Fat shaming is an art, not a science: TkyoSam.

10 April 2022 [link youtube]

@TkyoSam is an incel who pretends to be a "P.U.A." dating coach, seducing huge (but always unspecified) numbers of women with his "game". But he's living a lie, and, let's face it, he's barely living at all. The ultimate game is no game. The question you get answer is: who do I want to be? What kind of person do I want to become? And then you get to find out who's with you: who loves you, who respects you, who's willing to be your friend —given the outcomes of that decision you've made. #vegan #veganism #incels

You may not know that I have a playlist of videos on this subject: _Toxic Diet Culture: Fat People & the Politics of Weight Loss._


Youtube Automatic Transcription

have you guys ever wanted to change yourself [Music] [Music] check it out i got my steak and rice bowl because i know rice is best shut up and uh got cucumber with salad dressing got sliced up avocado and got cooked asparagus because i think uh you know i gotta have at least one cooked vegetable steak [Music] really good um but she's like if you're feeling pain we can't feel it it could be very tiny okay we could be in there and we just we have to be able to see through ultrasound if there's any type of lumps that we can't physically feel ourselves and to be on our shoes just like one two three i'm back at the hotel can you see me hi um i'm a little nervous because [Music] there's no answers yet i was hoping she'd be like oh it's this just take this pill it's done or oh it's that just take this supplement it's done and she was like i have no idea what's wrong with you [Music] hi how are you how are you you doing good i'm happy i'm hungry yeah me me always i'm always hungry [Applause] when tequila sam walks up to that group of school girls and attempts to make them laugh there's nothing funny about it there's nothing charming about it none of those girls are flirting with him none of them are happy to meet him it's an awkward situation in which japanese people are trying to save face in plain english they're trying to help you avoid feeling embarrassed and in a strange sense they're trying to avoid feeling embarrassed themselves it's not so different from our culture of nervous laughter how would you feel if when you were a teenager whether you're a teenage boy teenage girl think back to those here's your life how would you feel if an enormously obese foreigner doesn't doesn't really matter which ethnicities are involved here imagine yourself as a white teenage girl in london england and an enormously fat black man from africa waddles up to you and makes the same kind of joke tko sam makes here waddles up to you and a group of your friends is it funny you're not laughing with him and you're not laughing at him you're just trying to save face you're just trying to cope with the embarrassment of this strange unasked four situation any way you can now i think this is worth criticizing i think this is really worth pointing the finger at because tko sam for about 10 years he has been actively marketing this fantasy on youtube he's saying you yes you can buy an airplane ticket fly halfway around the world and you can get the attention and adoration of so many beautiful women his bedrock claim again and again and again on his channel has been that he is fat and he gets laid anyway that he has been grotesquely fat in japan for all these years but that because he's self-confident because he's funny because he has a devil may care attitude that allegedly women are lining up to sleep with him and you know the details are always lacking i've never once heard this guy say how many girlfriends he's had in the last year how many women he slept with in the last five years how many of those were commitment relationships as opposed to one night stands there are many different levels on which this is obviously selling people a fantasy and it's his fantasy it's a fantasy that's ruining his life right now and he's inviting you to ruin your own life by believing in it i've lived in quite a few different countries in asia and there were times when i could say to you an attractive woman would proposition me for sex every day that i left the house every i i never went to nightclubs never once i didn't go to bars i didn't go to nightclubs i was like going from my apartment to the library i was going from my apartment to the gym and yeah often enough i had a job to go back and forth from there were times when it was one a week and you know what i said no every single time i turned them down over and over and over again and i met guys who were living the opposite lifestyle not that many but there were a couple guys i really talked to in depth about what it was like to try to sleep with the greatest number of women possible while they were living in asia this is a short anecdote but it's illustrative was once talking to this guy he had a little bit of a chip on his shoulder he was born and raised um as an ethnically brown-skinned person in uh we'll just say in the united states of america and he was in that category where in america white people didn't accept him but also black people didn't accept them and also hispanic people didn't accept he always felt like he was a bit of an outsider and he always had to compete just to get attention and just to get respect and i i think he really had a sense of of kind of wanting revenge on society by trying to seduce and sleep with women uh all around the world you know so already you can see there are elements of this that were that were tragic and i remember he got into boasting to me that although large breasted women were really rare in that part of asia that he was nevertheless very proud of himself because he seduced and slept with this one young woman i think 18 or 19 or something really who had large breasts he had finished university a couple years before so i mean he wasn't that much older i don't know i don't know if he was 23 or 22. he wasn't he wasn't that much shockingly orthonor he pretty much went straight out of university into womanizing and um you know without missing a beat my response to him was this yeah and where did you put your passport that night while you were in the hotel room with her and uh he burst out laughing immediately and he said dude you have no idea what it's like that he had taken his wallet and his passport and hidden it in a pillow case and kept it right under his head and he started regaling me with the details about how all night he had been afraid that he had been keeping one eye open as he tried to sleep with his face on his wallet and passport because like okay you you managed to sleep with this woman but the level of trust the level of respect is so low you think she's gonna rob you and you even think the only reason she slept with you is because she wanted to rob you that's how you live your life that's who you are you know do that for five years or ten years and you think you're not a scumbag at the end of it if you weren't a scumbag at the beginning of that process you think you would be by the end of the process like this lifestyle tko sam pretends he's living and it is not convincing in any way if you think he's womanizing when he walks up to these women and acts like a clown he's like hey let's all take photographs or instagram together you don't know what womanizing is okay if you think that guy is successfully seducing or getting laid with any of those women you don't know the first thing about relations between the sexes you know what maybe maybe some of his fans really do fall into that category but let's just imagine a parallel universe in which this wasn't all a lie let's just imagine a parallel universe in which this guy really was the womanizer that he pretends to be what kind of a scumbag would he be today the choices that you make in this way just as ineluctably as the choices you make in your diet the choices you make in relation to drugs and alcohol the choices you make in relation to self-discipline the choices you make change the person you are it's completely useless to talk to someone like tkyo sam about self-respect we live in a culture today the most despicable people have excess self-respect they have so much self-respect that they can come here on youtube and sell you some of the self-respect they have left over oh yeah what i have to say to people like tikio sam is to stop kidding themselves and thinking that these women who laugh nervously when they make a joke to stop thinking that those women have any respect for them sam these people despise you and if you want to get motivated to make the change that you have been saying for decades you're gonna make maybe you need to take a step back and with all due detachment take a look at yourself through their eyes maybe at this juncture what you need is not self-respect and not self-esteem maybe you need to despise yourself maybe you need to have some detachment and really recognize how despicable you are spaghetti i want you to think for one moment about what seduction means in principle if you seduce someone you're convincing them that you are somebody other than who you really are you're convincing them that your motivations are better than they really are your intentions are better than they really are to seduce someone is to create the illusion that you're a better person than you really are even if that lasts for just one shameful night people still ask me for advice about open relationships about polyamory about our currently fashionable socially acceptable mode of sleeping around if you're unhappy with your own life and you start seducing others you think you're going to become happy with your life you think you're going to become happy with who you are or do you think you're gonna hone the skills necessary to lie to other people about who you really are and you think there's a chance that once you get really good at it you might also start lying to yourself [Music] so [Music] you