Anisa Jomha is wrong, NOT about OnlyFans, about University.

27 April 2020 [link youtube]

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a piece of paper no matter how
prestigious it is isn't going to guarantee you a job ever what's going to guarantee you a job is work ethic and really believing in yourself and getting up and trying again and again and again this isn't the 24th century religion this is like the white middle class work ethic religion yes it sucks sometimes and yes it's hard but at the end of the day completing it makes you a better person if you are dropping out of university if you have dropped out of university or whatever it is that is not money wasted I remember when I quit university I was bawling and I basically said to my dad I feel like I wasted a bunch of money and my dad said did you learn something and I said well yeah of course I did and he said well then it wasn't money wasting aren't you open to the idea that some people learned nothing or some people learned so little that they can't justify fifty thousand dollars worth of debt in my personal opinion there is no such thing as a going nowhere degree even if your degree isn't going to directly translate into a job it doesn't mean that that doesn't help you learn who you are and learn what your contribution to this world is doesn't that sound a little bit too much like an impossible to prove religious concept and not something we could ever pin down and measure as true false or half way true or false in the social sciences did you find your true self did you figure out who you were supposed to be in the positive contribution lay the world Yes No maybe so 40% of people who set out to get a bachelor's degree drop out I am one of those 40% in different cultures around the world human beings have always created rituals to mark the transition from childhood to adulthood I remember once seen a documentary film of a young man in Papua New Guinea who had to be stung by about a hundred bees and then do a ritual dance next to a fireplace to prove that he was no longer a boy but a man and he had to show no pain weeping or in everyone he was stung by these bees or Hornets or whatever they were and they the shaman prepared for this ritual they would take the bees and trap them in a kind of woven fabric trap them alive and then wrap it around the young man's hand like a glove he would dance with this glove on his hand that was full of stinging Hornets if this sounds barbaric to you let me just remind you I'm half Jewish Judaism they still have this great idea has to do with cutting off part of your penis that's the difference between being a man Wow who thought of that male circumcision female circumcision gee you know what I'll go with the bee stinging ceremony okay but in our culture today I think we do have magical attitudes towards university towards college education and we have to every so often stop and challenge yourselves what is it that we believe is so special what is it that's supposed to make a man out of us in all this weeping and dancing and bee venom in my personal opinion there is no such thing as a going nowhere degree even if your degree isn't going to directly translate into a job it doesn't mean that that doesn't help you learn who you are and learn what your contribution to this world is but if that were true it would be falsifiable right so without getting into a huge digression into Karl Popper and the philosophy of science and the concept of falsifiability right doesn't that sound a little bit too much like an impossible to prove religious concept and not something we could ever pin down and measure as true false or half way true or false in the social sciences did you find your true self did you figure out who you were supposed to be and the positive contribution way the world yes no maybe what your contribution to this world is do you think we can pull college graduates do you think how would how would anyone know if this were true for themselves how would we know if it were true or false for others I gotta say sling you for me subjectively what she's describing here and throughout the rest of the video none of it was true I don't see any of this value in college and when I look at the other people in the classroom with me thinking back to when I studied the philosophy of Plato I don't I okay that was a small classroom there was not a single student in the class who was getting more out of being forced to study the philosophy that I was but it's so easy to commit to this kind of coming of age mythology like oh no no this is where you discover your true self this is where you gain mysterious magical abilities like so-called correct critical thinking and when somebody asks you to define what critical thinking is and how we can actually test whether or not you have it right what what if someone asks you to define knowing who you really are in your life's purpose and so on and can we actually test who didn't have that at the start of college indeed getting it from college and where did they pick it up along the way was it intro to English literature was it being forced to read Shakespeare's sonnets was it the process of sitting in a room and discussing homoerotic imagery in Shakespeare's sonnets was that what did it for you what when exactly did the bee stings help you make the transition from being a boy into a man I'm being sincere when I say this a lot of people are living with unexamined hocus pocus about what college is supposed to be and what for each of us and all of us it really is just because you're getting a humanities degree doesn't mean that you aren't going to do something