Meatheads (2021) | Bigger Stronger Faster | Prescription Thugs

07 November 2020 [link youtube]

Chris Bell is now a distinguished documentary film-maker; his next film promises to examine "modern vegan propganda" and "the revised science of meat (by way of the Carnivore diet)". #vegan #vegans #veganism

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when it comes to the diet i think a
ketogenic diet is very healthy and very sustainable but i've also learned a lot i used to dump fat on everything and fat that's devoid of nutrients like butter and mct oil like if you're having three or four cups of uh bulletproof coffee a day which i was doing in the beginning bulletproof coffee is okay to have like maybe once a day i'd say to get you you know maybe even extend your intermittent fasting but even better than bulletproof coffee actually way better would be bone broth but what i've learned is that um your body's always seeking nutrients and if you look at the nutrient profile of red meat and you compare that to any fruit or vegetable on the planet red meat will kill it obviously it's kind of crazy it's a little bit off the deep end to a lot of people and i understand that that's why i just say like this is what i'm doing you can never be wrong if you tell people what you're doing uh and how what works for you and that's just what i like to do i'm not a doctor i'm just a filmmaker that likes to share my experience we just need to look into our nutrition a little bit further in bottom line is anybody that's watching this just needs to know that no amount of processed carbs is a good amount it's a drug you know and a lot of people don't look at it that way but i do it's a drug and these processed carbs are basically a poison that have put over half the people in the united states in the hospital so i talked to dr sean baker who said hey you ever heard of this diet red meat and water kind of thing a carnivore diet and i'm like actually i have here on the internet i noticed that insults sort of come in and out of fashion a couple years ago everyone was calling everyone else a pseudo-intellectual can you remember that and then it went out of style and one of the things i loved about that insult was oh great so are you guys interested in being real intellectuals but no unfortunately people were just interested in insulting one another as pseudo-intellectuals without considering for even one moment whether or not they've opened a book in the last five years or or what have you but the truth is when you know people with phds with profound expertise narrow but deep in one field what you find is the moment they step out of their own area of expertise they're a pseudo-intellectual like everyone else i knew a woman who had a phd in tibet tibetan language tibetan politics tibetan history tibetan culture this sort of thing she spoke tibetan fluently her husband was tibetan her dog was tibetan it's a real thing these giant tibetan husky dogs whatever you want to call them um you know she's a white woman but she lived and breathed totally specialized in tibet the moment she stepped outside of her area of expertise started talking about thailand laos and cambodia wow why it was like talking to the most ignorant white tourist who just stepped off an airplane she knew nothing she knew nothing and also you know we have this myth of like critical thinking she you know there was it wasn't as if she gained a set of skills that helped her be skeptical or have an informed opinion it was shocking now and i've encountered that again and again and again i used to work in non-fiction book publishing and i remember my boss the owner of the company he once handed a book this was again a book to deal with uh specifically the history of cambodia handed you a dentist to to be the editor of this was just before he hired me i was a much better at and he was he was standing there running his fingers through his hair shooting this is an educated person this is a dentist he's a dentist he doesn't study the history and politics of cambodia he doesn't even care why did you think this guy was going to do a good job editing this book it was it was a disaster um but you know again he had this kind of stratified class consciousness view of society like oh a dentist is a refined person oh this woman with a phd is a sophisticated person doesn't work that way it fundamentally does not work that way now in this video we're talking about chris bell and chris bell could be reviled as a pseudo-intellectual he's someone who presents himself as a sympathetic character in his own films the tremendous amount of creativity in the editing and tremendous gaps in his autobiography left for us in the audience to fill in but you know what his first hit film dealing with steroids he took his own personal agony and struggles and disappointment and his family experience and his brother and his took all these subjective emotionally evocative elements and mixed them up with some you know reasonably well researched facts about the steroid phenomena the united states america presented he had a hit documentary which is the rarest thing in the world by the way his next hit movie prescription drug overdoses and it dealt with to a significant extent antidepressants some other prescription drugs uh in the next he's looking at his brother his brother who got addicted to these medications and died in and out of rehab eventually ends up dead in a slab the film progresses to its first hour and then we have a plot twist he reveals that even during the film he himself was a drug addict he was addicted to these same medications he overdosed he went to rehab he barely survived [Music] to make that story sympathetic to the audience it's an art form and you know i'm not reviling him for being a pseudo-intellectual as sick but as successful as those films were if you watch them you will be left to wonder what if we weren't watching some lowbrow imbecile talking about his personal relationship with his brother and his mom and this stuff what if we were watching someone who had real expertise who had real depth of understanding someone who had devoted their life to researching these things whether it's opiate drug overdose or antidepressants or side effects of steroids what if that was the person making this film instead of this carefully contrived character chris bell as we know him chris bell who begins his story at 33 years old in the parking lot of gold's gym telling you vaguely that he moved to california chasing the dream of being a bodybuilder tempted by steroids both of his brothers are using steroids and and and and uh did you did you finish high school did you go to university uh he works at this gym but he's not even a personal trainer looks like he he sells gym memberships and kind of helps out sweeping the floor at 33 years old and and we never there are a lot of question marks about this guy and he admits to at different points problems with drug addiction throughout his life he admits to at least briefly using steroids and then deciding against them you've seen the film footage of what he looks like now on sean baker's carnivore diet that's a big contrast to how he looked in his last two hit films do you think it's possible i think it's possible he's using performance dancing drugs in the same way that he told us all these things about how terrible opioid painkillers were but then it turned out plot twist he was addicted to opioid painkillers himself do you think it could be the plot twist here spoken or left unspoken is that he's back on uh back on steroids himself in the same way that the woman i knew who had a phd in tibetan studies was it was just like talking to a complete imbecile as soon as she stepped out of her field of expertise start dealing with another geographical linguistic political frame of reference in the same way that that dentist was not capable of doing a good job it is really strange it's really stunning it's really disorienting to see how someone who did manage to put in the research to make a decent documentary film about steroids who did manage to do the research to make a you know decent and emotionally moving movie about prescription drug medication is just utterly utterly incapable of dealing with the science of human nutrition of dealing with the carnivore versus vegan debate and that's exactly what his his next film is going to deal with red meat will help you uh decrease inflammation a lot of people think it will increase inflammation uh but what i've learned is that um your body's always seeking nutrients and if you look at the nutrient profile of red meat and you compare that to any fruit or vegetable on the planet red meat will kill it [Music] we lack the vocabulary in english to really talk about these problems but we have this somewhat academic term motivated reasoning what does motivated reasoning really mean it means you're in the position subjectively of saying i want to believe in this therefore i'm willing to believe that you know there's something you're covering up here but you're engaging in motivated reasoning and i have to say from my perspective one of the simplest most fundamental most ineluctable differences between being a child and being an adult is that you refuse to engage in motivated racing that you never never not even once take the step as an adult of saying well i want donald trump to win the election therefore i have to believe x y and said right that you don't ever allow your reasoning to begin with your desires and to then proceed from those desires to fabricate the facts to set up you know a series of assumptions that are not based on anything not not based on satisfying your curiosity not cross-examined in light of your sense of personal integrity no where you start fabricating things to justify your own desires to sustain whatever it is that you want to believe in i mean really people like to disrespect my crew but the fact is that you know my name and i don't know you