Who is my ex-wife? And Soycrates?

21 January 2020 [link youtube]

Durianrider | Charles Marlowe (Vegan Cheetah) | Joe Vegan | Chantelle Robin | Soycrates | Vegan Revolution (Josh) | #Divorce #Daughter #storytime

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You may not know that I have several youtube channels, one of them is AR&IO (Active Research & Informed Opinion) found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP3fLeOekX2yBegj9-XwDhA/videos

Another is à-bas-le-ciel, found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/HeiJinZhengZhi/videos

And there is, in fact, a youtube channel that has my own legal name, Eisel Mazard: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuxp5G-XFGcH4lmgejZddqA

Youtube Automatic Transcription

let's talk a little bit about who is my
ex-wife how you might know her how you might have encountered her through her shenanigans here on YouTube in the last few years and this is linked to the ongoing controversy about psyccritiques and SOI curtis's alter-ego the YouTube channel called Chantal Robin a controversy that is boiling away partly seen and partly unseen here on YouTube because Socrates managed to get two of my videos deleted by manipulating YouTube's censorship system and let's just say if my videos not even criticizing Socrates if my videos reflecting on the history my interaction with her if that is deleted and censored from YouTube then nobody has the freedom to criticize anybody on YouTube those videos I mean Socrates is a public figure she has her own YouTube channel she has different websites where she promotes herself as an author and by the way to Fred she's written several books as well as writing blog posts as well as doing articles most of articles are about video games but nevertheless she's someone who's been an author and a content creator and so on and it should be a fair game for someone to use quotations of hers and you know to take a screenshot for Instagram page or of her blog where she uploads articles and say okay here's my criticism here so I just go through and guys I've really encouraged my critics here on on YouTube there have been some obsessive and crazy and evil critics who've really denounced me on this platform but I really think it's important to recognize the role of legitimate criticism legitimate differences of opinion I'll always remember there was one guy he was a really fat guy he was vegan but he was really overweight who got so angry at me because of what I said about spaying and neutering cats oh there are some vegans and they spent their whole lives adopting stray animals and you know spaying and neutering these animals and he'll basically you know I'm very critical of pet ownership pet ownership is a form of exploitation of animals he and I are different kinds of vegans and that guy made such a series of videos angrily denouncing me and defending his moral superiority because he spends all his time taking in stray cats off the street and you know chopping their balls off spays and neuters these animals to turn them into a human toy um there have been people who had really deep really deeply felt intense disagreements to me on YouTube and there was a time when I would say proudly hey that's good that's what YouTube is all about let's not defame each other let's not cross the line let's not say anything that's gonna ruin the other person's life make it impossible for them to get a job or you know ruin their marriage or ruin their custody case with their ex-wife or something let's have some level of decorum but nevertheless sure disagreements about you know political views and the ethics and politics of veganism great that's what this platform should be all about so it's really bizarre that now in 2020 soy Cortese has demonstrated that YouTube will not allow or or put it this way the rules that govern good behavior on YouTube can be abused by bad actors like Socrates to suppress even the most benign use of freedom of speech is basically my point about Socrates was to look back at what I actually wrote on my own blog and say look she's been lying about what these articles are on my blog there's nothing really scandalous about them there's nothing really shocking about them you know let's look back and see what this controversy where it came from okay my ex-wife in case you didn't know carried on a campaign to attempt to defame and denounce me that involved her making lengthy private phone calls to durianrider and supposedly providing durianrider with with dirt with rumor or gossip or innuendo against me that during Ryder was then going to use against me to destroy my they see on YouTube long phone conversations with Charles Marlow who used to be known on YouTube as vegan cheetah she had long phone conversations with Joe vegan so that guys forgot now he's have a really big YouTube channel that was primarily satire and just to pause on that one all of these I've confirmed but Joe vegan he had his own code of ethics he got in touch with me and said that he wanted to confirm whether or not this woman contacting him really was my ex-wife and we did confirm it we verified that it was really her and as soon as he verified it was her he said forget it he's not gonna have her appear on his channel he's not gonna talk to her anymore he's not gonna use any information from one because he felt that was immoral he was interesting and the reason why he wanted to confirm with me was he thought if it were a scam artist if it were a fake person if it were someone in person in him ex-wife then he would invite the scam artist to appear on his channel he'd exposed this person for pretending to be interesting interesting little moment