Americans Are Having Less and Less Sex: Fact Check.

08 April 2019 [link youtube]

As a statistical fact, are Americans having less and less sex? This comes up in the context of Vegan Gains complaining about the implausibility of Fully Raw Kristina's sex life (or lack thereof), and Ashley Elisa's attempt to… uh… valorize… virginity? I guess?

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's almost like a weird thing if you
choose not to engage in casual sex with people it's like who are you you're some sort of prude you're some sort of like weird of and you you might think you're a good liar Christina but you're not I can see through your [ __ ] as as can everyone else guess what we all know you're not a virgin just because you can fool your parents doesn't mean you can fool us and the thing is about hookup culture it's not having a sex with like a lot of people it's having sex without meaning just like doing it with random people because nowadays people are actually having less sex gets more just casual it seems like today with all the hookup apps reliable contraceptives and a general culture that just promotes casual sex it's really just becoming the norm it's almost like a weird thing if you choose not to engage in casual sex with people it's like who are you you're some sort of prove you're some sort of like weirdo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then you have a bunch of other articles saying you have to figure out what you like in order to figure out what you like in like having sex you have to have sex with a lot of people and I mean my question to that is why do you have to have sex with a lot of people in order to figure out what you like like wouldn't it just be weird to barely know someone and then want to try some like insane thing you want to be I don't know TMI no judgment just my opinion