Evalion: Neo-Nazis Are Ruining their Own Lives.

19 January 2021 [link youtube]

The thumbnail reads, "The Alt-Right Ruins Lives". I note, for the historical record, that the video quoted (from former Neo-Nazi #Evalion) was uploaded on Jan. 5th of 2021 --prior to the riot of Jan. 6th, 2021, in Washington D.C. (that inevitably informs much of the #commentary in this video). #NeoNazis

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

in january of 2021 what i hear both in
the mainstream media and here on youtube is an unwillingness to deal with the neo-nazi issue and an eagerness to dismiss everything going on on the far right as stupidity now stupidity is real ignorance matters the question of the level of intelligence education and political competence of the people the united states of america really matters if those questions are being taken seriously but what do we accomplish by dismissing these people as stupid that neither helps us understand the problem nor does it help us solve it the thing about neo-nazis is that a lot of them are individuals who have had their trust absolutely shattered by events in their personal life that were rather tragic a lot of nazis have kind of chaotic family situations and have experienced the worst this world has to offer i have been constantly verbally abused verbally assaulted and harassed for years ever since i came of age ever since i turned 18 i sacrificed my public reputation to tell the world hitler was right as somebody who was a teenager who fixated on history and fixated on facts i fixated on learning about the world well why did i do that as a teenager why why wasn't that concerned about boys and uh clothing and uh all other things that girls are concerned about well you can guess my home life was not ideal it was not ideal you could make assumptions all you want about what was going on it just was not ideal becoming a a young person becoming the craziest teenager in your country i actually uh wear that badge proudly the crazy i was the craziest teenager in canada the most neglected teenager in canada i will say though there is an individual who is very famous whom i relate to so much and that person's name is danielle bregoli who's danielle bregoli some people may ask she's the cash me outside girl she's the girl on dr phil who was absolutely out of control i relate to her a lot not because i behaved like her no i behaved in a different way but i relate to the the family dynamic that she had when she was younger and today in 2021 actually years ago after she got famous she got therapy and now she she says that her family is great and she has repaired things so have i but i didn't use money to do it i didn't have any money i'm doxxed my name is veronica bouchard and i will say that proudly i'm doxxed i'm proud of being doxxed i am socially ostracized probably one of the most socially ostracized individuals on the planet and i am coming out of hiding i denounce everybody who has ever lived everybody i denounce everybody including uncle adolf and i'm not going to go antifa i'm not going to go liberal i don't give a [ __ ] about politics anymore politics can go to hell all i care about are individuals who are alive and breathing on this earth at the moment and everything else i could care less about the past history concepts philosophy i throw it all out the window and i'm finally improving myself for the better i'm not perfect and maybe in a couple years i'll look back on this like but you know what it's all a story to be continued thanks for watching if you know who that was you know that the story's already over don't you that young woman can never have a normal job she can never be a schoolteacher she could never even join the canadian army i don't think the u.s army would have her either if she were a man maybe she'd get into the french foreign legion they take convicted criminals her status her future is in many ways much more bleak and desperate than convicted criminals and why because she got into bed with the far right the alt-right neo-nazis have a colleague here on youtube he has experience as a vegan activist organizer filmmaker and he had a dismissive attitude towards this problem and i think that dismissive attitude is rooted in this gesture but these people are all idiots these people are stupid does it really matter he asked me does it really matter if john rose is coming on youtube and recruiting people into a neo-nazi movement they're all idiots they're all and and i think part of that dismissive mentality is by looking at the end point of political violence and cultural change basically saying well these people aren't about to lead a revolution these people aren't about to kill anybody are they i'm recording this in january of the year 2021 there just just was an attempt of a bunch of neo-nazis to quash the outcome of a democratic election in the capitol building in washington d.c it was a failed attempt at a revolution or a coup d'etat but and a few people did get killed but this is part of this dismissive mentality they're just a bunch of idiots who aren't going to lead a revolution who aren't going to change the world who aren't going to accomplish and they're not going to kill anybody and there's no interest in the question of to what extent this will destroy their lives the extent to which joining the alt-right flirting with neo-nazis etc will destroy any future potential for those neo-nazis themselves they render themselves unemployable they remind themselves political pariahs so much so that at some point they have nothing to lose and they might as well attempt to murder someone or or put themselves in prison now look my parents were political extremists at the other end i was raised to be a communist and not a moderate communist i