Youtube Censorship is STILL BROKEN (new policy, June 5, 2019)

06 June 2019 [link youtube]

Protecting political critique is both why "freedom of speech" exists, and why censorship exists (paradoxical though that may seem)… and that is why limits to Youtube censorship need to be imposed.

Partly in response to: (1) and (2) Philip DeFranco "Woah...Is The New Adpocalypse Here?! VOX Crowder Chaos, Trump Republican Tariff Tussle, & More"

Youtube Automatic Transcription

the most fundamental principle of modern
American jurisprudence on censorship is that censorship should not have a chilling effect on political discourse now I have come out boldly and said in a climate that rewards people for pretending they don't approve of any censorship whatsoever that yes I do approve of censorship that is very fundamental that YouTube and porn tube are two different channels so I'm not sure porn tube is a real website it probably is hey Rick there was red tube I think is the whatever it could look you know that you create distinctions between different types of websites and that the distinctions are maintained by censorship so another example at a really weird conversation with a longtime supporter a fan of the channel because she was shocked that I approved of censorship on Instagram the Instagram prevents nudity as it drew wait a minute do you think it's hard to find a website where you can post a picture yourself naked like just google it Google naked woman you know that you'll find five or six it's completely crucial for the business model of Instagram what it's trying to do that they censor what people can upload so that it's a website with no nudity and the results are kind of weird you know yeah a lot of what you see there is kind of 90% naked but not quite naked well those the rules that play by if they wanted to they could change the rules again and get rid of all pictures of people in bathing suits they could take you to size those the rules but whatever my point is that all social and political discourse exists within a certain stated limits ideally those limits are transparent and simple and everyone can understand them and they're easily enforceable on YouTube they are not on YouTube in the last five years we started off with a set of rules that were a bus Kotori unclear opaque open to interpretation and reinterpretation and that were enforced you know in a way that kept people guessing kept people tried what what is this Community Guidelines supposed to mean now the ultimate problem the ultimate price of those bad rules and bad enforcement is precisely that it has a chilling effect on political speech okay I don't care if it has a chilling effect on nudity there are other websites where you can post yourself naked we can put up naked videos look hypothetically that could be a problem we could be living in a parallel universe where it was just so difficult to find pornography was so difficult for people to upload amateur pornography themselves and there was like a political struggle to try to create and defend websites where that was possible all right that's not the reality in the english-speaking world in 2019 there's ubiquitous access that kind of we don't have to worry about that what we do have to worry about is exactly the chilling effect on political use of free speech which is in the American Constitution that's why freedom of speech is protected okay freedom speech is actually not protected so you can go out and claim that drinking holy water is gonna cure pneumonia and that's a real problem the United States of America it's less of a problem in a country like Germany there's a different constitutional tradition different legal tradition in the United States of America members of any religion whether Christianity Hinduism or Satanism can say they have magical water that's gonna cure your cancer or cure the pneumonia and sell it to you and make money and because they call it religion it's then outside the bounds of what the government force that's a real problem pseudoscience phony cures for medicine but that's actually not what the whole structure freedom of speech exists for it exists by and for politics it's a political concept with a political purpose that's the matters and I myself have experienced the chilling effect of how broken YouTube's system is for censorship and categorization content in their latest announcements this is yesterday they put up a new policy let me just double check that it was yesterday June 5th I assume on the New York Times own today's six yesterday YouTube put up their new announcement a new policy which is only gonna make things worse what they're telling you is what they're gonna do is keep on assigning channels due to a blacklist a blacklist that's not transparent that you can't see that you can't appeal this is totally different from the kind of censorship that goes on at patreon in the past have sorry to the fact that patreon is a much much better system and the reality is that about 10% of their staff costs are enforcing the those mechanism censorship patreon is playing a totally different game by chosen rules at YouTube what happened to me was I made a video criticizing excoriated harshly criticizing a neo-nazi on YouTube and when I had the clips of the other side of the neo-nazi speaking I had text written at the bottom of the screen reminding you explaining to you pointing out I am only quoting this as part of a critique directed at I'm holding this in the middle of telling you how awful it is okay and my video was taken down for hate speech this happened to me twice that I remember with two different videos was completely obvious that my purpose was pointing the finger saying hey don't kid yourself this guy is a neo-nazi in one case he was a guy who openly stated you know excuses for Adolf Hitler that he basically supported the Holocaust you know he was a straight-up Nazi in that sense the other guy was more of a 21st century white supremacist not attaching his theory to Adolphe Hitler but a different kind of racist he was more of a British Empire racist white supremacist I was pouring the fingers saying hey look you may not know it and you know what I got email from people thanking me because some of those people they were fans of those other channels and they didn't realize the extent to which those channels were neo-nazis white supremacist racist like even on that basic level the critique served a real function