in the history of vegan YouTube there uh she got in touch with and had a long phone conversation with the YouTube channel called vegan revolution so his first name is Josh he uses the name Josh openly now um again with the purpose of somehow defaming mere Blackie McGuirk so this is a remarkable career my ex-wife has had here on YouTube over many years and she did cooperate with and collaborate with Chantelle Robin Chantelle Robin is not a real person's name it's a YouTube channel name and Chantelle Robin is Socrates so you may not have noticed in at least two videos on Chantelle Robin's channel at least two because I haven't seen all the videos she has a photograph of my ex-wife include his video and in case you don't know anyone who's used a photograph of my ex-wife various YouTube channels have including like Charles Marlow because he's right there she will complain she'll file a privacy violation complaints no no you can't use a picture of me again this is sort of abusing the rules within YouTube hate to tell you something guys if you put a picture of yourself on you know public social media whether it's Instagram or Twitter then a YouTube channel has the right to report that but hey so my ex-wife's picture appears on Chantal Robbins Channel and in case you have any doubt that Chantal Robyn and Socrates are indeed the same person apart from the fact that the Chantal Robin channel contains my nude details of my past conversations with soy parties back in the days of my blog vegan mind tricks before they'd show apart from the obsessive interest in things that only Saugerties interested in the voices match many of the videos on the Chantal Robin channel include the voice of soy parties isn't instantly recognizable and you could confirm but going and listening to one of soy Tisa's own YouTube videos or she did live streaming live streaming while playing video games switch and this kind of thing it's very easy to confirm that yes the Chantal Robin channel is created by Socrates that's her voice okay now my ex-wife is not a good liar she's remarkably bad at lying to and manipulating people she certainly has a long history of trying to lie to me yet maybe to no avail she's just not good at it and these conversations she had with these other youtubers I mean you could tell when durianrider tried to make propaganda out of what my ex-wife had told him apparently the only coherent information you got out of it was this belief that my parents are multimillionaires that I personally or my family are unbelievably wealthy and he kind of natter Don incoherently about that Josh YouTube channel vegan revolution he was trying to get any kind of psychological dirt he could on me some proof that I'm a terrible person yeah who wants to even debate whether or not I'm terrible person and the only thing he could get at em ex-wife was the claim that I would make faces in the mirror to see what my expressions well I mean if that were true what kind of terrible person makes expression in the mirror I thought about this later because I mean like Josh when he interviewed me try to let corn business you know your ex-wife says you sometimes make faces in the mirror to see what your expressions look like what a terrible person you are Oh the only thing I can think of here is that this is my ex-wife wondering actually this is related to having a beard you know if you have a beard or short stubble like this you've got to look in the mirror and kind of make faces for where you're where you're trimming around the edges of the beard it's about I should think about but any case this sort of allegation like what would it mean who would it matter if it were true so even though she had this defamation campaign against me I've got to say I think the impact all her efforts have had has been absolutely nothing compared to the spontaneous defamation of you know sincere but crazy people in the internet such as that guy who was so offended by my comments about you know adopting spring stray cats my comments about castrating you know animals people like that I think did have an impact on how how the public perceives me how other youtubers believe me how the vegan movement perceived me somebody like unnatural vegan denouncing me and lying about me Lorelei's somewhere I think that did have an impact I don't really think my ex-wife's hate campaign against me had much of an impact but we know this is not a complete list of all the youtubers she got in touch with to try to bad-mouth me so durianrider Charles Moreau go Charles Marlow aka vegan cheetah Joe vegan Chantal Robin aka soy Cortese vegan revolution in cage Josh if you guys remember there were a couple others that came forward there was one who had a youtube name something like vegan heavy metal fan I think was heavy metal vegan and she actually quit YouTube because she was so freaked out by her interaction with my ex-wife she like quit Twitter and quit you to just like look forget it I'm out this is crazy and indeed it's it's kind of crazy so what has happened since then in terms of my divorce my situation my ex-wife we went through a period when we had a court guideline I'm gonna say guideline because if I use any other word it suggests like a negotiated settlement that's not what this was my ex-wife first got paperwork issued against me that treated me as if I were missing and presumed dead hilarious story in itself and then I had to employ lawyers and fight that paperwork to prove no I'm not dead I never was missing without a trace there never was any reason to think I was dead or missing I was in contact with my ex-wife by email during this whole time she filed misleading paperwork which the courts