A.V. is Over Type Beat (Anonymous for the Voiceless)

24 February 2020 [link youtube]

#vegan #veganactivism #veganism

The guy with the glasses = "The Cranky Vegan" = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTTlQEjQKByIegGc_CP2z1w/videos

The good-looking female = Hei Mudan (she rarely uploads, but…) = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLWpNJZtA-FHunSIRS5xtw/videos

The bald guy = me. https://www.instagram.com/a_bas_le_ciel/?hl=en

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's 12 13 14 chapters throughout the northeast of the United States all did another dose of voices and that seemed like a pretty big deal which it was but this week 80 of the 85 active chapters in anonymous moisés in Italy all leaving anonymous for the voiceless and it's just not happening in Italy or the northeast part of the United States like there's reports that this is gonna start spreading across the best crystal United States we've already seen it happen in Germany we've already seen it happen in the Netherlands we're seeing regional and national organizers around the world all leaving anonymous of the voices I feel like anonymous for the voiceless is constantly at the forefront of these 3-minute Thursday's and it's not my intention to just constantly point fingers at them but when this sinking ship is sinking as fast as it is I feel like it almost needs its own like segment like it's not even part of three-minute Thursday so it's like there's the AV update right and then like maybe it has like a logo or some sort of like animation you know something like that you know this past week we seen more and more chapters and more and more organizers leaving anonymous for the voiceless I mean they're like scrambling to do crowd control but also letting their social media people run the wild but these like we're having ideas where everyone's like what are you talking about I mean it is it's kind of comical so AV announced last week that they were no longer gonna do the tally we're going to remove the tally everyone knows the anima nonnamous for the voiceless cube the truth you then tally up how many people you've got to go vegan or think about veganism and those are your conversions and then you Kali those up and you send them off to anonymous for the voices so they can put up this big huge fantastical number that means absolutely nothing but as easy to fundraise off of so last year they said they're up to 500,000 people they've converted to veganism but then quietly they changed its 250,000 they just apparently lost 250,000 people well we decided in half but they said that because they didn't think the number was very realistic and I agree with them it wasn't very realistic the Italian itself isn't very realistic and this year they've decided that Kali shouldn't even exist why because it means absolutely nothing even according to Paul and us all they said that people were just kind of fabricating them and making them up but it also kind of indicates that you really have no idea of what you're doing is working or not which is really the biggest problem in all of this and that's why the Kali doesn't work and that's why anonymous for the voiceless doesn't work educational outreach critical tactic awful strategy that's not confused the two so we were talking we just did a video responding to Joey carb strong and one issue that came out of that it's mentioned very briefly in that video is that in fact when we as vegans refused to buy meat we do not save the lives of any animals even though as a propaganda statement as a promotional statement as an ideological statement many vegans will say I am vegan for the animals or I am vegan to save the lives of animals and it's a lot of websites will tell you as a statement of fact that if you are vegan you save maybe four cows a year and so many fish per year and some of you that you are receiving animal lives so what came up in the last video we did is that this is not true it may be useful as a propaganda claim but what actually happens in a free-market society is that if you and I as individuals refuse to buy meat the price of meat comes down it makes me cheaper and more readily available for meat-eaters so that's true if just you and I just a few people boycott need the only impact we can have from the boycott itself in terms of supply and demand is making me cheaper because there's there's less demand it's seen I'm gonna supply out there right but even when you scale it up even if you're talking about vegans in their thousands vegans in the tens of thousands and vegans in the hundreds of thousands all we are doing by boycotting those industries is making their products cheaper and more readily available if you want to scale it all the way up look at an enormous country like India this really puts the lie to the claim that reduce it Aryans are saving animal lives India has millions and tens of millions of people who are variously vegetarian vegan reduce it Aryan somewhere on that end of the spectrum the cows are still getting their throats that it doesn't eliminate the meat industry and you can do the math you can very easily do economic projections if everyone in India ate meat then what would happen to the price and availability meat would become scarce in terms of supply and demand meat would become more expensive if suddenly everyone in India ceased being vegetarian right so on up on a large scale it doesn't stop the cycle of exploitation and suffering I think this came as a surprise to you when we mentioned the last video you said afterwards no I never thought of it that way before that we're not saving the lives of animals and finally to push back against all those terrible and our sanctions which is basically their term for anyone that cares anything besides non-human animals they posted this weird bizarre meme that says before you can liberate me can I check what your political stances in your human societal construct and AV rights take it from us the animals don't give us the policy they probably wouldn't care if the person taking them out of cage and bringing them to the freedom was vegan vegetarian or an omnivore I don't think they would care as long as they're not being killed at the other day right I come from a family where one dairy is cheap they're like you know my parents are like I buy a bunch of milk you know like wait so I can totally see that being the case like my price goes down that doesn't mean that there will be less demands demand or maybe even more so this also happens just due to price shocks sometimes without vegans being a factor you know the less than 1% of people were vegan or whatever the the price of milk goes up and down the price of specific type of meat like pork or beef goes up or down however even when there is some kind of big dislocation in the market like there's a big economic crisis or a recession or a depression or a war breaks out these are things on a huge scale that can suddenly cause me to become more expensive or more cheap to you know sudden dislocations market this also never saves the life of even one animal alright I just want to I want to emphasize this because many vegans will evade this point they'll say well that may be true on a large scale you're talking about supply and demand the price go up and down but still somehow me personally by me refusing to eat meat at this table there's one cow somewhere at one factory who's not being killed no there isn't you as of one vegan and we as a hundred thousand vegans we can never have as much impact as a recession like the 2008 recession sudden economic change or of a break of a huge war