I am better than Vegan Gains. At video games.

21 April 2022 [link youtube]

Shout out to @Vince Goodrum O.G. https://www.youtube.com/c/VinceGoodrum/videos

Shout out to @Hamza Unfiltered https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHW4DMIaBmTGGGPmbmr-Dsg/videos

Shout out to @Dorian Develops https://www.youtube.com/c/DorianDevelops/videos

Uh… shout out to @Vegan Gains and @Jasmin Gains… I guess.

And, very briefly, there is a youtube channel called "Coach Mike" quoted in there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAhaFgI8xiYfVFXnv8I2_w/videos

And if you're looking for an answer to the question, "Why is the comment section disabled on this channel?", here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMvwwd0shMg #quitvideogames

Youtube Automatic Transcription

now someone asked me despite the fact that no one's ever seen me play video games people ask me as far this guy asked me as to whether i was a better gamer than vegan games and the answer is of course i'm a better gamer than vegan gains i i'm very confused right now what am i doing who was i talking to what can you give me my other cokes in the freezer please no just give me my coke so i need my cokes yeah okay would you take my bike keys no what if i need to get more soda the reason why i'm a better gamer is because i grew up in an older generation than he did you know back in the day back in my day there was no ending to any of our games there okay you just tried to survive for as long as possible the truth of the matter is richard wouldn't last 25 minutes playing a game of kaboom for example now what is kaboom kaboom came out by activision in 1980 [ __ ] one all right 1981 the game is quite simple you have to fight the mad bomber mad bomber smiles whenever you lose a life [Music] and it's just ruthless the mad bomber has no emotion he only smiles when you lose a life your job he throws a shitload of bombs at you you just gotta catch him with a goddamn paddle just a just a line across the bottom of the screen and that's it starts out slow and then he starts tossing him like a [ __ ] now the longest i was able to fight the mad the mad bomber still pisses me off there just thinking about how much time i invested it the longest i lasted with the mad bomber was 30 minutes okay and that was only a couple of times most of the time i could only get 15 minutes out i was just those 30 minutes that i lasted you know i i was in the groove that day i can like i was able to deal with the matte bomber but eventually the mad bomber beat me as it beats everyone because you can't beat the mad bomber there's no tip books there there's nothing it's a matter of dexterity and that's the whole thing about richard richard has not really played any games that requires true dexterity kaboom was one of the most hardest games out there richard wouldn't last 20 minutes with the map on that's a topic for a video [Music] boys we've got to do something to help these video game addicts last week i have seen more and more young men who are supposedly on self-improvements the more i'm going to go through this concept of inner jeffrey outer chad some of them like go to the gym and everything and it's always the same it's always the same excuse and it saddens me because i see more and more young men in the middle where you hear from me okay video games are bad it's an addiction it's bad for you and then you also hear from the oh you know but it's okay to play one hour and if you're in somewhat in the middle and you're trying to think okay well who do you follow who do you listen to because there's so many new creators who are criticizing me and there's a lot of comments who criticize me and say i'm too hard on video games i couldn't control it i'm a drug you know all the [ __ ] they want to throw at me he doesn't know about video games because you can play them safely you do realize that the people who are telling you that video games are okay to play that you know they're not bad for you that they can be good for you they've never quit a lot of people will tell you that you shouldn't live with regret a lot of people will tell you that you shouldn't dwell on the past and that there's things that you can't change i have a lot of videos where i kind of talk about some of my regrets and things that i did when i was younger wasting time playing video games or just you know wasting time doing dumb stuff like drinking and drugs and just wasting my youth and my good years and i get a lot of comments where people kind of say like no if it's time enjoyed it's not time wasted but the truth is i don't feel that way now as i'm older and i realized how much of that time was actually wasted and it wasn't enjoyed after spending a whole night playing video games i would just feel sad and empty and all i had to show for it was maybe my world of warcraft character went up a level or i got another level on my prestige in call of duty and that is just kind of a shitty feeling and i regret a lot of that stuff i regret a lot of that time wasted i think regret is a great motivator i think if you have a lot of stuff that you didn't get done and you feel shitty about you should dwell on that a little bit you should just thinking back on my past of how many hours i played playing world of warcraft dota 2. it's gotta be over like a year or two just me sitting in my pc when i could have been you know going out making meaningful relationships or like friendships a league of legends game could be like 30 minutes to 50 minutes if i play like three games that's over two hours just me sitting there when i could be studying reading a book talking my friends seeing what's going on with them or just like doing some stuff for my career or just make myself look better or clean the house there's so many more meaningful tasks besides sitting from a screen all day and just playing video games my view on video games gets so many comments and so many guys asking me why i'm so aggressive and hostile towards it and that's where i take the like the mock