07 November 2016 [link youtube]

Circa two months ago I made a WAY LESS OFFENSIVE video on closely related themes, and (remarkably) it is only 8 minutes long, so I'd encourage you to also click through to: "For the Future of the Cause: Why Would Anyone "Do" Youtube?"

Let's keep it real: most of you have no idea what I'm talking about when I say, "The Four Tops":

Youtube Automatic Transcription

this is straight off the dome unlike my
other videos that have hours of preparation and rehearsal and are carefully scripted this is even more improvised than usual but I just had a comment in the chat talking about dealing with the level of hate on youtube on the internet in being a vegan etc etc obviously this is an issue that comes up again and again ain't never going to go away like I said a long time ago I think that some of the hate and animosity and competitive spirit is just a feature of the genre in the same way that someone might have complained in the early 1980s that hip hop music was just going through a phase in which rappers hated one another and salted one another etc at some point you gotta realize it's not a phase it's just the feature of the genre hip-hop music one element of it not the whole game not the whole genre one element of it is this competitive insulting thing that goes on with rappers hate other rappers and even when they don't eat other rappers they pretend to hate other rappers it is a feature of the genre some genres of music are like that and some are not I do not remember jazz music having that signature I do not remember you know the four tops getting into it with you know other barbershop quartets but i don't know maybe they did and that stuff just wasn't front and center maybe that stuff was just kept below the surface in that industry and wasn't wasn't upfront the way it is in hip-hop music anyway it is a feature of the genre it is something I cope with and something I've seen lately a whole lot of the best people you know in the game have already quit they've already closed you on their YouTube channel 30 shut down shop and quit I've seen that happen a whole bunch of times I could name names but hey one you can still enjoy on my channel remember uh American unicorn she quit and she was very unusual because she was actually a religious conservative she believed in no sex before marriage another really kinky stuff like that um and she was out here talking about veganism from her perspective that was very different from everyone else's perspective she shut down a closer youtube channel azaria I'd have a one-hour over one hour podcast zaria that I'm always promoting I think it's called the agony of activism still great video much ill she closed down moved on I've talked to her since then a lot of the best people really shut down entirely but another thing that's happening that I see going on right now is people well course some people are saying they're gonna quit and they're liars they're faking you out there just trying to get sympathy from the audience they don't really quit but some people are actually they're quitting in principle but they're keeping their their channels up so quite a few people they don't say they're quitting they say they've decided to change how they use YouTube and now it's just going to be one video a week or one video a month they basically lost faith in the whole game and they're not they're not using the platform the way they used to so look um radio was a circus back in the 1950s okay and people got their hearts broken and people got their teeth knocked out and people got beat up people paid bribes believe it or not back when radio was a really happening important medium there was organized crime involved there were court cases there were countersuits and there were you know there was violence and defamation and it was it was rough because people were passionate about radio and for sure you can lose faith in a particular DJ or in the management of particular station but that doesn't normally lead to you losing faith in radio itself as a medium as a platform when you look at any medium when it was new and growing and influential and really mattered I think most media go through this kind of Wild West period and I I've said before I've given respect recently I don't really think I'm really in this in the true Wild West period when people don't know what the rules aren't people don't know what the risks are I think guys like the amazing atheist and a nice en they were really the Trail Blazers and they showed us all what the risks are so much is mentioning hey Nia so hey Nia is saying she's afraid for her life etc because of YouTube you know well look at the guys like amazing atheist and a nice Ian who really went through it who have already been doxed and defamed and the i think i was gonna say dragged into court i forget if those guys back cher court cases also but you know the kind of drama and harassment and insults they've had to deal with etc etc it is what it is right um but here's what it isn't for me YouTube as a platform is fundamentally different than the four tops trying to get on the radio right it's fundamentally different from television or radio or the newspapers or even in the distant past I used to make money at a magazines writing for magazines or editing books up right it's different because I'm actually doing this to make the world a better place I'm actually