Questioning Kristina's Virginity.

20 March 2019 [link youtube]

My basic premise is: ignorance is being portrayed as purity. Ignorance doesn’t make you “clean” as opposed to dirty; ignorance doesn’t make you morally good, quite the contrary. This is our carefully considered rebuttal of FullyRawKristina, "Why I'm a 32-Year Old Virgin", a video you can find here:

Fully Raw Kristina =

Youtube Automatic Transcription

I'm a virgin I'm a virgin
I'm a virgin not only is my diet pure I only eat raw fruits and vegetables it's been 12 years that I've only done that but my my I'm sexually pure this is something that you've said so I can't claim that it's my original thought but I think what she's doing is mistaking weakness is strength ah and really focusing on this aspect of purity as something that she's so proud of you know I and when I before we even clicked on the video I felt like I would be more sympathetic to the video to what she had to say and this video because you're holding you know listen to what she has to say I don't it's one of my catch phrases but you're you're dead right I didn't think of that at all but I'm thinking about not just what she said but the way that she said it you're right she is she is trying to convince herself that weakness is strength yeah yeah right I mean so she's talking about she's focusing on this sexual purity and that she's really proud that she's made it to this point in her life that she if it hasn't felt right in the relationship that she was in she wasn't going to give up her virginity this to me like is just mistaking I guess what I'm trying to say is like she's had all these experiences in relationships like you know she goes through and talks about the heartbreak that she's had I think it's totally absolutely possible to have a very deep meaningful relationship to fall in love with someone and have your heart broken without having sex but why is it such a bad thing that people like you know she complains that men are trying to so quickly in a relationship have sex to me this is this was totally natural when I was finally like had a boyfriend you know when I was 17 turning 18 it was so natural for me to like want to have sex like as soon as possible because you know like this is my first experience with it I finally have a boyfriend you know like I've gone through all these high school years like [ __ ] like no boyfriend and like had been totally focused on studying in school and stuff like you know I was like [ __ ] ready sorry I'm sorry swearing in this I don't it'll be do monetized anyway right but yeah no I mean like it's totally natural and like she says like you know I'm somebody who's very sexual I have these sexual urges so why do you want to stop there I think it's really you know why you want to stop yourself it's obviously what she said is because she grew up in a family that was Christian she grew up in a family where she wanted to be perfect in the eyes of her parents and you know I understand like once my mom found out that I was no longer a virgin you know she said like you used to be as pure as the driven snow that's literally what she said to me and yeah I was I was embarrassed and you know hurt and thought myself as thought of myself as dirty at that point you know I totally get it but at the same time it's really I can recognize it's a natural urge and why do you want to repress this why do you want to make it as something mmm to be proud of that you're that you're repressing yourself from acting on these urges like when you're already in a relationship with someone that you like that you that you love that you have this deep connection with why would you stop yourself there but what I was gonna say is you know she's demonizing men for wanting to you know have sex initially in a relationship pretty soon this this really to me is not so bad because you can determine pretty early on whether you are sexually compatible or not and whether you should continue wasting your time like getting to know each other deeply getting to know your families you know like you have to meet people's parents and meet people's brothers and sisters and get involved go on family trips and stuff like all this stuff if you later on find out that you're not sexually compatible you just to me did you find out you should have been you should have been just friends well I've just been friends yeah yeah yeah yes that's what she's saying that she wants but I don't really believe that's the case I think she's really built it up in her mind as being this this one stronghold that she has and she doesn't want to let somebody in all these things they're made worse by self-righteousness yeah you know self-righteousness and ignorance are a really destructive really dangerous combination whether it's in the context of religion or politics and to me I mean everything she says with such self-righteous conviction is based on comparing something known to something unknown she makes these stark factual claims about sexuality that sexuality is a merging of two people's souls and sharing amenity oh sorry [ __ ] how would you know what is this based on is that what you saw on pornhub is that what you saw hunky Internet like no this is you know this is self-righteous ignorance of the worst kind and then she's doing it you know the kind of cast judgement on the whole world around her as being less spiritually elevated than herself right and it all rests on these unquestioned hallowed abstractions higher self your highest self your highest purpose assumptions about the meaning of love and so on - and their assumptions in her case that are not empirical they're very much unproven and speculative I don't know what it's like to drive a car I could use my imagination yeah you know if I was making similarly dogmatic statements about the type of focus and attention to detail you need you know if I was saying to you in a totally so a certain way that I think it's impossible people that talk on the cell phone while driving a car or something well I wouldn't know that's non-experience I've had and of course you know so I'm you know just just saying and that this is the kind of thing you're gonna do but but it's way deeper it's way deeper than a comparison to a co-write yeah okay so I can also relate relate to this sorry I don't want to go on too long about this but I can also relate in that I remember when I was in high school I was also I was adamant about never using drugs and there was a certain amount of