My Apology to Freelee (Not a Joke, Not Sarcastic).

03 June 2016 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys what's up this video is an
apology going out to freelee the banana girl and I am making this video because I was asked to make it I was asked to make it by a charming fellow named durianrider this video is not a joke I am gonna have to say a few words to explain the context and why I'm making the video but this does contain a sincere apology for freely and you know there's no twist at the end of the video I don't say I'm trolling you at the end I don't turn it around and say well I apologise but you're a terrible person I always hate it when people do that in real life I remember what airline stewardess doing that once an airline stewardess screaming at my wife who's now my ex-wife my stewardess like well I'm sorry but everyone hates that so no this is a real apology video and I'm making it just because another human being asked me to there are a lot of sad ironies in this debate going on between myself and durianrider but that's one of them I mean these guys don't know me and if they had reached out and talked to me like a human being at any point I want to talk to them a human being and you know it doesn't make me feel weak in any way to apologize to somebody um maybe just to make them feel better if they're upset you know to me that's a good enough reason to apologize and you know some of you of course will laugh at the irony of this durianrider has hurt people's feelings in the past sometimes he apologizes sometimes he doesn't to give him credit I actually I can remember him apologizing um freely also hurts people's feelings I don't know I can't remember seeing an apology video from her but I'll assume the same sometimes she apologizes as soon as she doesn't um but you know that is part of the rough and tumble of the internet and I am willing to make an apology when asked you know making apology videos may be a slang we don't do often enough now for the context of this video durianrider has defamed me threatened me and invited others to assault me originally he was saying he wanted other people to beat me up so they could abduct me and take me to the police station when I respond to that by offering to meet him at the police station I said look if you've actually our criminal charges of me let's go to the police station and let's see the evidence and let's go to court fine arrest me I'm not I'm not avoiding arrest and of course he suddenly lost interest in going to police what have you and you know he dropped the pretense of wanting to beat me up in order to take me to the police to face justice or to be arrested and he then instead switch to just saying he wants to beat me up zeg beat me up I'm gonna make a video tonight showing you that correspondent so you can read for yourself it's not my opinion you can read exactly what during writer said and exactly what I said and reply and all of that was actually public it wasn't it's not private email prep course Mull black messages on Facebook and he refused to speak to me any other way you refused to meet me face to face and he refused to talk to me by Skype or what have you so he chose to just have that conversation with Facebook messages so normally when you make an apology if you want to reassure people that it's real you just have to say look I'm not joking about being insincere in this case I also have to say I'm not making this because I've been threatened or because I feel scared and that's because durianrider has been threatening me with violence legally speaking he's now guilty of defamation uttering threats ie editing threats of violence and inciting violence and all of those are real crimes and the defamation he's defamed me by he said I was a sexual predator I think in at least some of the screenshots he accuses me of being a pedophile you know the accusations are outrageous and needless to I'm you know but in the midst of all that what the one thing he said that is not a lie and that is not is that he said he wanted me to apologize the freely and I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that right now in this video as I say it's sincere here it is freely I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings you know I understand a lot of people make attack videos denouncing me also people make videos defaming me and insulting me and trying to hurt my feelings so I don't I don't know durianrider asked me to apologize not you but I assume he asked me because he felt that you were upset or you felt insulted or denigrated or you had your feelings hurt I'm sorry I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings I want to say a few words but what I appreciate about you and what this apology means I appreciate that you invented something genuinely new on the Internet I think you didn't just change the rules to the game I think you invented a whole new game and the reward for that for that new invention has been Fame and wealth and influence and I'm happy for you I'm not jealous at all you guys like to talk a lot about gratitude having an attitude of gratitude for me it's not gratitude it's just being happy for others I'm happy for you that you're successful to me there's no conflict to there there's no resentment what have you and I believe genuinely that you have done the best you could I think you're a hardworking person who does the best that you can I think when you talk about politics you offer the best political perspective you can I think when you talk about your personal life you know like your past being a waitress like jobs you had you didn't like them we talked about your personal I think you do the best you can I think when you make a recipe book or a diet book or when you give exercise advice I think in all those things you work hard and you do the best you can and I respect that I appreciate that about you but I hope you also can appreciate that even when you are doing the best you can it's not going to be good enough for some people it is good enough for some I don't know thousands of people love your work and it's good enough for them and that's great I'm happy for you but there are some people who are gonna say this is not good enough and for whom it's really important that they come on the internet and discuss exactly why I can remember writing an article about the war between Cambodia and Thailand a war that was happening at that time a border dispute a border conflict in those two countries and the article I wrote some people were so passionate about it that you know they typed it out again and uploaded to the Internet it was published in a newspaper and there were these passionate responses there people who really appreciated it so much you know was first written English and translating company there was a lot of positive response but when you write about an article when you write about something political something important like that you're not gonna please everybody some people are gonna hate the article or gonna hate you some some conflict is gonna come out of it some dispute some discussion and sometimes that's the most important part of it so freely you know I do apologize I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt and I appreciate that durianrider even though he's made all these crazy threats against me even though he stated all these lies I appreciate that on some level he is just a man who wants to revenge because he feels his girlfriend was insulted or upset and on that level I can sympathize with him I hope you sympathize of the fact that what I'm doing here on YouTube is really motivated by a desire to see veganism succeed now as a social movement whatever you want to say as a philosophy I'm working hard and contributing in the way I can to the positive future in terms of the ecology ethics activism political organization of veganism and you know when you look at my videos I think if you I've got over 200 videos on this channel I think if you wash them I don't think you would hate them all I think there's a lot of real talk on this channel about you know the emotional and personal side of being vegan of trying to organize activist groups you know if you can look past how angry you may feel with me if you can accept this apology I think actually there's plenty of material here that you would find value in and you would recognize that contrary to durian writers accusations I'm not on steroids I'm not a shill I'm not running a scam I'm just another person who is sincerely trying to promote veganism from his own perspective and in a way that reflects his own set you have a skillset related to fitness and diet etc well I come out of a political science background in Asian Studies background I have something to contribute to the present future of veganism and it's very different from what you have to contribute and if you hate my contribution that's fine if you disagree with me that's fine sending a gang of people to beat me up is not fine when your boyfriend insulted me I wrote back to him respectfully saying if you want to talk I'm here to talk if you really want to fistfight we can meet in a boxing ring we can do that if it's got to be violence I'm down for that violence to man okay I was not a coward I did not evade any of this all right and I haven't been cowardly in my criticism that I've offered others and I haven't been cowardly and receiving criticism either okay you don't have to respect that I'm not asking you to respect me I'm giving you this apology just because another human being asked me to and because it doesn't cause me a thing I don't feel small or weak or bad and apologizing to another human being just to make them feel good but you and I both know that right now what durianrider is doing is bad morally ethically legally it's bad for you it's bad for me it's bad for the future of the vegan movement and you know it's even just bad for the people who paid thousands of dollars to come on vacation right now in Thailand I've met a lot of people here who believed in you guys and who lost faith it's had a huge emotional impact on them and one of the many ironies this situation is I'm not emotionally impacted by it at all I'm not upset I'm not hurt I really came to Chiang Mai just to meet with a couple of people who are already fans of my channel I've never showed up at any of your events never caused any problems for you I've never started any kind of a problem okay you want to talk about saving the planet this ain't the way to do it