Can Vegans Love and Respect Ex-Vegans? No.

10 June 2019 [link youtube]

The moral of the story is that Jacko Wacko should quit youtube. Really. Now.

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torn from the comment section quote you
can't ask people to turn a blind eye with something as important as their core moral beliefs this isn't people preferring different types of pizza toppings it's a fundamental pillar of their existence it's more equivalent to one of you being atheist in the other being a fundamentalist Muslim or one of you being a civil rights activist and the other being racist the comment of just quoted was posted to Jacko backhoes channel not to my own I've said many similar things on this channel over the years this has been an issue of disgust for many angles publicly and privately you can ask yourself as its thought experiment whoever it is you're in love with whoever it is you're married to would you stay with them or would you break up if they convert it to fundamentalist Islam if they really started believing and practicing the Muslim faith it's a very peculiar parallel it's imperfect in very interesting ways because the truth is that it is possible to be a morally good person while being a member of the Muslim faith it is possible to be vegan while being a member of the Muslim faith and from a vegan perspective it is not possible to be a morally good person well being a meat-eater while drinking cow's milk while eating eggs while using leather and it is especially impossible to be morally good person while eating meat and dairy and while having a YouTube channel that actively ridicules and insults vegans that makes 80 vegan arguments that presents excuses for why people are teat me so so the position that wacko Jacko is in on that side reflects a set of moral issues I've talked about on this channel since day one it's come up again and again and again this is linked to what it was that I wrote to Jacko's girlfriend on Instagram what I said to her Instagram I would say to her in an email or in a Facebook message or face-to-face in a cafe from the start of this channel I was dealing with the fact that I was recently separated separated and not divorced whatever you want to say and looking forward to the future of course the odds were I'd end up dating or marrying a single mom and the odds were it would not be a vegan single mom even being on a university campus and meeting women who were younger than me almost none of them are vegan almost none have anything in common with me intellectually and morally this way and it's a huge barrier to both potential romance and the actual mechanics of a relationship if for you veganism is the moral baseline wow did that phrase ever go to fashion around 2016 if you really take veganism seriously from an ethical and ecological perspective then naturally dating someone falling in love with someone living with someone who eats meat you can't help but regard them as immoral and irresponsible but if they're just ignorant if they've never heard of veganism before they met you and fell in love with you that's one thing if they used to be a vegan activist a proponent of veganism and then they became an ex vegan and then they became an anti vegan they went from being someone who made the time on YouTube to come out and give lectures propelling the ioan ism in this case ridiculing X things and then they make a transition over the opposite extreme of presenting excuses for what they ought to mean why everyone ought to mean it's a very very difficult situation to reconcile yourself to to resign yourself to now the real reason I'm making this video at this time I mean there are a lot of different angles about this that are slightly interesting to me you know Jacko YouTube isn't for everybody being a public figure isn't for everybody and a lot of people have written in to me asking for advice over the years a stereotypical person asking for advice the email would be something like this they'd say they care so much about veganism in the future the vegan movement they want to do activism they want to use YouTube as a way to meet other activists pursue something positive there are philosophical ones that want to discuss they're really positive motivated but they're fragile because they have an eating disorder they have they can't stand to have people saying insulting things about their appearance on the internet sometimes instead it's that they have a very delicate work situation if some controversy on YouTube gets out of control it's as happen in my own life repeatedly this could end up with them losing their job or having some impact that kind or family commitments there are some other elements holding them back even though they have that strong sense of mission and mandate to do something positive through YouTube connected to veganism and I think in every single one of those cases where someone who wrote in to me that way I wrote back and said don't do it YouTube is not for everyone the sacrifices I've made and the compromises I've made they are not for everyone I went to a job interview today a little bit more informal than a job interview and I know that died my potential employer my potential coworker you know he knows about my Instagram you know split my youtube channel he can draw his own conclusions and all that the same way he can look at my resume and draws conclusions on that too I'm willing to live with that I'm willing to make that sacrifice make compromises and I did it for the future of the vegan movement because it's not really cared about and also bring it back to the earlier statement