pride that I hadn't that you know yeah and once I had you know I I did not use many drugs and just I used to smoke marijuana though so now that I have like had that experience I don't feel like this sense of pride or this sense of like mmm this is my purity you know that I haven't had this experience and you know I've heard other people try to explain mushrooms like that experience or like try to convince me that I should try some other kind of drugs I'm like I really don't like you said like I can use my imagination I I can no scientifically what actually happens to the body these drugs but drugs that's it before drugs are not part of your identity the way sexuality right its embody and later sexuality 24 / 7 so true right driving a car is tough words right like right who you actually are as as a person you know like this this really is do I have urges we have desires yes of course do I still love and kiss on people and hold them and hug them and yes and I'm not a prude the politics of virginity I've been thinking about this lately for totally unrelated reasons in case you guys hadn't guessed topic of the evening we're about to go to sleep is that fully raw christina has come out of the closet as a virgin she's gone public with the fact that allegedly she's a 32 year old virgin I'm hoping this is not clickbait I'm okay no I couldn't it's not like I've never tried the Nintendo switch before I don't know what to expect I was just shocked to see this recommended video in my youtube especially because she's someone who exploits her own sexuality honestok and to some extent I got to be such a [ __ ] that I think I think would be fair to say she's a sex symbol for a certain for a certain demographic she's a lot of women want to be her I know a lot of women a lot of men want to have her and yeah yeah yeah I mean that's absolutely how she's marketed herself and you know I'm not hating but you know she did the video on does she have real butt breasts or fake breasts and you know I mean her whole channel is about the body period she can pretend it's about the body and the spirit of the mind but it is not it's about the body it's about her body and now finally we have made explicit some that's been implicit all along her sexuality right um I was talking to a female colleague in veganism this is at least six months ago a long time ago and she said to me as a joke that she was engaged to get married but that she and her fiance had never slept together that they were both could be virgins and in that cot I did not know she was joking and I was like really delicate about it and really I didn't even bring it up then but like something like two months later I said look you know I don't know it's a bad time to talk about it but you should know it's really wise to get married to someone if you haven't slept with them 14 Oh like you know it tried to raise this and it was so quick and she just laughed she was oh no didn't you know I was joking I was like no I do not know you like that I did not know you were joking I thought you were sincerely telling me you were playing to remain a virgin till marriage Yeah right right right so that's one thing that put some of mine another thing that puts this question in my mind is that we recently were looking at the this kind of critique of sexual morality in the Internet in the 21st century I forget the youtubers name this boring-ass youtuber yeah yeah I did a response to her you know yeah yeah face oh what's your name yes yes yeah yeah uh-huh but she had a further discussion where you know she's basically talking about she claims that having sex with many different partners will never make you happy she goes so far as to say that it is meaningless and in me that raises a lot of philosophical questions about what's meaningful and what's meaningless in life you know like I take it very hard to stand against downhill skiing I think downhill skiing and parachuting parachute jumping I think those things are meaningless you know I mean there's a kind of counter-argument you know where do you draw the line for what's meaningless I don't think human sexual relations are meaningless that way I really don't know I think there are a lot of interesting philosophical issues there but I mean this is this is what the debate comes down to ultimately are you willing to actually valorize virginity are you willing to valorize living in ignorance of human sexuality right that's what it is what is virginity it's it's a form of ignorance and unlike downhill skiing or jumping out of an airplane with a parachute it's not something that's can gentle to human nature your sexuality is something you inhabit and carry with you and experience 24 hours a day and I do not mean 12 hours a day even in your dreams even while you're asleep your sexuality is part it's part of the experience being a human being absolutely 24/7 you know so to remain ignorant of that and to regard that kind of self-selected ignorance you know virginity as a virtue I think is it's destructive you know yeah I mean some people just haven't had the experience so you know I don't want sure it's like maybe negative aspect to say that it's like something that they're ignorant of you write you know they're but that but that really is my position that really is and you know I mean so we ever we have a friend and he remained a virgin until about 30 right and you remember I discussed it with him and I talked about different aspects of with him I said to him look virginity is one element that's just the actual sex but having the experience of sharing an apartment with somebody sharing a sink with somebody doing dishes with somebody you know there are so many other elements linked to this experience philosophical and resolving conflicts absolutely there's so much tied into it even just within the realm of desire and sexuality in the narrow sense there's so much built into it that sex sex in my opinion sex is never just sex not even if you want it to be just sex there's so there's so much dynamism in the human personality and para bonding and stuff I think even even literally if you watch interviews with porn stars you know who have very brief professional direction of the people sexually sex is still not just sex you know what I mean because it's this anyway so there's there's a lot to it yeah I do regard I do regard virginity completely negatively and then that opens the door to this other debate which will be in some other YouTube video I mean you know that