recognize in brief it says in in this is in French of course but in English it says there was something not entirely proper about the paperwork concerning whether or not this man whether or not I was invited to attend the court proceedings I wasn't those court proceedings were concealed from me so without my having a lawyer present or without my being able to fly in and represent myself or appear in person at these quarters there was a hearing carried out in my absence and then there was paperwork issue that treated me as if I were dead or missing without a trace so then I had to employ lawyers to challenge that and prove that I'm alive and that I ought to have the rights of a parent and so on that was a guest a kind of a Pyrrhic victory because that resulted in a guideline being handed down from the court that was fitted to my schedule when I taught as a university professor in China so they said okay they're gonna set up the schedule was unbelievably expensive that would allow me to fly back and forth and see my daughter for just a couple of weeks a year so out of that guideline I got to see my daughter four times in two years you know spread out basically every six months and there was nothing in that paperwork indicating when it would elapse or when it would end and my ex-wife refused to negotiate it or modify it anyway like you know you can imagine it might be very significant say look can we shift this so that it's one week earlier like it begins one week earlier it ends one week early no she wouldn't accept anything like that so I had to visit on precisely the dates that the court have recommended that were based on the Chinese university school year so when I returned to Canada it was impossible for me to continue my studies at the University of Victoria if I wanted to see my daughter so it was in a heartbreaking situation was like well I can't enroll in classes I can't continue with my degree in university unless I'm willing to throw away the meager a few weeks a year in which I get to see my daughter and I decided at that time okay my priority is seeing my daughter even if it's in these insane circumstances now the particular lawyers I had didn't help I'm not gonna digress it the complaints here about the lawyers I employed I've employed Canadian lawyers and have employed lawyers in France and they didn't help it's interesting to imagine a parallel universe in which I had lawyers who were more shrewd or more abled or had better advise me or what have you but based on the information I had including talking to lawyers it seemed like the only thing I could do was try to keep myself available to visit my daughter on this schedule that have been handed down this guideline and again it's a court guideline from the hearing where I was challenging the earlier paperwork that treated me as if I were dead or missing without a trace saying no I'm alive I should be able to have some voice in this so it's it's not again it's not even like a separation agreement it's not like a divorce agreement it's nothing and unknown to me that paperwork then elapsed and then we were back to square one in the French legal system basically all paperwork collapses after a period of time sometimes it's 12 months or 14 months sometimes it's 3 months but currently after that after that people collapse and including today my ex-wife and I we are legally speaking we are not divorced we are not separated we don't have any separation agreement on paper in theory I'm entitled to 50% custody of my daughter because we simply have the legal status of being married it's as if we've never been separated all we've never been divorced at all because after that paperwork elapsed we were back to step 1 and since that time my ex-wife and her lawyers have adopted the strategy if it can be called the strategy of zero communication zero cooperation and allowing zero progress so in plain English my ex-wife is refusing to divorce me she is refusing to cooperate in getting a divorce now when you say cooperate all that really means is like being able to receive like being willing to receive paperwork when I issue paperwork to her so we tried to give her paperwork for the divorce and she refused to receive it if people do that then you know you have to hire a private investigator as a process server to force her to take the paper orally okay so you're gonna refuse to receive an envelope you know with documents in it legal this I mean that's the best delaying tactic but it's also kind of dishonest and manipulative and it's it's refusing to get divorced why do you want to still be legally married to me she has already you know become pregnant with and given birth to another child you know she's already raising another child in many obvious ways she's moved on with her life but she's refusing to allow me to move on with my life legally she's refusing allow this to proceed it's very very strange that she has lied to her own family so her own father who made a bizarre public statement here on YouTube and in terms of what the paperwork says the paperwork I have in French court system it seems that she has lied to the courts in pretending that she was offering me a divorce settlement and that she was offering to pay me a generous settlement that she was going to reimburse me financially for wrongdoings in the past so that is stated in the paperwork from the judge that I have had to pay a lot of money to get a legal illegal translation from French into English and the judge in that earlier guideline seemed to presume that because of this goodwill from ex-wife that we would be divorced in no time that within just a couple of months this would all be wrapped up because my