Vegan Gains: the problem isn't feminism, the problem is you.

21 April 2020 [link youtube]

A critical response to a video titled: #MeToo Liar Exposed With Text Messages

#veganism #vegangains

Youtube Automatic Transcription

although you may productively engage in
the critique of feminism let me ask you bluntly do you think that someone should be disqualified as the leader of a vegan or animal rights organization because they're committed to feminism because they believe in feminism let's just take another step and say because they're willing to make excuses for whatever is wrong within feminism as an ideologies do we really believe that feminism has more of a negative impact on our society or even very specifically on the sexuality of women then Mormonism have you ever heard of someone going to a feminist daycare center a feminist grade school a feminist high school followed by a feminist University I hear about Mormons doing that all the time there are Mormons men and women who grow up with a profoundly warped view of sexuality gender roles of course also politics biology evolution chemistry history and everything else because of the power the Mormon faith has over their lives in an organized institutional very well-funded framework Mormonism is very far from being the most influential religion in the United States of America let alone the world so we can ask the same question again what is more of a problem feminism or the power of the Catholic Church feminism or Islam and suddenly all of these over-the-top complaints these incisive criticisms from someone like big means they start to seem like a goddamn joke alright I myself am a critic of feminists I myself am a critic of what I think is wrong with the whole left-wing doesn't mean I'm conservative doesn't mean I'm right-wing doesn't mean I even have an alternative to the left-wing but I can see and analyze and discuss what's wrong on the left I can see and analyze and discuss what's wrong in feminism but what's really important is to calibrate your critiques calibrate them give a sense of scale give a sense of magnitude give a sense of the seriousness of this compared to the fact that we live in a society where there are huge well-funded institutions that really do shape the minds and lives of young people from the cradle to the grave like the Catholic Church like the Mormon faith and so and so forth and some of them also make excuses for and support genital mutilation whether you're talking about male circumcision or female circumcision some of them make excuses for and support slavery like there's no limit so yes there are some things wrong with feminism as an ideology and I have personally known people where I can say their personal lives not just their political lives their philosophical eyes we can say their personal lives and their sex lives were screwed up by their commitment to feminism and they later kind of grew out of it and realized well a lot of the stuff I've read in books wasn't really true or was exaggerated over-the-top yes okay there's a lively debate to be had about the present and future of feminism but let's let's keep it in perspective all right there's a lot wrong with feminism but this is just not even in the same league as the kind of problems we have to talk about in any mainstream religion or even in mainstream political ideologies but let's face it in the year 2020 communism is a mystery for college against socialism is do so open and so forth compared to the politics I see discussed whatever on CNN on TYT whatever fairly mainstream political discourse okay now we got problems we got problems because vegan gains is an insane and uniquely poorly qualified commentator on these issues and what can i contrast his warped version of events to only other sources of information that I also consider insane and unreliable so I've got a statement here from direct action everywhere if you think I'm an uncritical supporter of direct action everywhere think again try a Google search look at some other peoples on this YouTube channel direct action everywhere rights we saw in your video there here referring to the original man who was accused not vegan gates we saw in your video that you suggested you were not actually banned from DXE that's a crucial part of his defense right so we're reaching out to clear up any confusion we realize there may have been some miscommunication between DX C's or 14 DX e Toronto and you to be clear your indefinite ban applies to DX EA lcar C etc we apologize for any failure to clearly convey that right so a huge part of the case vegan gains makes now he presents the public is that there was a seven month investigation by a third party and that this guy wasn't banned that that investigation cleared his name and DX is here saying no the exact opposite is true no he was banned and no this investigation which they described as being much less serious than that it wasn't this sort of quasi criminal investigation they just said look one one person one mediator asked some questions and did some interviews and came to these conclusions but no the conclusion was that he he was he was banned they further comments I'm not reading out this statement in its entirety no amount of flirty texts grants anyone a pass to continue escalating sexual advances after being pushed away and previous flirtation or consensual sex is never a substitute for enthusiastic consent so my point here is not that DX e is right and vegan gains is wrong my point is not even that DX EE is telling the truth which I don't know I have seen I have shown here on YouTube many examples of D sea lion this comes from an anonymous DXE account like its allegedly just the the organization speaking with its own voice but obviously most of the time we're talking about Wayne's young we're talking with the leadership of DXE I have criticized them for being lying dishonest back at bad actors many many many times so I can't tell you that dxc is telling the truth I can't tell you that they're a reliable source information what I can tell you is that vegan gains is a lying insane unruly unreliable and he's a voice which is not only lacking the kind of experience insight and qualifications Dan'l sort of thing he's also someone who has no motivation to tell you the truth he has no motivation to present the facts in a balanced manner now likewise one source vegans definitely did have access to was the report or I might say the account published the internet by the the SAV movement so correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that he intentionally concealed that or misrepresented that to his audience I personally do not find the details shocking or salacious but they state their reasons why they have banned this man who was accused from all save movement functions and it includes that they think it was inappropriate for him to be initiating sex in meetings organizational political meetings they said even if those advances were received positively the fact that he was doing it in this context is inappropriate and his grounds for a ban even if they would have been received well if they met in a nightclub or some other contacts dramatic coffee shop like this is fundamentally inappropriate in the situation that what he was doing sexually in a curative