Cheat on your girlfriend: the shallowest philosophy on earth.

15 November 2020 [link youtube]

I often feel that my role is to "edit out" my own voice in these videos, as it really would be "advice nobody wants to hear". If you actually want a first person series of reflections from me on the topics raised here, let me know; once in a while I do just use my platform to contrast what other people have to say, and then allow the audience to draw their own conclusions. #HidingInMyRoom #Chihiro #HiMR

The youtuber known as "Hiding in My Room" can be found here:

The video I'm responding to is titled, "why men LOVE cheating on women", and can be found here, assuming he doesn't delete it:

His ex-wife, Chihiro, uploaded her side of the story to this channel, "KC the Hong Kong Guy":

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

first of all i would like to raise the
question is cheating bad yes or no i'm guessing most people would say yes it is a bad thing but what is a bad thing was it bad when the roman empire collapsed yeah it was probably pretty bad for the roman people but for everyone else who were being conquered by the roman empire for centuries it was pretty good for them so when a man cheats is it bad well for the woman he's cheating on yeah is probably bad she's gonna be sad and cry but for the guy it's not really bad it's pretty exciting and fun so i first noticed my first white hair i think it was last year and it really shocked me because before then i had never seen a white hair on my head before the whole reason why men cheat is because it is fun and exciting up until the point you get caught and then it is pretty bad because everyone starts getting angry with you now if a man gets caught cheating he will do this stupid act as if he's so sorry and he feels so bad and he's guilty and he won't ever do it again and he regrets doing it he's just saying that he doesn't mean any of that and that's why these apology videos are so bad it's because they are not genuine they are insincere the guy is not actually sorry he's just doing this act because he wants people to like him but i do feel like i don't really want to show my face in videos anymore because i'm noticing my face age and i don't like it and i'm worried that people would start noticing and then they'll start pointing it out no one's really pointed out yet in reality he would do it again he's just sorry he got caught and he probably had a bloody good time imagine if we lived in a society where it was perfectly acceptable to cheat and have a face imagine if we lived in a society where women did not get sad and upset if they get cheated on i'm pretty sure men would just go out there and cheat as much as they would love to and even for some animals it's perfectly normal for the male to have multiple female partners and the female partners don't start crying about it when the alpha gorilla male has like 10 females in his pack do you think the females will start crying about it because the alpha male gorilla is not being faithful to one gorilla i look in the mirror and i think that's me that's daniel that's what i look like that's what i identify as and then to think that in 10 20 or 30 years time i'm going to look like a different version of daniel that's kind of weird and to think that further ahead i'm not even going to be alive anymore and then everything i did and everything i achieved everyone i met everything i said it's not really gonna matter because i'm not gonna be around anymore maybe the things i did and said and achieved would remain in the memory of people who knew me but i couldn't really care less about that because at the end of the day i'm not going to be around so i don't really feel like anything else would matter if cheating is such a bad and terrible thing then why do men do it so often and to answer that question we have to ask a new question what is the meaning of life what is the number one most important thing us life forms us creatures us living beings have to carry out and that is to reproduce to find a partner and reproduce when people ask me so daniel what do you want to be when you grow up i would just answer i don't know i didn't want to think about it i didn't even couldn't even imagine growing up and doing something like a job or career i thought i'd just stay at home playing video games for the rest of my life and i guess i did manage to do that i mean i am 31 and what did i do today stayed at home all day and i played video games [Music] foreign foreign [Music] um is now some may argue that there's more to life than just making babies we have art and we have poetry and we have painting and we're supposed to find spiritual meaning and fulfillment in life and make the planet a better place foreign foreign [Music] foreign and if you're one of those people who think oh i don't need to have children it's not important then i'm sorry to say this but you are probably mentally ill because it's not normal to not want to have children if the entire species thought like that then would be extinct so that brings us back to the question why do men cheat and why do they enjoy it well it's simple really they are driven by a biological urge that is ingrained in their dna since the beginning of mankind hundreds of thousands of years ago usually when a man is caught cheating everyone points their finger at them calls them a terrible human being when actually whose fault is it that he cheated in the first place maybe it was his girl's fault for not being able to satisfy him [Music] only considering foreign [Music] so [Music] foreign