The Great Debate: Inmendham vs. à-bas-le-ciel.

02 May 2018 [link youtube]

I think I can genuinely say that my original argument was "concise" (at 20 minutes), given that the response from Inmendham is closer to an hour and a half.

(Link 1:) The Meaning of Life: Against Anti-Natalism (Sam Harris, David Benatar, Inmendham)

(Link 2:) Inmendham's riposte (an hour and a half long, and a LOT LESS COHERENT than this (edited) video you're watching now):

Youtube Automatic Transcription

part of the solution stems out of
starting from the deep-seated assumption that the meaning of life is pleasure and that's know the meaning of life is preventing harm that's the function for anything rational the rational equation is I know the torture is bad I know that pain in and of itself as an experience is always bad when I analyze the Bob who's saying honestly when I analyze all the positives what are they made out of they're made out of my fear of a negative my fear of humiliation failure poverty my fear of negative conditions and and those are the things that make me feel good you're an idiot in the background you can see it possibly here my girlfriend Melissa who is a ruinous who's a [ __ ] there clearly I mean it's quite obviously she's [ __ ] you just yeah maybe something yeah you picked a real challenging thing to molest that was a real challenge real challenge though you're making bread or something huh babe babe babe she knows the word babe yeah she knows about seven words yeah okay you want to [ __ ] your girlfriend that might be your business but you have no right to [ __ ] me bastard and that's what my parents thought they had they thought they had a right to [ __ ] me well no they didn't okay they were full of [ __ ] full of ego and bravado and nonsense and I'm going to play God and it all turned out wonderfully [ __ ] you that's stupid this is how the Shotover simple question and something I know but what's the thought about it revealed before she drove up with me and basically what they do yeah drank led to paint obviously I mean obviously we should go find out where she lived because there's lead in the water and she's [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh Melissa in the background she had a period of her life were those questions meant a lot to her Dada Dada Dada Dada anecdotal blood that left that laughs I don't think Melissa had any of those thoughtful periods frankly so you couldn't live with you if she did she obviously can't smell our think [Music] understand I don't know what the hell that was but it's disturbing in this context of this conversation that you would just play something like that with video game music where you're playing again with real critters welfare so whatever that game was whatever that experiment was clearly it wasn't very nice to impose that on those little monkeys was it but you don't care torture anything everything is [ __ ] to be tortured by you because it's entertaining somehow [ __ ] you teach your kids how to play king of the pile of [ __ ] no suffocate your kids at the yeah don't wait too long to do it okay but yet do it okay Peter Brett today alright we're doing a lot of baking lately yeah it's really cool I'm just fascinated oh wait a minute fascinated all I'm oh my brain is saying why are you doing this to my neurons I didn't want to know the word pita bread exists I just couldn't care the [ __ ] less why did you even make my brain think it you [ __ ] but the questions raised by child free people and eighty eight less people on the Internet you know it's not exactly the same thing but I don't I'm going to though it's kind of your minutia they're really different things child free is a different kind of idea that has more to do with I'm not an idiot I'm not smart enough to know life is stupid but I am smarter no kids are a pain in the ass and I don't have any use for one they're not gonna do anything for me I'm gonna have to do a bunch of [ __ ] for them and I don't know how I win in that game I mean there's a reason why this is meaningful to millions of people it raises questions of how should be Leo yeah what means something to people again it's just so you know again the world is such a pile of [ __ ] I mean all these fake religious people all these fake pretentious best I know I know how to fix the economy I know how to find free energy I know how to do all kinds of magical magical things because some [ __ ] on the internet who talks to an egg told me so I mean the world is just full of idiots ill-informed completely fantasy carrier or character believing in fantasy physics fantasy everything you're all a bunch of [ __ ] idiots the human race is an idiot and you're a very nice example of the idiots our existence we come into the world breaking okay broken and all we do is spend the rest of our lives trying to glue ourselves back together and that's it we don't accomplish anything we just bandage our injuries oh yeah it's a bizarre actually the guy's lost his hair before it was like 16 genetically he's tubby and you know has good teeth but otherwise everything else is a pile of [ __ ] and I will make more of those so again no you want to make the argument that women are kind of irrational well frankly there's lots of things that indicate women do have a bit of this irrationality going on your girlfriend's obviously an idiot do but but then I think the necessary kind of ethical and intellectual corollary of that corroboree ooh there's a word I didn't have before let's see will I keep it kirari no [ __ ] it no I'm not gonna keep that one you could have had some kind of connecting thing besides the monkeys in the cage some of the founders questions of the meaning of life all right these and they're not profound they're just so [ __ ] obvious and you're just in denial you just don't want to pay any attention to being logical we evolved on this planet you don't want to believe that then again you're just you're just being you're vomiting on truth you're just saying I don't care about evidence I don't care about facts I don't care about any of that [ __ ] I want to play my agenda game on you and I don't wanna I don't want to be restricted to having to deal with a real argument in the real world I'm just gonna argue fables to you and nonsense and so you don't want to play a real game what do you think happened here on planet earth I mean you think it was all some sort of magical experience hundreds of millions of years of organisms being killed brutally and for what so they could try to get their genetic code up a little stupid muddy hill and they didn't do it because they were smart they did it because they were ignorant for in mentem was a youtuber of this philosophical school thought sitting you know well actually you didn't get to my philosophical state a state which is the fact that I recognized because I understand evolution that this is a function of the biological problem of lack of function there were just a Petter parasitic infestation on on the chemical surface of Earth and it's just a bunch of little chemical models little little chemical molecules having a competition with each other to take over the