whether you're talking about the people you date and fall in love with and get married to or if you're talking about people who are our friends you know I came on YouTube in the first place to make friends I didn't want to live a life alone in a 21st century if you move around the globe as much as I do it's really easy to be alone right now I'm living in Taiwan I'm living in a city in Taiwan I've never lived in before when I moved to Victoria I'd never lived in Victoria before my life I've kept moving Europe Canada Asia again and again again from one country to another it's very very easy to be alone and of course the problem with the pursuit of political progress is that's exactly what you can't do alone the two things I struggle with the most pursuit of political progress and language study language practice you really need other people in your life so for me it was like look if I come here on YouTube even if it messes up my work situation my education situation even those other negative impacts in my life which it has it's worth it because I want to know other vegans I want to have colleagues won't have friends for the movement for other political and philosophical reasons too and when I come here Jacko some of those things may have been true for you just a few months ago okay you might have looked at it as a balance of you know risk and reward or advantages and disadvantages but Jacko 1/2 the balance is now empty ok you're no longer a vegan you no longer have that positive motivation I got a message from your girlfriend today and it really shows that she's suffering that she's not cut out for this that she's not able to cope with this situation she's put you in and I gotta tell you that message comes to me as a surprise right cause I mean jack oh look at your public profile the internet and look at hers I might have expected her to be a totally self-confident sassy pole dancer it's one of the few things we know about her as pole dancing um who could handle all this in a rut relaxed self coughing air and say well you know fair's fair look at how many people Jaco has insulted in a coarse and crude way on the Internet in the last couple of years look at you know the stack of you know there's so many peculiar levels of irony of this but like Jaco if we were to use your past conduct as a metric here if we were to say do unto others as you would have them do unto you you know Jaco I have not been nearly as cruel and I have not been nearly as crude to you as you have been to other ex negan's in the past okay I haven't gone after you and I haven't gone after your girlfriend the way you went after everyone that was a big part of what your channel was about right and you know you know you have really coarse vulgar jokes about sex about everything on your channel you know that you've really gone after people in that way so I might have expected her to have detached rough-and-tumble attitude towards this I might have expected you to have it attached rough-and-tumble attitude towards this but what this exercise has shown us is that the both of you are very fragile you're really not cut out for this life you're not cut out for the dangers and disadvantages of what happens here on YouTube Jacko if you think I'm bad if you think I am the worst that YouTube has to offer you're wrong there are people who will go after your mom the way they went after my mom there are people who will get in touch with your ex-girlfriends and pulled them out of context and make allegations against you in the the way there were people went after my experiments there are people who will go after the records of your mental health problems that you vaguely alluded to and will go after you with the record of the mental help you've gotten whatever drugs you've been on what-have-you okay there are people who play by much more rough-and-tumble rules than I do and there are people whose feelings you've heard I think what the both of you are not really prepared for it's both you being Jack Owen is his girlfriend it's just the fact that when I came on here I wasn't trolling none of this is a joke to me on someone who's really sincerely interested in the question of how vegans and non-vegans can share the same apartment can share the same kitchen ultimately how they can share the same planet the tension is very real and again if you're talking about a vegan falling in love with someone who's never heard of veganism that's very very different from falling in love with somebody who understood veganism who used to propel in and support veganism someone who's a vegan activist who then becomes an ex vegan and even an anti vegan if the two of you want to stay together and you want to have your freaky pole dancing life do it in private Jacko the message I got from your girlfriend today showed me that she's not cut out for this she cannot deal with the rough-and-tumble reality of being a public figure on YouTube a public figure on the Internet and there is not now any positive reason for you to make those sacrifices because you're no longer pursuing something positive like the future of the vegan movement it's not like you gave up veganism but now you're on an equally important moral crusade here on YouTube it's not like you switched from that to I don't know reporting on the body count from the ongoing civil war in Syria or something it's not like you threw yourself into the politic of Myanmar or feeding the homeless or you don't okay you've gone from being someone who is a coarse crude comedian with a mission to someone who is coarse crude and self video the only advice I can give you is quit now