doesn't mean I valorize sleeping with a hundred different people or sleeping with a thousand different people and you know I mean sorry I'm saying you pointing arrow or not pointing the camera but you know I haven't lived my life that one I mean have little I've been free to like you and me really haven't talked about like we have I think we totally have you know okay but to give an example if I guess I'm just surprised I think we talked about it like in the context when I was saying to you like look back when I lived in Thailand I could have slept with a hundred women hundred like I really did like have women stepping up to me every day and not just Asian women also white women a lot of white women over there as tourists and I didn't do that and this is why these are my values in life and these are my priorities that's why I didn't sleep with a whole ton of women but this is my philosophical view of sexuality and there's a real contrast there you know yeah that I regard this as as totally negative yeah but that doesn't mean our regard huge look guys guards this is a 20 minute long video you've got to make a video titled why you're still a virgin do 19 minutes and 21 seconds I don't know I don't know if I can do it Kristina like the Star Wars movies it opens with a text role you already know what I'm gonna be talking about if you clicked on this video and if you read the title and yep it's true I'm a virgin you know it's funny that people always say like oh you're so innocent I don't think it's that I'm innocent I think there are a lot of reasons for discussing why I'm thirty years old and I've chosen to keep my virginity this long and I really believe that me sharing this can help a lot of women and a lot of people and can really help bring strength to young girls as well but when it comes down to it because there's so much to be said about pressure to have sex and society pressure to be something that you're not pressure to do something it's all about society it's all about the negative individual in their struggle against Society III hate already the line of reasoning here philosophically I already think it's [ __ ] you know right I think it's probably because I grew up in a Christian background and like I knew I knew my what my mom really wanted for me was to be a virgin until marriage right that's what she really wanted and which which one is care is characterized as pressure to be something you're not because of society that to me is society putting pressure and you know that's that's this is an inversion of that that's all yeah yeah anyway but you you said you said the first the first nation on both both in those yeah both ways like you know like I can sympathize with Belt so like you know I had this like Christian upbringing but I also like felt that I was the age that I lost my virginity was like too late you know like like they're I can also sympathize with that pressure what she's saying like you know okay yeah but look look look I mean it's not symmetrical it's not that there's a doctrine as a indoctrination on both sides gay people are gay not because they're indoctrinated to be gay and I experienced my sexuality as a heterosexual man nobody taught me to feel this way right and I don't know people who are afraid of snakes and afraid of spiders they don't weren't taught to feel that they that's an instinct from a very raw very real place it's not something contrived so these things are not equal and and virginity as a cultural concept and purity and all the religious baggage that is completely culturally contrived oh yes whereas being afraid when you see a spider and being turned on when you see a member of the opposite sex or remember the same sex whatever you're into you know no that's as real as it gets feeling 100% confident in myself as a human feeling confident and loving myself as a woman especially as I've just turned 30 and I'm moving into a new stage in my life and being super super super comfortable with every aspect of my life my choices my sexuality my my career my family my diet choices my everything because for me I couldn't imagine a greater gift to give my husband than the one thing that nobody else could possibly ever have from me and yes I grew up in a very Orthodox Christian family so so so this Orthodox belief that you're right it's a gift that you're you know so your ignorance and inexperience is a gift yeah the fact that you're terrible in bed that you don't know what you're doing that you're probably afraid of and apprehensive of sex as a 32 year old woman whatever age she is you think that's a gift no that's also very messed up I really don't yeah and I think that's damaging to preach if this is true that a woman is valuable to a man as a virgin then she's in Saudi Arabia like like yeah the sexual experience then with the next partner yes devalued would be seeing it something I know I know because you have more experience and because you feel more comfortable and because you know what you like or like you're you know you don't know what you like so sure another experience and you decide okay so I have a friend I got to keep this real anonymous yeah of course I have a female friend and she was a virgin when she got married oh yeah and the marriage ultimately fell apart and ended in failure because they were not sexually compatible were there other reasons yeah but that is the reason period the other things we're not as important or they think these things could be resolved in were resolved there were other problems that is it now if you have only in your life had sex with one man how do you even know whether you're sexually compatible or incompatible and if you haven't had sex with until after you're legally committed to spend the rest of your life with them of course it's a formula for divorce of course it's a former's for disaster yeah so even if that were the only consideration the concept of virginity being a gift is already totally undermined and made evil and counterproductive by that fact you have to be able to tell whether or not you're sexually compatible nor how sexually compatible you are you have to be able to get a feeling for that you have to be able to vote because that you know ultimately you know you're not good at sex in a vacuum you're good for someone else and with someone else and with some other partner the chemistry wouldn't be there or the parts don't fit I've literally had that experience the parts do not always fit sometimes the compatibility is like