Vegan Activism in Canada, Now or Never.

17 February 2018 [link youtube]

If you're vegan wanting "to do real things" (political activism, as discussed in the video) HMU —especially if you're a Canadian citizen.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

baddest yen but if you asked why do I
put so much time and effort into YouTube you know etc etc the main point in a sense is not activism it's having other people to do activism with it's these political aspirations for the future of the vegan movement most of them I can't do alone and some of them even if I could do it alone I wouldn't want to do it alone so I'm a middle-aged person I'm 39 years old the hardest people to galvanize and organize politically are other middle-aged people right why they have a full-time job they have kids they have other priorities it's when you're not committed to one job one place one schedule then it's possible for you to reach out to other people and organize something anything in terms of vegan activism or any form of activism YouTube and social media and even engineering that first step of getting to know each other and testing how much you can trust a quad with each other that's facilitated to an unbelievable extent in the digital era of the 21st century as opposed to the leap of faith somebody would have had to take in the 1960s they're handed a pamphlet that says hey join the peace movement join this group we're protesting for peace we're activists for peace we're going to City Hall Parliament to the Senate for peace sometimes peace really means communism sometimes peace means you know a black rights extremist group that engages in you know illegal and violent activity that you don't be involved that you want to be with a non-violent group not a valid group or whatever maybe you know to move past the pamphlet to know who is behind the pamphlet the good and the bad of them you know there are their beliefs their modus operandi what they do and don't do very very difficult to do just a few decades ago and now it's incredibly easy the fact that I'm gonna point my life or I can work on something anything this person writing to me sees that as a weakness I've got a point out in response no it's a strength we have this thing in English you got to strike while the iron's hot it's the exact opposite with politics you've got to learn to make the most of the opportunity that's there when the iron is call [Music] baddest yen hey guys what's up this is a response to an email I got from an ex patreon supporter it's not the first email on that discussion um for me it raises a bunch of interesting issues about activism and slacktivism and as some of you already know I've just returned to Canada after about two years in China I think it felt a little bit shorter two years in in total and you know I'm wanting to get back into real world activism I'm wanting to have real collaborations with real people in real life who go to City Hall and go to Parliament and lobby for legal reform and go to the school boards and complain to the school boards that the teaching children that eating eggs are healthy and eating eggs is not healthy and all kinds of productive hands-on democratic transparent non-violent activism you know working within the the constraints of living in a modern Western democratic capitalist bourgeois society I could go on you know I got these kinds of aspirations but ultimately my aspiration is not to do any of these things alone it's to do with other people and that is one of the main reasons why I came on YouTube in the first place and one of the reasons why I stuck with YouTube in the first place I have other reasons to be on YouTube talked about here but including the fact that I have a daughter who lives in France I only see her now twice a year you know leaving a record of the kind of person I am and my political and philosophical views from my daughter in the future that's also meaningful reason to be on YouTube but if you asked why do I put so much time and effort into YouTube you know etc etc the main point in a sense is not activism it's having other people to do activism with it's these political aspirations for the future the vegan movement most of them I can't do alone and some of them even if I could do it alone I wouldn't want to do it alone let me ask you this as blame as it is to do Street protests who wants to get out and protest on the street as just one man I have seen sir by the way my girlfriend's in the background here off camera oh I have actually attended some moving one-man protest once in a while you see that one guy they're on the street and he's protesting because his own son died in the Iraq war or something like this once in a while you see that kind of thing but most forms of activism certainly involve a quorum I've interested people who can contribute to the cause even if it's just for them to engage in the discussions on the Internet then lead up the event itself so to give to give an example I've been floating this idea lately of doing a conference in Vancouver and I mean what's the minimum number of participants you need to make conference like that happened and there are there are economic aspects to that puzzle to people who may have to buy airplane tickets and have to stay in a hotel and even if everyone is paying for their own airplane tickets in hotel they need to be assured that this is worth their time and money to come and participate in this conference so there's a lot to it look here's the the email I just got I mean sort of skip over some parts but you'll see I think probably almost every sense of the short email I do want to reply to you there's an email from an ex patreon supporter she writes you said it yourself YouTube isn't the place to do what you want to do I think YouTube was never the place and never will be this was the problem from day one in my opinion that's her reading to me so that is 180 degrees the opposite of my view she is going on to argue that what's really important is having collaborations with people or many people are working with other activists that you meet face to face in real life and I think that is B F I think that is [ __ ] in the parlance of our time I think it is nonsense I think she's not being honest with herself and she's not being honest and reflecting on her own experience like one of the most overrated locales or the the most overrated milieu for political activism has got to be the University campus I've spent so much of my life on University campuses in the last five years in the last 15 years who do you think you're gonna meet on University campuses how are you gonna meet them I mean even if you were on a university campus every day as I was when I was at University of Victoria when I was at First Nations University was that University of Toronto