was raised to follow in the footsteps of joseph stalin and mao zedong i proved to be very resistant to my parents ideology but nevertheless it's not hard for me to imagine maybe not at 18 maybe more like 15 it's not hard for me to imagine that in another world i could have ended up making videos at a young enough age that i was still you know influenced by my parents ideology that i made a fool of myself in the same way evalian did right that i could have come on the camera and identified with this despicable ideology and rendered myself unemployable forever and the fact is my life as i actually did live it i'm in the paradoxical position of saying to you i did nothing wrong and i've rendered myself unemployable anyway okay before i even came on youtube i've got to tell you i would show people my resume showing that i've done humanitarian work in cambodia showing that i've done research and published peer-reviewed articles about buddhist philosophy that may be unemployable right something i shouldn't have to be ashamed of i shouldn't have to apologize for going to cambodia to do humanitarian i shouldn't even be proud of it all right i know just how narrow and conformist the society we live in is and i ended up applying to join the army myself because i went and spoke to my professors at the university and they told me there's no future for me there's no job for me anywhere else nothing else is possible not even if i get a master's degree and a phd so i might as well just join the army now that's that's what they told me and unlike a value i'm not ashamed of what i've got in the internet i'm not ashamed of the life i lived off the internet okay so what i said to this other youtuber wasn't a very long conversation what i said was how can you possibly diminish and disregard the significance of neo-nazis coming on youtube and recruiting other people into neo-nazism when you yourself know you yourself have seen the extent to which people will watch just one video on one youtube channel and become passionately committed to veganism and transform their whole lives right it wasn't a real long conversation i mean like you know just stop and look in the mirror you know this you felt this it probably happened to you yourself yes people come on the internet and in this sense they get taken advantage of and what kind of person gets taken advantage of by ideologies people who are weak people who are intellectually weak people who are emotionally weak people who are needy it's easy to dismiss these people as stupid and they are it's easy to dismiss their whole political movement as stupid because it is but dismissing it as stupid doesn't solve the problem and also doesn't teach us anything about a problem it doesn't lead to us having a better analysis or understanding of the problem i learned a lot listening to evalian's recent videos even though they are somewhat incoherent and internally self-contradictory the main thing i learned is that from the perspective of people like her from the perspective of the neo-nazis she used to fraternize with racism isn't some kind of bug in the system for their ideology they're consciously aware that it's the only thing that differentiates them from the authoritarian left wing that was that was really stunning really startling for me to hear i was aware that there were plenty of right wingers who idealized and looked up to japan as an example japan as an example of an ethno state i have even seen some fascists especially in italy who look to israel as a positive example of an ethnostate despite the history of anti-semitism and fascism where they say no israel is a positive example not a negative example of what they want to do whether that's the future of europe or the future of america or what have you but i had never before heard or seen the extent to which these neo-nazis are willing to look at present-day communist china as a positive example they are aware of the extent to which adolf hitler's movement and the history of 20th century fascism really was a form of socialism even if an incredibly perverse dark and distorted vision of socialism that nevertheless that was something that began as socialism that had left-wing elements and that still today if you take away the racism if you take away that white nationalism if you take away the paranoia about the looming like extinction or endangerment of the the white race the replacement theory and all the race reels and all that horseshit if you take that away they're really just a bunch of authoritarian left wingers who irrationally blame the jews for their problems rather than blaming the ruling class as a whole that was stunning for me to hear it was stunning for me to hear that someone like her is aware that the vast majority of bankers and just members of the money to elite in the united states of america are not jewish and are not part of any jewish conspiracy that this is really just a kind of recruitment tool for their racist movement to misrepresent marxist class analysis and call for a revolution that is really not much different from a communist authoritarian revolution to misrepresent it as appealing to conservatives and right-wingers by emphasizing the extent to which differences between social classes can be conflated with differences between ethnic groups in this case specifically or especially blaming the jews i learned a lot from listening to these bizarre incoherent rants from evaluating i learned about the extent to which her own engagement with neo-nazi ideology came from her fear that she would discover that her own genetic ancestry was in part jewish it was very interesting to hear that she regards this now as a phobia that she had an irrational fear a terror of discovering herself to be a member of exactly the