Lego and DUPLO or whatever you know it doesn't work sometimes it's like that but of course most of the time it's going to be psychological it's gonna be emotional it's going to be intellectual it's going to be all those other intangible things and there's just that it's just ridiculous and there yeah it would be damaging in the relationship too sorry to get / Jory this is a personal thing you know the first relationship that I was in lasted a long time and I really thought that I was going to be in that relationship for the rest of my life and there was a certain amount of dread that I felt that this was going to be the only person right I had ever slept with that I didn't know what the experience would be like with somebody else and he kind of hummed that over my head even when I talked about it even when I talked honestly and openly about it he was like you know I should be everything that you need and as if you could know as if you'd be in a position to know that like right yeah exactly you can say it as a compliment right you know our sex drugs did not match up so sorry yet yeah it's not a bad thing you know like people have different sex drives is fine but yeah I mean like there were many reasons why I was unhappy and in that relationship and like but to a certain extent but socially compatibility was a major factor just use the same terminology yeah but I felt this like pair bonding that happened like there would be some you know like I felt kind of like I needed to just like okay this is the person just stick it out I don't know why I don't know why and it's really not the right okay but I think it was partly because of virginity sir you said it just a little bit but you lost your virginity with him yes and therefore you felt right yeah yeah yeah look like there was something special in it being just one person sure no like one person know is this about me or whatever there's something special but I'm not gonna attack there's something special thing there's no there's something special about the first time you did anything you jumped out of an airplane or went there no man I I get it there's something I'm not gonna take for something special away from you people I'm not I'm not here to do that but you know this concept that your virginity is a gift that it's that to me is is really toxic it's really damaging yeah so Melissa I've never driven a car in my whole life I've never once driven a car you've never even been in the driver's seat No so is that a gift like is that a gift to you or look what does it mean like oh I'm in right it's hard that she may teach me how to drive a car but like my ignorance of driving a car is not a gift it's not much ability my ability to teach her Chinese may be a gift I'm you know tutoring her in Chinese no but that's that's a gift I mean that really is maybe maybe I have a gift with languages that whatever I have a gift with politics there are things I can share the philosophy been reading Taoist philosophy lightly on all kinds of stuff right okay so those are gifts that's something positive but none of them are ignorant they're all based on knowledge and ability and experience and something something paused your tea but but the fact that I've never driven a car doesn't mean that I'm I'm incapable of feeling whether or not I in this car are compatible that's the sense in which nothing else is like sex nothing else see see see look the other one say real quick is the gender asymmetry involved at one point in this unbelievably boring video she asks herself the question what is she looking for in her perfect man and her ideal man she doesn't save virginity she's not looking for a man who's a virgin why do you think that is Christina and why do you think men are looking for that in you some are the worst men on earth are the men who want to marry a virgin specifically and especially the men who want to marry a thirty year old virgin those guys are trouble and I want to point out too in terms of the taboo works I made a video about how I lost my own virginity and philosophizing about it that's in the title title is how I lost my virginity philosophy and politics yeah and you can see I have 88 thumbs down and 43 thumbs up and to that it was one of our most hated videos the competition is pretty fierce there what is my most hated video but this is definitely something we're women talking about it from wins perspective it's treated completely differently and this delusion that ignorant is a gift yeah exactly it's all the more hollow it's all the more hallowed when it's a woman rather than a man because if a man is fumbling and incompetent and lacks confidence in the bedroom you see that it's completely negative and when a what do you think when a woman does those things its beguiling and charming you know it's it's it's ridiculous yes some people convince themselves as that but really if you look at it attached if you look at it in a detached gender-neutral way you know ignorance is ignorance for men no I mean I think it's funny at the start of this video I really was giving her a chance and when you said like that you just see virginity as negative like you know after hearing her stance on it you know I don't know if it's necessarily just like the the only like the way that she says it being so self-righteous about it really made me immediately want to like I was like okay we need to record again because I'm like we need to talk about it more cuz you know after I had heard her reasoning to me it just like why are you proud of this like you you have experience in relationships and other way but like you need to have you should have this experience as a human being say he doesn't want to be a human being that's worthy you're a sexual person you've said that you know she has the delusion that she's an angel trapped in human flesh that's what it's all about it's all about no no no I won't admit to myself that I'm a type of monkey that walks around on two legs I want admit to myself that I'm an animal that happens to have much more reasoning capacity than other animals and only when we're sober and only when we're well-rested if I'm sleep-deprived for a few days I'm a lot more like every other animal let me tell you you know it's clinging to that delusion the delusions the soul is more real than the mind and on the contrary the soul is nothing but a figment of the imagination and human sexuality is all too real I mean really people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know