Twitch Streaming & Onlyfans: Our New Democracy.

28 October 2020 [link youtube]

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#Twitch #OnlyFans #StupidityIsReal

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i am horrified i'm horrified by the stupidity of my fellow man i'm horrified that you know human beings rather than playing super mario brothers want to sit and passively watch someone else play super mario brothers while they make no effort to entertain the audience or talk about anything meaningful and like you know it is what people watch on twitch you know the most scene channels the most popular the most the most common content it's horrifying to me and like even if i were bedridden ill even if i were on you know heavy psychiatric medications and sedatives i cannot imagine being stupid enough to enjoy what the average member of the twitch audience appreciates as an art form around here and one of the one of the comments i used to get all the time on younail because i would do two hours on younow and i would be on the whole time it would be a two-hour performance unlike this interview right but i might be on the whole time i get a question from the audience that's a great question now here's a 20-minute monologue in response to your question somebody asked me to criticize something i launched into a critique where i'm really you know i am listening and responding to the audience but it's it's really this intense if anything kind of over-the-top communication it's this this high energy performance for two hours solid and you know what i see on twitch it's like you know the pied piper leading a bunch of sleepwalkers you know what i mean i just can't believe it um what the broadcasters themselves are doing is mind-numbingly stupid and i'm assuming it you know relates to the drug culture i think there are a lot of people that answer smoking marijuana or using other drugs who just want to have their their minds numbed so yeah um what could be done with live streaming technology i regard as tremendously positive uh tremendously meaningful even just you know like shout out to only fans shout out to all those platforms you know it is more meaningful for some 18 year old guy to have a crush on a girl and then be able to actually message her and have her talk to him and answers that is more meaningful than just having a a magazine with this glittering image sort of you know perfectly posed photoshopped image of a beauty icon you know yes you know even pornography today the social media model of pornography the degree of interaction and so on he will learn to regard that woman as a human being even if she's just sitting there talking about how she grew up and went to school and what she's doing and going food shopping because that's a lot of this content it's like beautiful women just talking about their normal lives at least he'll learn to regard her as a normal person and not an icon not a statue or something you know what i mean there's something to that but now when you turn to the political sphere or you turn to the educational sphere wow there's so much potential here and let me say that potential cuts both ways there was a university professor in england and people worshipped this guy as a genius the minute he came on youtube everyone knew he was a [ __ ] [ __ ] i've met that guy in person and i was like wow the emperor has no clothes and that happens every day there's another guy who's a famous i could drop names here nobody would know these these are all people with phds and appointments and famous news there's another guy who was a professor of chinese linguistics especially like the language history of china total nut case the moment he made a youtube video moment he comes on and starts doing live stream or q a wow he's exposed people who even things like language fluency people who claim to be fluent in a language and they come on a live stream and you see they can barely speak at all sure like that's like the negative side like taking these people from being statues and pulling them down to earth and making them seem human all too human right but on the other hand like anyone you've ever respected now oh yeah like this guy sure here's uh sorry this is a book written by a professor in israel named yuri pines right i've talked to this guy right he wrote this book he's written some academic articles i have some respect i don't worship him i have some respect i can send him an email i can talk to him you know you can yeah again like only fans intellectuals educators like the nature of education itself can be profoundly transformed for the better by twitch by twitch by younow by only offense by any of these things your relationship to someone like a professor someone teaching you something can be so much more meaningful the questions you can ask and the answers you can get and you know it's so much better than what a lecture used to be in the past or a vhs video cassette it is such a huge advancement for humanity if you don't believe me what do you think it was like being deaf and communicating through sign language only in the year 1950 what do you think it was like if the only language you could understand was cambodian in 1980 now all these people can come on the internet and you know in a in a for sign language it's a visual form like whether it's youtube videos or twitch they can communicate through sign language all over the world and it was totally impossible before right people with speaking a language like cambodian their tiny audience can come on and really have an intellectually rewarding life and learn about history and politics or whatever they want they can learn about rap music they can learn about anything you know the educational potential for this it's so clear when you talk about a little silo you know a little sub tiny community like that but each and every one of us is part of some kind of tiny community right me and my girlfriend i think we're the only vegans in this apartment building you know i mean you know whatever it is you know you are part of a minority that's just as special and just as isolated as the cambodians uh living in california you may not realize it yet but social media and live streaming and even messaging platforms like only fans and snapchat and instagram people perceive them as the lowest of the low people because of the association with pornography and video games and shallowness and really in a lot of ways i'm out here advocating for them saying no um no this is not the lowest of the low precise of the things we worship as high culture in many ways those are the lowest low paying fifty thousand dollars so you can sit in silence in a university lecture theater and then at the end raise your hand um that to me is the lowest of the low and i think social media poses a profound a profound challenge to that and a big a big paradigm shift for all sides [Music] [Music] and uh i wonder if you if it's a topic you're interested in if you thought about sort of this because it's very new right it's been around for a few years but it's only now becoming this really big thing and there's all these sort of communities forming and there's this odd dynamic where it's like you've got this one guy or girl at the top of this sort of social hierarchy and they have all the power and control and it can create some very bizarre uh dynamics that are sort of new i wonder if you've thought about this if it's interesting to you like sort of the world of streaming and the uh what what sort of new and odd things that come up through streaming and it's communities that come out of it look for me the irony is that this is a technology that seems to be lost from the distant past of 2016. like from my perspective things were better on younow in 2016 or 2017 than they are today on twitch in 2020. you know i i love what younow used to be what live streaming used to be and it seems inevitable that technologically something like that will be created again you know like one of these important technologically all the pornography sites already have everything you need to really talk about politics you know they're just not being used for politics you know again only fans is an example of that like technologically only fans or the live chat you know website stuff all of them have all the technology you need to have a really meaningful discussion about politics or philosophy but you know they're being used by strippers and so on and so forth you know um because obviously there's there's more money than that but you know for those of us who aren't motivated by money i think it's this fundamentally wonderful thing instead of sitting down in a coffee shop and talking to two people i mean your show is a great example of this the in general the truth crap broadcast a lot of your shows it's you sitting down and talking to one person or two people or six people as if you're in a coffee shop but a couple hundred people can also join in and benefit from it and if you want to you can spin it off as a filmmaker and edit out the segment no i think it's really a fundamentally wonderful fundamentally really really positive thing and in that sense like for me as a creator i see almost nothing negative about it okay and now i flip the coin and talk about what's on the other side