FRK says she's "Not a Nazi", HOWEVER… (Fully Raw Kristina)

17 January 2021 [link youtube]

So now she claims that John Rose was just some guy she met in a vegan supermarket when he tapped her on the shoulder one day… but if you've got a long enough memory, you'll recall that he was once her spiritual guru, and she promoted his (Neo-Nazi) content uncritically for many years, while defending him against his critics…

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#FullyRawKristina #VegNews #Racism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

breaking news fully raw christina says
she's not a nazi but could it be that intrepid reporters have dug up her perilous past connecting her to this man stay tuned be sure to give this video a thumbs up and head on over to john's youtube channel hit the subscribe watch some of his videos and support him he's truly just a gem on this planet so much knowledge to share so much love to share i have been wrongly accused of being a neo-nazi holocaust supporter white supremacist anti-semitic and a racist and terrible things have been said about me as if it weren't hard enough already um to be a vegan in this world and to come out speaking about the things that you're passionate about a major vegan publication comes out and throws me under the bus but i will just say this veg news people consider you to be a very trustworthy major popularly posted widely accessible and all different types of retail stores publication shame on you for not fact fact-checking or even reaching out to me to get your facts straight and instead you chose to listen to trolls online who listen to youtube haters who sit around all day trashing me to make money literally that's why those videos exist on youtube is because people make money off of them john rose is a person who is so dear to my heart for those of you who don't know john john how do how do i even describe your magicalness with an open mind within five minutes you can prove the holocaust is a scam hitler was pretty nice of the jews after what the jews did to hitler when you look at the big picture and you find out who's pulling the strings you realize oh okay they're the satanists uh snuck into the jewish religion and now they're calling them south jews when they're zionist they're satanists and then they got the other two religions christians and muslims to fight against one another if hitler would have won the war this world would be a different world right now he would have turned germany into a vegetarian country people would have seen around the world look this is what i'm trying to do now with you guys where people are going to start thinking or hate me think oh my god he's anti-semitic you're so you've been so brainwashed you don't even realize jews aren't semites i mean that's it when you look more into this you realize that it's all a distraction and we don't need to be distracted here forget everything about hitler who cares whether he's good or bad he did something that woke us up and that's all we need to take from hitler i'll concede he's evil i don't care it doesn't matter what matters is what he proved to the world japan did the same thing what did the world do they attacked him this is the man who introduced me to eating raw foods he's one of the closest people to me a a mentor beyond all beliefs so many people right now are just asleep you can shake them you can yell at them you can ask them to drink a green juice and they genuinely believe that it doesn't matter well the jews come and came up with a game plan and they said look we can get america if we can get america involved will you give us palestine and we can get america involved because we own the press over there we can change public opinion around in a flash we can make up stories about how bad these are and when you look at the evil atrocities that happened during that time it was back in russia the gulags in russia that's where you see a lot of those pictures and then when you see people that were starving to death in these work camps the reason why they were starving to death is months before the war was ended the allied forces the bad guys bombed the hell out of the roads that brought supplies to those work camps and i am an official version denier that's right i know garments lie i know that the official version from most officials is a lie if you deny this if you called this denial and that denying this denier vaccine denier climate denier holocaust denier you need to look into those subjects with an open mind to understand what i'm saying you got to watch if you haven't already 1500 architects and engineers for 9 11 truth it's frightening frightening for a lot of people to realize this is really an effect a twilight zone that we live on in this planet where psychopaths literally run the asylum we are dead slaves you got to play our money game when you play our money game for every billion dollars we print we get 90 billion we have an unfair economic advantage we can only control everything brainwashed the hell out of you guys bombard you with so much information you go to the movies and you're being reinforced to put more pages in those books so that when you see someone telling the truth you're going to die did i die or look at my book it's so freaking big fully raw christina offers a rather paltry defense against these accusations of her having promoted neo-nazism or one particularly odious youtube neo-nazi namely john rose her defense is on the one hand to point out that she herself doesn't qualify as white as if ipso facto because she is non-white therefore she's neither racist nor anti-semitic right because it's unheard of for someone who is latino to sympathize with the neo-nazis it's completely unheard of for someone who is lebanese to uh be anti-semitic and it's completely unheard of for someone who's half latino half lebanese to be both racist and anti-semitic right uh so that's a kind of self-defeating argument unto itself and then her second line of attack is to try to claim that this is just some guy she met in a grocery store one time someone who tapped her on the shoulder in the grocery store and those of you who've kept copies of the video will know that is not a fair assessment of what their relationship was neither publicly nor privately we have plenty of videotape of fully raw cristina saying just how much john rose meant to her as a mentor as