Veganism: A False Religion. Lexie Lombard Quits.

26 April 2018 [link youtube]

Quoting, "Why I'm No Longer Vegan", by Lexie Lombard, found in its original form here:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

the miracle claims got to me I believed
in every single one of them so I went from being vegan to being high carb low fat vegan and that's where things went a little bit Rocky I think it's fair to say many of the people who told this young woman lies as she said people made impossible claims of health weight loss vitality diet many of the people lying to her nationally believed that when they were telling these lies they were liberating her from a different set of lies a worse set of lies perhaps lies they imagined were invented by the meat industry perhaps lies the imaginal created by a conspiracy of medical doctors and scientists but I've heard it all in Venus and people who really want to believe there's a secret conspiracy for disinformation to make people sick instead of during them and so on but they felt that their lie was a secret lie and beneficial for the people being lied to and there was a moral mission for the people doing the lying the alternative isn't easy but it's not easy to do consistently the alternative is rigorous honesty this is a sense in which we keep growing in our 20s or 30s or 40s learning to be rigorously honest with yourself and others it's not human nature it's not something you learn as a child it's not something anyone else ever taught you you teach it to yourself about us yen hey guys I think it's fair to say in the year 2019 there's a difference between converting to veganism and converting to YouTube the ISM the reality of what YouTube Vedas and means is different in 2018 that was in 2016 or 2014 but it's a changing and quite potent and powerful voice for veganism a platform for veganism and obviously different activists contend with one another to be the leading voice for veganism on YouTube at one time it was Gary Yourofsky at one time it was freely etc etc and it's very obvious from this young woman's narrative that the form of veganism she converted to the commitment she made was not to ecological veganism or ethical veganism he was very specifically to YouTube mechanism into a certain vision of her own physical body beauty even mentality attitude even in the sense the cell culture presented to her by YouTube that was what she'd want to buy into and that ultimately is what she's been disillusioned with and I think she's quite self-aware it self critical in how she's constructed this narrative this analysis of how she converted to veganism and how she became disillusioned and deccan for it afterwards and after I'll have a few more comments after right I played these clips but let me just say some of you watching my channel can relate to this and some of you can't when I say it's a said many times I was involved with Buddhism for more than 10 years but that left foot ism fundamentally because I don't want to be part of our religion that's based on a lie and I'm not interested in any movement within veganism any form of veganism I promote promotion of veganism that's built on the eyes and I've known many people within Buddhism and many people within veganism who offer different justifications for the lies that are offered who claim that lies will entice people to join will positively motivate people to join that even if these things aren't true or have true or misleading but not entirely false that they'll be good for the movement good for the faith if you like in examples like this I show but I believe examples like this show just how utterly wrong that mentality is when you have people convert to a religion on the basis of the lie for example the lie that Buddhism is completely scientific for example the lie that meditation will improve your sex life there are myriad lies there are also lies than Buddhism about personal beauty and weight loss luckily the whole gamut physical spiritual and otherwise then when they realize they've been lied to when they realize they made this commitment with false assumptions or a false premise what happens then inevitably they have a sense of resentment I mean even contempt for everything they had faith in before and I think in a profound sense this young woman what she's explaining to you is that because she bought into veganism to a set of lies even though she's still to this day sees the good in veganism in a very real sense veganism has been discredited it felt so good learning about it and caring about it and talking about it that I obviously brought it on my youtube channel and just there was so much enthusiasm and excitement over it and I because of all that I couldn't imagine myself living a life any other way and learning all that I had learned in my head it just it all made sense and if you've ever watched vegan videos on YouTube as I quickly did after changing to a vegan diet I found the high carb low fat community and like they're just they're these like skinny glowing young beautiful women and men that are just eating fruit and eating huge amounts of it and they're losing weight and they're they're thriving you know their their skin all of their acne has gone away they've they've declined in age 20 years the miracle claims got to me I believed in every single one of them so I went from being vegan to being high carb low fat vegan and that's where things went a little bit rocky I would say then going high carb low fat vegan that's where I did feel a divide where I I was more strong in this belief system than I was about my social life about how I presented myself I didn't care all I cared as I was following this diet and my whole train of thought my whole daily sorry about my phone going off my brain just I I saluted myself into this one box of thinking and I cared more about following his diet than anything else that diet was so important to me that it consumed my thoughts like I woke up and lived every single day just thinking about the meals that was gonna be eating and that's the most focus I've ever put on food in my entire life where I woke up and I would have these enormous breakfast lunches and dinners like I was eating more than I've ever eaten in my life and feeling so disgustingly full because I was eating huge meals that I had never eaten before and keep in mind that I had never come from like a past of restriction or dieting or anything but a lot of the videos were saying like okay you might gain weight if you've come from a pasta restriction because you need to fix your metabolic damage as I started to believe that I had come from a passive subconscious restriction even though that was like 0% true and just kept following this diet aimlessly just being brainwashed into believing that if I had 23 pizzas for lunch that I was gonna get skinny and look really great and suddenly my my shift went from helping the environment to just blindly following this list of food rules to look a certain outcome and it just wasn't true it just didn't make any sense for some eggs and there were some eggs from the neighbors farm and I remember holding up that egg and looking at it and just thinking to myself I think this egg isn't cruel this egg comes from a chicken with the absolute best life like this egg is this egg is a good egg like I would love to be the