Sigma Male Socialst: #SigmaSocialist

07 February 2022 [link youtube]

If you don't know who Hasan Piker is… well… within the two minutes of this video, you learn pretty much everything you'd need to know. @HasanAbi @Ostonox #Sigma #SigmaMale

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not it's not about ethics there is no there is no purchase uh ethics in this conversation and for the record like i didn't buy it because like oh my god porsche has like really good ethics on how they treat their [ __ ] uh uh you know workers like i don't [ __ ] know how to treat their workers that's ridiculous oh yeah if you purchase this car like it's gonna [ __ ] or if you purchase these shoes we're gonna send shoes to africa like no it's not how that works okay there's no such thing like there's no there's no situation in which like uh you know this is a truly socialist car company or anything like that it's not [ __ ] on twitter saying you should stop claiming you're part of the working class that's one uh people on people say things like uh uh you know i can't believe he's like lying to people that i'm uh you know funding the the vanguard the revolutionary vanguard it's just it it it's just those are not real things that's not a real thing at all okay and that won't be a real thing at all that's just a made-up thing you're getting angry at a made-up thing that you made up in your mind are you insane of course it's a lot of money no it is it is it is a lot of money they like don't be delusional you know of course it is totally totally uh an abundant purchase it's a luxury car it's a [ __ ] luxury vehicle the point is like it's just i'm [ __ ] i'm 30 years old just remember every single person that has talked [ __ ] about me buying this car was also talking [ __ ] when i was driving a camry because they said he's hiding his wealth he's trying to act like he's a common uh guy you know he's like a he's like a commoner he's a layman like oh i'm just like you guys look at my shitty camry you know what i mean and there are still things that are uh obviously that make me relatable if you're like a normal working class person who like sees this and gets upset uh and and angry from a place of again still envy i totally understand that