Evalion and the Right Wing: Questions Left Unanswered

26 June 2021 [link youtube]

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#Evalion #BelleDelphine #Onlyfans

Youtube Automatic Transcription

ladies and gentlemen
conservatives are human beings too right-wing politics are still real politics we ignore them at our peril and the left wing the moderate left and center all like to pretend that there were no new ideas and no debates worth having for the whole of the right wing including frankly moderate conservatives i have heard it said many times and i've heard it said just lately that there's no such thing as a conservative university every single time someone says this to me i challenge them i disagree and i say things like why don't you try going to google and putting in conservative university there are conservative universities have you heard of bringham young brigham young university brigham young university would be a better name let's face it [Laughter] brigham young university is a mormon university a religious university so conservative that they openly tell you not to enroll in the university at all if you plan to have sex outside of marriage if you plan to drink alcohol at any time on campus or off campus while you're a student or even if you plan to drink tea or coffee so they are opposed to not just drinking alcohol they're opposed to drinking caffeine they're opposed to sex drugs and rock and roll that's as conservative as it gets there are huge well-funded conservative universities from coast to coast there are huge well-funded conservative journals of political science and political philosophy there are and they're not running out of pages to print you know what i mean and most of us on the left in the center we do choose to live in this kind of self-justifying echo chamber of pretending that nobody on the right wing and the spectrum has any new ideas that they're that progressives have a monopoly on new ideas that progress by definition involves new ideas whereas you know whatever the conservatives are interested in whatever the right wing is interested in is purely regress so this is one part of this video is to say i am someone who is left of center and i'm i'm a skeptic and i'm a critic of everything that's going on on the left and on the center but i'm willing to listen to you and i'm willing to take seriously what's going on the the right way going on on the right wing side of the aisle i'm not willing to dismiss them quite so flippantly that's one big big major theme for this video now another one in congressly enough is the way in which activism ruins people's lives i have a lot to say about this i have a lot to say about it for left right and center i have a lot to say about this for vegans meat eaters religious people atheists or what have you this is a segue to the third big theme i think gotta talk about this video which is just the way that access to fame money and sex on the internet shapes everyone's lives everyone not just celebrities not just famous people and then starts to engage pardon me starts to shape the way that they engage with politics starts to change politics itself so you guys may not know uh i had quite a long series of conversations with the notorious right-wing youtuber called evalian these were conversations that transpired through instagram and involved both text messages and audio recordings back and forth you know where you record your voice in one minute clips or something but you can send as many as you want so you can send 10 minutes of audio or whatever you need for whatever as you say now i'm not going to disclose anything in this video that's private that she said to me however precisely in preparing to conduct an interview with her i was watching the interview she gave and previously i was looking around at the bits and pieces of her remaining web presence she's been banned and deleted over the internet and most of her story already is public and on the record although you have to look around for the crumbs for the scattered remnants of what that story is and there is certainly an important comparison to be made between the experience of a valiant and the experience of someone like belle delphine if you don't know who bill delphine is or why she's relevant to this story um bill delphine one of the wealthiest women to ever sell the image of her body on the internet or in print media so we have this concept especially in left-wing politics of exploitation and it deserves to be asked well if you're paid just three hundred dollars to perform a sex act on the internet and then this is pelvic you suffer the consequence forever you know is is this exploitation is this is this justifiable okay well what if it's not three hundred dollars what if it's three thousand dollars what if it's three hundred thousand dollars what if it's three million dollars the same ethical questions that we ask about sexual exploitation start to seem surreal once the financial rewards mount up into the millions and millions of dollars and you're talking about someone becoming fabulously wealthy through exploiting their own body exploiting their own image and exploiting their own sexuality actually engaging in what would be called prostitution under any other uh circumstances so fairly recently bill delphine kind of broke her silence broke the mystique she'd built up over many years because she did she used to not say much i mean she was right she would speak as a sort of fictional character but i mean she didn't really talk about her own life she didn't talk about for example her relationship with her mother and father and her upbringing and these things and then at a certain point in her career she she turned a corner and she started talking about sort of who she really was and how she how she got involved with the culture of the internet and how she first started uh doing erotic modeling on the internet how these things happened and the most striking parallel between belle delphine and evalium is that evalian did not initially get involved with the internet as a neo-nazi she did not initially get involved the internet as a political leader or political antagonist or protagonist or anything of the sort she didn't get involved as an activist or what have you the first encounter she had with the internet that changed the rest of her life was indeed exploiting her sex appeal exploiting her appearance getting attention from men getting gifts from men ultimately getting money from men over the internet in exchange for basically doing flirtatious and salacious things on the internet and she started doing that at a shockingly young age bel delphine same statement very different consequences right the vast majority of young women who get drawn into flirting with men exchanging photos for gifts or let's say also uh flirting and pretending to be someone's girlfriend pretending to be more interested in them than you really are this this kind of thing in exchange for maybe just fame notoriety the joy of seeing people gossiping about you on the internet like that a lot for young people oh it used to be that just people in my high school would gossip about me and they all say these bad things about me now i have these people on the internet and they're saying you know they're saying different kinds of things about me they're really excited to talk to me like that that alone may be what you know gets that gets that reward um but you have a sort of curiously parallel pair of histories in the case of bel delphine and uh evalian in that they were drawn to this kind of attention that the internet offered them and they were very rapidly corrupted by it and in both cases you know their sex appeal wasn't enough it wasn't enough for them to get the attention they they desired both of them very quickly escalated into doing more and more shocking things now look i'm someone who's difficult to shock the current uh bell du jour on the internet is called amaranth if you google amaranth pigeonhead or amaranth horse mask there are a lot of people who are in this way combining sex appeal with doing something shocking and salacious to get a much larger audience than they otherwise would get there are only so many people interested in seeing a woman in a bikini and there are a lot of women in bikinis on the internet competing for those few eyeballs competing for those few customers but it turns out if you put on a pigeon head and make sorry it's a mask in the shape of a pigeon's head and you make noises like a pigeon well that's suddenly that's really unique that's it's sort of shocking it's sort of disturbing everyone remembers you everyone talks about you you've created a sort of sort of notoriety for yourself and you distinguish yourself from the masses of other young women in bikinis who are competing for the same kind of male attention right so i would just say any no each of these examples is very different from the others but broadly speaking at a situation where these young women uh were both drawn into having a public platform and doing shocking and provocative things in that platform in order to get male attention they start escalating their act they start doing more shocking and provocative things and you know in the case of bill delphine this led into this surreal career ultimately terminating with hardcore porn but for many many years she didn't do hardcore porn by the way um she did kind of vaguely provocative and uh publicity stunts that were erotic in nature but not really pornographic for a long long time she played with friends but in the case of evalian she quite consciously and intentionally elevated and escalated her trolling she was seeing what was and wasn't getting a response what was and wasn't exciting uh public attention and she ended up creating this basically fictional neo-nazi character right now in both cases the fiction became fact the mask became the face that's probably because coming back to my second of the three big themes political activism has a real and devastating consequences in people's eyes show it to everyone in the audience listening to you guys if you have a second hit the thumbs up button it'll help more people find this live stream while it's going on um on the other hand if this live stream is not shadow banned if this is not the most censored the shadow fan livestream on youtube i don't know what it is so thanks anyone who's awake on this friday night nice to see you here shout out to everyone in new zealand um so it's a good time of day for for my viewers on the east coast not so good for people in europe uh just saying but if you have a second hit the thumbs up guys it will help more people discover the live stream while it's going on and joining the conversation and i'm happy to uh happy to talk to you about this stuff as we're as we're rolling okay now so someone in the audience commented at least it doesn't have nazi in the title if you search for the word nazi on my youtube channel you will see a remarkable array of videos that do have nancy in the title i have one titled yes i'm calling you a nazi blank is a nazi here's why it's a problem the history of uh nazism and occult ideology i've dealt with nazi and neo-nazi phenomena from many different angles and indeed it may be one reason why my channel is as shadow man as it is in general i just say i know it sounds very self-serving when people say hey share the link with your friends but when you have a channel as politically provocative as mine i can say pretty safely if people don't directly share the link you know nobody's going to get it because i i am everything that youtube exists to silence and and to be fair so is it valiant some of you guys may not know about me i'm vegan vegan vegan water vegan bananas vegan tomato evalian is also vegan you know and she was vegan back in the day when she first started won this whole as she said i was looking at a youtube channel recently uh from a youtuber called vegan booty she spells it in a slightly odd way v hyphen g-a-n booty so that you can google it and find the right person all these same themes occur with her by the way she is currently earning a living through only fans through selling nude images of herself unonly fans a fateful decision to make in life she has a video talking about in a fairly light-hearted way the consequences she's been through legally and in terms of how her life i don't even know what city she's from in australia but her life in her particular town or particular city has become more and more difficult because of the suasion of