the mick out of people who say this i i only play for one hour at the end of you know a hard day of work and so many people have tried to figure out the reason why i'm so against video games and a bunch of them have said oh but he's he's just projecting because you know hamza wasted a lot of his life on video games well yeah that's exactly why i tell it to you those jeffries who are telling you video games can be productive they can be good for you just don't overdo it like they've never quit i literally hear them say or i read them in their comments they're like oh but i've played video games for all my life and i'll never stop playing them just because hamza tells me not to okay so you don't even know what you're talking about then you've never actually experienced life without quitting why would you take advice from someone like that i used to have a major video game addiction i grew up playing video games my entire life between the ages of 18 and 28 those 10 years i spent pretty much all my free time playing video games i used to play video games all day long and when i mean all day long i literally mean all day long i had a job but when i got home from work the first thing i would do was turn on my console or my pc and i would play until it was so late and i would start counting the hours and doing the math on if i went to sleep right now how many hours would i get of sleep before i had to wake up and go to work and then i would do that over and over every single day that time is something that i will never get back all those achievements all those video game accomplishments that i made all those max level characters that i had on world of warcraft all the multiple times that i prestiged on call of duty all those story lines that i completed and all those side quests that i did don't mean jack right now i don't want to look back and feel the same regret that i feel now at almost 40 because i know that when 50 comes around and i look back i want to be able to say i did everything i could do to get to where i wanted to be now from 20 to 28 i was just wasting time i was just wasting my life i was hurting my health i was drinking and smoking and gaming and going out and wasting money and even though i may have had some really really fun times half of the stuff i don't remember because i was under the influence of something and all that time i spent gaming i have nothing to show for it i have some character in a database somewhere that i don't play anymore i spent so much time leveling up that character and not leveling up myself that now i look back and i'm just like damn it everyone's success story in the modern day it's always the same thing like you you've seen the same dynamics so many times young man is a loser stops playing video games stops being a loser reaches the success that he wanted all along you've seen the same story being told on like every single body transformation huge video on youtube which that i used to play video games all day and girls didn't hold eye contact with me but then i stopped playing video games and started lifting weights and now girls hold eye contact with me and you can make all these [ __ ] but hamza x plays video games elon musk plays video games michael jackson play i don't give a [ __ ] what they do you are not them if you've reached this immense level of success then okay congratulations but you haven't you are in the growth stage of your life you have to understand that every hour that you have right now is extremely valuable the decisions you make right now are so much more significant than that singular decision that you make because you make that one decision to play video games today instead of reading a book please believe me i want you to visualize this right now i want you to visualize like your life split like your mind splits in half and what you can see if you close your eyes on the right side you're making the decision to play video games for an hour and on the left to read a book please believe me even though you somewhat think that this decision is insignificant please believe me it's so much more significant than you think because it's not just one hour the truth is that one hour of reading isn't gonna do anything one hour exercise isn't gonna do anything and so you may as well just [ __ ] play the video games for this one hour but it goes deeper than that i would do anything for you i would kill an entire school filled with children if it meant saving you tempus 2000 is also a game of skill and dexterity no cheat books no anything that's going to help you out there there's no maps or anything like that it's a matter of dexterity richard wouldn't last and he could never beat the game tempest 2000. now can i play these games at this time i could probably still hang maybe 20 minutes with kaboom you know uh i did try tempus 2000 i think i only got the level 40. it's just that my age 45 you know and stuff like that i can't i don't have that dexterity anymore i've lost it you know when i was a kid i was a lot more quicker you know and stuff like that can you beat the mad bomber vegan gains can you beat the mad bomber huh can you survive tempest 2000 any gamer that was from my age is going to always blow away someone like vegan games he's just not from our age there and you want to know how and if he has a problem with it there that's fine you go and find a game of kaboom near richard and you do it live if you want or don't do it live and if you can last 20 minutes with the with the mad bomber on kaboom okay i'll give you some credit if you can beat tempest 2000 or 3000 i wouldn't do 3 000 3 000 will will turn your mind into mush because there's so much stuff moving across the stream but if you can beat tempest 2000 that's fine but i don't think you can do it you know why because you're so used to playing these multi-universe games there that when it comes to a game the word you can't rely on any of that when you can only rely on your skills and dexterity you know just saying quote me on that [Music] foreign [Music]