From Activist to Onlyfans to Prime Minister: Vegan Gains' Delusions of Grandeur.

23 August 2020 [link youtube]

Vegan Gains says he wants to be elected Prime Minister… no, he's not going to get himself elected mayor, nor get involved with provincial parliament, nor is he even looking to volunteer in local elections… he imagines his political career will start at the top. Shout out to InvaderVie:

Shout out to UDidItRong:

Shout out to Vegan Gains… I guess:

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#Onlyfans #VeganGains #PrimeMinister

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i am actually considering uh pursuing
politics jasmine actually thinks i should become prime minister of canada that's a topic for a video parliamentary politics is a game that anyone can play however it is not a game that anyone can win you know i think i'm like charismatic and unique enough to win uh prime minister i'd have a pretty good chance if i actually become famous like that and then run for prime minister i think i could do a better [ __ ] job than trudeau did you take any notes madam chair from that phone call it was in regards to the unsolicited um that was my question did you take notes yes or no did you take notes i was provided a briefing note which has been shared did you okay you have you did you take notes on your phone call yes or no for the fourth time everything i received was in line with no did you take notes with your own hand that was the question it's a simple question yes or no vardish chagar is a successful politician not a good politician not an inspiring or inspirational politician she's an absolutely terrible politician when i hear her talk about politics it's horrifying to me i feel this is a woman who has no concept of public service whatsoever this is a woman who has no understanding of what parliament is supposed to be what her duties are as a parliamentarian she seems to me shockingly ill-educated and ill-prepared for the role that she's playing could could she be worse could her preparation be any worse than vegan gains who spent his life uh playing video games she was training to be a nurse she went to the university of waterloo where she studied sciences as a pre-nursing degree but notice what's highlighted in green she began volunteering for the liberal party at age 13. i have absolutely no respect for this politician whatsoever i have no respect for the political process she's a part of that has plucked her from obscurity and put her in a position of not just power but fame i think it's a terrible political system that i don't want to be a part of i despise many things with the political culture that um has put her in this position of power and fame but ask yourself richard if you think it's going to be so easy for you to walk up to these people's desk and eat their lunch right off their table are you willing to do that work richard are you willing to put in the years and years of volunteering in local party politics are you willing to make the extraordinary sacrifices that even a complete scumbag like bartish jagger made on screen right now you see the man who currently rules the roost in richard's own writing this is the federal member of parliament for guelph this is his youtube channel that's how many views he has on his youtube channel that's how many subscribers he has on his youtube channel he gets as few as eight views per video 13 views per video do you think richard is one of those 13 viewers do you think vegan gains is taking the time to listen to the speeches from his member of parliament there's remarkably little public interest in parliamentary politics remarkable little participation remarkable little involvement and richard is right in one sense that if he made the effort if he did the hard work over many years he could get he could get some rewards from being say one of the 13 people with this level of sincere interest in parliament in his writing but we all know that's not who richard is that's not what richard's doing with his time and he would probably find it quite humbling to have to struggle fair and square to get himself a seat in federal parliament what background does this man have lloyd longfeld the man who would be richard's competition if richard were actually serious about this plan to get himself elected to parliament and then become prime minister of canada he didn't study political science he didn't study political philosophy it's quite likely he has never read aristotle but what he did do was dedicate eight years of his life to working in the local chamber of commerce chamber of commerce it's mysterious without being intriguing what the chamber of commerce does that's that's a good way it's mysterious but not at all intriguing most you've probably never given any thought to what goes on day by day if you were to get a job working at the chamber of commerce imagine if richard had the humility and dedication to spend eight years of his life working nine to five at the chamber of commerce after i finished high school i had a much better idea of like the type of life i wanted to live and i really realized i'm just not the type of person who can like work under somebody you know have a set schedule and wake up at nine o'clock go to bed at like 10 every day i i can't have like i can't follow other people's rules and [ __ ] so and that's why i got more into like you know art and entertainment rather than you know becoming a lawyer or a doctor or something like that it's something i could have done but it's just not a lifestyle that i could handle i'm going to get an only fan only fans account soon and start uploading i'll uh probably just you know upload videos and photos of my [ __ ] a lot uh jerking off stuff like that i might upload videos or do live streams um jerking off to hentai maybe imagine if richard had the humility and dedication to spend eight years of his life working nine to five at the chamber of commerce it's a different sort of education from studying political science or political philosophy in university it's very different from reading aristotle but you meet face to face you speak with you negotiate with local businessmen and local politicians you do things like clear up a complaint from chinese restaurant owners that the garbage is being collected at the wrong times of day in their neighborhood so the restaurants have to have all this garbage sitting on the sidewalk for many hours that is the level of local politicking you're getting an education in if you were for eight years to be involved in the chamber of commerce is this you richard if not you then who every so often people in the audience ask me why i'm not involved in provincial politics or federal politics why i'm not involved in electoral politics myself and the answer is very much the same as the answer i would give when i'm asked why i'm not more involved in vegan politics it's easy to talk about involvement it's easy to talk about engagement it's easy to talk about participation and representation that's all a little bit vague i like to talk about public service i like to talk about love if you don't really have love for the people you're trying to represent if you don't really have love and respect for the system you're working within and working for then you're playing the wrong game and you should stay the hell out of the game i have the self-awareness to realize i have much more of an emotional connection to a tiny poverty-stricken culture in southeast asia like laos or cambodia than i do to canada in many ways i'm profoundly an outsider in the country i was born into i can't represent these people they can neither select nor elect me i'm just as alienated from the vegan movement as i am for my fellow canadians whom i would in theory represent the interests of what richard vegan gains seems to lack is precisely this kind of humble self-awareness and what richard has instead are delusions of grandeur [Music] what i love about twitch is that i just get to be myself i do get to be myself i get to be a very very um [Music] different part of myself it's really interesting when people come into chat and they accuse me of being fake i don't disagree with you i don't know who my authentic self is on stream yet every single day that i come on here i discover new things about myself that i'm willing to share with you and new things about myself that feel important to share with you and and i love sharing them with you you guys i really really do i surprise myself when i surprise you i'm sorry though i'm talking to you i'm sorry that i'm caring about you i'm sorry that i'm trying to figure out who you are because all i want to do is open up enough dialogue so i can expose everything about myself i will come back each and every day and i will give you new reasons to hate me and i will give you new reasons to love me because that's what you deserve and that's what i deserve yeah the planet is dying the government hates us the animals are leaving the aliens aren't contacting us we might be alone it just might be you and me but that's okay because do you really need anyone else you