a coach as a spiritual guide as a guru they had this profound and deep connection and they made several youtube videos collaborating together and she directly endorsed and promoted his channel and i believe her when she says that was just part and parcel of the friendship and wasn't on the basis of any definite knowledge on her part of what exactly this guy's political philosophy was however however as you will have seen from those short excerpts of john rose anyone could tell that he was a raving madman even if they had no knowledge of what the specific historical and political facts involved with the argument were his madness is self-instantiating self-demonstrating it's really not hard to just it's not hard to have that skeptical side of your mind start tingling when he starts loudly ranting about adolf hitler i mean even even if you don't know who hitler was you might just stop and put it into wikipedia and stuff huh yeah now john rose's views on human nutrition are similarly bizarre uh but in fully raw christine's case she had a partnership going on with john rose minimum five years i'd say more than seven years for as long as i can remember she supported him as a guru him as a spiritual leader his diet his fruit retreats his youtube channel she was funneling her followers over to his channel and endorsing him in the most glowing terms possible as a profound guiding light for humanity etcetera so yeah that will that will politically influence people even if she herself somehow magically remained blissfully ignorant of the odious political message that was obviously issuing forth from his youtube channel i don't know how little uh due diligence you can possibly do before figuratively getting into bed with somebody like that now look history provides us with many strange parallels to this scenario how did this controversy come to the fore it started with me it started with a balacial my youtube channel pointing the finger at philip christina putting these clips together and then several other youtube channels picked up and recycled repurposed the clip swimmer channel which is what youtube is all about by the way of course i appreciate it if you name me as the source if you provide a link to my channel in the description several other channels did that vegan gains did not and yeah by the way i can tell when people are they didn't do the research themselves they're directly borrowing my clip because it has the little uh headings and captions on it that i added it's obvious in various ways vegan gains was among the people to really take the fight to fully raw christina and say in effect hey this guy eisel mazzard has caught you he's really pointed out that you have this odious track record of working with endorsing buddying up with you know one of the most notorious neo-nazis on youtube who just happens to be vegan just happens to be a vegan diet guru right so to my knowledge the first time she really reacted to that criticism was when vegan gains took the fight to her now from my perspective i put that video up youtube did much more than just censor me i then had a battle lasting for about two years not just to prevent that video from being deleted but really to prevent my whole channel from being blacklisted as hate speech because youtube will censor someone who is criticizing neo-nazis as if they are a neo-nazi themselves they'll just take the fact that the word neo-nazi appears in the title they will punish you they will not just punish that video they will punish your whole channel so my whole channel suffered terrible consequences because i took that gamut because i made that commitment to make this important argument and i didn't even get the minor benefit of larger channels like vegan gains thanking me or giving me a link the description now as i have mentioned before it seems to me that the other channels who joined in the fight including vegan gains they were not punished in this way by youtube perhaps just because vegan gains is himself a person of color he is a half african canadian and half white canadian it was just presumed that he couldn't possibly be a neo-nazi sympathizer himself and he couldn't possibly be supporting white supremacism whereas me even though this beard i look more like a candidate for rabbinical college than ever i am jewish genetically i am but i'm also a white guy with a shaved head and it's quite likely i was censored and punished a little bit more for that reason not a whole lot of thought goes into the decisions over at the youtube center for me all right but there's an even stranger parallel involved here can we think can we think of another youtube channel who while not being racist himself or herself developed some kind of close personal friendship with a white supremacist or neo-nazi youtuber and then promoted that other youtube channel endorsed the youtuber as a person and promoted their channel and promoted their vegan diet advice and exercise advice in the same way fully raw christina did that's right vegan gains himself was guilty of this exact same offense vegan gaines had a long-term friendship with tara mccarthy whose former show was called reality calls and her husband or long-time boyfriend at the time now now i expose them they've broken up cory mccarthy this duo cory mccarthy and tara mccarthy they were vegan white supremacist neo-nazis of the most overt kind imaginable and i've made so many videos on this channel already addressing that controversy at each stage and in its aftermath uh tara mccarthy found out that she had one great great grandparent who was jewish and then her entire audience of neo-nazis and white supremacists turned against her what a shock uh turned out she didn't think her jewish heritage was a big deal but the kind of people who subscribed to you and supported neo-nazi on youtube it was a big deal to them so all the support she had from our audience went from being sympathetic to sour in record time she lost her nerve she closed down her youtube channel deleted the record of most of her presence of the internet you can still find it on bit shoot you still can including by the way her interview with vegan gains but vegan gains supported her vegan supported corey mccarthy cory mccarthy ends up divorcing or breaking up with tara he's with a new chick he carries up that's how the cookie crumbles it's not as simple as judging somebody by the company they