Tim Shieff vs. "The Vegans".

07 November 2018 [link youtube]

Money, fame, power, respect, sex; not necessarily in that order.


Links to sources NOT quoted:

Sharing a tough truth = ifeeltruth = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfy54NpXn9c

Tim Shieff Not Vegan Anymore? = Vegan Gains = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AhYHc4cYP8

PlantbasedAthlete = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YFtFdVVkfo

Open Message To Tim Shieff = Happy Healthy Vegan = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuV4w_LUtm8

Tim Shieff no longer vegan? = Michelle Lowe = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUTGlSjYSQY

How to Fail at Veganism by Purist Orthorexic Influencers = Tim Shieff Isn't Vegan Anymore = The Roar Within = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKi2V-w9mAY

Tim Shieff Starts Eating Animal Products = theflemface = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuQacmQumms

LAZY What I Eat In A Day (easy vegan recipes) - Nina and Randa = NinaAndRanda = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zpO_o7-8-U

Healthy Crazy Cool = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X6HNFlkRzY

Youtube Automatic Transcription

this guy Tim shieff you may know him as
an athlete you may know him as a cosmological theorist who is a presented the bold and daring new idea that the earth is flat despite scientific evidence to the contrary you may know him for many things and many controversies on YouTube but what I know him as what he is to me is the guy who showed up at vegan conferences wearing a t-shirt that said ethics and not just ethics ethics period the t-shirt has the period I'm and if you two want to show up at a vegan conference at a vegan festival the vegan event as a speaker wear a t-shirt that just says the word ethics ethics period you could buy it online because Tim shieff himself yes he is the man to charge you like more than forty dollars for a plain white t-shirt with a plain black graphic that just says ethics or you could buy a marker and write it on the fabric yourself and save yourself a few dollars and take a few dollars away from Tim shieff and his supposedly a hundred percent ethical clothing company so Tim shieff you rode into town on that ethics horse and it's on that same horse that you were gonna leave by the down road but this this is not PewDiePie people okay you have not tuned in to see PewDiePie you have not tuned in to see vegan gains roll out the B word and the R word and the C word and maybe the l word and the X word in some other words I don't even know if you've tuned in to about us yeah and you've toured in you haven't tuned in for some kind of momentary knee-jerk off-the-cuff raksha's no no no no no you want me to take a step back you want me to see this in its all historical context let's let's break it down where did this really come from how did this all get started it started with a man named Louis lumière and his company his outfit was known as the the Lumiere brothers he and his brother were both involved and they were the first people to do YouTube they did YouTube before it was called YouTube they got teams of young men and sent them around the world with cameras and they put together a type of show that had never been seen or done before where they gave people short clips of of life cinema verite some people called it they wouldn't really report on politics but they have short clips of dignitaries arriving at a negotiation and then they cut straight from that to just a scene of people walking around a Market Square maybe in far-off Istanbul at a time when travel around the world was much more difficult and dangerous than it is today the peculiar style of you know short YouTube clips that's really what it looked like these short clips of real world events gathered together seemingly at random presented to people in a dark room for a low price this was a new and stimulating form of infotainment I guess you'd say that you know the world had never seen a thought of before and interestingly when he was interviewed about it when he talked to his employees about it Louis lumière himself never believed in this as a durable product he didn't think we'd be talking about this in the year 2018 that it would go on through various mutations to be in our Foreman stoves this today he would always say to people again and again look this this this job you're doing there's no future in it this is a fad it could last for five more years it could last for six more months who knows it's gonna come and go sooner or later people are just gonna get bored of watching clips of random things taken from around the world and put together I mean you know the next step what Louie Lumiere didn't think of was of collecting comments from his viewers and then having someone stand at the front at the front of the house in the cinema and and read those out or perhaps take the comments and project them on screen so that you could see them obscuring the action as it unfolds and that that really in terms of the history of cinema that is the next step that YouTube took that's exactly what Louie Lumiere the Lumiere brothers that's what they didn't have going for them was the comment session a lot of people hate me on the Internet why is it because of something I said in the video no the vast majority of people who hate me hate me because of something they've seen in the comment section and it could be a comment section to someone else's video and it could be that they came to my channel and while the video was playing in the first 10 seconds or something they scroll down and read the comments first while the video is playing or all too often they just look at the comments and don't pay attention to the video we all know this happens but I don't know if anyone knows that as well as I do because I've really talked about this with people shall we say face to face it's normally over Skype sometimes it is in real life face to face and like they tell me it's eyes oh it's unbelievable I'm so offended I'm aghast that you would say that you find Nina and Randa unattractive if you don't know who need an around an hour don't Google it don't google it you don't need to know just imagine that someone on YouTube would state their opinion that someone else is on a track that's that to begin with I you know I kept achill I don't know if I believe that that has ever and in the history of YouTube I don't know if I believe that that's ever happened in the history of vegan videos on YouTube but but let's not get into that but you're you're telling me you're telling me that you've seen a video in which I said Nina Aranda were one attractive and you know I would say that well do you know what the context was do you know what topic I was discussing when I mention that in passing like you know what the video was about and they don't know because they haven't seen it they haven't