important later on as long as you put in the effort and the work once you figure out what you want to do I personally think University is a great place for people to network figure out who they are figure out work ethic and figure out how to think critically this is the part I completely disagree with and let's be clear there's some things here I sympathize with Anissa Joan was trying to turn her own life around you'll see she's reflecting on the fact that she dropped out of university herself and she regret said you'd like to go back to school now so on and so forth if you think if you think that networking is a reason to go back to university you're dead wrong and I went to what is in theory the most elite University in Canada okay once University of Canada and I guess that must be worth something on my CV now but supposedly that's the best of the best what kind of networking are you gonna do sitting in a classroom with a bunch of sullen teenagers who are staring at their phones and who are being forced to read the philosophy of Plato Aristotle sovereignties who are sitting there oh I don't even know why I have to read this anyway my parents forced me to major in political science so I could be a lawyer afterwards nor have to read this crap you made your own even knew was invested with it dude that's that's you're sitting there with you're sitting there with a bunch of people who have absolutely no interest in what the professor is saying until the bell rings at the end of the hour and he starts talking about the football game that's coming up in the weekend and they all sit up I've been in that situation a bit set up I've been a situation where the other students they get interested when the professor starts talking about footballs oh damn this is what you're paying tens of thousands for you're in the classroom people dragging their feet through this you cannot hope or expect to find colleagues or intellectual equals or any worthwhile people among the students the hardest thing to accept of all is that you can't even expect to find worthwhile people behind the podium amongst the professor's because just as bored as the students may be with the philosophy of Plato nine times out of ten the professor also is bored also as donors if you get to know the professor he's going to tell you something similar that Sookie like oh well I did my PhD thesis on the philosophy of Hegel I don't know why I'm forced to teach this classic book Plato I don't even want to be here you know I had a fight with the administrator for the department and know I have to teach the stupid class I didn't want to teach no I obviously I'm an older dude but even when I was a kid he when I was a teenager I used to talk to professor's about how did this course end up on the schedule how did you end up teaching it dude really it can be that bad you cannot go to a department of political science and expect to meet even one person who's interested in politics not one student not one professor and I mean that about elite level universities even more than a vote kind of run-of-the-mill average your Middlebury universities I put in a department we could and you might think oh well that's only true of service the people are studying because they want to make money like go to a department of dentistry and nobody's really interested in dentistry that is one of me way no I was in the department studying Cree and a jib way First Nations languages indigenous languages you might think oh the only people we'll meet there will be really passionate about saying the service no I did not meet one person who wanted to study the language amongst all the students and at a special meeting with two of the professor's they weren't encouraged me to get a masters degree and PhD in the department and I said to them look I can't study a language if there isn't even one other person for me to talk to do you know a single student other than myself who actually wants to learn this language and they both sat there and they were both pretty sullen and mopey and they both said no so you can be in a department of classical ancient Greek philosophy where there's not a single other students that you can be an apartment of something obscure like Korean a German I have been in an apartment of Asian Studies where nobody's interested in the history or politics of Asia you know in each each one of them when he gets in those students they have a different reason for why they're there there was one she flunked out of chemistry well flunked out of the chemistry program I didn't know what to do I already speak Chinese or decided to get a degree in Chinese literature she doesn't want to be there she doesn't want so do not take this mythology and make out of it an expectation that you impose on the other students in that classroom these are all things that are very hard to learn in life and things that University just automatically bestows on you if you give it a chance what a claim so you know again you've got to think about karl popper's criterion of falsifiability do you really think that critical thinking it's something that people lack who haven't been university and that people have bestowed upon them binders and if so how would we test for that right what is the test what is the exam for these other nebulous qualities people supposedly acquired University because I've got to say something I've met people who dropped out of college and I met people who dropped out of high school who are much more intelligent than other people who have PhDs right it some of you in the audience you may not have that experience I really have that experience okay I've known some