city hall the deterrence from local business owners and the increasing hostility of the the police in the court system against her and she's now facing charges in court she at first had a fine she refused to pay the fine she went to court to fight the final principal and she could in theory face jail time but i mean even though it's a very short period of time in jail yeah tell me what you're feeling sorry i got one member of a live audience here uh anyway even though it's gonna be a very short uh yeah i know well i'll come back to that so mostly just laughing because this girl goes by the moniker vegan booty yeah oh well the sex is part of her act too so as as much as part of her form she she was doing uh topless protesting and you know in british empire in the in canada and australia the status of being topless as a woman it's not exactly illegal but it's certainly not encouraged and you know anyway um you know it's really easy for people to come on the internet and be encouraging and say oh everyone everyone should be a political activist everyone pick up a sign everyone change the world like get out get out and riot guys you know the world would be a better place and it's rare that you have people speaking in a down-to-earth honest way of what the consequences are and now i keep warning on this channel the so-called positive consequences of this foreign political activism are very nebulous very impalable very often they're just nothing at all the negative consequences very real very palpable very verifiable and you know last a lifetime so this particular activist she has now been banned from every bar and restaurant in the city she's living in so they have some i wonder if this is like a 19th century bylaw they have but if you have been causing a disturbance in enough borrowers in her jurisdiction they can pass a resolution and i don't know if this is passed by city hall or by the local judge in the court like it's not or the police i'm not sure who does this it's the australian legal system but they passed a resolution that bans her from the premises of any establishment that serves alcohol so in australia that's every bar every night club but it's most restaurants also right the vast majority of restaurants serve beer or serve wine there so you can't and you can't set foot in any of you can't eat there you can't work there you can't this is gonna impact your life and it's part of now okay she is a relatively young a relatively attractive person right um she is a white female i think that the prejudice of the whole legal system is at this point in her favor i think probably many of the people who are imposing these punishments on her are thinking well she's still young she could still turn her life around she could still have a real career she can still have a real education there is this sense in which the prejudices of the system up to a certain point are still being encouraging for you they're still trying to be corrective and let's keep in mind the term used is the department of corrections right they're still trying to help you get your life back on track and then you pass a certain threshold where they count you as a lost cause they consider you incorrigible and they are just punitive against you where they just say so again a lot of people who have experience with drug addiction or something went through this actually i had a friend who was in and out of jail if that was i could tell you that that guy's a phd he's a guy he was an ex-convict with a phd but he'd been in and out of jail and he had drug and alcohol problems for him it was more alcohol than drugs but there were some illegal drugs involved he was he was really an alcoholic though he ended up with a phd great guy but i remember he said he could feel the change in the court system with the lawyers with the judges but also with the therapists with like the psychotherapists and psychiatrists we're up to a certain point they were like well you know we're trying to get you back on your feet we're trying to get you back in the workforce we're trying to get you back in touch with your parents like we're trying to make you you know get you back on track with this kind of middle class life we presume you're gonna have right and then after he passed a certain threshold the attitude was you're incorrigible you are a you know long-term drug addict and alcoholic person the only thing we're going to do is put you in jail put you in mothballs forget it like you're you've been written off by the system we're just going to throw the book at you and give you the heaviest heaviest monitoring and i do think one of the most palpable forms of racism as well as gender prejudice is the difference between being a white female and a black male in these circumstances definitely i mean even if you're a young black male if you're a black guy and you're 21 people treat you like an old man and you have no potential in life and the system really punishes you very severely for very minor infractions whereas they are in terms of their prejudice they're going to be inclined with a 21 year old female be like oh she's got her whole life ahead of her you know she all of us have our whole lives ahead of us okay but i just say um my claim is not that this particular activist that the particular offenses she's guilty of will have already permanently and irretrievably ruined her life i'm saying that she is committed to continuing to commit these offenses and she's going to end up in the same situation that evalian is in today all right so in case you don't know switching over to a very different political activist of a very different color evalian cannot cross the border into canada even though she is a canadian citizen she is on a terrorist watch list she is not just watched by the police she is treated like an active ongoing armed terrorist threat all the time so the level of surveillance the level of intimidation and the level of having her bag searched and so on uh the impossibility for her of getting normal employment or living a normal life it for her it is really on the same level as if she had been convicted of muslim terrorist attacks or something organizing some of that now she never did do anything like that however she associated herself with the most notorious and the most terrible you know uh neo-nazis that exist on this earth both in the united states and canada in terms of the the authorities having a chalkboard and drawing lines between different despicable characters and how they linked each other in terms of just the transcript of things she had said on the internet you know there's no doubt there's no it's not really like you're innocent until proven guilty she had proven herself guilty she had proven that she was a threat to the political establishment she's proven that she's a threat to the status quo she's proven that she's going to try to make money of doing this again and again unless you keep banning her shutting down her websites you know etc etc so i'm just pointing out for a lot of people who are involved in less notorious causes than a valiant this is still the same kind of life cycle you can look forward to now i said before evalian really started her career this way um by exploiting her own sexuality on the internet by flirting with men and presenting yourself in a certain way and by the way the youtube channel that is called a valium that was not her first youtube channel she told me about that again this isn't private she's talked about it in numerous interviews and she used to have a written autobiographical account on the internet which was banned and deleted from the internet so you can't find anymore but i read it before it disappeared so she's also written about her experience so she had youtube channels prior to the evalian project and this kind of um coy exploitation of her own sexuality in the internet and the men it brought into her life like the men who were actually her boyfriends in real life apart from the men who were maybe sending her gifts over the internet or as we would say in today's promise simping for her supporting her this obviously it radically fundamentally changed her view of everything it changed her view of her own career of her unemployment of how she was going to earn money you know it made stardom and fame seem to be you know within easy reach for and it was both of these people are in the tiny tiny minority for whom the reward for exploiting their sexuality has been much greater than the risk or the cost right now by the way this woman i mentioned as a as a comparison here vegan booty she is not fabulously wealthy the way belle del fine is i do not think she is a millionaire i don't think she is ever going to be a millionaire but she has managed to create enough notoriety for herself on the internet she has managed to do protesting topless i don't know if she ever does it fully nude but she's done protesting topless she backs the so-called hashtag free the nipple you know movement she's all this stuff all this whole ideological package put together and then she's able to cash in on that through the website only fans where people will pay to see her naked and pay to talk to her and it may well be by the way i'm not that cynical about it maybe that the vast majority of those people supporting her only fans support her political crusade that they don't really support her as a sex object or something it's not that they idealize her or find her beautiful it may be that they're giving that money saying that hey they sympathize with what she's trying to do as a vegan activist certainly part of it and again apropos my earlier comment yes there are millions of men on the internet who want to see women in bikinis but there are also millions of women in bikinis so this quality of distinguishing yourself differentiating yourself through doing things that are shocking and provocative whether that is like the now famous livestream or amaranth whether that is putting on the mask of a pigeon google it if you don't believe me it's truly bizarre such really surreal and disturbing sight this woman wearing a pigeon whether that is you know as this vegan protester does engaging in shocking extreme forms of political activism disturbing and confrontational forms of activism to gain notoriety that way or whether that is like a valiant making ridiculous over-the-top racist statements neo-nazi statements far right-wing political things this is something that distinguishes you from the crowd and you know brings you into the orbit of a larger audience yes and then it's going to also result you having a much more passionate and intense connection with that audience because they're no longer just looking for anyone in a bikini and you're not just competing with other people bikini versus bikini or body versus body right now you're competing with people in a very different way you've uh you've distinguished the uh the product you're you're uh you're selling great question from the audience eliano asks are you going to keep this live stream up i am uh i am a better question be will youtube allow me to keep this last but yeah as far as i'm concerned sure this is going to be on the youtube channel uh within the next 24 hours after it wraps you should be able to see this uh i'm fearless about this stuff and that's because i'm willing to take the negative consequences guys sorry i said whatever 20 minutes ago or something if you search my youtube channel for the word nazi you're going to find many many many videos that have nothing entitled i'm willing to take those risks i'm willing to take on those really hard issues and i always have been and by the way all these discussions have real world outcomes and you know conservatives are human beings too neo-nazis are human beings too but i know i had a really devastating effect in the life of one uh neo-nazi guy this was a uh mccarthy you know he was a white supremacist named forgetting his corey mccarthy cory mccarthy was a white supremacist and his girlfriend at the time now ex-girlfriend was a white supremacist and i made videos really exposing them is the best way to put it it wasn't even the criticism so much it was just showing this is who this guy really is and it completely ruined his career now you know of course obviously he's to blame he's the one who's a nazi you know he's the one who's a white supremacist he's the one who's doing these things but um i know many people wrote to me and said that they had supported corey mccarthy's career they'd supported him as a kind of fitness guru bodybuilding