Jussie Smollett: What Would the C.I.A. Do?

22 February 2019 [link youtube]

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I know why the CIA gets a bad name I
know I used to live in Laos age to live in Cambodia man plows used to look like a piece of Swiss cheese the United States dropped more bombs on Laos this tiny poverty-stricken country than they dropped on all of Japan and all of Germany in World War two combined okay I know and that war wasn't the US Air Force wasn't the army it was the good old CIA I know what the CIA gets a bad reputation but I see these things in the news and I wonder why don't you people ask yourself what would the CIA do can't you take some spiritual and moral guidance in your life from the CIA jussie Smollett trying to trying to fake trying to stage manage a political hopes let's put it that way to make himself a more politically significant figure or mark CIA does that say he's done that in Latin America Southeast Asia that all over the world man sure faked violence real the pilot did well why didn't you just just stop and ask yourself what would the CIA do that was so much wrong with this plan there was so much wrong with it at every stage that you look back and think how could this possibly have gone right my girlfriend I've been watching a lot of videos again from DJ Vlad showed up to Vlad TV YouTube channel here and hear about one crime after another one murder after another and this kind of thing it's just no way these people could have gotten away with it like there are the specifics of the crime but again like what do you what do you think or is it the influence of Christianity is it like oh this is what Jesus would do guess what Jesus was found guilty he went to trial and it was executed on a goddamn cross geez is not the patron saint of getting away with murder okay he's about getting caught standing trial and doing your time did is he did his time on a wooden stick bro it's not how you want to look up to in key situations like they were the specifics of how they carry out the murderer yeah but then on a broader cultural level it's like man you know what if you want to get away with murder you want to involve like 20 or 30 people do you really want to have a gain of people involved and then have like social occasions where you hang out drink beer out of long necks like get high and and boast about this murderer like expanding the number of direct and indirect witnesses and participants like 30-60-90 like it keeps it keeps going up like just just stop it as you CA kills people all the time how do I get more what would the CIA do I'm just certain if you contrast the gang culture to the professional killer culture of the CIA you don't even do a lot of research because you don't need to read a lot of just ask yourself hey you know what people I could even extend this to some things that are that are positive right you know what if you're trying to make a positive difference in the world if you're trying to do political activism don't do some dumb [ __ ] standing on the sidewalk holding a sign is that how CIA enforces world politics you know what do you think the US government is ever they're like guys how are we gonna influence government policy in Nicaragua let's let's let's that's the CIA the CIA comes back they're like well we got this plan we're gonna get some people to hold signs and walk back and forth on the cipher ask yourself positive or negative channel them a channel SGA is your spirit animal reach out for spiritual guidance the CAA what would the CIA do