The Fist Fight That Never Was.

28 May 2017 [link youtube]

Link to the original video from Sam's channel ("quoted" briefly here) =

Vegan / Vegans / Veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

look guys there was some kind of
altercation on the hill between durianrider and Sam with Dexter standing there as a third man or a witness what's wrong golly Magoffin throw me off the block Diddy oh and maybe you did why isn't why would I jump off the block with Holly I don't want anything to do with him huh oh now he's only camera now he's different now he's different the different Holly's out attrition practise girlfriend was there I can't imagine how ashamed she was fever probably Fred if there's one thing worse than having a tough guy for a boyfriend it's having a fake tough guy it's having someone who pretends to be a tough guy it's having someone posturing and faking it what who doesn't back it up whoo-hoo I would feel so ashamed if I were in her shoes I'd now she'll ever live this down just her whole relationship with him man this is a walk of shame that's gonna last the rest of her life her being in this relationship and her playing that position but any case durianrider tried to instigate a conflict of some kind I don't even know what rule the police reports play at this point or if it matters whether or not this qualifies as assault by some technical or legal definition I think that's all kind of irrelevant you just pulled me off the bike so why'd you throw me off the bike so you'd say you know what now don't be a little [ __ ] saying and what am i doing as a [ __ ] hypocritical the Holly the HIPAA cruise why you want to fight me that's why I guess what I want to talk about here is the tough-guy posturing itself I've seen durianrider make comments on the Internet referring to me as if I'm on hiding as if I'm hiding from him I've seen during Ryder and his supporters referred to me as if I was the one who played the victim in this scenario and the irony is one year ago I was the one guy who never hid who never backed down I said the durianrider straight up okay you want you want to beat me up see me when you see me let's let's meet do you want to me to the police station you wanted me to to shop joining me to karaoke do you want to meet in a boxing ring I made myself available and this wasn't just in the face of threats of personal violence at durianrider directly beating me up but he was repeatedly saying you would have a gang of people beat me up and I said okay don't act like it's hard to find me see me when you see me let's let's meet up it's made up if this is what it has to beat wanted to add in this comment um everyone else in the game everyone they've changed so much in one year and that's why it's striking that the one person who hasn't changed is durianrider Jerry writers making the same threats engaging in the same behavior when everyone else I mean even freely her whole life has changed and her content of the Internet is change my whole life has changed so much new job new girlfriend new apartment new home new career new outlook on life in so many ways my life has changed has changed for the better so much in this last year I now speak a new language one year ago I couldn't really speak Chinese worth a damn now I speak it every day my life has changed so much Lauren Kenzie's life has changed so much freelee's life has changed with Jason Posey knows life has changed so much whether people close down their YouTube careers their channels disappeared took on new directions Dexter channel has changed so much all these people have been through a period of tremendous personal transformation including a huge number of the people who were formerly during writer supporters and now are not the one person who hasn't changed at all his durianrider and in a profound way that remains really sad to see now I also offered a lot of other more positive and conciliatory ways out of the conflict I gave him a whole range of options and he took none of them instead what he wanted to do was continue trying to instigate violence against me while he played the victim which is especially despicable he tries to make you know that he was the victim of aggression whereas in fact he was the instigator and that's the same actress II him do again now but another pattern a lot of you might not have noticed was that one year ago when he was trying to start the fight with me and I just said okay let's do it if that's what it's got to be I mean I'd rather take option A B or C but if you're closing the door on those more positive nonviolent options okay sometimes you gotta take option D if that's what it's got to be seem when you see me I'm not gonna back down I'm not gonna run away I'm not gonna hide and at the same time that he was instigating with me he started instigating with Jake Eames and Jake Eames appeared on this channel he asked me to take the video down so it's now down but I remember I got a lot of fan mail asking me how big I am because Jake Eames is a much smaller dude than me and when he was sitting next to me recording this video recorded video with the camera on two of us live you know his two of us in the same room not via Skype or anything I looked enormous sitting next to Jake just you know the level of my shoulders and the width of my shoulders you know this is partly just an optical illusion when you put a big guy next to a smaller dude he looks smaller and I look larger that's a trick of the light whatever you want to say now in reality I'm not that big of guy I'm about one inch taller than Tyrion Ryder maybe an inch and a half I'm about one year younger than durianrider maybe year and a half durianrider has repeatedly referred to me as if I'm a giant he refers to me as being much larger than he is which I'm not it actually probably would be a fair fight if he showed up durianrider claims to be a professional athlete and he openly talks about his use of performance-enhancing drugs this is not something I'm alleging he has openly talked about its use of steroids you know he claims to be a health full-time health weight loss and fitness guru whereas I have no claims of that kind whatsoever I have a desk job I have a desk job I teach at a university and I am at the same time a university student completing my second university degree my first degrees in political science second one is an Asian Studies there's probably gonna be a third university degree after that sadly it's how the academic treadmill goes but I'm working on a very different set of credentials and basically in my spare time to keep in shape I do some push-ups I lift some weights and I'm in ok shape compared to the average 38 year old in my line of work that's all I