guru and then they were shocked to learn from my channel that the guy was this white supremacist right-wing racist figure and song and then that changed the view of the zone so i know it didn't just like affect the number of views he had on youtube it affected the it affected the way he was perceived and understood and up to that time he had been building a larger and larger audience so vegan gains was just mentioned and that's right vegan gains actively promoted cory mccarthy's channel on his own channel and it is discord and so on um and uh sorry you whoever said this you may not know i was friends with richard in those days i was friends with vegan gains very strange sort of friendship but i did ask him about that all the time i challenge him i was like look why are you supporting this guy i sent richard a clip of uh corey mccarthy and i sent one of tara mccarthy so that was his girlfriend at the time you know i don't think they ever got married but if they got married they got divorced if not she used the name tara mccarthy anyway he um pardon me i remember sending richard a clip saying look this is tara mccarthy answering a question she was directly asked by the audience would you support exiling people like richard from the country would you support exiling people who are partly of african descent but are culturally canadian from canada or the united states is this actually your agenda and she sat there and took the question and the answer was long story short yes that their political agenda they wanted to expel from the united states and canada non-white people especially they were especially racist against black people and they were especially racist against arab people uh broadly speaking people who were anyway i think in one word arab covers it but this is not to say this is the full limit of their racism that was their special focus in terms of their racism and um you know i remember sending richard that clip and asked like look dude how can you be friends with these people how can you be positively promoting them on on your channel and by the way i wasn't begging for a shout out or something like you know i don't give it doesn't help me if you promote my channel on his channel but like he's not promoting me i mean i might be a somewhat controversial figure for richard promote his channel but like look these are the people you are promoting this is what you are willing to do and it's not clear how or why you would uh you know you would you would uh sympathize them oh right oh that's an interesting uh interesting question from alt richard or no atlanta richard i guess that's atl richard uh how do you value your friendships today i.e muhammad and similar sincere intellects so that's interesting you remember muhammad muhammad is a guy who's appeared on the youtube channel a very long time ago and you're correct he is a sincere you know uh intellectual um and you know i think sincere intellectuals go through sincere problems and sincere struggles you know um the few people i've met through the internet who are sincere intellectuals in this sense they have not been able to contribute to my life very positively and they're not collaborating with me and they're not contributing to this youtube channel to give a really low example of how you might contribute to someone's life um they're not a lot positive has come out of those things for me now you know sorry in terms of things that are positive you guys know my regular show here as a live streamer is booktube but it would have meant a lot to me if i even knew people who were reading the same books i read and discussing them with me it would mean a lot to me if i knew people who did a political show with me i've had a lot of critique lately of um the young turks you know but in terms of format it would be wonderful for me if i had someone sitting next to me or five people in the room with me doing politics on a on a round table you know uh so you know it's true i have met a few people who are you know sincere public spirit intellectuals and i've tried to include them in my life in a meaningful way and those people are busy with their own problems and they're agonizing over their own their own crises in life but yeah muhammad is one of the few but we're we're still in touch we talked yesterday the day before yesterday so we we do talk with them i hope he reads my book when it comes out there's an example though in terms of collaboration several intellectuals i know including the youtuber ods so some of you guys know oliver some of you don't but he is reading and proofreading my book so he does you know he does uh catch my typos which is great i really do value that so there are ways in which other intellectuals can get a sense of okay guys so you can see i'm happy to digress and answer questions from the audience and i have to keep doing that uh we have only 12 thumbs up and we have more than 30 people in the audience if you guys take a second hit the thumbs up it will just help more people discover the live stream assuming we're not completely shadow banned for having um a valiant in the title of the video and i will return to the topic of a valiant and right-wing politics i'm going to read out the questions that i had for her and then i shared with her um in preparing to do an interview with her an interview that will apparently now never happen so another question uh from the from the audience um i am asked quote do you have any religious friends well the answer right now is no i did in the past and back when i was single which is now a very long time ago you know quite a number of the women i met and i was really attracted to were religious and so i had to think about that i really had to think about would i be capable of having a girlfriend or a wife who was religious and what would it mean for me and what would it would it mean for her now i mentioned that right at the start of this video like you know left-wingers people have centered that kind of dismiss the possibility of there being any conservatives in universities like you know as if universities are all left-wing and all progressive and they're not um and then i mentioned a particular conservative university where you're forbidden from drinking uh alcohol and forbidden to drink to smoke marijuana and this kind of thing well if you would if you ask the question why would this guy ever be interested in a religious woman these are reasons i lead this kind of very sober self-disciplined life so if what you want is a woman who reads books doesn't drink alcohol doesn't smoke marijuana doesn't want to go to night clubs doesn't want to go dancing they say like someone who lives the same kind of life i do and has the same kind of commitment to the life of the mind um you might meet a woman who is like that because you know she's committed to the life of the soul i don't i don't believe we have a soul however you know these are kind of compatible uh lies so by the way the women i'm thinking of are women i did meet in person face to face i'm not talking about other youtubers some of you really followed my youtube channel can name one of those youtubers there was one youtuber i kind of uh kind of flirted with a bit but it was it was really just a joke for both of us uh who was religious but you know um no i'm talking about women i did meet in real life um you know i i would just say though in terms of friendships with men and look this actually comes back to the subject of this video um the right wing thing i think it is very very difficult for most men to deal with the challenge to their authority that's involved in that particular contrast like the contrast between like a man who really believes that the difference between heaven and hell is this crucial definitive thing in his life and that he spends his time going out and preaching the gospel to strangers so they won't go to hell after they die you know a guy who has that kind of attitude being around someone like me who in a very self-confident self-assured way will completely disassemble their worldview and say oh yeah you know well do you believe in slavery do you believe in male circumcision do you believe in female circumcision you know um i think that's something very very few men would be able to to cope with so no i mean this is there's a long story short for do you have really friends now look i just mentioned the topic of this video was about taking conservatism seriously and taking right-wing politics seriously i was going to come back to this later in the video i make no notes there are no written notes with us but i just when i was in the shower i thought about the list of things i wanted to talk about you know um the whole conservative movement the right wing movement and right of center movement it's completely torn apart by precisely this issue right now many of you okay let's let's just break this down let's break this down old school um the single most powerful sentiment in the right wing right now is islamophobia let's be honest all right um however the question i have to ask you is this is it really coherent for conservatives to be anti-muslim and anti-semitic and nevertheless simultaneously be pro-christian if they were to make a list of what it is they dislike about and oppose about islam and they were to make a list of what it is they dislike and oppose about judaism if you were to go down this checklist whatever the top 10 things or something they dislike about these religions christianity has most of these things in common with judaism and islam the critique of islam depending on your critique at least 80 percent of it applies to christianity also the critique of judaism 80 percent of it applies to christianity also so the outright islamophobia of conservatives and the outright anti-semitism of the far right wing neo-nazis etc these things are not really compatible with a christian worldview you know and i think that is this is a huge contradiction that everyone from fox news to everyone from fox news to cnn wants to pretend doesn't matter now by contrast who says very briefly so so the question i'm branching off was just someone asking you know do you have religious friends okay let's say you go to a republican party function there are a lot of catholic hispanic people there they're conservative or even right wing hispanic catholics there are a lot of deeply protestant conservative black people there conservative black american african-american preachers and church-goers and followers all right and there are right-wing white people there what cnn likes to do is pretend that the problem is ethnicity that the problem is like the difference in skin color and it's not the problem is a difference in creed religion beliefs cultural values agenda view of the future like the problem is real politics right real politics are involved here now again i'm left of center myself but i'm not insensitive to this every left-wing movement i've ever heard of in the world from the labor party in england to the green party in canada has been torn apart internally over israel now you could add to israel you could say israel and anti-semitism you could say israel and violence against palestinians you could say israel and american foreign policy you could add a lot of things but in one word israel right it's very very hard for the labor party in uh in england to cope with the internal divisions related to judaism anti-semitism israel centers and sorry if you're not british and you don't care you don't have to google it but really this has really been a big big deal um in in the uk now obviously again for an outsider for cnn or something you can look at that and you say oh the problem is the color of people's skin the problem is their ethnicity no it's a this is real politics this really matters you know the question of like what is england's political commitment what is their strategy in terms of geopolitics in relation to saudi arabia and iran and israel i think this is a really difficult set of questions you know what what is your moral commitment on israel and palestine and everything else and it is in some ways especially difficult for england england is in a worse situation than the united states on that in many ways you know so anyway i just say you don't want to trivialize it you don't want to dismiss it but the right wing is deeply internally divided and they're really divided against themselves and they are divided within their own hearts because the easiest way for them to do fundraising is to wrap themselves in the christian flag is to present