keep at any point including when i put up my first critique of fully markers you know pointing out hey hey christina this is who you're endorsing this is who you're saying is a great spiritual leader this is who you're saying people should trust and look up to and say somebody you're saying transformed your life and all these powerful positive effects and you this is who this guy really is this is what he's representing this is what he's recruiting people into and i don't think that's overstating the case if you think there were no consequences for example for vegan gains long flirtation with the alt-right with white supremacists frankly white national has to be the best term if you think there were no negative consequences of that we have a great canary in the coal mine with the young jejune ask yourself ask yourself the name of his youtube channel he was a po dunk ignorant kid with next to zero formal education and a diagnosis for attention deficit hyper hyperactivity disorder you know he was he was a very unlearned needy kid seeking attention and he got into the orbit of these people who looked up to including vegan gains and then through vegan gains including cory mccarthy and for several years on his discord and on his youtube channel he was spinning these ridiculous arguments in favor of race realism he became part of that whole sturman drong over on the far right neo-nazi white supremacist out of the political spectrum and you could see sorry there was another guy these are all people i'm less than six degrees of separation from because we're all vegan youtubers even if i've made dozens and dozens of videos criticizing them and excoriating there was another guy named jack green who actually met face to face in thailand many years ago and we got to see him get pulled into that orbit and then step by step first he made a video endorsing julius evilla then he made a video about adolf hitler there have been quite a few um kind of desperate rootless young white men who did get influenced and converted frankly by vegan gains and i i know that wasn't his intention i've talked to richard about it years ago now and he just said that he felt that corey mccarthy was a great guy and giving great diet and exercise advice and that it was good for veganism he has said publicly also that he thinks it's really good to have right wing people and not just leveling people you know he has his own rationalization for this but sure actions have consequences and with fully well christina i don't even know what it is five years seven years ten years but she has a long-term record of working with and promoting one of the most notorious and despicable neo-nazis on the tube so today when she has to answer questions about what her own views are she is not answering those questions for no good reason history books are buck look what henry ford did he spent five million dollars of money sacrificed his life sacrificed a lot of money he lost a lot of business by spending that five million dollars over a seven year period of time you know what he did he bought a newspaper refused to take any advertising he lost money on it now henry ford was a rich man he was the richest guy back then industrialist he was a good man kind-hearted man he was a vegetarian he doubled his workers wages overnight paid the guy who got the least more money than his competitors paid the most gave him a pension plan he donated 12 million the first year to on behalf of those and when he found out the powers that being who they were what did he do he bought this newspaper hired the best reporters you can find the best private investigators the best journalists sent them all around the world to dig up the truth put out weekly articles every so often finally put all those into two books 500 pages each two volume book you need to look at henry ford he was a good man he understood what we're talking about here i'm not even going to tell you because it's going to push a hot button for some of you clowns out there we've got books that are so full of [ __ ] you don't realize it's making you a slave could reach the tipping point and also all of us bumped up our body photons all of us became better the best that we can be the feeling that we're one with everything that's the most perfect way to describe it it really is and that's really it's uh it's enlightenment it's waking people up right bringing them into consciousness so many people right now are just asleep this is an exciting time to live i'm telling you we can wake up the masses and take back the money supply so we can take back our educational systems and all that kind of stuff we got to take back the money supply we got to do away with usury the people who rule the world want everyone to be under usury underneath their spell their monetary system if you think hitler is evil you'll never look at anything he did that's why they did that that's why they demonized him there's a reason why we came over here and bombed the hell out of germany so that no one could see that they were prospering we live on an abundant planet germany japan libya they prove to the world we live on abundant planet what do we do we go there and attack them destroy them all wars are bankers wars that's what henry ford found out it was these international bankers that are printing our money that's what the wars were about last century gaddafi same thing google gaddafi what he was doing for that country people loved him over there they were flourishing over there proven to africa hey we're in the desert but we're gonna make it flourish can't have that happen on this planet because we got sick [ __ ] out here that rule everything i'm tired of this when you bump up those bi-photons when you get your sixth sense you realize there's only one way for me to make my life better since i'm connected to everything is to make everything around me better if we all had that mentality we would have what's called reciprocal altruism hitler was pretty nice of the jews after what the jews did to hitler i am so excited that you guys joined us today for this conversation if you've liked it be sure to give this video a thumbs up and head on over to john's youtube channel hit the subscribe watch some of his videos and support him he's truly just a gem on this planet so much knowledge to share so much love to share if it wasn't for hitler this would be a different world we've got