Durianrider & Freelee Don't Own Adelaide, They Don't Own Chiang Mai, They Don't Own Vegan Activism.

08 October 2016 [link youtube]

Here's the page for the vegan festival in Adelaide: http://veganfestival.info/welcome

And, yes, some of you may not believe that there already is a vegan fruit festival in Thailand that has no connection to Freelee and Durianrider whatsoever, but, here it is: fruitwinterfest.com/faq/

The shocking truth about crime statistics in Adelaide (i.e., no, it isn't the rough town some people pretend it is): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Adelaide

Youtube Automatic Transcription

there was a time when um Adelaide was
not a famous name in the world and then you know for this strange demi-monde for this strange subculture of would be vegan activists on the Internet the name Adelaide became famous most of us course have never been there and most of us had no contact with the real world of vegan activism that was unfolding in Adelaide all along despite the drama on YouTube or often with sort of no contact no point contact with this digital vegan denim on now for a couple of years I have received emails and messages from people within patreon or otherwise but I remember when I first started a patreon I got messages like this oh you know by conventional email I've received messages from people in Adelaide writing to me saying I'm a real vegan activist in Adelaide we do real events we do real outreach we do real political things and real cooking demonstrations and we hold fundraisers and durianrider freely have nothing to do with it these are the from the perspective of an Internet denizen these are the two most famous people connected to Adelaide and they're people who made the name Adelaide famous but there's this very different you know there's this parallel universe the real world of vegan activism in Adelaide and it's totally separate from what we imagine Adelaide to be now you know I mainly want to wrap this website there's a beautiful website I'll give the link below this video for the vegan festival in Adelaide and you know if you click on the list of speakers this is a major event you can see video from last year's event 2015 but you can see the list of speakers they have coming up this year for 2016 freely isn't on there during Ryder is not that they're not invited now I can't confirm so I shouldn't so people have written to me saying that that's intentional that Freelander are excluded that's what people are written to be saying people were involved with this event I obviously those could be fake emails but I I tend to assume they're sincere and if the circumstances you know not only is it the case that freelee and durianrider don't have a monopoly on Adelaide but they seem to be quite alienated from they seem to be living lives that are really separate from or even you know an embarrassment to the real vegan actors who are organizing events of this kind if you click on the list of speakers I'll just say I have been involved in organizing some real-world events real-world lectures and what have you in the past I've never organized an event on this scale but it's easy for me to imagine just how much work is involved in this I had an email from a vegan who has a background organizing concerts you know musical events and that guy was agreeing with something said about how much work is involved and you know that the process there's an early brainstorming stage at which you can debate things but then later on you really need people to work as a team just some of the practical observations that he would say yeah this is so true and people who don't have that experience don't appreciate that this is an event with live musicians with cooking demonstrations with speakers I don't know how many people are gonna attend but I'll tell you one thing when I saw this video it had five views on YouTube so it's a real event it looks from the photos like in 2015 there did a couple hundred people attend it looks like more than 100 people came to this event in total I don't know maybe I'm wrong I think this year they have a longer list because they love more and their videos they have 17 subscribers on YouTube and looking at five video four sorry five viewers for viewers 26 viewers okay so this is big in real life and tiny on YouTube or as some other people some other voices for vegan activism are big on YouTube but are tiny in real life or doing nothing in real life so there's something there for all of us to think about now who is on the list of speakers a lot of people I've never heard about and one who had not only heard about but who I know somebody who knows and uh I wonder if he still knows me so there's some kind of racecar driver Tyler Tolman is the next guy talking about heal thyself David Cole's again I've never heard of him he has a book titled the insanity of humanity never heard of them lately l'm a soul who is some kind of medical practitioner in Bondi Beach Australia then here this guy's the big name to me Jeffrey Masson Jeffrey Musa MSL so this is somebody I know I had one very memorable telephone interview with the man it was definitely more than an hour I forget if I ran two hours that was before Skype recorded on a you know plastic cassette tape that interview I'm certainly glad that Jeff Jeff Mason as he used to be known I'm certainly glad that Jeff has become vegan Jeff is a former scholar of Sanskrit I was a former scholar of Palli Jeff and I both LED interesting chapters of our lives in Toronto at the University of Toronto I know things about this man and boy if you think the the vegan drama the gossip people engage it is this guy there's there's a lot to know about his life and he's written about it to some extent I think he tries to be honest in his various autobiographical eons he's published more than one autobiography and he's given autobiographical lectures and sorry autobiographical interviews quite a character and yeah I know I know things about that man that I'm not gonna say on YouTube so no James Ashby don't know who this guy is giving a lecture about peace justice equality respect various other fitness gurus no need to go through the whole list this is this is a long list of speakers and I'm not even getting to the list of musicians or other people attending this so Adelaide in some ways is nowhere like I said it's not really a famous place in the world most people I think most people watch that you never heard about it before you became vegan you only heard about it in connection to veganism well if you look at the straightaways Wow there's a real scene of people working really hard to organize real world activism everything from the restaurant to the cooking shows to the Fitness to the boat there's a real scene there drawing a robust list of diverse speakers from around the world and has nothing to do with freely ordering writer and it's not promoted by them it's not supported by them and they're not speaking there and they're not participating and you know and at least in a parallel universe they could be I mean it's pretty strange that the two most famous vegans from Adelaide have nothing to do with the real vegan festival the real vegan activism that's going on a delay and that tells you a lot tells you a lot about I don't know the rift between fantasy reality but also if you just click through the link and look