themselves as the bastion of christian morality but that's not who they really are now another really brief example of that is the whole phenomenon of right-wing libertarianism now there is a sense in which libertarianism is not authentically right-wing that's another interesting thing like libertarianism is in some ways more like hyperliberalism right but right-wing libertarians are not homophobic right-wing libertarians are not opposed to people being able to smoke marijuana or even use heroin and cocaine right-wing libertarians support the decriminalization of all drugs they say just liberalize it all right-wing libertarians are against total decriminalization of owning guns let everyone own all the guns they want this is the right-wing libertarian view of things to minimize legal interference you know in all these ways right-wing libertarians do not share centrist or conservative or genuinely right-wing social values and they say hey let everyone have gay sex if they want to let gay people adopt children if they want they they don't share any of the right wing talking points but most crucially of all although right-wing libertarians including people who are direct devotees of ann rand although they wrapped themselves in the cloak of christianity right those guys are all anti-christian to their core and let me be clear i do not mean atheist being atheist is very different from being anti-christian what the ann rand right-wing libertarians are into is specifically attacking the moral claims that christian is based on which by the way most of the most of the um most of the left-wing atheist in this audience would actually sympathize with the type of moral claims we're talking about here okay we're talking about sermon on the mount type we're talking about caring for the poor having a society based on uh compassion take care of the weak and the downtrodden that sentimental side of christianity of the rich caring for the poor and of humility and voluntary poverty and help your neighbor and doing to others that is precisely what anne rand attacked that is precisely what the right-wing libertarians attacked they actually attack faith hope and charity all right they attack the kind aspects of crisis it's not that they're critics of uh circumcision it's not that the critics see what i mean like it's not that they're against the authoritarian elements of of of christianity they're actually against the frankly the elements of christianity that left-wing people still appreciate and many left-wing movements frankly try to imitate um aspects of christianity so i'm going to read some of the more questions as you can see i'm i'm relating this back to the topic of the live stream but i do have more to say about the valiant and about the uh about the far right in general here's a question what are your thoughts on your conversation with troy parfit or thoughts on his book so i did follow up that conversation by posting a review that is very brief and very negative and i'll now post the link to that review if you're interested it's who asked uh wicked energy okay so wicked energy here's a link for you um you know i just say in my interviews i am really quite polite and encouraging to these people who was that meat eater i was so blind and approaching to that that crazy guy frank tufano so if you want to see an example of just how polite and encouraging i can be i interviewed this guy called frank the fun i was a complete maniac and he he doesn't believe in the theory of evolution and all this stuff but i'm kind of polite and encouraging and let him state his philosophy of life and his view of the world and i draw him out and so on um and i was being polite in a similar way in my interview with um with troy you know but in on a simple factual level i think troy is totally wrong i mean i think and you you get that hinted at you know and i don't say to him hey look i think you're totally wrong but i see things like uh so you know when you look at uh when you look at the symbolic use of these ancient egyptian gods in the writing of dr jordan peterson what symbolic value do you ascribe to them and why you know i'm kind of drawing them out in this way but i think it's very obvious in that video i was trying to get at skeptically what is your basis for assigning your interpretation to these things that are mentioned uh really just in passing in jordan peterson's book and that you know no i don't i don't accept his his interpretation or his assignation of this the significance to it so yeah it's an interesting moment so i would just say i was tempted babe can you grab the copy of jordan peterson's book for me um i was tempted to do a fundraiser for this so guys i was tempted to do a um i could do right now a thumbs up challenge if you got 30 thumbs up i'll review this book i was tempted to do a uh i was tempted to do like a a gofundme type thing like pay me minimum wage to read jordan peterson's book but there it is there is beyond order 12 rules for life by jordan peterson so if you don't believe me it was on sale it was on special i own a legitimate copy jordan peterson got my money already but yeah i was tempted like do i really want to devote the hours to reading this book so if you pay me minimum wage if you pay me fifteen dollars an hour maybe we can figure out hours i just thought about i thought could i do a fundraiser maybe jordan peterson's fans would pay me 15 an hour to read this book but yeah i mean i do kind of feel like um there's a little bit i mean look in the same way as making this video now i do feel like there's an onus on me as a dissident intellectual talking about politics to deal with what's going on in the conservative right way to deal with a figure like a valia and apparently nobody else will and nobody else can like guys you're never gonna hear this on the young turks you're never gonna hear it on cnn you're never gonna hear it on fox news you're never gonna hear on any tv station but also other youtube channels are never gonna deal with the material that's in this video right now now in the same way sadly no one is going to deal with jordan peterson's work the way only i can or only i will um so yeah i do feel some kind of obligation to it would i prefer to do it if i could get paid 15 an hour for i don't even know is it 10 hours to read this yeah it would make i'm just being honest it would make a big difference to me i wish i wish i even just had the certainty that the cost of buying the book would be recouped through the number of views i get on youtube and it will not be so yeah i do feel bad about it i do have other priorities of other things to read about things they're right so it's it's hard but yes i you know so thank you the question was about my interview with troy which concerned jordan peterson and this book and yeah part of me does want to press further with that critique even if it's only for the benefit of say 1 000 viewers who might watch it and look at again i come out of a non-fiction background 1000 it's it's a small number by something it's a big number in other ways right if i i know a lot of people who published a book i know a lot of people who publish their phd thesis a thousand people never read it like really like so i am willing to look at it in that frame of reference and say well if i reach 1000 people with this and i have something really meaningful to say something really meaningful to offer that maybe it's still worthwhile for everyone involved oh yeah so wicked energy comments i noticed that he troy so troy is the guy who criticized jordan peterson i noticed that he had some really great examples mixed with absolutely flimsy examples right and i think that his book never once addresses this never once but he's influenced by this school of linguistic analysis where he treats he treats things that you and i would consider substantive in terms of content as being interchangeable with and equally as valid as a sentence that merely has some of the same nouns and adjectives it's very very strange and i said to him right at the beginning of the interview i said to him what you call plagiarism nobody else would call plagiarism you know and you we had a good conversation he was able to stay on that level and talk back and forth about it but yes what you say is true he presents really great examples and then he'll place something completely flimsy and laughable right next to each other he doesn't seem to be aware himself of uh what will and will not be taken seriously by the audience as a meaningful example of this kind of uh uh yeah so a comment from william mcgee and william again says quote jordan peterson made a comeback recently to edition with benzodiazepine so william some of the most popular videos ever on my channel were precisely indictments of jordan peterson on that issue and dealing with his drug addiction so i had videos specifically dealing with benzodiazepines specifically dealing with this history with antidepressants and with other uh drug habits so i don't know i don't tell you i've got a playlist here how many videos you guys can imagine how many videos have i made criticizing jared peterson the grand total is currently 29. so if you click on this link you will get that list of videos and you will see some of them have drug addiction and title some of them have um some of the benzodiazepines so look okay another question and this is relevant to today's video again guys so we now have more people in the audience if you hit the thumbs up button that will help us reach more viewers and get more questions while we're still going live said i appreciate it if you hit the thumbs up button if you change your mind later you can change you can change it to a thumbs down if later you decide this is a lousy podcast i'm 47 minutes in if you haven't made your mind up yet it's a good time to hit thumbs up now so uh atlanta richard says is there enough evidence to say that peterson is a crypto fascist though so my answer is no and what i'm repeatedly hinting at in the conversation with troy and really directly challenging him with i'm not just hinting at it i'm confronting him with i said well look troy the problem is that the stronger the cases that you prove that this guy jordan peterson is fundamentally lazy and crazy and just influenced by these authors that you name influence with folks that by the same token you're proving that he's not a crypto fascist so that he's not giving specific signals for specific far-right ideology these things he's just he's just being an idiot you know what i mean so i did confront him with that repeatedly um the stupider you believe jordan peterson to be the less method you see in his madness the crazier you perceive jordan peterson to be the more you perceive these things just as self-indulgent nonsense and not as some kind of organized crypto fascist movement so yeah within my patreon sorry shout out there was a patreon supporter but within my own patreon i also did present the um the counter evidence in this way where if you actually listen to what jordan peterson has to say about the eye of horus what he has to say about these ancient uh egyptian gods some of them are from ancient mesopotamia and so on the ancient near east okay so you listen to this stuff it does not sound like a coherent conspiracy for a right-wing takeover it sounds like a self-indulgent middle-aged man who has indeed recently recovered from drug addiction and has a long history of drug use and ex you know experimenting with hallucinogenic drugs and what have you and he's someone who grew up with this uh jungian tradition of psychology and reading really crappy pulp fiction books about you know um uh what kind of pop mythology theories there there's a lot of there are counter arguments here that would substantively instead you know delineate jordan peterson's project as fundamentally self-indulgent and stupid rather than some kind of highly motivated neo-nazi plot um just reading the comments okay good question what is the link between those who follow peterson and then slowly become more and more influenced by people like evalian and lauren southern so look great question um and there was another youtuber man what was his name now oh there's a guy who um who had a whole bunch of videos about the right wing funnel and his real name was caleb kane shut up the caleb i could probably search his real name that's right and his youtube channel was called faraday speaks so there was this here i can i can share the link so caleb kane aka faraday speaks he really did a lot to