we provided residence where apparently five or more people were all kind of sleeping on the floor together right so if the exact sleeping Rangers I don't know but people were kind of camping out on a shareable basis we're going to this event that what he was doing their section was inappropriate kind of full stop period and then there were other details where allegedly he was frustrated because this woman who did have consensual sex in them in the past all sides agree to that the woman also says that in the past on this particular occasion she did not consent to have sex with him and he apparently loudly and angrily went into the bathroom to masturbate and this like masked like her having here this masturbation was like to kind of shame or humiliate or voice his complaint or get revenge on her and given the description of the sleeping arrangements the rest complain he must be that there were like four other witnesses to this so I'm guessing this is like a lot of people who are awkwardly in the room like okay so you guys were gonna have sex in front of us and we're gonna pretend to be asleep and now this guy is messy Shh okay so vegan gains opens by arguing that it's deeply unfair to poison the well to assassinate someone's character to present them in an unreasonable light and then discredit their respective cetera but the conclusion of his own video is an attempt to seriously discredit the leadership of several of the organization's animal rights organizations by pointing the finger at saying these people believe in feminism they're part of an ideology that makes their character a questionable that makes their word unreliable that they're dishonest because their commitments ideology do you think that they pray to the God of feminism five times a day three times a day do it like feminism maybe an ideology you personally disagree with you may see a lot wrong with it okay okay the level of commitment the question of how cognitively or morally reliable you are if you're committed to feminism to be well those are your standards then how do you regard people who are members of the Muslim faith how do you regard people who pray multiple times a day how do you regard people who are committed to making excuses for a deeply immoral historical figure like Muhammad the Prophet how do you and like let's be fair as throwing some other examples how do you you know countenance the leadership or political participation in any level of someone who's committed to the Mormon faith and makes excuses for the Prophet Joseph Smith and all the terrible things he did in his life right if you're going to demand Richard or for any of you in the audience I mean sometimes you may feel this way okay sometimes we all feel this way I'm reading the history of the French Revolution I'm reading about the rise of the dictatorship in Napoleon and I say to my girlfriend all the time you know the fundamental political breakthrough they made in the French Revolution was was this hey hey guys I got this great idea let's kill everyone who disagrees with our political party and that became like the guiding notion in twentieth-century totalitarian politics all right untold millions of people in communist China in communist Russia and so on around the world the idea that if you disagree with the party if you disagree with some checklist of ideological and political beliefs your life is worthless your life is forfeit like how narrow are these demands Richard because if you if you really regard these feminists in the way that you do and again Richard I regard you as someone who is morally and mentally incompetent to be a leader in the vegan movement and we all know why it's not like anyone is even once ever written in to me like skeptically asking me to prove my case at all Jean do you do you really have any evidence Richard is a bad leader for the vegan food hmm gee I don't know it seems like a really open question that's hard to resolve about whether or not no Richard everyone has seen plenty of evidence that you have presented yourself that you are to use your favorite terms you are a bad actor you are an unreliable dishonest lying piece of [ __ ] you are someone who ultimately deceives yourself far more than deceive others you're addicted to your own notion of moral superiority very much like a left-wing SJW stereotype I guess you're a right-wing SJW don't have any better way to put it okay um but once you have this mentality this mentality that tore the French Revolution apart that took all the hope and optimism of the Enlightenment and all of the hope and optimism for a meaningful form of democracy Constitution parliamentary democracy in France and left them only with the brutal terrible dictatorship of Napoleon Napoleon wearing a crown and fur and armor and dressing up like any other medieval monarch okay this total utter corruption of the French Revolution right at its core was this notion that you can kill people if they don't agree with your political ideology right and it wasn't just the jacobins the jacobins persecuted everyone who wasn't left-wing enough and then just a few months later it was the Jacobins who were being persecuted for not supporting the fashion of the day ideologies ideologically and on and on and on it went in an unbelievable succession of dominoes in Russia and China as people all around the world imitated this this fundamentally ridiculous idea and you know what the opposite idea is Richard the opposite idea is hey you know what feminists are people too feminists they may be deeply flawed and imperfect they may be committed to a deeply imperfect ideology you know what yeah that ideology it may conditioned them to freak out and be really judgmental when some guy gets frustrated with his girlfriend and jacks off for the bathroom it's late you know it's it's a weird situation and not all of us it was you know what sure there may be some human frailties involved here where they decide to ban someone for life for this activity whereas maybe someone else maybe someone with a different ideology would have I don't know a different attitude towards it you know what yeah human beings are imperfect okay but the opposite attitude is hey you know what feminists they deserve a seat at this table too even if their perspective is a little bit warped or a little bit extreme or a little bit in community for me or I just happen to disagree with it okay they actually deserve a seat at the table whether it's within the vegan movement or in Parliament in our democratic process their voice deserves to be heard in France back in the year 1789 hey you know what people who are still traditional Catholics people who still support the monarch people who literally believe that the monarch is in some kind of supernatural communication with God they deserve a seat at the table - that's the hardest [ __ ] thing to do the hardest thing to do is treat your enemies with decency is to debate with them and engage with them rationally - include them in the decision-making process the hardest thing for someone like Richard to do is to set aside his own bias when he's doing this so-called research that always inevitably and inexorably ends up just being a hatchet job against the people that he considers his political enemies 2020 veganism is doomed