unbelievably stupid people with PhDs from elite universities it's real okay getting a PhD it's mostly a test of how much money your family has how willing they are to part with it and the extent to which you as a student are just a gormless conformist the extent to which you're a spineless pushover who's just gonna go with the flow in the system that's about all it's testing it's not testing your intelligence creativity Verve tenacity it's not even testing your hard work it's not but what is critical thinking or any of these other things you know if if you can't measure it it probably doesn't exist not any more than an openly religious concept like being saved or enlightened right and this is this is some sense of being a person who has a sense of purpose and mission and guidance in life that she's saying you gain but going to university and I know how many thousands of people do I know who've been through this and who come out you know really broke it hearted because they lack all of those things and they feel they didn't gain any of the so 40% of people who set up to get a bachelor's degree drop out I am one of those 40% this is the part this is the part I sympathize with and as much as I'd like to say that I have zero regrets that would be a lie because I have a lot of them I was in university for three years and it taught me an amazing amount of being able to see the world in a creative and different way and be able to question the things around me that's interesting I'm not gonna discount her experience if you really believe that that really is your experience University that's interesting and I'd like to know more but for a lot of people our experience was I showed up and I got a bunch of like insane lectures that just reflected like specialized monomania of the professor so like an English literature you happen to have one professor who was obsessed with homoerotic imagery in Shakespeare maybe it's not that maybe I don't know if you guys know there's a thesis that Shakespeare was secretly Catholic you these people who go through all the texts and they collect the little bits and pieces that suggests Shakespeare sympathize with the Catholic Church not the Protestant Church and they put you know if that was what your professor was obsessed with you spent hours and hours hearing about this you know complete nonsense that had no real use even within the world of English literature it's just indulging that professors personal obsession among many a lot of us come out with a patchwork of these eccentric meaningless experiences and of having to conform to the whims of that professor in order to get a decent grade in an exam that in the end we we learn nothing from where we walked away saying oh all of learned is how to sit in a room with a really broken human being and listen to them talk about their their personal pet projects you know and if you think that gets less depressing in the Department of Political Science where there are consequences involving dead bodies and so on I would say it's much more depressing I certainly resent much more being lied to about real history with a real body count than being lied to just develop how you interpret a poem you know and I've really I've really had to sit through that and you know I try different I tried everything sometimes I try to channel professors sometimes I try to be the one using Socratic method and sometimes I try to go with the flow just to see what would happen what if what if I go with what if I go with the present is it was this gonna lead us you know yeah yeah and you know what my conclusion is you can't win and what is winning mean winning means learning and this is that I think I've learned winning means getting an education and my experience of the university system is there is no way to get an education out of this system I I really I really mean that and as brokenhearted as I may be by my own experience the university system the other irony is it's only people like me that the system works for it's people with my work ethic people who can be a total autodidact people can just take the library card go to the library do the research write the paper with the zero guidance and the professor and zero feedback and people who can be satisfied that I did good research and I wrote it up and I published it all by myself you know those are the people who can benefit from the system as it exists now and and that's me and it's not people like Anisa is right Vanessa Anissa whatever pronunciations like Anissa is is describing here kind of aimless teenagers I mean those those I think are those are people who are really set up to fail by the system if you're dragging your feet when you walk through the library door you shouldn't be at a university at all you know we got a stack of books here so I could actually put the books on camera but let's not bother but you know I said to molest the other day I had like just three or four books on a set of topics in the history of China I saw so if you just look at these three or four books unless if you really sit down and read these and took notes if you really studied these four books thoroughly you would learn more than you learn in a university degree from here University of Victorian Asian Studies like you know if you really learn with these books and that's the truth most people go through four years and they don't really learn as much as you read in a thorough detailed examination of a small like say four really good books they're all on the same kind of overlapping specialized Soviet with that and I know it a nice look something that always surprised me most I really talk to people on campus