popularize this idea of a right-wing funnel okay uh i had an email from that guy three weeks ago we had a very brief email email. we're not friends we're not but we have spoken in the past we've spoken by voice call and we've spoken by email in the past um but we're not friends i really fundamentally reject the right right-wing funnel mythos okay human beings make decisions human beings make mistakes you know what i mean it's on you and you know i've had female friends who were anorexic okay nobody can say oh well you know i i used to read this magazine that has beautiful skinny women in it and therefore they became anorexic it doesn't work that way like and i'm not even hating on people someone who might in a really short casual conversation say that i'm not gonna assume they're being insincere or you know i'm not to say that they're lying to themselves i know if you're just having a casual conversation that's one thing but if you meet someone who really sincerely considers themselves a passive victim of something they saw on the cover of a magazine or even on a billboard you know advertising women's clothes and felt they have to look like this woman on the billboard you know no no no no at some point the has to stop and we have to talk about you and you are the person who chose to watch that youtube video and you are the person who chose to read that book and you're the person who chose to question it or or not question it and you know the the you can't look at these people as passive passengers riding along in these political ideologies and you can't look at women who decide to become very thin or very fat or do something else as the passive victims of an ideology of body image or beauty or anything else you know we we have to treat the protagonist as primary you know so look you've asked a question about people jumping onto uh jordan peterson this way and then ending up you know you know i i just think we really have to take okay look have you guys ever heard right-wing christians claim that they became gay because they read one pornographic magazine when they were 15 years old or something that they were exposed to pornography and became gay instead of straight someone in the audience says the cops are onto you we live in a high crime neighborhood sorry digression from a digression here i went to the bakery to buy bread how many people openly smoking uh you know i i would assume they were smoking opiates but it could be crack cocaine could be opiates you know uh but smoking out of a glass pipe freebasing um how did i pass on just on the sidewalk walking to go to the bakery and back minimum minimum 12 maybe it was more like 18 people and i'm not imagining that these people were on drugs you could directly see them like you could see the glass pipe you could see them nodding over on the ground um so we live in a high crime neighborhood and those those sirens you just heard it could using drugs is legal here it's not illegal but probably someone had an overdose or maybe one of them stabbed one of the others you know they had a fight amongst themselves that happens to but yeah so that's that's all on my block i walk through that every day and that's gotten that's gotten addressed sometimes and this is another reason why you shouldn't dismiss what the right wing are saying you shouldn't dismiss what conservatives are saying because we're living through a period of time when the left wing wants to do nothing but you know embrace and encourage drug addiction and you know some people like me or joe saying no you know we really have to take seriously the damage being done to our society by quote-unquote decadence quote decadence unquote you know it's it's a problem it's a real issue okay guys so we're returning from one digression to another briefly um you know no look if you read a pornographic magazine and and and quote-unquote then became gay no it wasn't the magazine okay it's you it's it's you whether you are gay or straight is about you it's you it's not somebody else it's not some external influence the porn magazine did not turn you gay and you might feel that way like you know subjectively you might passively feel like this this shaped who you are but no it's it's just not true like i i totally understand that subjectively i want to say when i was a kid i've never looked up these advertisements but there used to be these really sexually provocative advertisements for women's pantyhose when i was a when i was a kid i'm heterosexual in case you hadn't guessed from the voice and demeanor um but you know i can't be getting seeing these enormous you know advertising billboards you know advertising women's pantyhose and i didn't even know what sex was yet but like whoa this is having an influence on me what am i am i going to tell you this turned me straight like this well i became heterosexual because of this kind of no i mean you know like at some point it's not the magazine it's not the poster it's not your environment at some point it's you so i just say i know you know homosexuality it may be a difficult you know parallel to to stretch to here but you know your personal life your political life and these things you know look i'll just give you an example i read uh mohandas gandhi so most people refer to him as mahatma gandhi i call him mohandas if you don't mind mohandas gandhi famous political leader from india right and i know so many people get their hands on this same book non-violence and peace and war and they just read it then right from the beginning before they've opened it's like oh oh this is this is a great book by a great man oh this is genius this is a book that changed the world and they read it in this unquestioning worshipful way and they go around telling people oh you know i have changed i've read gandhi's book now my people but it's not the book it's you and i i read the same book i'm looking at this thinking this guy is a crackpot what the hell is wrong with people who make excuse for this book and support the world there's so much obviously self-evidently wrong with this from the minute i'm looking at at chapter one and i don't understand why everyone else is ignoring it but you know my skepticism my demands my sense of morality my sense of intellectual integrity i bring that to the book right i have those qualities and i have those questions and i have that you know i have the will in me and the book sits there lifeless and inert and i breathe my life into it because i wouldn't have energy to the book and in the case of mohandas gandhi you know i might it withers on the page in front of my eyes you know and with some other book it it fills it up with light and joy and meaning and it seems relevant to my life and seems brilliant or seems inspirational but but you know that's that's all on me and you know in the same way i can say a poster that's meant to inspire women to buy pantyhose you know i i bring my own will and my own sense of you know light and energy and i breathe that into that poster and my you know my imagination or my fantasies may make this advertisement seem like a lurid erotic spectacle but ultimately it's on me it's something i bring to the text something i bring to the image it's not it's not in these texts so sorry what you're saying in the audience it's completely true some people do uh take a kind of crooked path from jordan peterson to right-wing extremism absolutely they do absolutely how many people go from mainstream protestant religion to right-wing extremists how many people go from mainstream right-wing catholicism to neo-nazis i mean come on let's let's be real and it's not a simple cause and effect that right you can't just point the finger and say oh well it's the fault of the christian church even though in many ways it is if you guys ever watch um oh christ i'm gonna forget the guy's name the guy who does um the right wing nut case you know does a live stream and got kicked off youtube he was at the he was at the riots in washington d.c on january 6th um alex jones the whole act of alan's alex jones it only makes sense if you were going to the church if you don't believe in demons if you don't believe in like really like old school protestant christian preaching you would never take seriously what alex jones is saying it so much relies on the culture of the the church you know that's what the alex jones audience comes out of however i say again it's on you i can't really like i can't blame the christian church and i can't even blame alex jones people bring to it you know this this kind of of energy you know so all right i'm just going to read some of these questions and we're going to return to the main let me tell you the video here so someone comments that facebook and google made him gay because of the corporate mandated pride month seeing those little rainbow icons gotcha huh you're sitting there one day looking at those rainbow icons and think sucking dick you know when you sit there looking at that rainbow flag you start thinking maybe sex in the vagina isn't always cracked up to be i mean what are we what are we really doing here guys you think you know you start thinking you know what maybe growing up watching marvel movies made me straight and really i'm lying to myself yeah i i i have nothing against uh rainbow flags i don't but it's true we're definitely turning a point where uh you know the the the crass commercialization of the formerly you know genuinely politically important gay rights movement it's it's reaching a point of self-parity there was a time when you know really legitimately uh gay rights was a very very important political movement in canada and in the united states it still is a really important political movement in saudi arabia you know all kinds of muslim countries and in some conservative christian countries too it still is a real fight you know um i would say all of eastern europe you know russia you know gay rights in russia is still an issue you know but yeah the extent to which now it's become just another way to sell you coca-cola it's uh it's certainly a bit a bit uh yeah it is certainly become a bit laughable okay yep and i made a i made a video recently talking about milo yiannopoulos and his his bizarre ex-gay publicity scheme so those are other those are other major talking points on the right wing now in 2021 all right so guys i'm going to read to you the questions that i put to uh valiant questions that will never be answered and we can probably wrap the video there unless you guys got something more you want to talk about i would just say again what do i see as the big fault lines that are being illustrated by conservatives in the far right right now okay mass immigration mass immigration is that good for the working class mass immigration mass refugee policy who is that good for is it good for poor people is it good for people who didn't finish high school is it good for people who have factory jobs is it good for people who went to a community college to learn a trade is it good for people who work as a baker you know what i mean after going to a you know community college i could study baking didn't go to university aren't wealthy who is who is mass immigration good for if the left-wing parties are not going to ask these questions they're not going to question mass immigration then the right-wing party is going to if nobody on the left and nobody in the center is going to deal with it the right wing is going to deal with it and it's one of the most pressing important questions ever okay how about drug addiction if nobody on the left is going to deal with it nobody in the center is going to be able to the right wing is going to deal with it right okay so already we have some interesting qualities assigned to the right wing okay so we have the fact that they are pro-sobriety interesting anti-immigration interesting and then i already mentioned the big fault line within the right they're anti-islam they're certainly anti-judaism it seems inevitable that they will all also become anti-christian right but that's that's a very deep division because many of them are instead doing fundraising masquerading as good christians let me just let me just ask you does anyone in the audience think that donald trump was a sincere christian at any time of his life even as a boy i think he ever has been a christian donald trump you know and uh to be fair i don't think bill clinton ever had a day in his life in which he was a sincere question many of these people are are anti-christian on the center and the far right but they clothed