doing this for ecology for veganism as a cause for the animals and to some extent yes I sympathize with what other people are going through when they either close down their channels or have these crises or change that they played against cetera et cetera but there is also an extent to which I don't who the [ __ ] has suffered less for their political cause than me let's keep it all the way real do you think that civil rights activists back in the 1960s suffered less than I've suffered look like I've suffered okay I've suffered you've seen me come on and complain about misery in my life etc and we've seen all the other vegans on YouTube come on and talk about how hard their lives are and how people defaming them via it's true it's totally true okay but if you're doing this for the cause if you're not out here pursuing a career in entertainment if you're not like the Four Tops trying to get on the radio if you're not like a rapper just trying to promote yourself on MTV or these days on youtube if it's not about your career if it's actually about the cause if it's not just entertainment if it's not just music if it's not just wrapped if it's realer than rap as we say then you've got to see your suffering in that perspective okay I remember I was once talking to this white girl in in England she was an idiot I think she had a PhD but she was still an idiot I'm keeping it real Oh Casey stuff you complete idiot and um she had just gone to a lecture given by this cult I could name the cult i'm not going to this cult group that really played on social activist themes some of you will already guess which called him talking about anyway and you know they talked a lot about Gandhi and Martin Luther King and making the world a better place and and what have you and so she was she was repeating the [ __ ] she just got indoctrinated into her from this this cold and i said to her yes thank you Mickey dr. Martin Luther King jr. we have to get the full name MLK jr. sorry it's a long name we leave out the junior my looking junior overtime winner um and you know I looked her straight in the face and I said you say you want to live like Martin Luther King jr. do you want to die like Martin Luther King jr. and she looked at me like I you know I just arrived from Mars now do you know how he died do you know why he was killed do you actually know what the stakes are in this game you're talking about playing she wasn't even someone playing it she was really just being manipulated by a cult group that wasn't even sincerely political and not even sincere litical activist there are similar aspects to some of the vegan groups that reach out to you by invoking these names of Gandhi and Martin Luther King and civil rights and the abolition of slavery and these big issues if that's other is that what we're really talking about or those really the stakes we're talking about like you guys probably know I'm not a communist I'm if anything I'm anti-communist but like when you looked at the lives that communists lived like you know my part of the world 1960s 1970s type of people who literally went to live in a cave with bombs drop dropping all around them in northern Vietnam on the you know Wow Vietnamese border met people who lived in those caves in Lhasa met a woman who has a child the education she had was on a chalkboard in a [ __ ] cave up by the border between Laos and Vietnam ok with bombs falling and she witnessed people being shot to death by American provided helicopters etc ok keeping it real keeping it real yes I do suffer ok I do people say unforgivable things about me on the Internet people defame me people make up stories about me and my personal life and my legal case and my daughter and also uh complete strangers proposed marriage to me and women try to hook up with me and offer to have sex with me you know who you are some of you are in this chat room right now like yeah there were all kinds of absurdities and Real Talk there's sorrow I've made friends and I've had friends betray me and stab me in the back and I've lost friends yet there I can I can sympathize with all of it but if we're not thinking about this as a genre of entertainment if we're thinking about this as a genre of thing about this of a form of activism even if it's nice a'n't the first baby steps towards having effective meaningful political activism when you see it in that context when you see it as suffering for the cause who has suffered less I am in the ultimate privileged position that I don't need to even interrupt my day to walk down the street to give this lecture standing at a podium I don't even have to make my bed I can just turn on the camera and talk and I can reach an audience that cares and cares about what I care about and you share my aspirations to make the world a better place I can do my little bit and I can pull those connections and work for this better tomorrow so is it worth it one by one you know people are deciding whether whether or not it's worth it to them but yes I approach this as a political science problem I approach vegan activism as a political movement and for that reason I see my personal sorrow and suffering or just within a totally different sense of scale okay because any of these figures that people so lightly quote and invoke the names of whatever Martin Luther King Gandhi or whatever what we're doing here on YouTube this ain't [ __ ] yet