we can never have that kind of impact on the on the market on the economy in the absolute nor on the meat industry specifically however even when that happens even when there's a sudden dislocation so she's talking about her parents go to the store and suddenly find for some reason dairy products are cheaper you know who knows why there's some temporary some temporary market feature that's that's caused this to happen when it is not profitable to raise slaughter and sell the animals they kill them and put them in a ditch some of you know exactly what I'm talking about if you've any experience in the meat industry or on farms would have you it is true in Canada this happen repeatedly during my lifetime the price the market price of pork drops so low that farmers cull their pigs that they kill them without sending them to a slaughterhouse so even when I have even if the price so again yes you can lower the price but being vegan yes hundred thousand vegans come with rice but when you lower it more it doesn't save the life of one Pig they don't say oh well you know what pigs are so cheap now I'm gonna take this pig and release it into the forest no they call those pigs sometimes through gassing sometimes through bullets so instant cruel methods like starvation that's actually an issue in Canada is trying to enforce against cruel myths because they can just you know not feed them with them let them starve to death the farm and of course this is obviously I've just said this about pigs but cows yeah even deer so the price can go up and down and then suddenly that it's get rid of a bunch of deer and so on says well it's not worth raising these deer the felt of their horns is is valuable yeah as well as their meat they do also sell venison but you can imagine the venison market the price can go up and down quite unexpectedly and so on not because so yeah culling those em so this is one reality no you as a vegan have not saved even one animal through your diet you as a vegan have not saved one animal by banning this material and I have to put in as a footnote it's possible you've saved an animal by swimming into a pond and rescuing an animal when it was drowning or climbing up a tree and recipe an animal from a tree I'm not saying you've never saved an animal's life you may have hands-on in that sense but the the economic function of the boycott does not save lives it's a lie but if we want to talk about what the animals want is that they want liberation then the last thing I think they want is leadership of an organization saying what we're doing isn't really working and we have no way to measure it but we're pretty sure hearts and minds and planting seeds is gonna work somewhere down the road at some point in someone's life that they're cogs are going to change and they we'll start shifting and so forth and so on and maybe things will start to change down the road do you think that's what the animals want does just sit there and be like that's f chicken said watch ISM yeah we got plenty of time here bud just plant those seeds and stuff will grow and eventually things will work out for us good idea the economic function of the boycott does not save lives it's a lie it's a propaganda lie and I've said this about why I quit Buddhism I don't want to be part of a religion that's built on a lie I don't want to convert other people who are religion through lying to them I don't want to be part of a political movement that's built on a lie same kind of reasoning for me and I'm not gonna lie I don't lie to others not a lot of myself so whenever I see those charts saying the number of lives you've saved this year by being vegan or how many lives you save I say no and again we can look at real world examples Taiwan Israel India these are countries with big vegan populations those are probably the three biggest proportionally and no it doesn't save a single life think about strategy think about tactics think about how they're different and think about how they're used to enhance one another it's not like I would go back to eating meat after you know finding this out like you really think about it more tonight like like now that I realize that I'm not saving animal animal's life I know it's not like I'm gonna go back to buying meat right right because I do feel like that is contributing like I mean other than personal purity like what is well I think I think there are two things here one is about doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do you know what I mean that's that's a fundamental question so we have some fancy electronics here you know if you can buy this st. this is a portable speaker if you can buy this made by slaves or say no I refuse to support the slave industry you're symbolic act is to refuse to support slavery it's a choice and in politics I'm going to come back to this symbolic actions matter you know when I was involved in Cambodian politics watching politics in places like Cambodia Laos much more closely Cambodia had a sham election an election that was not legitimate and was controlled by the government and I remember banging my hand on the desk and saying why don't the Japanese closed their embassy one of the Japanese lower their flag I don't expect Japan to invade Cambodia you know it's ridiculous I don't expect Japan to even cut off trade with Cambodia but lowering your flag and making a public statement these elections were not legitimate that's powerful and important and it is symbolic in in the English language some people are watching this video we always say merely symbolic you think symbolic is nothing you think it's merely symbolic no it wouldn't matter if the government of Japan stood up and said hey we know the difference between a legitimate election and a fake one and this is a fake election and your government has no legitimacy that matters in politics okay and it matters when people stand up and say look this is a nice electronic trinket but I don't want it if it's made by children or slaves or prisoners no prison labor is another issue I'm gonna draw the line somewhere you know that can be the start of a political process but the boycott in itself doesn't have any of those outcomes right it's the start it's the first step but the point is it's only the first step and what's absolutely necessary after that is exactly political militant to militate for real political change leather is not going to be produced at the same price if the government isn't subsidizing dairy veal isn't gonna be available at the same price and with the same quantity and regularly regularity without the government supporting dairy so these things are linked if you take one brick out of the wall the whole wall gets weaker and in the process of militating as I say for political change of organizing and demanding that kind of political change you galvanize your whole society you you challenge cultural values things start to change in all kinds of ways tangible and intangible we can start this kind of process of engineering social change without throwing anyone in prison it's not gonna be like the drug war it's not gonna be like cracking down on opium and cocaine users we're not going to be throwing people in prison because they're they're smoking you you know I mean but we can start that step-by-step so yeah for us as a community as a would be community for us as a movement or a proto movement defining yourself through that boycott see their refusal to buy meat and dairy it's important it's meaningful it gives us a sense of identity and purpose but that's all it does and now if you want change you got to go out and get it [Music]