themselves in christianity very cynically another big factor who is the right wing well they're anti-liberal they're anti-woke and we're living through a period of time when anti-wokeness anti-political correctness is itself a powerful rallying cry now aesthetically i think that's one of the main reasons why people loved donald trump right not any particular policy of donald trump's not what he had to say about tax reform or ecology or not his commitment to any particular not his commitment even to building the wall or something all right what many people conservatives and right-wingers liked about donald trump was his willingness to stand up bluntly and say things that other people found rude and shocking and not apologize for them right so this kind of belligerent anti-political correctness even being offensive for the sake of being offensive um and an ethic and an aesthetic captured by many stand-up comedians but of demanding this kind of disruptive honesty return to politics and shatter the veneer of corporate liberalism and corporate conservatism alike and you instead return to a more kind of earnest and rough form of populist politic okay so this is what's going on on the right this is what's going on with conservatives now and i think this is you know a very potent mix of uh highly highly reactive chemicals even if many of them are highly toxic chemicals shall we say all right so i turned now to this this question you'll see these questions i post there are only five of them to evaluate they get at these kinds of contradictions within the far right wing and those contradictions reveal and shed light on things that are going on in mainstream conservatism and i think all the way over to the far left wing as you'll soon see question one you've been one of the few people willing to talk about the extent to which the extreme left and the extreme right quote-unquote overlap in the 21st century i have seen examples of alt-right neo-nazis suddenly becoming tankies suddenly becoming stalinists suddenly becoming maoists on the internet and you've seen examples of the opposite you've seen tankies becoming nazis do you think this just tells us something but the kind of person who becomes an extremist left or right in 2021 or do you think this draws our attention to some things the far left and far right have in common now again i don't want to tell her private stories at a school um during our conversation she told me a lot of private things about herself and i think probably all of it is scattered around the internet somewhere i told her about my divorce and my situation with my daughter she told me about her divorce and her situation with her kids which again she's talked about she talked about her relationship with her ex-husband and other people in her life you know she did really talk to me personally about this stuff and so when i say you know examples of people who went from being communists to being neo-nazis right we are talking about people she really knew and really worked with and um [Music] the particular political parties she was involved with in canada they they definitely included this kind of lunacy now um [Laughter] i don't want to digress into my own philosophy in this video but i think it's important to to recognize that the most fundamental evil here is not authoritarianism it's belief itself and the type of person who wants to believe once they are willing to believe in left-wing authoritarianism they are conditioned to just as easily believe in right-wing authoritarianism and once they're conditioned to believe in right-wing authoritarianism they're just as as easily conditioned to to switch to left-wing foreigners but i do think it's important to keep in mind the fundamental problem there is belief itself and people who want to believe right even if they're dissatisfied with a particular religion they'll switch to another religion they they become disillusioned with a particular cult but they remain a cult believer they find a new cult leader i think this is part of this is me answering my own question here i do not think that would be her answer the question we will never know what the valiant had to say in response to this question two you've spoken about the kind of fear pardon me you've spoken about the kind of fear that inspires many white nationalists or perhaps most the fear of becoming an ethnic minority within countries that are currently white majority ruled is one example the fear of discovering through dna tests that you're not really the ethnicity you imagined yourself to be is another so again i know this is surreal for most in the audience it just sounds ridiculous but that drama played out several times with right-wing demagogues here on youtube tara mccarthy herself discovered or revealed that she was not as white as she pretended to be that she actually did have partly uh indian ancestry and partly jewish ancestry now i don't care because i'm not racist whether you're partly of indian ancestry or partly of jewish essence you're just fine with me but guess what she had she had built up this huge audience of rabid neo-nazis they did not see it that way so there have been several examples of this and where people are shocked to discover themselves that they're actually partly jewish or some other ethnic group that they themselves are racist against thanks the availability of dna tests this is not a purely hypothetical thing again i think she she's connected to people whether by the internet or uh or people she's known in real life who had this kind of shocking discovery all right quote from the outside looking in i mostly see a yearning to be special not fear as the primary motivation the desire to be famous the desire to be part of an elite the desire to be extraordinary without making the effort to do something that really would be extraordinary seems to me rightly or wrongly more important than fear it seems to me a kind of rebellion against the mediocrity and meaninglessness of their lives the refusal to admit that you're just a normal person from a normal town insisting instead that your own inborn racial identity and a huge conspiracy that's trying to destroy it makes you a very special person period we understand this desire to be special as a kind of fame whoring or is it just another kind of fear the fear of discovering that you're not important that you're not special at all question three the overt white nationalists supporters of a quote unquote ethno state it's always the term they use tend to choose japan as an example of what their desired goal for white people would be so this is itself something very telling and many of you in the audience if you haven't been following right-wing politics you wouldn't be aware of this but very often the right-wingers say that they are neither more nor less racist than japan they just want to have a country that is more like japan is for the japanese rather than a country built on multiculturalism mass immigration refugee policy etc etc however contemporary china and israel are also sometimes used as examples without irony even though these white nationalist groups are anti-communist and anti-semitic so she and i had already chatted about this i knew that she already was familiar with exactly what i'm talking about here that there are right-wingers and neo-nazis who say that what they want for white people is a state similar to what the state of israel is for jewish people that they want an openly ethnic nationalist state you know defined on a racial identity this way now more than one interesting thing to say about that israel is based on a religious identity not an ethnic identity they overlap to some extent but if you ever go to israel or even just look at some youtube channels about what life is like in israel actually judaism is internally uh multi-ethnic to a remarkable extent so and to give an example there are african-americans there are black people born and raised in the united states of america who've converted to judaism and they also are allowed to become israeli citizens and they're some of the most vocal political dissidents over there they get into conflict with the government and so on but there are so i just say there are black jewish people and there are uh iranian jewish people and iraqi jewish people and north african jewish people and so it's not the case the jewish people are one ethnicity nevertheless it is remarkable that right wingers they don't just point to japan as the model of what they want they also will point to israel and they also will point to uh china so i'm just going to pause to to um read some comments yes james is commenting about machiavelli that is true frieda says quote left-wing authoritarianism almost always translates into a government without a constitution today's mexican government is an example of this close quote an interesting comment i have nothing to to say about that that you think that left wingers are less interested in having a written constitution then right-wingers are conservatives i will have to mull that over frida i have never heard it suggested before that constitutionality and the role of written as opposed to unwritten law that that is itself a difference between left and right as a genuinely original suggestion to me um i might disagree with you if i had enough time to think about it or research it but i think i think you you know what i mean i think you've actually made a provocative and interesting statement there that the left cares less about written law it cares less about written constitutions uh than the right that you might have a point there and there might be a weakness of the left also you know um comment from michael quote right-wing conservatism has done well in presenting an inclusive movement you can be white black jewish gay vegan and said well and michael you're not mentioning hispanic a huge effort they're making on the the right wing and and the right-wing and conservatives generally is to include hispanic christians hispanic catholics and they're succeeding you know it's not easy for the left to include hispanics so know that yeah i'm not blind to these things i know not that many people have been here since the start of the video but some of these things were mentioned earlier and i said that it's very easy for you know um cnn to reduce every conflict to being about ethnicity when actually there are more meaningful religious cultural and genuinely political divisions that only roughly correspond to ethnic divisions so uh someone named ron in the audience asks why do people think that the left wing is is anti-semitic so rex in two words is real palestine so the left wing is is quite unhealthily obsessed with the israel-palestine conflict and there is i mean there's anti-semitism everywhere in modern politics but for the left the question of where you stand on israel-palestine and hamas and all that that becomes a litmus test for whether or not you're you're left-wing enough um so yeah i think that's all i need to say about that but yeah sure also just generally the whole of western christian culture is profoundly shaped by anti-semitism and the whole of well the whole of eastern orthodox culture is shaped by anti-semitism also but beyond that of course muslim culture on a global scale is is intensely symmetric so these are there are major major sources over the place for anti-semitism but certainly the left-wing engagement with the israel-palestine issue puts on shortfalls okay so i continue my questions for rebellion that we'll forever go and answer um okay i continue quote i have seen neo-nazis say that what they want for themselves is basically a state of israel for white americans or white canadians etc what do you think japan envy china envy and israel envy tell us about the white americans and canadians who sign up for these ideologies why would they imagine their own lives would be better if they lived in a country that was more like japan or china or israel now i just say generally i encourage people to ask these kinds of questions in the context of political debates as opposed to attacking someone's character like whether you're talking to someone who's right-wing or left-wing with a left-wing officer just ask them in an opening way how do you think life would be better if canada were more like communist china or you know i don't know what the example would be how do you think life would be better if canada were more like communist cuba communist vietnam the soviet union in the year 1948 or something you know whatever the year is you're