Flexing on Mayim Bialik: Vegan vs. Vegan Misinformation.

12 July 2019 [link youtube]

I'm vegan but we've got to recognize that even with the best of intentions, vegans often spread misinformation and rely on pseudoscience. #vegan #vegans #veganism

Mayim Bialik's video (quoted here) is titled, "How To Raise Vegan Kids || Mayim Bialik", and here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaxGR6ncu3c

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

I'm vegan and my kids are too why
because I forced them to be Mayim Bialik is not famous for being vegan she is famous for one reason and one reason only and that is that she gives the audience the reassuring sense that they too could be wealthy and successful while having absolutely no talent I don't mean no obvious talent I don't mean apparently no talent I mean no talent I mean my kids love They Might Be Giants and Marxist philosophy so I kind of feel like my work is done here you know I pity your children more than you could possibly know both of my parents were hardcore communists they were even extremist communists I think it's fair to say but even they admitted that the philosophy of Karl Marx really when it comes right down to it is just a bunch of boring aimless combined with very crude misconceptions about classical economics have you tried reading Catholic philosophy and my father who during the time I knew him was a die-hard atheist and unsurprisingly for communists pretty much opposed the church even he would have to admit that like the the devout Christian side of the philosophy aisle had a lot more going for it than the Marxist side and um I as a nihilistic atheist but also an anti-communist would have to admit the same thing maybe try reading Blaise Pascal maybe try reading a Soren Kierkegaard if you're impressed if you're impressed by the philosophy of Karl Marx you may be an idiot you may be a child or you may be an idiot raising your children and inculcating them with a horrible debunk political philosophy that is oh yeah right responsible for the mass murder of tens of millions of people economic catastrophe economic collapse on an unbelievable scale the only thing that vegans can't get from the foods that we eat is vitamin b12 which you can totally take a supplement for or just don't wash your veggies very well because it's in the dirt that is really irresponsible anti scientific advice to give people no you cannot cannot on dirt as a source of vitamin b12 in a youtube video that is a wealthy celebrity acting under the pretense to give health advice to millions of unsuspecting parents in America no no no you should not tell people that it's a viable substitute just to refrain from washing their fruits and vegetables to rely on trace amounts of dirt as a source of vitamin b12 b12 deficiency is not a vegan problem it is a human beings on earth problem the rates of vitamin b12 deficiency amongst people of all socio-economic strata in Venezuela is unbelievable people of all ages living in poverty living on the coast living in the mountains when the government of Venezuela did a survey to look at B vitamin deficiency they found it was endemic throughout their whole society and nobody in the study is vegan I mean fewer way below 1% of the people in the study was vegan it was a general population study had nothing to do with veganism in Israel when the government of Israel did an inquiry into vitamin deficiencies special interest in B vitamins like this b12 they were looking at different ethnic segments within Israel now why is this it's because there are Russian Jews in Israel and there are like Arachne Jew so Jews who fled from Iraq and they eat totally different diets just for cultural reasons and they assume when they started this study like they were going to find some ethnic groups had b12 deficiency and some didn't based on culture and national look maybe the Russians do and maybe these people don't maybe some people eat fish and some people eat something wrong they filmed incredibly high levels of b12 deficiency in all of the population groups most Western national governments now are recommending that everyone all the meat-eaters get b12 fortification i believe the united states now they say it's for everyone over 45 in some countries they might be recommending it for ever'one over 65 or over for five or thirty five or they may be recommending it for young children whatever there are varying recommendations reflecting a widespread global awareness that b12 deficiency is a problem for everyone the people who do wash their vegetables and the people who don't the people who eat dirt and the people who don't the people who are vegan and the people who eat meat it's a problem everywhere and you're engaging in a kind of naturalistic fallacy in wanting to imagine in olden times people didn't struggle with b12 deficiency that's not what the evidence indicates probably our species just evolved with and coped with horrible levels of b12 deficiency all the time for most of our evolutionary history we had all kinds of constant chronic health problems we didn't have a cure from malaria in ancient times either we didn't have any way to cope with you know a simple condition like amoebic dysentery once you got amoebic dysentery it's quite likely you'd have it until you died in ancient times and precisely that fact the fact that probably in ancient times we were carrying a huge load of parasites with us parasitic worms infections like amoebic dysentery so on and so forth it's quite possible that is the reason why b12 deficiency whoo-hooo wasn't an issue but for all we know empirically it was my children are rosy-cheeked and alert they have good endurance for sports they are Hardy they are hardly ever sick this kind of argument is never gonna work it's never gonna fly there are people who