when I was at Cambridge and Oxford England the [ __ ] you're standing on a university campus does not mean you're going to make the connections to do real life activism to meet you know to get organized if you have a youtube channel that explains to people what you're about choosing what kind of person you are your approach to activism all the political and philosophical assumptions and underpinnings for your approach then you really can meet up with people whether they're on our campus or whether they have a full-time job or whatever their their situation may be but the idea that real life the theater of really for the theatre of a university campus ism is a great place to get organized with like-minded people I think is is dead wrong I think YouTube absolutely is the perfect place for me to be doing what I'm trying to do here because again what I'm trying to do is meet other people I can do it with know ultimately what I want to do in your life is not on the internet it's in real life but how do you get together that group of people whether it's five or ten people and you know so looking at YouTube as a recruiting tool as a rallying tool as a crossroads and not just a crossroads because let's face it up I've made this comparison before if you pick up a pamphlet and the pamphlet is trying to do the same thing that I'm doing here in YouTube like hey let's get our eyes how much do you know about the person who wrote that pamphlet you know politically personally morally ethically and otherwise do you do you have the trust if you just read a pamphlet do you have the trust to subscribe to patreon and pay that person $1 a month to support them publishing more pamphlets probably not I have almost 900 videos on YouTube now we're way past 800 apart from my YouTube videos you can read articles of written you can interact with me in various ways you can talk to me and course you talk to me on skype or you know via patreon or what-have-you it's quite easy in the low risk and low effort for someone who might want to collaborate with me in a political project to get to know my political views the good and the bad of them I mean I'm not saying it's all good a lot of people may learn about political views and decide they don't want to work with me and that's fine that's cool and vice versa I might find that about about them but YouTube and social media and even engineering that first step of getting to know each other and testing how much you can trust acquired with each other that's facilitated to an unbelievable extent in the digital era of the 21st century as opposed to the leap of faith somebody would have had to take in the 1960s they're handed a pamphlet that says hey join the peace movement join this group we're protesting for peace we're activists for peace we're going to City Hall Parliament to the Senate for peace sometimes peace really means communism sometimes peace means you know a black rights extremist group that engages in you know illegal and violent activity that you don't be involved that you want to be with a non-violent group not a valid group whatever may be you know to move past the pamphlet to know who is behind the pamphlet the good and the bad of them you know their their beliefs their modus operandi what they do and don't do very very difficult to do just a few decades ago and now it's incredibly easy so I think YouTube is absolutely the right place to be and I can also say I get much better results on YouTube than I do writing essays in text form and posting on the internet maybe the world would be a better place if that were not so maybe purple to be a better place if long-form essays were the medium of communication but they're not so within the English language at least this is the way to do it it might be very different if you spoke a language with a small number of speakers like Slovenian but frankly I doubt it probably I think you know even for a small language like Slovenian probably the YouTube scene is really hopping within that language and you can be the one person representing vegan politics in Slovenian right sorry I continue read this letter as I said before quote as I said before I think you need to stay in one place for a few years if you continue to move around nothing clever be created especially not a bricks and mortar institution like you want it so look I'm disagreeing here with what I think she's saying in principle what you saying in principle is you need to settle down and get roots in one place you were a little bit later in the email she says that in other terms I'm not I'm not putting words it so much like you need to settle down have a home and a job and a basis in one place in the real world before you start to do what you're trying to do on YouTube that is the exact opposite of the truth right and I deal with those times so I'm a middle aged person I'm 39 years old the hardest people to galvanize and organize politically are other middle-aged people right why they have a full-time job they have kids they have other priorities yeah and that's why I mean activism stereotypically and actually tends to gravitate towards high school students and college students on one side and retired people on the other side historically a lot of movements that we remember as being populated by young vital people really weren't the reality the anti-war movements and peace movements of the whole 20th century was actually much more elderly people that you might want to think it was um for example during the 1960's and 1970's elderly people who could remember World War one were really the core of the peace movement the anti-war movement the experience of living through World War one is quite a bit different than growing up say after World War two the perspective on war and its consequences so you can imagine but of course by the 1970s people who could remember World War one were truly into their retirement years they were at the end of their their lifecycle so this is much often overlooked whether you're talking about the history of feminism or the history of the gay rights movement or anti-war movements we tend to like to portray them with selected photographs you know from protests or rallies of young people often past naked young people it's I mean if you just do a Google Images search for any of those protest movements now including the gay rights movement you often get you know guys at these protests with body paint on and wearing revealing attire and you will MIT entirely the importance of elderly and retired people but the hardest people organized are the people in the middle of that age spectrum right and I think you have to look at and for me I have to look at this time in my life I'm encouraging other people watch this video loot stem your life as an opportunity in exactly this way it's when you're