to open up our mind and realize what what kind of injustice we're doing to this man and it reminds me of what happened to me when i got into college and i found out that i was lied to about the american indians that they weren't savages they weren't scalping us we were scalping them the white man had bounties on the native americans and they retaliated and yet i grew up thinking that these were the bad people i really feel bad that i felt that way about someone and they didn't deserve that type of condemnation well you guys most of us every one of us basically is doing that to hitler and the german people these are lies just like we lied about the native americans with an open mind within five minutes you can prove the holocaust is a scam five minutes with an open mind and once you realize that's a scam then everything else falls apart too let's not discuss whether it's totalitarianism or dictatorship is not the point you're getting distracted when you look at the big picture and you find out who's pulling the strings you realize oh okay the um the satanists uh snuck into the jewish religion and now they're calling them south jews when they're zionist they're satanists and then they got the other two religions christians and muslims to fight against one another germany and japan prove to the world that we live on abundant planet and our debt masters cannot allow that to happen so they own the media they brainwashed everyone they made sure the history books were written that told their story that these guys were bad they did all these bad things and it's all hokum it's all [ __ ] reinforcing this belief that these people are the epitome of evil anybody who uses hitler and nazis has epitome for evil on a repeated basis like that is obviously a shield and it's part of controlled opposition don't look at what hitler did in germany in japan don't look at what they did because they proved to the world that we live on abundant planet let's not discuss whether it's totalitarianism or dictatorship is not the point the ex the excuses offered by fully raw christina are in a word ridiculous john rose is not just some guy she met at the supermarket when he tapped her on the shoulder one day it is not for no reason at all that journalists and youtubers and commentators have been saying for some time that there is a powerful connection between her and the neo-nazi white supremacist right wing but let's pretend let's just engage in a hypothetical thought exercise what if her story was true what if she just met some guy at a supermarket and he was kind of cute and he took his shirt off on camera looked impressive and he said hey you eat a vegan diet i eat a vegan diet too let's do a youtube video together that's the situation i might find myself in down at the jcc sometime no you remember once i was in a restaurant and there was a vegan bodybuilder it was a dude next to me no homo and i struck up conversation with them and we uh we did a youtube video together it happened now it could have turned out that that guy had some bizarre and extreme political views i didn't know what could have happened could happen to you right now you could her story it's false it's implausible it's ridiculous she is just covering her ass she is lying in plain english but if it were true what would you do just keep it real don't it doesn't occur to anyone anymore just get on the [ __ ] microphone and keep it real just come on the microphone and share your action just share it holy [ __ ] that random dude i met at a grocery store turns out to be a neo-nazi just tell the truth and if you're ignorant be honest and open about your ignorance can i believe that she never saw any of the videos and there were many many many videos in which john rose was stating this kind of insane neo-nazi conspiracy theory no i can't believe it i can't believe it but on the other hand can i believe that like trisha paid us had never heard of the holocaust you know what i mean like things that we see that all the time as you said all the time people are just shockingly ignorant of politics history people who have like level zero education level zero cosmopolitanism and you know when tricia peters it proves true but if you can just live that truth if you can just keep it real if you can just come on camera and say holy [ __ ] by the dead gods odin's beard whatever curse word you want to use come on camera and just say you had no idea that the celtic art you had tattooed on your arm turns out to be a neo-nazi symbol that you just have an appreciation for the norse gods and what you got tattooed in your other arm you didn't mean it to be in the united states and you joined the sons of odin because you're just into alternative lifestyles and black magic and they had a raw fruit luck that you showed up whatever your [ __ ] story is if you actually were so ignorant of the history and politics of the world that you watched this kind of video from john rose and like whoop you just had no idea what was going on if we are gonna rank intelligence on a scale of trisha paytas to fully raw christina we're dealing with the difference between like negative integers here people it's hard to say who is stupider and who is more ignorant when you're looking at tricia peters and fully raw christina my colleagues and contemporaries here on youtube it's possible it's possible she really was that stupid she really was that just get on the mic just get on the camera and share your truth okay and goddess there will be more people in the audience who sympathize with you than those who don't but but the worst thing the worst thing you can do is exactly what fully raw christina did and that is living a lie that is doubling down and justifying it and i've seen the discussion on twitter where vegan gains called her out and she stood up and made excuses and i've seen it on facebook and i'm certain i'm sorry i lived through this i am 100 certain it began with me it began with my channel making that video that got me blacklisted and then a bunch of other channels some bigger some smaller including vegan gains picking up the story and running with it now here we are in 2021 and you tell me what happens next what is the moral of the story the future of the vegan movement is who it's not going to be john rose it's not going to be fully raw christina okay future of the vegan movement it's up to me and you i am not a neo-nazi