at this website or look at this YouTube page for some of you at least some people watching this there will be a strange contrast ku thinking Adelaide looks wealthy and safe and happy this doesn't look like the the crime riddled hellhole that some people have right Sparky the image of Adelaide has been so warped just you know here on the internet here in the digital vegan demi-monde um you know if you look it up there's a Wikipedia article called crime in Adelaide into 2013 the city was ranked the safest in Australia with the lowest rate of crime per population the idea that Adelaide is overrun with crime is nonsense even by Australis Australia itself is not the most dangerous country in the world I'm sorry try living in South Africa try living in some parts of Russia not all of Russia's that bad but some parts are really very dangerous try living in Brazil or Colombia hey I might as well shout out Cambodia in this video much much love to put on pen if you just glance at the statistics it's obvious that Adelaide had a bad reputation maybe in the 1980s and 1990s because of a very small number of high-profile cases there were a couple of murders and a couple of kidnappings the got in the newspapers and gave the town of bad name but apparently it was never really you know a dangerous place in terms of the rates of poverty and and criminal behavior and today it just seems to be totally fictional by any international standard but even by Australia's own standards the idea that this is a poverty-stricken crime ridden tough town that produced the toughest bike-riding pekin on YouTube it's just ridiculous so all these things have been misrepresented now look the point is freelee and durianrider they can act like their own YouTube but they don't even own YouTube they can act like they own Adelaide they don't know Adelaide they don't own veganism or vegan activism Adelaide and I've got to tell you they don't own Chiang Mai either what I have been told and what I believe to be true is that before they started their fruit festival in Chiang Mai Thailand there already was a vegan fruit festival in Chiang Mai Thailand and it's still ongoing it's called the Thai winter fruit festival that predates that antedates freely enduring right are getting their idea and jumping on and what everyone told me was yeah before freelee and durianrider got they did they came to the other festival they attended this other festival they saw that it worked well and then they decided to make an invitation to spin off their own version of it so they did not even invent the idea of having an actual festival fruit festival in Chiang Mai Thailand already was an annual vegan fruit festival in Chiang Mai Thailand that was something was already happening without them so again I do not waste my time addressing you know the stupidest of my critics but you guys know some of my stupider critics have asked me how dare I even show up in Chiang Mai Thailand that this is somehow an act of provocation against people who I have no right to provoke right you know how dare I show up in Chiang Mai what I have I've had reasons to be in Chiang Mai for what 10 years 15 years I've been going to Chiang Mai for a long long time Chiang Mai has been a meaningful part of my life and I've been doing meaningful work there humanitarian work research work language work going to you know a co phone says Xtreme re on whatever they're going to the university is going to the museum's and of course doing government paperwork I have so many reasons to be in Chiang Mai in the past in the present in the future Chang has been a meaningful part of my life long before freelee and durianrider got famous in the Internet I think veganism has been important in Adelaide before they were there and it's going to be important after they leave this is an impressive-looking festival take a look etc I think many of us you know obviously some people are gullible some people become cult-like followers for a specific you know diet gurus in the internet but you know for some of us without even realizing it we can be led into believing these assumptions just for example about how important these people are in their own hometown of Adelaide or how important these people are in the city of chiang mai when they're really not when they're really considered as political activists their complete failures if you compare the level of organization they've done to a humble owner of a small vegan restaurant they've accomplished nothing because there are humble people all around the world right now who work hard every day get up and have to clean a grill and cook pancakes cook vegan pancakes or you know toss the the salads for the teh what-have-you you know there are people making vegan gingerbread men and vegan muffins and you know iced tea and mopping the floors and cleaning the mirror in the bathroom and at night when all their work is done they're sitting down and hosting a coffee klatch so a couple of vegans can get together and meet and talk to each other after the vegan restaurant is closed there are humble people doing that work all over the world and I would guess they're part of the backbone of an event like this in Adelaide being the scale it is and they're not out here boasting that they're the most effective activists in the world and they're not claiming they own chiang mai and that anyone who sets foot in chiang mai without their permission is gonna get beat up well if i buy an airplane ticket to attend this is a great event in in adelaide let's do a fundraiser how many vegans want to go attend this event in adelaide that has nothing to do with freely ordering water so what are you gonna beat me up are you gonna threaten me to throw me in prison defame me threaten me with violence threaten me that a gang of thugs gonna be in the street if I go to this vegan event in Adelaide you don't own chiang mai you don't own a delay and you haven't even earned the respect of these vegan activists who have put in the hard work of the time and effort to make something really positive happen for the future of veganism in your hometown and you know it's not too late to make slim paws happen any of you guys watching this or connect to a delay but including you know durianrider freely if you see this video you can at least show these guys some respect you can at least show these guys some Thanks some gratitude you know you can say hey these people in Adelaide are making something happen that you never managed to make happen they're doing it without you so the least you can do is show them your gratitude show them your thanks show them your support what up shout out to all the real vegans in Adelaide and you know not every real vegan could be a vegan activist some vegans gotta raise kids some vegans got to work two jobs some vegans are in the Navy and a submarine vegans are dealing with all kinds of things in life but yo anyone out there I mean if you're keepin it real I got love for you I got respect for you I want to see this world change in the next thirty years and this is the future this is how it's gonna change I know what may not look like much getting some speakers and musicians and cooks out on a lawn and having a festival but god damn it it's something and I respect the hell out of it I respect the hell out of everyone who's making that effort to make something positive happen