Unnatural Vegan: Our Emails Revealed.

30 March 2019 [link youtube]

The emails back and forth between myself and Unnatural Vegan. Reading this stuff again now, I think she had her mind made up that she wanted to put together a hatchet job against me BEFORE we had this conversation. Uh… what hashtags am I supposed to use for this sort of crap? #VeganDrama #Vamous #Gossip

Youtube Automatic Transcription

at that time she had an extreme
ideological commitment to the work of Peter singer I don't think she read Peter singer I don't think she read the critiques of Peter singer and that's why she was incapable of in a detached way responding to me making an offhand remark that I I see no value in the legacy of Peter she can't respond them to saying oh well aisel like the majority of vegans really doesn't see any value in the work of Peter CERN a small number of reduce that area reduced Erin's like Tobias Lee and art still support Peterson's philosophy and they are supported by him the people who are still intrigued by this and who wanted to say wanted to see for themselves what I said in those emails I think what they suffer from is justification ISM and by this I mean the attitude of I'm a fan of this person therefore if their behavior is in any way bad or extreme or erratic or questionable I am just going to assume there is a justification I'm gonna presume in my own mind that you must have done something terrible to justify her bad behavior I'm not willing to consider the possibility that her bad behavior is her fault to her decision or her initiative but not even her fault her initiative on her own initiative she started this controversy out of nothing and here on YouTube a lot of the time controversy started out of nothing I mean people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't you may not believe me when I say a small number of passionate people in the audience want to hear me talk more about the controversy between myself in a trio vegan it's a small number of people and they write to me a great length and with great passion so this is for you guys if you want to read word for word what was said in the emails back and forth I'm gonna put those up on screen now you're gonna have to hit pause I'm not gonna bother narrating it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm slightly out of breath because I just ran downstairs throw up the garbage you ran back up for kick we're on the fifth floor but it's a lot more than five ordinary flights of stairs so hashtag vegan no heart attacks by four I have 70% reduced chance heart attack it's not it's not 100% it's doesn't ask I have to slightly philosophical points to make and I'm not gonna get into depth about who said what because there's no depth to get into they're the people who are still intrigued by this and who wanted to say wanted to see for themselves what I said in those emails I think what they suffer from is justification ISM and by this I mean the attitude of I'm a fan of this person therefore if their behavior is in any way bad or extreme or erratic or questionable I am just going to assume there is a justification I'm gonna presume in my own mind that you must have done something terrible to justify her bad behavior I'm not willing to consider the possibility that her bad behavior is her fault to her decision or her initiative but not even her fault her initiative on her own initiative she started this controversy out of nothing and here on YouTube a lot of the time controversy started out of nothing it's not hard to believe you can look at this email for yourself I do not think I was a jerk in responding to this I showed my girlfriend this is correspondence for the first time today I don't think I went back and looked at this correspondence ever since I wrote it I'd really forgotten what I said just said out loud what a [ __ ] she was not referring to me as a [ __ ] she was a bit shocked by the bitchiness of what a natural vegan had to say to me so it was real clear to me that a natural vegan was gonna make a hatchet job an attack answer I got that from the email correspondence she sent me and I was right she made she made this this hatch jump but still to this day there are people in the audience who because of leftist correspondence private and she wanted to make it public so she said that like oh the that this should be shared with the public as if there's something meaningful insignificant here so a lot of people just want to fill in justification whatever bad thing a natural vegan did here because I've proven now it's boring but blow-by-blow that she's really lying about and misrepresenting and being unreasonable but what my position is and blah blah blah but even if she's done something wrong it must be that aisel did something much worse in these private emails to provoke that and to justify her behavior so when you read these emails you tell me what I did that was so terrible and even if it's terrible like okay like I'm guilty as charged her accusations against me are ridiculous that I'm leading an echo chamber or that you know I'm she said in the video that she compares me to a cult leader or the cult my followers have our cult mentality is really really extreme and unfair criticism she says I'm the same as durianrider she says I can't take criticism when the whole scenario for this is I was offering her criticism and she couldn't take it there are a lot of strange contradictions in our nice package in this but look even if I'm guilty even if she's right about everything it doesn't justify our behavior and you know part of my feeling about this this leads into my second and final point this is the only thing I got to say you know Swayze wanted to blacken my character and denounced me and defame me in relation to my background as a scholar of Buddhism and really what I had to say and was reply to that was if you're gonna do that read my work actually look at the years of effort I put into Buddhism and maybe you'll understand why X Y and Zed is true by me or maybe I'm so British but even if you hate it then at least it's an informed critique I'd value that someone reads my work on Buddhism then makes a video to see what they think about it great but step one there is actually reading the work on Buddhism now the the controversy that's boiling beneath the surface of this nonsense at that time she had an extreme ideological commitment to the work of Peter Singer I don't think she read Peter Singer I don't think she read the critiques of Peter Singer and that's why she was incapable of in a detached way responding to me making an offhand remark that I I see no value in the legacy of Peter she can't respond to him saying oh well aisel like the majority of vegans really doesn't see any value in the work of Peter sir but if you were to ask me today how it is my opinion of Swasey differ from what it was back then because if you paused and read this email reply sent to her I say positively what I valued about her channel at that time my opinion of her has changed and I now really regard her as the intellectual equivalent of young women on Instagram who just want to have an easy life who just want to have undeserved fame and adulation and money and attention because they're good-looking but the reality is all too often if you were gonna stake your future your career on your looks alone not singing not dancing not writing directing and producing your own cinema not doing stand-up comedy if you do any of those things your looks matter less if you do stand-up comedy you can be quite ugly and still be successful but if you just want to be beautiful and Instagram and get money and fame for that the tragedy is so often that these people really are not good-looking enough to carry it which is to say I don't know just their their opinion of themselves is a little bit out of whack with you know the way they use social media and the pursuit of fame I really feel that Swayze's position in this game is the intellectual equivalent of that she's someone who wants to be admired for her views on philosophy without really having any depth of knowledge of or sophistication about philosophy she wants to be taken seriously when she talks about politics and ethics and she's done none of the work and offers none of the insight and frankly at this point I can say she doesn't have the talent for it either so you know it would be a very different world if Swayze had responded to me by actually reading my work on Buddhism which I encouraged her to do I said well look if you're gonna do this hatchet job about my legacy of scholar but take a look then maybe you'll understand why I act the way I do when people who know nothing about Buddhism want to tell me what it says in the in the Buddhist Canon I've read the Canon you haven't so you can't you know those conversations are not going to be as open-ended and open-minded as the average kind of white person who signed up for a meditation course at the YMCA I'm at a much much higher level knowledge that maybe you can sympathize with the situation I was in in this in this conversation it would be a much different world if Swasey had responded to my disagreeing with her about Peter Singer by being willing to actually take a look at the intellectual legacy of Peter Singer and the criticism that had already been offered at that time had already gained a lot of steam and a lot of support from sources like Gary franciotti people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know