Joy, Sorrow & Honesty Online: Joe Vegan, University & My Divorce.

27 January 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

alright let's kick this off with a
specific example before we get into generalities you know we were talking a little bit here on livestream about the rise and fall of Joe vegan and you know part of what makes that example interesting is it obviously he came up to a certain level of success he had a kind of emotional breakdown and then he destroyed everything he worked so hard to build up already it's an interesting story in a sense and I was saying you know look when you have these conflicts other people on YouTube you can take it in any direction you want to take it that includes my conflict with Joe vegan I wanted to take that in a more meaningful direction with Joe where I wanted to have him on the show I want to talk to me on skype and hear him explain what his plans are for opening his animal sanctuary talk about the economics of actually taking care of a dozen pig's how much money that caused but also talk about the ethics you know the no-kill Animal Sanctuary a lot of the time you're talking with taking a stray cat and putting it in a prison putting it in a concrete room to wait until it dies if you think a no-kill sanctuary is ethically simple and straightforward it's really not I went over in an earlier video with these pigs if they live long enough you know if you're keeping them as domesticated animals they get these really expensive and awful health problems they have to have hip replacement surgery but what are you going to do that are you going to spend thousands of dollars to keep this pig alive waiting to die in a no-kill Animal Sanctuary living in circumstances not so different from a farm not so different from a prison and what's what's your ethical mandate there how are you justifying this to your donors and you're ultimately you're taking these animals and you're giving them a life that in no way resembles the way they would live in the wild or even feral or what have you you're keeping them alive just so you can one day watch them die and again go and visit real animal sanctuaries you know you got a bunch of dogs in a cage and once a day a guy comes and lets those dogs out of the cage and they around the field for an hour and then he puts in the back in the cage and then he goes to the next cage and lets out a bunch of other dogs I think anyone who looks at that is going to have to stop and reflect on what is the meaning of this as a vegan charity and even in a little bit of a profound way what is the meaning of life but look I had this conflict with your vegan that was the direction I wanted to take it in Joe vegan had conflicts with people like cheetah he can take that interaction what's taken it I got this conflict now with happy healthy vegan and there are a bunch of different issues I've made a bunch of different videos in response to the same conflict taking it in different directions but Joe vegan he took it where he wanted to take it he ignored good advice from all kinds of people including myself and you know he burnt out and got a broken heart would add but look you know I'm still fundamentally a fan of real talk of keeping it real on camera whether you're sharing your sorrows or your joy in life um and it's it's a problem can you still talk about your sex life on youtube if you can't is that because your sex life is kind of [ __ ] up as you should change that like that's the part that you should change or you know why are you on YouTube any way if you can't talk honestly but your choice in your throws life you guys have probably heard me say in a bunch of different conflicts of people defame your sling you do hear me say you know this didn't upset me that didn't upset me and then I talk about what the problem is and you know I think every single time I said that that has been true i don't think i've ever come on camera and lied and said i was not upset about something when I really was but there are things that upset me and I mean the the conflict with Joe vegan you guys might not guess this there was all this [ __ ] and some of its kind of frustrating or exasperated like Joe vegan knows my court case is real I've presented him with legal documents and I've offered to discuss it further with him but he's still coming on the internet and lying suggestion to his viewers the McCaws thats frustrating or it's you know makes me think he's an idiot it makes me have contempt for him but that was not upsetting to me you know of all the things Joe vegan said or did about me oh I should say also general like in the early days the channel I sent him a lot of encouragement and I felt that satire was something positive for the vegan community and I mean I warned him that he had to be clear when he was doing satire when he was speaking earnestly it was islands because he did both but you know um the in general I wasn't offended by the comedy as comedy not at all but you know the one thing he said that really did hurt me that really did emotionally hurt me and of course if partly had to do with the time when it came to me in the circumstances and the fact that I didn't want to answer it I didn't want to come on camera and respond to it you know when Joe vegan laid into my situation at the University that really had an emotional impact on me and this reflects the fact i mean i've said this before and it may sound trivial it may sound like I'm joking around when I say it but my negative experience with universities in Canada especially with the incredibly low quality of the university system and my having no options moving at in the future because the university ism that really is the central tragedy of my adult life and it's not a tragedy I can escape from from or forget about I was dealing with it back in the year 2000 and I'm still dealing it with it in the year 2017 right i mean it's not like a trauma you leave behind i'm still now a university student getting a second bachelor's degree because there was no ma program for me to enter and at the end of this bachelor's degree my situation of the university systems