Lauren Kenzy vs. à-bas-le-ciel, the podcast nobody asked for! ;-)

17 July 2016 [link youtube]

This is a conversation with Lauren Kenzy, formerly a.k.a. Lauryn Phoenix (formerly a.k.a. "The Vegan Lass").

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The whole conversation is, now, available on this same youtube channel, here:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

ablution I mean I became vegan just in
January this year and the main reason that I became vegan was for ethical reasons and know that I even knew anything about I think I knew and I don't know anything about veganism but it was through doing some yoga and also you know how yoga's Cana intertwined with a Buddhist philosophy and I'm not even gonna talk to you about good as philosophy because I don't even know much about it and I know you do and however you know that it was all this came at their hands at and non harming and the more I read about it the more of us like you know I can and I studied earth science at University Philippa and I was like I'm really amp environmental issues and then honestly I can't call myself an environment and environmentalist or an animal lover and I'm so heinous and I'm loving this unethical a style but I was scared to go vegan the cause of my eating disorder and I thought that veganism was this weird eating disorder thing and but they know what a wee bit more than two and I was like you know I can't live like this anymore so I just over night I went vegan I mentioned then you know while I went online teaching a search for things and you know what happens when you google vegan you get a banana get one from a year and so that was Kanan also the path I wit day and but you know what just in the last one since I've said your content that's that's opening my eyes to a lot of things does those are my eyes to issues that have never even crossed my mind before you even the thing like the pay ownership I I'd love even thought about that as being you know it's just something that's so natural everyone's got a body dog or a cat pretty much so I haven't even thought about these things and no it's like your content is just making me thank you seeing the warrant and a whole different light and that's what I really needed it not just not just to help me be a better person up there a vegan but to help me actually recover and pursue the company because when you've got an eating disorder or any illness or addiction quite often you get stuck often the Fermi mentality and you look what your video the other day that you done and oh god what was it there you're done a video is quite something like this suffering what is it called and then that just walk to me and I was like wow that is like exactly I had I've been like Cana really and just caught up in my own my own problems and my own issues and cure me but then now that I'm when you become vegan and you become aware of all the all the other issues that are going on in the world and our other things that you're going off in your videos it's like my problems are so insignificant compared to best and no it's like um every choice that I make is not just for me you know it's not all about me anymore in fact this hardly about me at all I'm not the issue the issue is meeting the what would update our police and that you've got no idea how significant that as for someone who's the confident it's absolutely it's a game-changer it really as I game changer for me and I don't even I don't really know how to describe or or if it's even making any sense ah da new CN i remember it was not too long ago that durianrider and the illustrious Julia bore were were both claiming that somehow I was in a sexual triangle with like you and Julia that like like at the same time I was trying to seduce like you in Scotland and Julia and Chiang Mai and they were constantly including you in the category of underage girls so like the amount of imagination involved here is like one that you're supposed to be I don't even know how young 15 like younger than I actually am but the thing is like just thinking about it now it's so absurd and just ridiculous God and and that I could be sent to prison for this you know if there was if there was a guy doing that if there was a guy trying to seduce you what's gone I don't know maybe he'd be a nice guy is that really like a criminal oh my god it's fully law and I just just go over it's just a sort of that euless and the fact has like even when I like spoke to do it neither there is nothing to even suggest that he just came out with it yourself he made it all up and has made which dish shoes like has made doesn't it just shows like what has thinking is all about it ah because even Julia herself doesn't think that didn't think anything of that came in nature and he does it I yes that was true you're not bye-bye that's true but at one point I remember Julia was kind of elaborating a story on her blog that I was this mystery man who was seducing a tremendous number of women in Chiang Mai she invented a kind of fantasy life for me as [ __ ] but she did not fancy herself as being the main object of my desire and those in those fantasies I was apparently just trying to get as many as many women as possible so you know this reflects the the creative potential of Julia as an author one day I hope she goes on to become a romance novelist occasionally stay over oh it's Lauren it's such an irony I don't think I've told you this I told a few people but my parents actually like asked me if I wanted to do that what would like just a couple weeks ago they were like oh well like seeing as your job in China didn't work out do you want to just take a year off and like live in Thailand and like look and there they actually said to me and they're like you know like your income from patreon it's probably enough and we can help you out like you know they'd help me out if I had a problem or needed an airplane ticket or something this this is the opposite of everything i believe it you stand for lies just the opposite i can just imagine you bringing a video and seen two people yes or my parents are and you offered me to like king of like like pay for me and everything so I'm just gonna take a hero in Thailand I could just imagine it that video I'm gonna move in to extort a vegan Ava and Joe best