one of them Corey McCarthy that guy was giving fitness and health advice and making money and that time in a pretty big audience he came as a shock to a lot of people Wow they thought he was a good guy they thought he was a moral guy that he thought it was a bodybuilder who weighed a healthy diet and they realized whoa there's this whole other side of his career this guy is seriously some kind of racist right-wing political nutcase so critique is important and the problem it's not just poor little old me it's not just oh I lost a few bucks from that moment from the moment I had two videos on my channel censored as quote-unquote hate speech because I was going after I was criticizing hate speech mysteriously the number of views and viewers on my channel have become a lot harder to get I assume it's it's exactly what they described in their announcement June 5th 2019 that they're gonna discourage people from visiting those channels that they're not going to recommend their videos etc etc well he's I'm on the receiving end of that so that that day that may have crippled my career and it still has a chilling effect on my freedom of speech I was watching videos about a week ago now again from kind of softcore white supremacist neo Nazi types not well I mean the ones that are really obvious maybe aren't as important to criticize I was watching a video from the Pettibone sisters petit born sisters I forget their names and their their official position on immigration and you know and you know those are people who are just trying to ride the fence where they're not quite over the line into outright overt what that's where it's really important to engage you critique and I've put together some clips and I want to do the video I think it's something philosophically important discuss and politically important discuss but I know I mean I know I can get punished by YouTube as if I'm guilty of the political position I'm quoting and criticizing even though I'm doing something positive when engaged in that critique now would it be possible to have that level of censorship of political speech than YouTube maybe maybe possible if they if they devoted a lot of money and a lot of staff to it maybe but I could only say maybe I see how poorly censorship works within universities within a university department of political science and that kind of it works very very poorly what you need for censorship to work is to have very clear lines drawn in the sand that apply to everyone equally and consistently I had an employer he didn't believe in this idea that the age of 18 should be the age of consent he you know whatever is he's an [ __ ] and I said to him you know and nobody had ever really challenged his view on this plus you know he owned the company it's a very wealthy successful businessman I think nobody challenged his view on anything period and I said - okay so your [ __ ] idea his idea was that like a woman should be sexually mature when they finished their period basically once they once there once they're fertile once they've had their period as okay sorry so how do you think Instagram how do you think YouTube how do think anyone is going to enforce that rule like the idea of having agent I don't really care if it's 17 18 or 19 could be raised to 90 instead of 18 it could be lowered to 7 news day whatever you decide on a year and you say this is the rule this is the law everyone has to a bit either you have a driver's license or a passport that says you're 18 years old or you don't and that's it and it has nothing to do with justice it has nothing to do with accuracy or science it doesn't have to do with a science of when you finish going through puberty there's nothing new that it's about having one law one rule that can apply to everyone equally anything that is equal is arbitrary arbitrary is not accurate it's not biology it's not justice what's arbitrary is radically incompatible with justice all right there's nothing to do with that maybe one person mentally is completely ready to do hardcore porn at 19 and someone else is ready it's 16 somewhere else wouldn't be ready till 25 it's not about psychology it's none of anything like that and again to author pick reminder is why do these arbitrary rules exist what is the point of creating them all right it's not just to prevent and exclude some it it's not just to get rid of porn it's not just to repress people who are under 18 okay it's positively to support the political use of freedom of speech all right it's to create and sustain the platform that's necessary so that we can engage in mutual examination mutual scrutiny mutual analysis and that analysis can and must include the use of coarse language and insults it absolutely must political cross examination whether it's you know of right wing versus left wing left wing versus right wing whether or not it's just telling your own life story just sit down autobiographically and say hey here's something that traumatized me here's what I went through here's my perspective and to share that on the historical record for your fellow man okay I said this recently reality is an acquired taste it's rough people coming on YouTube and talking about their real experience whether explicitly political or not it's never going to be smooth the way a made-for-tv drama is gonna be it's going to contain violence and broken hearts and tears and swear words you know what I mean even if it's just talking about why why you dropped out of school we dropped at a baking college I was really heated up about that talk about your miscarriage talk about your infant being diagnosed with some horrible disease and dying in its crib talking about and then maybe again all these things have a political importance then maybe you're going to talk about the incompetence of the medical doctors and how the hospital is organized now you think your baby could have survived if things were better that stuff really matters it really really matters it matters now more than ever and it's it's what YouTube is doing they think they're bailing out the ship and they're bailing it in all they're doing is scooping more seawater and putting it into this sinking ship YouTube you don't understand how censorship is supposed to work this is a tool that's powerful and important and it can be used for good and it's like seeing a kid that's taking a pencil that could be used beautiful picture and instead you're sticking it in your own eye