would say about myself and you know aside from that I rep the vegan cause you know Dexter got a really good line in when he was up on the mountain having this confrontation with Darien Ryder Dexter said to durianrider face-to-face at this point it isn't even about veganism anymore and that is really worth dwelling on believe me I'm the first person to preach against violence of any kind I don't like the tough-guy posturing I don't like the phony radicalism I don't like people like Gary Yourofsky who openly endorsed violent methods of protest activism and lobbying for social change I don't like you know vegan terrorist groups like the a LF Animal Liberation Front I disapprove all that I have many many videos talking about that but what Dexter gets across during Ryder face-to-face quite succinctly and quite sincerely it's just to say to him hey look you're creating a violent conflict an altercation that's just about your personality that's just about your ego that's just about your little cult of followers this isn't even about veganism anymore and I think that really is worth dwelling on Dexter despite it being a very tense and difficult situation I think he actually gave voice to a number of important issues in that video this video showing them coming to the brink of a fistfight and then not really having a fistfight at all if it's not about the future of the movement if it's not about veganism what are we fighting for and if this festival or this event if these organizations if it's not for the animals for ecology for the future of veganism of movement etc etc what is it for what what are we fighting for in the other hand what are we cooperating for or what are we failing to cooperate for I mean either this has got to be about the future of the movement or it is nothing worth and I don't think anyone watching that video thanks for even a split second that durianrider is having this confrontation for or about veganism it's about him and I wouldn't even say it's about his his seeking Fame I don't think of durianrider as someone who enjoys fame I think of him as someone who was terrified of losing the little bit of Fame that he's got I think he's purely acting on fear because once he does lose his fame all the way once she hits rock bottom and he recognises it he's gonna have to look back on the last five years of his life and realized that he squandered the one positive opportunity he ever had he had the greatest opportunity in the world and he squandered it and he squandered doing what creating conflicts like this conflicts not just with Sam and not just with me but conflicts with Tana mojo a whole long list of Instagram models oh he created conflicts with all of his close personal friends there was a time when Jason pizanno was his close personal friend and by the way you know talking about that in this tough-guy nonsense I remember asking people like Posey know who used to really know during Ryder personally really just spend time so you know if we actually had the boxing match being durianrider who who do you think would win and every time those guys the guys new purse they just said aisel you would it would be completely one side so you would win one added I don't know why they felt that way I don't know if it's just overall size or bulk or what but all those people said to me during Ryder wouldn't stand a chance and that is at bottom what explains this behavior if you were to ask me why is Doreen Ryder instigating a fight with Sam when he refused to meet up with me when he refused to follow through with the threats you made against me when I offered I said I'm not hiding I'm right here where do you want to meet see him when you see me why did he back down against me and instigate with Sam for the same reasons that he backed down against me and then tried to instigate with J Keynes durianrider is a bully durianrider is a coward he only wants to punch people who are smaller than him and I do think that Sam is a few inches smaller than Terry matter as far as I know I'm really not that much bigger than durianrider I'm definitely not that much younger than him were approximately the same height approximately the same age to all accounts he's in way better physical condition than I am but again I don't want to glorify violence of any kind whether it's recreational violence personal personal violence violence than the movement you can win a fight and still be in physical pain for weeks afterwards you can be the guy who wins the fight and your face is swollen up and your teeth all feel like they're in the wrong place you got horrible pain in your ribs fistfights are nasty terrible things in terms of human evolution guys we did not invoke we did not evolve this fist to hunt animals the only purpose of the human fist it's not to handle tools it's not to make friends the human fist was evolved for violence of one human being against another that's its evolutionary purpose its structural purpose etc we don't punch out a deer you don't punch out a gazelle when you're evolving in North Africa human beings of all the fists for violence within our own species which is of course one of the defining traits of our species and human life is fragile one a human being can die from one punch it's a real scientific fact a human beings life can be irrevocably changed by one punch the way your face looks the way your nose is shaped can be changed forever by one punch boxing is a sport that leads to brain damage and an early death even when it's done with all the bests you know professional safety features and what have you I don't glorify this at all but sure durianrider raises the question again and again of who is gonna stand up to him who was gonna stand up to his lies who was gonna stand up to his bad advice than the movement and who's gonna back down and slink away and play his game by his rules and I was one of the guys who stood up and said hey if this is what it has to be I would rather have options a B or C I'd rather do something positive and nonviolent and cooperative I'd rather talk it out or do something positive the future thinking movement but if it's got to be option D if you're closing door to everything else if this is where you're gonna take it if this is the only thing you can respect if this is the only way we can move forward okay let's square dance C me where you see me and durianrider was not just dishonest he was not just an intellectual coward he was not just a moral coward he was a physical coward he backed down and he ran away and at the same time was trying to start fist fights with guys like Jake Eames that were smaller than him because he only wanted to start fights that he could win and that durian really is despicable lucielle