Elon Musk: Mad Scientist or Stupid Genius?

07 March 2021 [link youtube]

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#ElonMusk #Thunderf00t #QuitVideoGames

Youtube Automatic Transcription

okay that's it so i'm going to cruise
the entire length of the hyperloop hey folks this is fred i was uh hearing a report on the hyperloop i mean what happens when all of a sudden an earthquake hits there's no way out there's no need of hollering and screaming yelling you're in a mirror more or less a coffin already so your plate is sealed so far none of the tubes that they've created have dealt with the expansion issue in any way whatsoever or just simply an earthquake hell a car crash into one of the pillars any slight dent in that wafer-thin tube and you would be looking at a cascade failure this is so so unsafe i mean we as a people have done so many unsafe things and we continue to do it we continue to put people's lives at stake for the sake of the dollar bill i mean the first thing we should assume is that we are very dumb you know things have obviously gotten way more smarter than the past way smarter the most important thing like i said the most important mistake i see smart people making is assuming that they're smart they're not don't buy into the hyperloop it is a disaster waiting to happen you may as well strap a bomb to get dressed and pull the pin if you've got money to spend spending on something that's actually gonna help somebody to get better in life not to get dead you played fallout 3 all the way like i really played that game a lot um let me explore every corner of that game [Music] i'm looking for a new video gameplay can you give me a recommendation overwatch i play overwatch um overwatch is amazing oh which is amazing yeah and i was worried about him because he's one of our great geniuses and we have to protect our genius you know we have to protect thomas edison and we have to protect all of these people that came up with originally the light bulb and the wheel and all of these things and he's one of our very smart people and we want to we want to cherish those people i think he's like remapping civilization and trying to make a better yacht i played obviously skyrim i did not complete skyrim that was intense it was like it's a big game [Music] i played fallout 4. that was great you have to give him credit i spoke to him very recently and he's also doing the rockets he likes rockets and uh he does good at rockets too by the way i never saw where the engines come down with no wings no anything and they're landing i said i've never seen that before you know just like shaquille o'neal is eight feet tall and some people are four feet tall you know some people just have a brain i mean there's no there's no level playing field when it comes to anything whether it's athletic performance or or mental performance well there's hearthstone i haven't tried that one yet yeah i know people love it [Music] do you play anything besides of which i mean um we tried the new dsx i have tried the new deus ex it's okay but like it's the best game i played recently and it's not a super new game is the last of us oh is it from a couple of years ago sure i loved it okay last of us yeah you like that too is it really good yeah i've heard good things about uncharted it was just really the last of us the prior deus ex and the original the original deus ex was the storytelling was amazing [Music] uh shocking how well you know how it's come so fast i mean you go back a year and they were talking about the end of the company and now all of a sudden they're talking about these great things he's going to be building a very big plant in the united states he has to because we help him so he has to help us i don't know if anybody's played did you play the original deus ex that was killer [Music] an electric skate was supposed to help center the car that was axed in favor of retractable wheels but both ideas have been abandoned and instead the vehicle will rely on its own tires driving through a paved tunnel because let's be real you want to get people to drive around and round a kilometer long tube with very small tolerances leading to the obvious question is it even possible to get out of those cars while you're in this elon musk loop and you know ass is usually the requirement even for people with limited mobility another way to cut costs is by building smaller tunnels the standard size for a single lane is 28 feet in diameter borings will only be 12 feet which doesn't leave a lot of room so although technically any electric vehicle with autonomous capabilities will be able to use them in the future they'll have to fit tiny inaccessible tunnels going all over the city you know which if there's an accident in them which is inevitably gonna happen how are you gonna unblock this again it seems like the people crying debunked are assuming that all of the scientists and engineers at spacex and all these universities haven't taken a grade 11 physics course okay um and i'm not an expert in uh battery pack technology but it seems that a lot of people are speculating that the uh effects for the semi truck even i believe the ceo of daimler said it breaks the laws of physics so i'm wondering is this just the leader not much about physics i know him [Laughter] yeah i'm pretty happy you're engaged in a public discussion with him i actually studied in college [Music] we'll have a lot of flights between them then that's crazy that's 2023 is not that far away that'll be there before you know it how many times have you had explosions when you're on a rocket i don't know like quite a few six maybe five or six what are those like what is it like when you watch it explode this is a test program we expect it to explode um it's weird if it doesn't explode frankly really yeah um if current trends continue uh if we you know if you plot the points on the curve of progress then then we should be doing regular uh orbital flights with a high probability of safe landing in two years he he's creating he has he's a fortune society that's like like a a a cross pollination of thomas edison and tony stark from the avengers okay you cross-pollinate those two folks you get elon musk when i think we can go to mars i mean i think possibly as soon as five years from now um really yeah so when you're talking to elon musk did you get the sense that you were talking to like a genius what did it feel like like i'm a chimp like you i'm like like you're that person yeah i'm not that's exactly what i was going to say yeah i am that toxically stupid person talking to this guy really wants to create gigantic power stations in australia to fix their grid and wants to shoot rockets into space and anything he does is completely fascinating to people well he's a legitimate super genius legitimate like when he's not full [ __ ] he's that is his his thought process is extraordinary but one of the things that was really clear from talking to him was that it's uncomfortable that his whole life it's been this tornado of ideas i watched it against his head yeah and he he's like you wouldn't want to be me [Music] i'm like what do you mean man you know he's like it's a it never shuts off right you know [Music] [Music] you know it's better if i can swing like this oh good so get it get it near my neck that's even better wait don't go in that way don't go in that way go away from me crazy [Music] maybe we can we can practice