Dave Rubin is Wrong About the Left (on ⓐⓡ⊞ⓘⓞ)

13 May 2018 [link youtube]

You'll find the full video (30 minutes long) posted to my new channel ("politics only"), ⓐⓡ⊞ⓘⓞ:


Youtube Automatic Transcription

for these reasons I can no longer call
myself a progressive I don't really call myself a Democrat either I'm gonna get into criticizing this video from Dave Rubin as quickly as possible if you guys are not averse to me or my position why I'm making this video I guess you could skip heads but it seems kind of important to disclose my own bias or my own interest or where I stand and as few words as possible for I get in these specifics I'm a critic of the left this YouTube channel if you subscribe to it is going to contain more criticism of the left but I see there's a current anti left-wing movement that from my perspective is completely detached from reality and some of the most vocal leaders of opinion in this movement strangely are former members of left-wing organizations and parties one of the delusions is that the left is now worse than it was just a few decades ago this is said again and again so easily apparently with no evidence taken into consideration aside from all those pesky sjw's on twitter can you believe this outrageous post I saw on Facebook please please I'm only 39 but I can remember when making excuses for mass murder in China and Russia were the definitive hallmarks of the left I grew up with that I grew up surrounded by people who on the one hand we're making excuses for the worst atrocities committed by communism even for its the poverty and starvation intermittent starvation that existed in about communist countries and the other hand who are engaged in lionizing labor union leaders and trying to make me you know the general strike into the basis of social progress it is just not true that the left has gotten worse within my lifetime or your lifetime if you're anyone watching this video the left has gotten better the internet may have gotten worse the internet may have given voices to people who before never had a shot in hell at having their opinion on the six o'clock news I think the world is a better place not a worse place because now at least those people have a chance to meet one enough have their views challenged look up facts on Wikipedia I think the whole world step-by-step is actually getting less ignorant but it's true it's also getting more self-righteous but if you think oh if only you could go back to the glory days of the 1980s and the left-wing movement I really wonder is this what you're looking back at are you looking back at the old days of people straight up making excuses to your face for Mao Zedong massacring people in Tibet that's the left-wing I grew up with and when I look at Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders is wrong about some things but Bernie Sanders is right about and willing to address such a list of fundamentally important things that I can never have addressed by conservatives of the right I'm not in a position to reject the left and take up a better alternative the position I'm in is either I engage with the left as a critic trying to address what's wrong with it what you're gonna see on this YouTube channel or I can set up my own tiny pathetic political party and work really hard to maybe get 500 votes and maybe get a certain kind of platform you know or message you know into the newspapers and get people a few hundred people a few thousand people to think about things from a slightly different political perspective that's what's possible in my lifetime those are my options if I go knocking on door the Conservative Party are they gonna talk to me about ecology are they gonna talk to me about indigenous peoples indigenous later I think I talk to be serious about education reform health care just the cost of tuition universities there's such a checklist of things Bernie Sanders didn't have to work hard Bernie Sanders just by mentioning how important these issues were got a huge dust of public opinion in his sales he there's tremendous popular enthusiasm for a left-wing figure like Bernie Sanders despite everything you may say that's wrong with him that's the error we're living with when I can at least say the left has the potential to make positive change and when I look at the writing conservatives I see no such potential [Music]