not committed to one job one place one schedule then it's possible for you to reach out to other people and organize something anything in terms of vegan activism or any form of activism right and I want to put a little bit of emphasis onto something anything guys uh I don't need to be a leader I'd be happy to be a joiner I'd be happy to join up with somebody else's movement somebody else's activity that they've already got the the impetus rolling for but there is nothing for me to join up to you know I can't join direct action everywhere for one thing I think their movement is dying I've just recently been interviewing and talking to people who are deeply involved with direct action everywhere I might have another video is that coming up there's one more woman who wants to talk to me actually with some of the economic details the budget and where it goes where the money comes from where it goes for TXE it's a very interesting topic and stop something all political movements have to worry about where the money comes from where it goes um but it's not the case that I live in an era or a context where I can easily join up with someone else's movement but I'd be happy to do so um at this phase of my life exactly the fact that I have this flexibility that I can move from place to place that I could join someone else that I can change what I'm doing to reflect the interests the other people my life so in the past you know one of my interests is lobbying school board's education system and back when I thought I could collaborate with tofu goddess when I talked to her but activism I put emphasis in that I said look one of the things I really want to do with veganism is put together an outfit that lobbies school boards and you go from town to town within Canada you could give basically the same speech the same presentation from one school board to the next when you look at what school boards are teaching children about education and you challenge their assumptions about milk and eggs meat - of course some extent but milk and eggs are probably the really strong suit in terms of the the vegan argument and you challenge the extent to which donations from the dairy board of the egg board and even like museum exhibits by the way they were put together by dairy boards you can see some of these are really crazy big budget so as they you know they have like a traveling a truck that brings a cow to the school and they set up and they set up a museum exhibit there's no other term for it to tell children how wonderful you know dairy farming supposedly is and so on you know to challenge those things and say look why do you take money from the dairy board and the egg board but you don't take it from coca-cola you don't think it from Pepsi you don't think it from the cigarette companies you don't think it from the whiskey or the beer companies this actually is in the scene I would love to press that fight forward I'd love to have a couple other people in Canada I can form a coalition with actually incorporate an NGO or UC with but what please even though it that is one of my interests one of the reasons why I was putting emphasis on it the past was because I knew one other person with a Canadian passport Canadian says who had that interest in common it's like okay so I can build on that because that's the common ground of God with at least one other person now I need five or ten people to really move forward with that and I don't have that in tofu goddess apparently has now banned in this channel because at some point I said something too offensive about some topic she cares about I don't even know what she hasn't explained it to me so I've lost that one person who might have started the ball rolling right um the fact that I'm gonna point my life or I can work on something anything this person writing to me sees that as a weakness I've got a point out in response no it's a strength and that is when new ideas could take home that that's when you as an individual are open the new ideas and new forms of activism and for me it is right now for you watching this video if it's right now also hit me up get in touch me especially if you're a Canadian citizen if you're in Germany or France or Slovenia maybe you can just commiserate but I want to know you and again that's fundamentally why I'm on YouTube quote I do not know how DST was created I can only speak for france france's most known association or most successful association at the moment is called l214 it started with just three people writing articles about animal rights and publishing them on the internet etc etc volunteers joined they serve recording videos in slaughterhouse the mainstream media started talking about it and now it's to some extent a real organization in real life it's all right so part of the positive message there is exactly that it starts with three people right but it is three people precisely with the kind of flexibility in their lives even if it's the flexibility you say oh you're in Los Angeles I can go meet you in Los Angeles and within France oh you're in Perpignan I can go meet you in Peru you I'm in Paris you're in Perpignan but let's make this work you know you do need them you talk about three people but it's quite likely three unemployed people or three people who somehow all right a crossroads in their life where they can set aside their other responsibilities and take on this new challenge right I have a window of opportunity right now and it's closing all those closing in a positive way we have signed up to go to a school for cuisine to learn how to bake so I say we me and my girlfriend together we're gonna learn how to bake bread we're gonna learn how to bake cake you're gonna learn how to make pastries why am I doing this for the future of the vegan movement because I'm interested in the in vacant vegan food services as a way of forming a basis for activism in a sense as something that is a kind of activism or advocate advocacy in itself right if I were not vegan it would not be enrolled in these courses for baking it is for me really linked to the politics the ethics the ecology above all else and I feel like bread and pastry is actually waking before that but guess what as soon as those classes start well I'm busy 12 hours a day five days a week minimum I'm gonna be busy as hell with that baking college and I'm probably gonna love every minute of it being busy is not a bad thing in my book right so be honest with yourself about your commitments as a middle aged person or if you're watching this as a young person looking forward to middle age you know we have this saying in English you got to strike while the iron's hot it's the exact opposite with politics you've got to learn to make the most of the opportunity that's there when the iron is cold a virus yen