chicken that laid this egg I I think this egg is great and convinced myself so hard that it wasn't doing a bad thing when I was about to crack open this egg and I was like I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do it and so I put some oil on the pan guys this is ridiculous if this was a huge moment for me but I put some oil on the pan I crack the egg put toast in a toaster and I had an egg over easy on a piece of toast and I ate it and I remember looking at him and I was like this is amazing I can't be vegan forever it's one thing to tell a lie it's another thing to sell a lie and it's another thing to live a lie and a lot of what I've seen going on within veganism animal rights within my lifetime it's a combination of all three that's a goddamn shame because the real value of veganism the real virtue of veganism doesn't need any lies to support it this really can stand on the value of truth alone and you know the shame is I still feel that way about Buddhism even the woman excellest just tonight I was sitting around dinner table with five or six vegans maybe seven Twitter circle I forget me people with her round table vegans and when I was talking about Buddhism break you know what the fundamental tenets of the religion and philosophy are a same look the situation what is them it's not the same as the situation with Islam or Judaism this is a religion that actually has some something to offer in the 21st century there's something positive here but yeah there's so lot there's so much wrong with it there's so many problems we have to deal with there's so many dishonest and disruptive and destructive many people live with elements to what goes on in this religion but sure I can't tell you there is no value at all to this philosophy built on telling people dukkha and Nietzsche and admin life is suffering all is impermanent there is no soul that's a philosophy we can still settle in 2018 whereas I don't think selling its own merits and when honestly the philosophy of Islam Judaism Christianity I don't think anyone would really be buying if they think about what happens when you when you sell your soul of the Catholic Church wrecking out their mainstream Christianity I don't think it was really just to have any place in 21st century where as Buddhism could have a place in 21st century but it can't be a place built on lies um and you know within the Buddhist religion one of the ways that people justify telling a lie selling a lie living a lie is the belief sometimes openly stated that the lies they're telling are better or better for the people being lied to that the lies they would be living otherwise like for example if you can convert someone if you if you converted someone from Islam to Buddhism then you were in some sense liberating them even if you are only liberating them from one set of lies to another set of eyes right and step by step people who offer these sorts of justifications for themselves whether it's a you know a theistic religion where they believe they're doing gods or or veganism it's very easy to become deeply morally compromised yourself when you believe you are serving the higher or moral cause of greater moral cause even if what you're lying about is diet and weight loss anyone's been paying attention what went on Venus last five years knows exactly what I'm talking about I think it's fair to say many of the people who told this young woman lies as she said people many impossible claims of health weight loss vitality diet many of the people lying to her nationally believed that when they were telling these lies they were liberating her from a different set of lies a worse set of lies perhaps lies they imagined were invented by the meat industry perhaps lies they imagined or created by a conspiracy of medical doctors and scientists but I've heard it all in Venus and people who really want to believe there's a secret conspiracy for disinformation to make people sick instead of during them and so on but they felt that their lie was a secret lie and beneficial for the people being lied to and there was a moral mission for the people doing the lying this is the sense in which is even she reflects in that video the innocent can sometimes come close to being a religion hey I said this earlier tonight in talking a decaf veganism is a cult if you want it to be and a lot of people and get involve in ISM before they ever got involved that was what they were looking for so that's what they found but the final tragedy is that justification when seen in the context of someone's whole life cycle becomes all the more farcical because even though we might say that before she learned these sacred lies from well tension but many people have been dishonest vegans she had one set of eyes but then when her faith broke down and veganism when she recognized the extent to what she can lie to mislead and manipulated she went on to another set of lies and it's pathetic in the truest sense of the word pathetic to hear this young woman trying to muster up ethical justifications for eating a chicken egg right but obviously the fundamental delusion here is that she's a good person she's a compassionate person she's saving the planet she cares about ecology that this wasn't just a weight loss personal Beauty diet cult for her and cetera et cetera she wants to believe in her own moral purity she wants to come up with an ethical system that will justify that and in her description of that breaking point she reached where she decided to literally break an egg and figuratively break with veganism you see precisely her departing from one set of eyes and starting up a new chapter in her life that is sadly just based on otherwise the alternative it's easy but it's not easy to do consistently the alternative is rigorous honesty I don't even lie to people that veganism will cure cancer because it won't the statistics show in a meta-analysis of cited an earlier video if you're vegan you have about a 50% reduction in your odds of getting cancer but I'm not even gonna lie about that and there were profound and perverse consequences to line the people saying you're gonna heal their diseases through your faith at all doing your ethical and moral system because that's what it is and yes I've dealt with on this channel examples of veganism that are just as bad as the worst Christian faith healers promising people you could cure Crohn's disease promising people you could cure schizophrenia all kinds of diseases for which there is you know no cure the alternative to telling lie and selling lies living a lie is honesty and that's easy to do sometimes and it's hard to do all the time I think everyone watching this video is a grown up I don't think anybody - as a child this is a sense in which we keep growing you know 20s or 30s or 40s learning to be rigorously honest with yourself and others it's not human nature it's not something you learn as a child it's not something anyone else ever taught you you teach it to yourself take on that challenge whether you do it now in the next 20 years however much time you need to take make a commitment to yourself that you're gonna live a life that's honest and authentic even when it's inconvenient for you even when it challenges the assumptions of others even when it challenges assumptions of your own you didn't even know that bonus Yin