your philosophy doesn't work you are living proof that your philosophy drove you mad that's what you say that you've lost your mind you've gotten worn out and broken mentally and emotionally from your philosophy and your praxis okay to quote Marcus Aurelius we are not debating for any ordinary prize we are debating for whether we are to be sane or insane okay we need to have a philosophy that we can live with that's productive for us privately and publicly and that also puts us in a political position where we can win and you know what my problem with your political philosophy is Gary is that it's for losers and if you're a self-pitying loser who really wants to feel that you're better than everyone else well spending ten years of your life in a jail cell this is the philosophy for you but that's not the philosophy for me and it's not gonna be the philosophy couette for the people who actually build the future of this movement so yeah it's a goddamn shame that of all the people who could have ended up selected almost at random to be in this leadership position because you know the Internet makes people famous in an almost random method it's a goddamn shame that it was you Gary because it's a beautiful message but you are not the guy to deliver it the new CN