going to pick under under stalinism or something you know to ask that in a sincere way but in a challenging way and not let them off the hook because very often a communist or left-winger will say oh well i'm not saying that i'm just saying no you are if you represent communism you're saying life would be better if this is more like that that's absolute broadest you know so let's let's really be sincere about this and they may have never reasoned that through or thought it through so it's certainly someone interested to put to a right winger the same sort of question and ask look if this is what you believe that this is what you represent if this is the goal or destiny you are leading your movement towards so what's so great about it what is it you think is desirable what do you think is uh what do you think is positive a question from uh william the left in the u.s has four democrat congresswomen who make anti-semitic comments with no one questioning them well so william i will relate this back so he is alluding to ilhan omar or possibly alexander kazar cortez this is this is who you're alluding to presumably but i will actually relate this back to our earlier discussion about jordan peterson and that is that the stupider you think these people are the less seriously you take those comments and i have to say i regard most of the people you're talking about as as not being intentionally anti-semitic i just regard them as very stupid and likewise i extend the same you know token to someone like uh jordan peterson i think that most of what he's saying it's just stupid he doesn't really have a right wing agenda he's just an idiot so there's a kind of stupidity versus evil uh there's two sides of the bounce here intentional evil versus unintentional uh stupidity but yeah frida is just commenting that where she lives also left wingers make a lot of manny smith i've dealt with it i've added directly directed to me as someone who's genetically jewish you know i'm not a member of the jewish religion i'm just big and tough and scary so it works out for me it doesn't really bother me that much people coming but no anti-semitism is is popular on the left and it's at the moment in 2021 it is broadly speaking a popular ideology of our times so we have to we have to deal with whatever we have to expect it everywhere put it that way all right question four quote a large part of what i see on the internet within right-wing extremism within left-wing extremism and even within vegan extremism is hostility toward university-educated people i didn't read this before it's such a good point such a good point i completely forgot i made that point so before when i was summarizing what's going on in the right wing i forgot about that but that's part of the support for donald trump and for this type of right-wing populism silvio berlusconi any of these guys part of it is hostility against university educated people and a yearning to have political leaders who do not act like college boys to use an untranslatable you know american political idiom so sorry i forgot i made this point i didn't read this before during the broadcast all right there's gonna be that again a large part of what i see on the internet within right-wing extremism within left-wing extremism and even within vegan extremism is hostility toward university-educated people and suspicion directed toward university-granted expertise very true both neo-nazis and neo-communists tend to regard the whole banking system and very basic aspects of normal economics as a secret conspiracy both groups along with many hippies and many vegans regard health information provided by the government as a conspiracy when marijuana was illegal that was supposed to be a conspiracy now that marijuana is increasingly legally available there is instead of conspiracy to keep people stoned and weak etc both left-wing extremists and right-wing extremists tend to do a lot of reading and watching youtube videos but of course what they're reading are never university textbooks never recognize these by the establishment as factual or educational instead their alternative history alternative health alternative economics etc so i asked the question to what extent is neo-nazism a rebellion against university education or the kind of elite status of knowledge granted by universities admittedly a valiant may not have the answer to this question but that is a great question to put to you in the audience it's a great question you guys think okay last uh last question last question for evalian and last question from the audience william asks who is the stupid who put me who is the stupidest omar talib or cortez so this is uh comparing the associates of uh aoc here uh he says i say cortes omar has the most hateful and finally it's a it's a race to the bottom guys um i will just say you know having something in common with somebody is very different from evaluating their intelligence and deeming them to be a highly intelligent or highly confident person you know like if you feel you have a lot in common with alexandria cortez like you want the same kind of future you want to have better health care for poor people or this kind of more compassionate view of what to do with the government's money like you want to reduce spending on the military and increase spending to help poor people to very broadly characterize the bernie sanders political tendency you want to have cheaper tuition in universities in the united states this kind of thing you have to set that aside with detachment and evaluate who someone is intellectually and who someone is you know ethically i also think you have to evaluate who someone is you know emotionally um [Music] you know early on in napoleon's career you could tell how bad things were going to get you could see ethically and intellectually what kind of guy napoleon really was you know i'm just saying there might have been a stage if you had been alive in france at that time when you i don't mean someone hypothetically i mean you if you were alive in france during the rise of napoleon you might have thought well isn't this politically convenient here's this guy who has a lot in common with me and he's going to get rid of the right-wing extremists and he's going to get rid of the left-wing extremists the jacobins was both so napoleon was a moderate centrist who was going to politically repress the royalist religious conservative right-wing and he was going to repress the left-wing jacobin egalitarian so that was his significance a lot of you people in the audience right now if you've been alive at that time you might have really thought that you should support otherwise napoleon but if you weren't evaluating how much he had in common with you if you were instead evaluating who he was intellectually ethically and emotionally i think you'd come to some really dark conclusions and that would foretell just how bad the uh dictatorship of napoleon would soon become so that's a very separate question i mean you know i may i may have all kinds of things in common with alexandria ocasio-cortez but i think she's stupid you know it's a different judgment i i'm just being honest i could imagine her being a friend of mine you know i'm sorry if i knew her person-to-person but i think every time i'd be talking like you know alex she'd be one of those friends where you're trying to be nice but she's really not the sharpest you know attack in the stack you know all right so final question for evalium earlier you and i both reflected that people who endorse mass murder tend to be deeply flawed characters in other aspects of their lives morally flawed intellectually flawed and so on often enough they emerge from tragic personal circumstances shattered home lives etc now just pause again sheena had a personal conversation but she was talking about the people she had known especially the men she had known some of them were women though but men and women she'd known personally who were in this right-wing extreme movement and she was saying you know there were patterns with these people it seems like all of them come from a shattered home all them have certain kinds of emotional conflict with their parents with their ex-wives with you know there's certain patterns to see again and again and they seem to be escaping from this personal tragedy by embracing right-wing extremism so anyway she she herself was commenting on this type of pattern to what extent are these people right-wing or left-wing extremists just trying to make themselves happy through their politics it's the toughest question of all guys what could be more pathetic but it's true i meet these people with them what could be more pathetic than meeting someone who's embraced communism has embraced you know whether it's mao zedong or stalin or this new movement we were just criticizing on the channel the land back movement when you really get down to why are you doing this to yourself they're just trying to be it's happy most of the time that's what it comes down to they're just trying to be happy they have a miserable life they're unhappy with things their life and they join an extremist movement because they're trying to be happy you know um trying to be happy and they're going about it you know the wrong way people certainly tend to create a fictional character for themselves on instagram or on reddit or on youtube or on tumblr just to make themselves happy by playing that role or by drawing a certain kind of attention to themselves obviously what i have just said is very true of evalian herself as a younger woman it's very true of bel delphine herself as a younger woman and it's very true of the vegan activist i mentioned as an example vegan booty right these are people who created a persona created a false person created a puppet version of themselves on the internet just to make themselves happy just to draw attention themselves and then in some cases they start escalating their act to get more attention by through more extreme and more provocative uh displays i continue my question here for valiant what is it about nazi extremism that makes people feel happy what is it about nazi extremism that makes people feel happy even if it is just for a short time what is it about justifying the holocaust that would make someone or a certain kind of flawed character feel better about themselves i have had to ask communists the parallel question again and again and again i have had to ask my own father and my own mother these questions again and again and i just say you know guys if there are people in your own life you can reach out to maybe it's someone your own age maybe someone younger than you maybe you have a cousin or a nephew or a brother or sister or younger younger friend who's getting involved with stuff you know it's very hard to keep them on topic but one type of question you can ask is okay look so stalin and this mass murder what is it you like about that what is it that draws you what is it you like about communism i would even say this about anarchism you know okay so what is it you like about this so you know is it the violence is it this you know or don't even put words just ask them to tell you on their own terms what is it you like about this and sure with something as obviously dark and gruesome as you know right-wing extremists getting involved with anti-semitism and justifying the holocaust and so on i think there's a very simple but ultimately quite deep question to be asked there of what do you like about this uh what you like about this ideology anyway so there's someone here who's saying that they're they have a an elder relative presume i don't know if they're now deceased they're either deceased or very elderly who was in the history hitler youth and she was she was very eager pardon me okay i gotta end this soon because i'm stumbling with my words and there's someone here who has someone in there had a relative in the grandparents generation who was in the in the hitler youth and he says that this relative of his was very evil so you know i just heard an in-depth report from the new york times dealing with this and there's no doubt a lot of the people who today have become neo-nazis had contact with a grandparent who was an actual nazi you know or a great grandparent even they had some kind of human connection to that that made them start thinking and feeling in a certain way start starting to make them feel feel special you know and um i've probably told this story before but my boss when i was in thailand he was a very elderly