feed their children a diet of bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning who will say exactly the same thing I have spoken to one young woman who was raised vegetarian so the only source of cholesterol in her diet was basically cheese and milk and she had chronic emergency health problems caused by the cholesterol in our diet and she looked good she was not fat she was not old she was slim she looked hopeful that didn't look like anything was wrong with her guess what something's wrong with her you can be rosy cheeked and you know have the twinkle in your eye right up to the day you drop dead from a heart it doesn't take a lot of sophistication to be aware of that possibility and there are so many families who are gonna boast their kids are healthy eating steak for dinner every night so if you think you're gonna make progress that's what you're not I'm 40 years old I'm in much better shape than a uh I got a mosquito bite see that I got I got the mosquito bite because I'm vegan hey I'm away from the shape that any one of my family was at age 40 i benchpress 240 pounds currently 110 kilograms I'm delighted with my health outcomes but guess what even so to a very real extent my health what you're seeing right now is skin deep and yeah I could have a stroke tomorrow I could die of a heart attack being vegan doesn't make you invincible and peak vegan is not an excuse to engage in the same faceless circuitous self-serving logic that meat eaters engage in what they're trying to justify and glorify their dietary advice vegan children do tend to be on the slighter side because statistically speaking they're not ingesting the hormones that are in the dairy and the meat products which so many of our children in this country are raised eating you're really indulging in another anti scientific argument here and it's an argument the meat eaters will use against you the meat eaters will say oh no no you got to get those hormones by eating the beef by eating even things like bull testicles stuff like that there you go hey get a little bit so you got the shadow right it's on all sides what's being claimed about hormones in the diet as a general scientific principle you have to recognize large mammals engage in carnivorous activity and when they when they ingest the hormones of their prey they're not very directly affected by those hormones their digestive system the acids involved in breaking down food quite well with hormones so I've met and spoken to men who literally ate the Bulls testicles men who ate you know snake venom all these things that people take for their hormonal effects if a lion were really directly affected by the hormones of its prey every time it ate a male prey animal and every time it ate a female per animal you'd see dramatic changes in that Lions health and appearance if a lion were affected by eating raw flesh raw blood and even the testicles of its prey to the same extent that a human body builder is affected by applying testosterone cream to the skin we'd be seeing dramatic changes throughout all mammals mammals that even only engage in very occasional current reverse activity the reason why testosterone supplements are given as a gel or a cream that goes on the skin that enters in skin is that it's much easier to get hormones to have an effect on human biology human physiology by having the drugs enter through your skin or of course by injecting them that's quite easy whereas it's quite difficult to to influence your hormones through food through eating something like meat and if you subscribe to this pseudo scientific view if you promote this view that somehow human beings are like a sponge directly soaking up and reacting to the hormones that are in meat that's only going to reinforce the old nineteenth-century mentality about getting physically strong getting tough especially for men by eating animal blood and animal testicles I knew a guy who was a competitive boxer in France this is probably 50 years ago because that talk to me was a pretty old guy maybe I'm overestimating whatever it was only thirty years ago and he and other athletes would go to the slaughterhouse and directly drank hot blood from Bulls hot blood from horses male horses and I think yeah there was another guy I knew and he participated in eating the testicles of bulls maybe also of rain and this kind of thing um these are were like 19th century and earlier ideas that by eating those those things you're gonna massively affect the hormone balance of your body and have an advantage now I am NOT gonna say to you that eating that type of food has zero effect on the hormone balance of your body it's not zero and there's been a lot of discussion about the negative impacts of drinking cow milk as adult humans and how that influences hormones your body however you have to recognize it's a tiny fraction of the face it's like a barely measurable barely perceptible impact in your body it's not like the man suddenly is growing a thicker beard after speaking false testicles they're these barely perceptible effects compared to bodybuilders taking hormones to their skin dramatic effect and those hormones bodybuilders take there are warnings on the label saying do not apply this and then hug your wife like any contact with your wife's skin it's gonna have calamitous effects on our home about hormones entering through the skin big impact hormones entering through injection big impact but hormones entering through the mouth and the digestive system just as Lions have to be able to tolerate the hormones in their prey human beings like pretty much all the big ant mammals moves to say big and all the big mammals were set up to endure and cope with quite a lot of hormone flux from the things coming in in our diet I don't want my children to be judgmental and annoying [Music]