like his his you know most of the classes I took at UVic I spoke to and got to know like every single student in the classroom and when I was University of Toronto in the smaller classes too cuz I had a lot of classes there only eleven students you get a sense most people are not doing the reading they're neither a critic of the course nor they're neither satisfied nor dissatisfied but attending classes and writing essays is this kind of unwanted punctuation in a you know a kind of for your vacation in their lives that's most of what I see around me and that's that's the other aspect of aneesa's praise at university it seems very alien to me is that she says this instills work ethic so she already said that the user gave his work ethic loose what you're talking about everyone I know who goes to university I think the worst thing is that it lulls them into this tremendous laziness it's it's four years we have much less of a work ethic than you'd have working at Starbucks let alone join the military the thing that's really disappointing to me is I feel like I quit University not because I had better and greater things to do I quit it because it was not for me because I didn't want to put in the effort and for whatever reason in my dumb eight child brain I was like I would rather work two jobs then go to school and to be honest I took it for granted that being said if you are dropping out of university if you have dropped out of university or whatever it is that is not money wasted I remember when I quit university I was bawling and I basically said to my dad I feel like I wasted a bunch of money and my dad said did you learn something and I said well yeah of course I did and he said well then it wasn't money wasted so for me that's got to be falsifiable right what did you learn you know and aren't you open to the idea that some people learned nothing or some people learned so little that they can't justify fifty thousand dollars worth of debt for it as they learned you know you can't just dogmatically state everyone learns critical thinking everyone learns a work ethic or everyone makes great colleagues it's the most mind-blowing claim of all colleagues that are gonna carry you through really I know a lot of people who went to law school it didn't come up with a single friend hot people whatever in law school med school people study psychiatry people who study philosophy came out without a single friend or colleague with a one other person who's even interested in philosophy or the same era philosophy boy let's not even get into religious studies it's a real hothouse but if that's the claim you're gonna make is well you learned something and learning something anything is worth any price obviously there's no way anyone could live with that if you if you took that seriously if you really do find that were a piece of paper no matter how prestigious it is isn't going to guarantee you a job ever what's going to guarantee you a job is work ethic and really believing yourself and getting up and trying again and again and again I think that it's not about the piece of paper that you get at the end of it I think it's everything else that you get during it this is the 21st century religion this is like the white middle class work ethic religion and what are you gonna say sorry I mean Anissa and I both I think we I think neither one of us counts as white she's half Arab I'm half Jewish were probably half cousins three times remember you know whatever but I mean you know I was applying for jobs today where the only thing that mattered was my university toufool that was it and you had to click a box I have a university diploma that's relevant I have a university diploma that's irrelevant that's not one of the suburbs they want and then I don't have University diploma but I have an excuse you could fill in that box there were three there was a checklist for you to click with job nope and you know the other thing this has come up even with some of the jobs I've left for did so do is come over say there are jobs where I just say to my girlfriend's straight up look they'd hire you but not me they'd hire a cute female that hire a good-looking female but not a scary-looking dude physical appearance I mean again that's why I said white middle-class American religion you know I think I think black people in America are just much more acutely aware of the extent to which your appearance just utterly shapes your fate in the free market do it unbelievable extent but nothing nothing could be less true I mean sorry yes a piece of paper matters I mean yeah it's not it's not that having a piece of paper is desirable it's that it's a requirement right there were jobs I was applying for in Taiwan and it's like oh no if you don't have this piece of paper then the government won't give you the work visa so you can legally live here and stay here and do this job so do you think you can be a school teacher do you think you can be a kindergarten teacher do you think you can be a nurse do you think you can be a doctor if you were the client if you were the customer would you hire someone to be the architect who designs your home if they don't have a piece of paper saying they're an architect would you pay someone to cut you open and perform heart surgery on you if they didn't have a piece of paper saying they were qualified to be a surgeon on and on it goes and the terrifying thing is yeah it reaches down to the humblest most most pathetic most pitiable of jobs that you know the tyranny of the pieces of paper of having having required certificates and degrees you can't get a job as a dishwasher here without getting