world and that's all that's really happening here is it's just a bunch of little tiny molecules you know a certain number a few billion or trillion little design changes and they're all struggling to be king of the world and the trick is is that you never can be king of the world because as soon as you grow enough that everybody makes you into food and so it's really impossible to ever take over the world so you're just constantly fight with each other about who's winning oh we're winning over the over the dinosaurs but maybe the dinosaurs will have a comeback you know that's all that's happening here is our little varieties the the nature of the weapons we use like you know for a few millennia we use swords and then we use guns and then we use sticks and then we use rocks you know we just come up with little different tools to [ __ ] each other over for the silly victory of saying I am king of a pile of dead bodies way to go but brain I'm saying you could give the shark a brain enabled in terms of having vocabulary going to high school having some experiences in a more intellectual way the shark is going to conclude that man my design sucks I mean I'm just a horrible built thing I mean it's just this is disgusting and maybe we would realize that if we were if the first organism on earth was a predator are worse really parasitic like we actually had you know proboscis is off our faces to suck the blood of other organisms what would that mean to us has until one point once we got intelligence and we realized we're basically built to suck other things blood to take the value of their life and suck it would we have a little bit of dissonance I think we would I think we would feel pretty bad about that if it was more obvious I don't obviously don't have a ton of memories of being an infant but I do remember that it was always struggling struggling struggling struggling I mean it wasn't just happy please happy baby happy I'd be happy those really aren't my memories okay I don't I don't have these I was so happy and happy smiley smile laughs that really isn't the sense the sense is that you've got to grind this thing out you got to fight to make your arms move right you got to fight to do everything it's a struggle and you you're applauding that and I think that's just so [ __ ] sadistic that's all I can say you're psychotic you're really sick sick in the head fundamental pessimism which I think in there's already in this video I'm gonna argue very briefly all right whatever pessimism so we're we are talking about facts of evolution the blueprint of the mechanism the fact that how does evolution actually work what is the design functions that we've been in bestowed with is our intelligence should we be stupid enough to think our intelligence only has one purpose and then that is to make us a better feeding machine make us more efficient than putting our fork in the food and getting into our mouth that's what our intelligence is for satisfy my desire satisfy my desires that's all my intelligence before my intelligence can't do a little bit of smarter thinking and saying what's the implication what am i sticking my fork in did the thing I stuck my fork in get be tortured and killed for no real good reason could I stick my fork in something else those are the questions you ask but you selfish [ __ ] can't ask any of those questions because you're so myopic and so stupid that you're just not smart enough but the fundamental perspective or delusion that likes itself cannot be justified because of the pleasure pain calculus so you add up the suffering of the life of that penguin or that lion it's so much greater than pleasure and and again clearly the pleasures again being relieved from the negative being relieved from the unsatisfied feelings the cold weather the you know it's always the relief from the impairment relief from the whip the whip stopped oh I'm so thankful let me suck your dick for not whipping me and that's how foolish you people are you're like Stockholm Syndrome you're falling in love with their terrorist because he gave you an apple today and you really enjoyed it that was so good compared to that gruel they were giving me every day and so you're you're grateful for the lack of cancer and now you're sucking its dick because you're so grateful it didn't torture you worse and that's just so [ __ ] transparently obvious that that's all you people can do is be controlled by a circumstance emotionally you can't actually think about it and see that that's exactly what I'm doing I'm searching for relief and why would I give that again why would I shove a kid into a game of crap climb a crap hill stick your crap flag sink in the crap why would I do that to a child it's stupid the real moral judgment here is that life on the moon is better than life on Earth by which I mean no life at all I said I might call this philosophy not antinatalism and not pessimism this Michael lunar ism because ultimately the conclusion is that a lifeless rakh circling around the Sun yes that doesn't have torture on it is incredibly cool no torture is an incredibly cool thing so wherever no torture is I'm pretty impressed why should I let something be tortured for no good reason you say you have a good reason to torture things I'm asking you what's your good reason your good reason is some kind of [ __ ] I painted I had expression expressed I have mannerisms minimi your your answer is vacant meaningless drivel you have no right to torture so you don't have any explanation you don't have any argument defending your right to torture something for no good reason so until you come up with a good reason you have no argument is more infull than a rock on which there is life ecology forests oceans and the suffering that come again meaning has nothing to do with this just Esther with value just has to do with a right to torture that's all I'm making it simple for you that's all that's happening here you're claiming a right to impose torture I'm claiming you have no such right so that's all you all that's our disagreement you're saying there's a right to impose torture there's a right there's a reason to endorse torture we should put more quarters in the earth life video game it's a good game what's happening on the surface of Earth is a good game it's worth putting quarters in and I'm saying no it isn't I'm gonna stop the quarters I'm gonna do whatever I can to break the Machine biz it's not a good game it would be better if our solar system were just a series of lifeless asteroids or barren surfaces like the moon yes look yes that's the eye again you're not arguing the argument you're just somehow saying well how could anybody possibly imagine questioning the value of this parasitic infection I mean look at all the pus how could you say that pus isn't super cool what do you mean look at all the art is that worth it can't you see the universe having an orgasm watching earth lights thing can't you see how it cures the universe's cancer can't you see the cure the cancer cure how can you deny the value of this wonderful treatment for the cancer that's killing the universe no that's happening crazy person