Bernie Sanders disqualified by his heart condition (NOT vegan for all the wrong reasons)

02 October 2019 [link youtube]

Bill Clinton is vegan, Al Gore is vegan, BUT NOT BERNIE SANDERS, and now he's been eliminated from contention for the presidency by ischemic heart disease, receiving "stent" surgery. Ethically, ecologically and in terms of health, this has implications for us all.

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

and now we're gonna go into a new cycle
where everyone tries to pretend that Bernie Sanders is not disqualified for the job as president that he's not disqualified for serving a term that would end when he's in his mid 80s by his heart condition but the fact that he has had stents inserted where everyone's gonna pretend that the surgical insertion of stents into your heart is no big deal because hey the word stent is just one so long and all the scary diseases have really long names in Greek and Latin right and where everyone's going to pretend that Bernie Sanders diet that has now disqualified him for president at States isn't a big deal ethically isn't a big deal ecologic Lee and isn't a big deal in terms of his health in terms of yours and mine presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has called off campaigning for now after a heart procedure the Vermont senator is 78 he had chest pains in Las Vegas on Tuesday and doctors inserted two stents into a blocked artery Bernie Sanders is someone who would pledged 16 trillion u.s. dollars of taxpayers money to improve the environment to improve the world's ecology 16 trillion but he's unwilling to quit eating cows and pigs himself for the sake of those same ecological outcomes and you can't pretend he doesn't know you can't pretend he's not aware of the importance of the vegan diet ecologically because he knows Al Gore right he is much less than six degrees of separation away from Al Gore and Al Gore's very public commitment to both ecology and the vegan diet within the last 20 years of Bernie Sanders career in politics that's kind of been a big deal within the Democrat Party tonight say it's America and you know who else he's within six degrees of separation of Bill Clinton he's Bernie Sanders is directly seen in the transformation in Bill Clinton's appear and Bill Clinton's very public endorsement of the effects of the vegan diet for his health I went on essentially a plant-based diet I live on beans legumes vegetables fruit I drink a protein supplement every morning no dairy I drink almond milk mixed in with fruit and a protein powder so I get the protein through the day when I start the day out and it changed my whole metabolism and I lost 24 pounds and I got back to basically what I weighed in high school so I did all this research and I saw that 82% of the people since 1986 who have gone on a plant-based no dairy no meat no chicken I eat very little fish once in a while I'll have one fish not often if you can do it eighty-two percent of the people who've done that have begun to heal themselves their arterial blockage cleans up the calcium deposit around their heart breaks up this movement has been led by a doctor named Caldwell Esselstyn at Cleveland Clinic Dean Ornish and you know in California the doctors Campbell father and son I wrote the China Study and a handful of others but we now have 25 years of evidence and so I thought well since I need to lose a little weight for Chelsea's wedding I'll become part of this experiment and look it's even worse if you're willing to consider Bernie Sanders diet ethics and ecology in the context of his actual policy positions I think this YouTube channel I think I myself am the only person in the media if he could be described as being in the media to cover the fact that Bernie Sanders supports the beef industry and supports the dairy industry in a manner that he would consider corrupt himself if he were criticizing the Republican Party of doing the same things so Bernie Sanders has been in a deeply morally self-contradictory position on this issue in terms of his own diet in terms of the public policy he's endorsing in terms of the connections between him and both the Deary and the beef industry and nobody cared nobody cared until it almost killed him and guess what the stents the surgery has just undergone it really will discredit him in the public eye he admits himself in his book that his health and his old age were a major reason why he didn't win against Hillary Clinton just so many years ago it'll be a major reason why he won't win now partly because so many of the potential voters are themselves elderly they know what stents mean they know how debilitated this guy is they know how incapable he is a holding the job of president for eight years and how whirring it would beat up in the role of president for four years and it all comes down to a stupid selfish refusal to not be vegan when Al Gore and Bill Clinton had already showed him how it's done and I know what you're thinking you're thinking well we've still got Elizabeth Warren that Elizabeth Warren looks like she eats a healthy diet mmm nope on the campaign trail you were said to have been an aficionado of fast food across the Commonwealth and I'm wondering whether as US Senator you still occasionally indulge in the Mickey D's or Taco Bell yep yep keep going do you have a sometimes we do Chipotle really really good but yeah in fact I could probably close my eyes and recite most of the McDonald's menu you know I think fast food is actually a a good thing it is dependable you know it's going to be there you're going to get those calories and be ready to go I'm I'm for it and no matter how miserable life is is made better by french fries with salt I don't think anyone would be opposed to that sentiment [Music]