a series of pieces of paper right you eat your food safe diploma is this series of like you know safety and hygiene diplomas you get from the government and so on just to wash dishes in the back of a restaurant so no we're living in the era when yeah the tyranny of appearances is one thing but then sure the tyranny of of pieces of paper I don't think I'm gonna be offered a single job I applied for today I don't think a single one's gonna respond pawsley but if they do it'll be because I had that diploma I had the right University diploma for the job and there weren't ten other people who had the same stuff that's you know not enough people showed up on that particular day to apply for that particular job I think that it's not about the piece of paper that you get at the end of it I think it's everything else that you get during it that being said if you value the opportunities that come from post-secondary and you value the feeling of completion and you value having a little bit of guidance and a kind of a transition period into adulthood by all means you know keep doing University keep pushing on because it does not hurt to have some sort of work ethic instilled into you it's the same as somebody who goes into the army or anything else it's like it's not if you versity you wake up whenever you want to wake up you go to class when you want to go to class you mentioned this you only want to about 40% of our classes so she said shake this amazing transformative experience that gave her critical thinking skills the rest your life but you only went to 40% of your classes you get drunk when you want to get drunk you get stoned when you want to get Strout stoned I'm sorry but people lead really dissolute lives in university and university has a tremendously corrupting influence specifically on white Americans in the United States of America I mean I'm not gonna generalize probably University in Saudi Arabia university campuses in Iran not quite the same but no the idea of university being this kind of Garden of Earthly Delights they even are our campus here you why does it look the way it does why do university campuses need to have palatial gyms and swimming pools and nightclubs is a nightclub right in the middle of UVic campus right why you know why do they have these palatial gardens you know it's much closer to visiting the Palace of Versailles it's much much closer to visiting like an 18th century aristocrats playground right than it is a place of learning or training right so you can even see that in the architecture in the fields what it is that people are signing up for and but again okay if you believe this let's think like Karl Popper let's think scientifically all right there must be some way to prove the opposite there must be something falsifiable here if you really believe that people getting a bachelor's degree in English literature learn a good work ethic we have to be able to test that hypothesis right and even if it's true for 1% or 10% of people I don't know percentages we've got to be able to come up through social science research methods with what percentage of people it's true for and what percentage is false for and aneisa I've got to tell you I think for the vast majority of people University does not give them an improved work ethic it might all things considered make them worse off in terms of working I think yes it sucks sometimes and yes it's hard but at the end of the day completing it makes you a better person so I guess this is also an announcement video that I will keep doing YouTube but I am applying for universities again I would like to finish my degree I got my transcripts so this is just something that's important for me I hope that this helps some people in some way I was kind of just me I'll have to get from but you know yeah thanks for watching and I'll talk to you guys next time whenever that is but until then I don't know the story ends I don't know if Anissa went back to university had finally had her heart broken but you know I think each of us is kind of burdened with an ideal of what education ought to be and I think probably each of us is burdened with an ideal of what being an adult ought to be and university appeals to these overlapping senses of idealism and what an appealing notion that all I have to do is put on this wicker glove and get stung by a hundred bees and do a magical dance in front of a fire and I'm no longer a child I'm an adult now you know this has become this defining ritual that draws a line between you know the unrefined ruffians of high school and the presumably polished economically upwardly mobile middle-class University educated adult and if you just pause to ask for one minute what did you learn you know what did you learn in university I think it opens up a whole strange world of recriminations that most of us don't want to get into because then we end up reflecting on just how great the gulf is between that ideal of what education ought to be and what it is we actually received shut up to a nice ajumma I'd be interested to know how this story ends did she actually go back to university did she finish her degree and having done that and having sat in the classroom with those other people who are dragging their feet and showing up to class hungover and stoned and playing with their cell phones in during the lectures and have their laptops open and are like shap shopping for clothing and shoes during the professor's lecture endemic on university campus room maybe if she actually did go back and have this experience maybe she'd have to re-examine her own idealism and realize um simply put things are not what they seem