considered it or even if they did click on the video all they saw were comments claiming I'm a terrible person how dare you it's a reaction to something other than what I actually said in its original context this is not the only example I could offer but let's let's do the right thing here people let's completely disregard you know what Tim shieff has to say and go go straight to the comment section and like everyone else let's look at what are either the most inflammatory comments or the comments that got the most thumbs up the comments that through the mysterious smashing nations of YouTube are put up at at the top of the list right and that would just be like you know going to the cinema to see newsreel broadcast and not watching the newsreel and not listening with no mind but just going and reading the comments that have been scrolled by other members of the audience before you got there letting their judgments preform your judgments pre judge prejudice you see where I'm going with this oh here's a great comment from healthy crazy cool so healthy crazy cool at that that's another YouTube channel he must he must know what he's talking about Tim you know I love and respect you like a brother 100% but I feel like you were on this quest to find quote-unquote perfection which does not exist I've been there before you don't have to label yourself and follow something strictly to thrive you being raw you fasted for 35 days and you've done vegan keto you've tried all the extremes you won't find the feeling of perfection because it's not there I'm not done reading out this comment in the terrible British accent this guy Tim shieff would turn up in Los Angeles at VegFest wearing a t-shirt that said ethics period this guy was put on was given a platform was given encouragement by exactly the same people who would have never touched me with a ten-foot pole would have never eaten lunch with me would have never promoted my channel or interviewed me when I was in Los Angeles myself okay this guy passed the you know refined requirements of people like happy healthy vegan all the idiots who were endorsing and supporting durianrider and freely before everyone who was jumping on every little bandwagon you guys all supported and endorsed this guy Tim shieff the whole Los Angeles vegan demi-monde and what did you get you got a guy in a t-shirt that says ethics period who doesn't have an ethical bone in his body who doesn't give a damn about ethical veganism who's just on some kind of magical mystery Vision Quest to feel his best and who's completely mystified at why he has pain in his bones pain in his joints pain in his wrists and his ankles and his knees and his elbows after repeatedly throwing himself off of rooftops making hard landings on steel and concrete again and again and again as a part of a made-up imaginary sport that made him a little bit famous and got him a little bit of attention on cable TV that's who this guy is and his magical mystery mission to be all he can be ends now because in his desperation to cure his aching bones and his aching joints he's gone back to eating meat his reasons for being for being vegan were stupid and self-indulgent to begin with and his reasons for going back to eating meat are just as stupid and self-indulgent if there's one person on earth who shouldn't have a clothing company named ethics who shouldn't be selling a t-shirt named ethics but with ethics plays in the cross his chest who shouldn't be standing there at VegFest representing ethics it's Tim shieff I think a better t-shirt for this guy from day one would have been male bimbo I've said it before the word bimbo can be applied to either gender and in this case Tim if the shoe fits wear it but what's this why aren't I seeing my fellow vegans on YouTube like healthy crazy cool trying to hold old Tim shieff here to a higher moral standard why aren't you guys interested in keeping mr. ethics himself you know keeping up to the the standard of what he prints on his clothes and sells you for for more than 40 bucks I don't know no quote I honestly believe you just need to relax all caps you just need to relax and put your guards down stress is one of the biggest causes of disease and can cause all kinds of issues with your gut brain access and also your energy yeah wow the guy in the ethics t-shirt makes the completely unethical decision to go back to eating meat after preaching ethics after selling that t-shirt wearing that at these conferences and will you have to say as well what you really need to do is is relax because you know this there's something something wrong with your with your energy yeah let's let's keep going here hey they'll be crazy cool he established in the first sentence that he loves and respects this guy like a brother love and respect like a brother I have been in your position when I used to eat very high fruit high carb not enough fat and protein I felt like trash mysterious above the way some words are randomly capitalized in the middle of sentences if this case at the end of the sentence its trash with a capital T I felt like trash but it wasn't that veganism wasn't for me it was that I haven't found a way of eating that suits my personal body I also once craved fish in eggs but I was able to quench it by eating a much higher fat vegan diet there is no one way for everyone and you don't have to follow anyone elses trend or any kind of strict regimen that has been laid out by others I feel like anyone who didn't eat for 35 days and then went fruitarian would have both mental and physical imbalances yeah that's a nice way to put it Tim I love and respect you like a brother but your idea of healing the pain in your joints caused very clearly by a high impact destructive and self-destructive sport the way to cure that you thought was fasting because in your words fasting is the most healing thing there is and healthy crazy-cool who loves you like a brother is letting you know that anyone who did that must have both mental and physical imbalances so in plain english he's telling you that you're crazy and you're sick in that order be a much different statement here if you uh you actually said what you meant they're healthy crazy cool it goes on to tell him to breathe and relax get rid of any rigid rules much of this in my opinion might could be due to over analyzing and the fact that a diet you believed in for so long raw can't actually serve you long term but there are other ways so many ways of thriving on a plant-based diet food is also there to be enjoying the capital eve and celebrate it as a part of life not just a set of rules it's supposed to make you feel a certain way yeah it's real easy to say that you're motivated by trying to save the animals that you're trying to save the planet but when it comes right down to it the vast majority of people in this game are motivated by money fame power respect and sex not necessarily in that order