white man and his mother had been alive in that nancy generations he was an elderly man he was a small child in the nazi period most of his members were after nazi's men ended but his mother was really an adult at just that time of just that period and he had this great story it's a story where nothing happens in it but she went to a public meeting so this would be something like a city hall meeting or local provincial council meeting where she stood up and she had a newspaper that was reporting that hitler was carrying out these atrocities against jews and against anyone who questioned the regime basically you know and she stood up at this meeting and said passionately that she knows that these are lies made up by foreign governments because she feels that the members of her party she was a member of the nazi party she was actually for the fight she said that she felt that these were all good people that they would never do something like this she says like i know these people like i know i know this can't be true yeah and this is what i say it's a great story although nothing happens in this classically german way all the all the other people at the meeting they just sit there with their arms crossed one [Laughter] nobody responded to her verbally but with the silence and with the look in their eyes they just communicated to her don't you get it are you the one person who didn't get the memo like everyone else in this room knows what's going on in terms of the holocaust in terms of in terms of uh mass murder you know and interestingly she took off her her nancy badge right there she quit that day she quit the party she formally filled out the forms to to quit the nazi party uh she rejected the nazi part and they didn't pursue her they didn't throw in jail or punish her they like they let her get away with it you know um and from that day forward she rejected the night but this and they never told her you know but she went to this meeting and she said that she still believed in the party and that she still believed they wouldn't do anything evil like this she got this kind of silent raised eyebrow response and she made a moral commitment to quit uh the nazi party now anyway when i first heard that story i said to him i said to my boss wow you know so she must have been a person of real moral fiber she must have been someone who's willing to to risk her life this way because you know sorry to publicly then denounce and reject the nazi party during the nazi period living in nazi germany raising a kid there and stuff this was really putting your your neck on the line you know that was how i interpreted the anecdote was this was someone who was bold and you know morally self-confident and you know he told me something really useful he said no you know she was a very simple-minded woman she didn't understand the danger she was in at all there was no courage involved she was really just so stupid she really was a naive childish stupid person who went to that meeting with this newspaper saying i know what it says the newspaper is wrong because we're all moral people and then when she got the message that they're not all moral people she quit the part and she there was no heroism there was no self-confidence she she just didn't think of it that way at all so you know this illustrates you know a very different kind of moral of the story about what this this video is is all about the way in which politics is for for simple-minded people a very dangerous place to play okay guys so you know wrapping this up i basically have the same moral to put to the story that i put to so many of my youtube videos let's talk about you know um uh money fame power respect and sex you know and i do think that when you look at the life of a valiant when you look at the life of bel delphine when you look at the life of this vegan activist i mentioned vegan booty who is now making money on only fans you know there was a time when involvement in political parties really meant a kind of humble anonymous self-sacrificing volunteerism right and i've done a little bit about of that myself like we're joining a political party it's still true to significance that joining a political party meant that you would go to the party headquarters get a bunch of pamphlets and then walk door to door giving people the ham pamphlets and saying hey i hope you'll consider voting for us i hope you'll if you have any questions about the party platform right that was political activism right and that's changed now nobody wants to be a follower everybody wants to be a leader and you can be a leader you can be a leader on your own instagram profile you can be a leader on your own youtube channel your own facebook group and your own patreon and your own only fans and if if you're attractive as a man or woman a lot of the guys in this game a lot of the men are trading under sex appeal too this is a critique that applies to men and women i can't say it appeals to them pardon me i can't say the critique applies to men and women equally because it is it is harder to make money as a man selling pornography it's just harder it's just not as easy however it does apply to men and women both um it's a tremendous significance for for men and women alike but we have this situation where formerly obscure formerly humble formally humiliating paths to power through politics that might require many years of laboring in obscurity of meeting in secrecy that's true for right-wing extremists it's true for level insurance but it's true for mainstream politics also i mean if i talk to my girlfriend about like oh well do you want to get involved with the most boring mainstream political party like the democrat party in the united states do you have any idea how many years of going to boring meetings and sitting and waiting your turn to speak with people you don't particularly respect who people don't want to listen to you and you don't want to listen to them what a long path to power that might be um so a lot of different examples come to my mind right now there's an anti-corruption group i was just looking into and i just emailed them trying to get a an interview actually i'm writing them and they they've now had their 10-year anniversary so they've been 10 years they've been working against corruption in the american political system and it's this humble you know anonymous boring slow work right oh but now we have the internet now it's not a matter of you going to the party headquarters and getting a group of pamphlets and then walking around anonymously handing out these pamphlets now everyone can make their own pamphlets even if that's all you do right everyone can have their own website everyone can have their own little measure of fame everyone can have their own live stream everyone can be a leader everyone can be a distance everyone could be an author and you know fundamentally i think that's a beautiful thing one of the most important things is that it challenges you to do your own reading it challenges you to do your own writing it challenges you to invent your own ideology question select the the solutions question you know what's going on in politics and come to your own conclusions in a way that you never would if you were really a follower of a political party in the way that was standard in the 1930s in the 1940s and 1950s and still you know in the 1960s so i i can't say that it's a bad thing that we fundamentally have fewer and fewer followers and more and more leaders in politics even if each leader is leading uh a tiny and an irrelevant troop of people who are willing to listen to their to their opinions now you can just also compare that to the way radio used to work it used to be that there was one man who had a call-in radio show on one radio station and that was it every day there would just be one two three four or five people whose opinion about politics mattered on the radio and radio gathered together the focus and attention of the the public on one spot and made everyone listen to just one man's voice and today anyone can be the host of their own radio talk show anyone can have their own have their own podcast right but you know you see the problem you see the danger um it's very easy to say that a valiant's whole life would be better off if she had simply never gotten famous you know it's gonna sound strange it would be easy to say evalian's whole life would be better off if she had just been ugly enough that she didn't have the kind of easy success she had when she was first toying with the internet first toying with exploiting her own appearance attractiveness and trying to commercialize her sexuality on the internet like how much better off would her whole life be now if she had just stayed in school and gotten a conventional job as opposed to now being on a terrorist watch list and so on and so forth because she got into as i say this very strange situation where she was combining trolling and political commentary with escalating levels of edginess and sexual provocativeness to get an avalanche of monetary support male attention and what have you i mean her whole act it was in the same way that vegan booties whole act this this particular vegan activist who also sells nude images of herself on all events in the same way all these different things come together on on one you know at one crossroads in this person's life and when it's over and done with that person is left with you know absolutely nothing um ultimately you know politics is about outcomes and what i have to keep saying to my audience again and again is you know the ultimate outcome that matters is you is who are you what kind of person are you going to be who are you going to become and the other outcomes we're talking about in politics they may just not happen you know some people will say back to that selflessly and sincerely enough they'll say oh well i don't care what happens to me i just want to achieve this noble political goal i'm pursuing whether that's a left wing goal or a right-wing goal or an environmental goal a great example would be global warming lots of people today will line up to say oh well i don't care about myself this isn't about my ego or my life as long as i can save the planet as long as i can reverse global warming through my political activism just that alone and i'll be happy you know and they don't see what a um they don't see what a grandiose delusion you know this really is and that really the humbler and more pragmatic course of action would be to think okay here's the kind of person i want to become now i'm not saying you should separate that from the kind of political consequence you're pursuing i'm saying just the opposite [Music] if you decide that you want to be the kind of person whose opinion is taken seriously about ecology really think about what that entails you know really think about a hard lonesome path that might be for many years to say i want to be the kind of person who when i speak about this or when i make a youtube video about this when i write an article about it people take my opinion about ecology seriously and here's why you know there are many paths that it's not that there's just one path it's not that you're only going to get there by earning a phd in ecology there are many ways that you could put yourself in a position where your opinion about ecology really matters if you sit down and think and where you were going to be able to push respect where you were going to be able to go around and say hey look i need you to respect my expertise or what i have say about ecology for this reason this reason what if instead of ecology it's economics whether you're left-wing or wing or centrist if you start by saying what kind of person do i want to be i want to be someone where everyone takes what i have to say about economics seriously there are many paths to that kind of power it's not as simple as saying get a phd in economics right but if you put that first and foremost you don't talk about for example saving the planet as the presumed outcome of baptism you don't talk about say uh raising the minimum wage or liberating the working class or something is your presumed outcome but if you just say to yourself honestly i want to be the kind of person whose opinion on this subject matters and then you start living your life accordingly right that can be part and parcel of the pursuit of political change in a way that's really wholesome in a way that is not destructive to you personally and is not destructive to this society that you live in as a whole