The Enemies of Medicare for All.

31 December 2019 [link youtube]

Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Occasio-Cortez like to vaguely blame "corporate greed" for the high cost of health care in the U.S.A. (a statistic routinely rounded off to "double" the cost of other countries, in democratic 2020 primary debates)… LET'S GET LESS VAGUE, really do the math, and come to some conclusions as to what's the source of the elevated cost of delivering health-care, and who are the real enemies of medicare for all in America.

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#BernieSanders #AOC #PoliticsInPyjamas

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so what are we really saying here are we
actually admitting that doctors and nurses are paid too much in the United States of America boy that's a sobering chart the other peculiar misleading half truth or outright lie that Bernie Sanders has been trading in is this notion that Medicare for all would save taxpayers a lot of money would save the United States government a lot of money and what is the one crucial variable presumed in that calculus pay attention here it's mentioned very briefly the crucial assumption is that they would reduce the wages paid to doctors and nurses by 40 percent usual disclaimer at the start of this video the fact that I criticize the left-wing does not mean that I myself am something other than left-wing within American politics I'd be considered quite far to the left nevertheless I made the decision a very long time ago that I don't want to be a part of a religion that's built on a lie when there are lies and inaccuracies on the left whether it's the moderate left or the far left what have you I am honest with myself and I'm honest with others about the lies inaccuracies and errors that are to be found on my side at the political spectrum I would advise you and everyone else to do the same you may have heard this many many times in the last two years the claim that the United States of America spends twice as much on health care as other countries around the world so here quoting a New York Times article senator Bernie Sanders and other Democratic candidates for the 2020 elections often note that the United States spends twice as much on health care as other comparable nations but gets less value in return Mr Sanders has long railed against the health care industry arguing that it it has gotten rich at the expense of regular Americans when we're looking at politics and propaganda carefully crafted messages of this kind it's important to emphasize that the word there is it he doesn't say medical doctors he doesn't say nurses union he says it okay if he blamed unionized nurses that would sound right-wing that would sound conservative the Steven it would be the same statement if he blamed your local family medical doctor well that might create all kinds of conflict the general public wants to imagine that the friendly doctor and the friendly nurse that they aren't the bad evil people who are getting rich off the system it's just it it's a depersonalized abstract system that he's blaming not particular people we continue here Mr Sanders likes to cite the health care industry it along with companies like Amazon and Walmart as a prime example of the corporate greed his campaign is fighting head-on right corporate greed not medical doctors greed right not nurses greed not unionized hospital workers greed this whole business of blaming corporate greed is also a bit peculiar do you think that in France they have no corporate greed do you think that in England they have no corporate looking at these numbers we see something really important that differentiates France from the United States difference it differentiates England from United States it really does seem a bit surreal to try to attribute this to some kind of abstract notion like corporate greed or some cut some conspiratorial idea of what's going on behind the scenes it's not behind-the-scenes people it's right out here in front of you it's on the surface people aren't seeing it because they're actively choosing to ignore it they want to maintain this myth of the friendly family doctor that doctors and nurses have your best interests at heart when they don't they have their own best interests at heart it's the greed of doctors it's the greed of nurses it's the greed of very real people with faces inside the system it's not some kind of abstract conspiratorial notion of the system that exists apart from those individual people so what are we really saying here are we actually admitting that dog and nurses are paid too much in the United States of America boy that's a sobering chart when you make this claim again and again Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasek are testing so we made this claim again and again that health care costs twice as much in the United States of America as it does in France you might put up this chart showing how much or how little the United States of America pays medical doctors compared to France it's more than double you're paying a huge amount in salaries to doctors and nurses this is primary care physicians the numbers become even more startling when you look at specialists whoa that's a lot of money that's a huge gap the other peculiar misleading half truth or outright lie that Bernie Sanders has been trading and is this notion that Medicare for all would save taxpayers a lot of money would save the United States government a lot of money and what is the one crucial variable presumed in that calculus pay attention here it's mentioned very briefly the crucial assumption is that they would reduce the wages paid to doctors and nurses by 40 percent we asked senator Sanders spokesperson he told us that while the study says Medicare for all would increase the federal budget by roughly 32 trillion dollars it also says that the projected cost of all healthcare expenditures in the US would drop by two trillion dollars the study's author says that that two trillion dollar drop is not actually his conclusion he said that's based on assumptions made by senator sander fact he wrote quote it is likely that the actual cost of Medicare for all would be substantially greater than these estimates which assumes significant administrative and drug cost savings under the plan and also assumed that health care providers operating under Medicare for all will be reimbursed it rates more than forty percent lower than those currently paid by private health insurance so there it's mentioned so quickly that you could miss it it doesn't really matter if Bernie Sanders comes out and points his finger at the nurses union now or later if he were actually elected into power he would then be put in the position the same as a right-wing union buster of saying no no no I don't care what salaries your Union negotiated Union for doctors Union for nurses you know for a spot spittle workers the Bernie Sanders administration the federal government is going to force your wages to be lower and dramatically lower maybe forty percent maybe it would come down to the same rates you see in those other countries like France and so on so we compare the two the difference between a primary care doctor and a specialist in France is almost a rounding error right look at that they're almost the same in France but then look at the United States of America you're already paying an unbelievable amount for primary care and then it gets much more unbelievable when we switch into specialists here's another admission of the fundamental underlying tension here in a Reuters article Americans use roughly the same amount of Health Services as people and other affluent nations the study found instead health spending may be higher in the US because prices are steeper for drugs medical devices physician and nurse salaries and administrative costs to process medical claims hmm which one of those do you think when you do the math is the largest part of the cost of delivering health care if States of America obviously health care is what you'd call a labor intensive industry these are unbelievable wages to be paying and yes the shall we say class struggle that's going on here in reality below the surface invisible no we're really admitted to by Bernie Sanders nor by the mainstream media employer this is that medical doctors themselves not some abstract depersonalized it not some corporate conspiracy not corporate greed medical doctors themselves are a powerful lobby who have something to win and something to lose in this debate and they are playing to win and the left wing is hampering itself by failing to admit honestly and openly that the enemies of Medicare for all in the United States are the medical doctors themselves [Music]