ethnic group she most hated and reviled and she recognized that there never was a good reason to hate or revile those ethnic groups i gained some analytical understanding of what's going on as the alt-right now frankly breaks down into compost and something new sprouts from it we all know the problem in the united states of america is education do you know how much money it costs to get a bachelor's degree in political science in the united states of america what if just that one subject were tuition free what if everything else remains fifty thousand dollars a year minimum this grotesque system of education that exists in the united states of america but in the same way that for so many centuries bible college was the one way for poor people to get ahead it was the one form of book learning they could get was to sign up with some baptist bible college and become a minister and of course many many famous african-american political leaders got out of poverty and eventually got into political power by going through bible colleges and becoming a reverend minister or what have you using whatever name of course they practice public speaking that way and so on and so forth what if just the study of politics became tuition-free in the united states american what if resentful poor confused redneck americans who are poor and don't know why and are hopeless and don't know why and live in cities with no urban planning and no subway system no bus system no train system and no architecture and no heritage and indeed no meaningful sense of identity that's a real issue with the vast majority of white americans united states america the fact that they're living in a culture that's just a thin veneer painted onto the history of british colonial genocide you know the cultural poverty of the united states of america runs deep and you know that's why as a result these people struggle with this tremendous intellectual poverty and frankly political incompetence what's what's the way out of that what's the solution you know the solution can't possibly be privileged people like myself who are at a much much higher level of political education both formally and informally just sneering at and dismissing these people who never could possibly access the kind of political education i have and that i take for granted many months ago maybe about a year ago now i spoke to a young man who had been recruited into neo-nazism uh this is over the internet not face-to-face it was a voice voice chat and um he knew all these ludicrous things he knew all these things that if you have any level of education just seem preposterous and just can't be true um about ancient greece about ancient rome about ancient egypt even the history of north africa not just western europe you know and like every single thing he was saying it had kind of it was like 10 to 20 percent had some factual basis but then it was just to a ludicrous extent kind of reimagined and reinvented in its significance and misrepresented by you know neo-nazi propagandists aristotle is not easy to read aristotle is not easy to understand the real political legacy of ancient greece and ancient rome and even ancient egypt or what have you the real significance of that history is not easily accessed and the people who could explain that stuff to you the people who could sit down with an 18 year old kid and talk them through aristotle and motivate them and help them to really understand the political history of europe or of the whole world not even get into ancient indian ancient china here but but i could but let's stick to aristotle for the purpose of this video the people who could do that sitting down with an 18 year old kid who ultimately wants to make the world a better place and to some extent may well be burdened with resentment about their own upbringing in topeka kansas wherever it is they're from they grew up somewhere where life was awful and they don't know why okay and they feel oppressed and they don't know who's oppressing them yeah they want to make the world a better place but a large part of that impulse is going to be destructive rather than constructive inevitably the people who could sit down and explain aristotle to an 18 year old and guide them through that reading day by day week by week charge a price tag of more than 50 000 a year in tuition and most of these kids they won't even come out of a high school that will empower them or enable them to enroll in that education if they could afford it or if they were offered a scholarship and you know what the contrast is whoever wrote these crazy books that totally misinterpret and totally misrepresent the history of athens the history of greece the history of egypt and ancient rome and i'm sure they go on to misrepresent the history of uh modern france germany so forth whoever wrote that pseudo history those people are on youtube right now recruiting they're offering young men and young women a road to power a road to feeling special to feeling well-informed to feeling that they're part of a political movement that's going to change the world and they're willing to sit down and take the time and say hey they won't just give you the book they're going to talk you all the way through the book they're going to indoctrinate you right and those young people will feel like they're more and more powerful they'll feel like they're better informed that they've unlocked the mysteries of ancient athens in ancient rome on and on they'll feel they've had access to this set of facts about the history of the world that otherwise were denied them but the reality is those things were only denied them because the united states of america is the wealthiest country in the world with the worst system of higher education in the world [Music] you