Trump: No Justice for Katie Johnson? (Jeffrey Epstein)

04 November 2020 [link youtube]

Contrary to the claim that nobody has ever seen the accuser face-to-face, that nobody verified her identity (or existence), and contrary to the claim that Emily Shugerman was the only journalist to ever interview her, you will find that Katie Johnson was interviewed by journalists reporting for the Daily Mail:

Further links to articles related to (and quoted in the video) ensue.

The final link contains the legal documents (from the abandoned court case) as PDFs.

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

yes everything that i say at this
interview will be the truth i met donald trump at some parties i attend that i was working for mr jeffrey epstein the first time that i met donald trump uh was at a party at jeffrey epstein's um mansion uh we were he was there was an orgy going on and he was kind of watching off in the distance and and he basically asked if i could come over and give him um give him a hand job and at first i wasn't very comfortable with it this was like my first or so you know first party and i i didn't you know i didn't think that that was my responsibility uh but my recruiter told me that i needed to do it um so i agreed to and um then he you know i i said i began to sorry this is um a little difficult but um jeffrey epstein um is a billionaire friend of donald trump's that um was responsible for throwing the sex parties um there was um i originally um came to new york trying to be a model and in my travels i met a girl named tiffany there who um was very interested in me and said that you know she that's what she did is that she helped girls you know get what they wanted and and she could help me get and get into modeling that she knew a lot of um people that were that were higher ups and that it would be no problem um and so that's why you know she but i would just basically have to come model at a couple of events and meet some people would be no sweat so um of course i went you know that sounded like no big deal and she was recruiting the girls to come to these parties and as far as donald trump he knew that i was 13 and i believe that tiffany told him he seemed to take a liking to me because i was i was so young um and um i was also a virgin so i don't know he's it seemed like he wasn't really into having um having girls that that were liked by the other guys he kind of you know the whole glove and he kind of liked things to be his first you know you know that for lack of you know a better term but he was the one who wanted to um get to get to a girl before everyone else did donald trump knew that i was 13 um because the first the first night that i was there tiffany actually suggested that and she had a whole bunch of different wigs and i expressed interest in them and i always told her that i would love to walk around with blue hair and so i tried some on and um there was a blonde wig that that she said that looked great on me so i wore that wig and donald trump had specifically asked about me because i remind him of his daughter and she said well she's 13 as well so he knew the first time that he saw me but he took a liking to me because i look like his daughter journalism is dead what has yet to die is public faith in journalism what has yet to die what has yet to die is the widespread habit of mind whereby people presume that any important case of this type would be investigated by journalists and presented them by journalists with that investigation and representation being proportional to the importance and merit of the case i have read the legal documents that were filed for this case if you take the time you can too there is absolutely no valid reason to trivialize or dismiss the legal documents that were filed for this case in terms of invalid reasons if an historian 50 years from now were to look back and ask the question how is it possible that such astounding allegations against donald trump were ignored for so many years in decision there are some invalid reasons that are worth noting and remarking on first and foremost in the year 2016 public interest in jeffrey epstein was almost zero and it's difficult to remember that now but really the storm of controversy surrounding jeffrey epstein and his arrest came several years later number two and i just note the autobiographical accounts of one of the journalists who handled this investigation and bungled this investigation he says part of his own thinking was just shaped by the expectation that donald trump would lose the election which is stupid it is fundamentally stupid to dismiss this case because of the assumption that donald trump will lose the election and then it won't matter it matters these allegations matter and of course obviously the case against jeffrey epstein also in its own right on its own merits mattered but even if donald trump had never run for president united states this case would matter and should have been taken seriously by journalists in a way that it never was emily sugarman is repeatedly referred to as one of the only journalists who ever spoke to the woman you've just seen on video or perhaps the only woman now emily sugarman was incompetent emily sugarman was an imbecile and from what i can see she has either invented or been crucial in propounding this doctrine that we don't even know if this woman ever really existed note the headline here wait katie johnson actually exists observed absurd unforgivable incompetence on the part of the uh uh journalists here quote i don't know if johnson wrote that letter in fact i don't know if the katie johnson i spoke to is the same girl who trump allegedly raped in 1994 or if that girl even exists here's the website for lawyer evan l goldman of goldman davis crum holt and dylan now apart from the question of whether or not it would be possible to file so many legal documents with the courts in the united states of america if you don't exist if the existence of the person as such were a hoax right if it were hoax on that level i don't know if it's possible to file so much paperwork with the american legal system and again to say that there is no evidence is a lie three witnesses three women who all have testimony each corroborating of the three women who are all in the same place at the same time and to whatever extent participating in this scenario that is evidence eyewitness testimony is evidence how dare you say there's no evidence do you think this guy you think this distinguished lawyer do you think he would have knowingly participated in a hoax representing a person who doesn't even exist and this lawyer still gives interviews to this day talking about what happened and yeah here's the crucial here's the crucial part why was the lawsuit dropped why was the why was the case dismissed from court because this woman was afraid that she was going to be killed and if you know anything about the jeffrey epstein case if you know anything about how much money in power was supporting donald trump it is not unreasonable that she was afraid that she was going to be killed someone stole her car and her cell phone they received threats it is not unreasonable at all that she was scared and it would not be unreasonable for her to feel disappointed in the response she received from the press she was expecting the press to leap forward and champion her case and that never happened it didn't happen in 2016 before the election of donald trump it didn't happen after the election donald trump it still hasn't happened to this day journalism is dead needs to die next is this phony sense of expectation we have as readers that anyone else is going to do the research for us you have to do the research for yourself donald trump knew the cameras were there in the video he makes a point to draw epstein's attention to them and the video captures donald trump and epstein chatting while watching a group of women at the party dance it's not an image that matches trump's declaration that he was not a fan of epstein's questions he's a lot of fun to be with it's even said that he likes beautiful women as much as i do and many of them are on the younger side