though still continues it may hurt me for other reasons too because I mean what he was really ridiculing me for it really was an attack on my character was the fact that I stood up and did the right thing from my perspective and I think I think genuinely I stood up and did the right thing in challenging the director of my department the head of the department and challenging ultimately you know the authorities than the University the Ombudsman and the [Music] sort of the head of the faculty I forget the name for that now the Dean you know that was me fighting the good fight and standing up for a cause that a lot of other people couldn't stand up for a lot of other students in that classroom or 18 or 19 years old they couldn't bureaucratically or emotionally take that complaint forward and sit down at that board meeting sit down face-to-face with the Dean and head of the department and say hey this program is a disaster you guys need to step up and recognize the problem and maybe lift a finger to solve it you know so to have him you know again not even challenge that you know ridiculing that opened me up to public scorn and derision and inviting his audience to laugh at me for that because of my background in University fusion the ongoing tragedy in my life really I mean I I can say it in an offhand way but I am I am emotionally [ __ ] up about it I am I mean that that really wounded me and put me in a position when watching that video from Joe vegan and I yeah I can think of a response i can think i'm coming on camera and explain what i'm explaining right now i don't want to i don't want to be held up to ridicule in the precise way that he did on that and I don't want to explain what it was doing at the University and why I stood up for that issue and why I you know ultimate there's a bureaucratic component there's a paper we're component to it there's also literally standing up on pointed moral principle and telling an academic department that what they're doing is is bad and wrong and needs to change for me I mean again and that made more of a difference in the world then I've told you back in the day I stood up and went to City Hall and presenting complaint and so you know of course there are deep in shell levels this was also the sense which I'm always talking about the importance of that in veganism we need people in this movement who can take a complaint on paper and at the podium and in the boardroom we can take a complaint of City Hall who can take a complaint to the Board of Directors in in any institutional setting like this so you know Wow of all the things he said to me that's source said about me publicly or privately that's the one that really really got to me and then you guys know if you watch this channel regularly I'm still going through the paperwork for a divorce I'm I'm separated but not yet legally divorced in France I still have a legal struggle going on in relation to you know joint custody from my water this kind of thing so you might be surprised to hear me say that my experience with education is the defining tragedy my life but it is as terrible as my experience was and being separated for my daughter because I mean the level of sorrow the level of really even physical pain you experience on an emotional level and on an instinctual level that's deep that's F deep in terms of evolutionary time deep in terms of instinct waking up in the middle of the night and feeling that your daughter ought to be in the room with you because I spent the first year of my daughter's life taking care of her 24 7 so there's some men their daughter is born but they're still going to work seven days a week they don't see that much their newborn kid I was with my daughter what are gonna say bonding with her I was spending quality time with her 24 hours a day seven days a week I had no other job I'd no other duties in life aside from assisting my wife you know which includes things like mopping the floor and taking care of my daughter and we had no other you know family helping we didn't have any answer uncles we didn't have a servant or anything we didn't have a cleaning lady or anything you know so that was all of my time and effort and then to be suddenly and traumatically separated from your daughter yes that is a type of sorrow many of you will never understand no offense but still I can at least say that is just one point in time problems with higher education in Canada being a prisoner of my passport being stuck at that system is a problem I never get to escape from yeah bottom line on this to morals to this story okay one if you can't be honest about this stuff the sorrow and the joy in your life on YouTube don't come on YouTube whether that's because you have a job you get fired from for being honest the way I'm being honest right now about my sex life but my divorce about my situation University if it's because of your job recognize that get off youtube if it's because of you and your life if it's because for some other reason really think about it if you can't be honest with the sauros and the joys in your life don't come on camera at all don't come on the internet at all in a sense right and you know the other one is just any one of these conflicts any one of these debates no matter how deep no matter how shallow it's an opportunity it's just an opportunity for you to take the topic in any direction you want to take it a few weeks ago I saw this one video from rich piana this body builder a lot of people laughed they were just amazed that i made a video responding their rich piana but to me whether you think of that video is deep or shallow i watch that i watch this other guy in the internet and i thought well you know I really want to respond it I really have something to say there's something meaningful in my life I want to share and uh I guess I guess that's the best reason to be on YouTube I guess that's the most rewarding way to be on YouTube is just to have that self-confidence and also to have that vulnerability come on and share the the joys and sorrows of your life and see who else is going to jump on and share your life with you hit me up