ex-wife had made this goodwill gesture that is completely untrue that's never happened none of my lawyers so I've employed a series of lawyers now none of them have ever received an offer from axe wife neither with nor without this kind of financial settlement being offered she has never been willing to divorce me on the contrary she has refused to divorce me and that's the current situation so another in terms of refusing to comply with paperwork in the French system it presumes that I have paperwork such as the leave lady Femi the the family book and if you don't have this it's very difficult for me to file divorce papers now it would be easy if she filed for the divorce then we can proceed from there but if she refuses to file for the divorce I'm not a French citizen she is I'm supposed to have paperwork that I would that she refuses to give me that I would be unable to legally compel from her so she can in effect make it impossible for me to divorce her just by her refusing to file divorce papers and then her refusing to comply when my lawyers contact her and say hey look we need the livre de famille we need this paperwork so we can file for divorce and we can move ahead with this so it's completely bizarre but in the French system especially if one person is a French citizen and the other is not she can refuse to divorce me and basically halt the proceedings forever so I'm talking to new lawyers now we're gonna try to make progress it is what it is but whether you can call it a legal strategy or not my ex-wife now is refusing to communicate refusing to cooperate refusing to get divorced and it's very strange that she lied to her own father her own father came here on YouTube and he said the exact opposite he said that the situation was that I was refusing to divorce her when she was off in divorce that's not that's not true at all okay so that's the reality of who my ex-wife is and look we have this saying in English judgy not lest ye be judged let's say the obvious here for a minute judgy lest he not be judged what kind of person collaborates with Chantal Robin in those bizarre YouTube videos to defame me why did my ex-wife give Chantal Robin a photograph of herself weeping there's no other way Chantal Robin could have had that photograph or even known what Mac's wife looked like to put in videos that are meant to defame and demoralize me why what kind of person is that what kind of person from her position my ex-wife is not even vegan she hasn't been vegan since she split up with me okay what kind of person gets in touch with Doreen Reiner when I've got a court case with during writer when during writer I made threats of violence against me there was this whole controversy I'm in court in Thailand with durianrider and she gets in touch with durianrider to denounce me to him to encourage him to say more stuff I have to hurt my feelings to denounce defaming on YouTube what kind of person when she phoned Charles Marlow vegan cheetah he was confused at first he was like who is this and then he said with surprise he said there were oh so this is isil's ex-wife and she screamed at him angle angrily she showed it at him angrily that she's not my ex-wife that she's still my current wife that she's my wife today this is truly bizarre and disturbing behavior now spread out its now continued for several years and you know the ultimate victim here is just my daughter it means that my daughter sees so much less of me as she's growing up than she otherwise would the ultimate cost is that instead of spending my time and money and effort making my daughter's childhood better the time and money and effort is going into lawyers and guys I do not even want to estimate how much money this has wasted if you've been watching my youtube channel for a long time a couple years ago you know my father died I received a tiny amount of money when my father died that's partly because my father was not a multi-millionaire and it's partly because my father had nine kids and he gave money to all nine of his kids and all of the grandchildren so I forget I forgot a many grandchildren so you can imagine even if you're just giving like $20,000 to each grandkid and maybe $40,000 to each kid or something you know it's a lot of money in total but it's spread out so I inherited a tiny amount of money when my father died that money disappeared so quickly when I was paying for airplane tickets back and forth between China and France to try to spend time with my daughter under that that agreement starting agreement under that court guideline that only lasted for four visits and then once I got to France I had to spend a fortune because again my ex-wife who refused to cooperate in any way whatsoever I had to fly in to Paris Airport take a train from Paris to another city get my daughter or take another train all the way down to the south coast of France take the train back again and back again there was a fortune not just spent on airplane tickets on train tickets there was a fortune spent on lawyers and this fortune is being burned through so that I can see my daughter for like a total of three weeks per year it's like three weeks plus a couple days it'd be like a two-week vacation at one point what it's pitiable it's a waste of everyone's time it's ultimately just depriving my daughter of her own childhood it's depriving me employee to my daughter and it makes no sense my ex-wife has moved on she's with another man she has another baby she has another child why would she want to remain legally married to me and why would she want to waste her time trying to drag my name to the mud on YouTube the only thing I can say is good news her efforts never worked